Essential Postnatal Recovery Tips to Heal After C-Section Birth (2025)

Essential Postnatal Recovery Tips to Heal After C-Section Birth (1)

By Ms. Preetinder Kaur in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Nov 11, 2024

Welcoming a new life into the world through a C-section is an exciting experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. The joy of meeting your newborn growing inside you for the last nine months is immeasurable. However, having a baby via caesarean can also be taxing on your body. Recovering from a caesarean section can be complex and demand special attention than it would be after a vaginal delivery.

Healing can take time for C-section moms, and understanding what to expect after birth can help you navigate the journey more smoothly. In this article, we will explore the best postnatal treatment tips following which C-section mothers can ensure a healthy and stress-free recovery.

What to Expect After a Cesarean Delivery?

Although every person has a different body, immunity power, and overall health, it can usually take 4 to 6 weeks to recover entirely from a C-section. Knowing what to expect after a caesarean delivery can help better understand how to take care of your health to maintain postnatal fitness:

Immediately After Delivery

The moments after a C-section are a whirlwind of emotions and medical care. Once you deliver your baby, the medical team will focus on closing your incision and ensuring you and your baby are stable.

Your body might feel numb from the anaesthesia, but you will be awake. It can take a few hours for you to regain feeling after an epidural. As soon as you come out of anaesthesia, you might feel groggy, confused, or nauseated, which is common. Also, you might not be able to walk or use the washroom without assistance. Don’t worry! It’s completely normal.

Your medical team will monitor your vital signs closely. Moreover, they encourage skin-to-skin contact with your baby as soon as possible to foster bonding and initiate breastfeeding.

The First 24 Hours

The first 24 hours post-C-section are crucial for recovery. You will be moved to a recovery room, where your care team will manage your pain through medications. Other than pain, you might experience the complications outlined in the table:

Risks of C-Section
Blood Clots | Some new moms can develop a blood clot in their leg, especially the ones who are overweight or remain immobile for longer periods.
Cramps | In the first 24 hours, new moms can commonly feel pain at the incision site. Also, many women feel post-birth cramps as their uterus shrinks.
Infection and Vaginal Bleeding | Some women might show signs of cesarean incision infection. Moreover, even post-C-section, your uterus has to shed what’s left of the pregnancy. So, vaginal bleeding can sometimes last for 4 to 6 weeks after delivery.

The First Weeks

As you move to your home, the first few weeks after cesarean will involve gradual healing. You might experience tenderness around your incision, bleeding, and emotional fluctuations. Since your body is undergoing significant changes, it’s normal for you to feel overwhelmed.

6 Treatment Tips for a Faster Postnatal Recovery

C-section cuts usually take time to heal, making recovering from a caesarean section a long and, physically and emotionally tiresome process. But by following the below-discussed treatment tips, you can ensure a faster postnatal recovery:

1. Get Plenty of Rest

Like any other surgery, your body needs plenty of rest to heal physically and emotionally post-C-section. You should give your body at least 6 to 8 weeks of proper rest to fully heal and achieve your postnatal fitness. However, resting is easier than done with a newborn.

So, what can you do? You should prioritize your sleep whenever possible by napping when your baby naps. Also, you can ask your family or friends for help with diaper changes or housework.

2. Process Your Emotions

Giving birth to a newborn can be an emotional experience, especially for women experiencing emergency deliveries, traumatic births, or caesarean deliveries. If you are emotionally stressed post-delivery, you should first acknowledge and process these emotions. Consider talking to your partner, friends, or a professional counsellor to reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

3. Baby Your Body

Your body has been through a major surgery and, thus, needs extra care. So, follow these tips:

  • You should keep your incision site clean and dry to prevent infection. It’s advisable for you to wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid irritating the area.
  • Avoid climbing stairs up and down as much as you can.
  • Whenever you cough or sneeze, hold your abdomen to prevent your incision stitches to loosen up.
  • Go for a postpartum massage to reduce muscle tension, promote blood circulation, and ease your stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid engaging in strenuous exercises. Also, you should wait to use tampons, go to work, drive, or have sex until your doctor gives the green signal.
  • You shouldn’t lift anything heavier than your baby.

4. Take Regular Walks and pelvic strengthening

Although rest is vital, a little movement is also important for your recovery. Instead of doing intense lifting or aerobic exercises, you can take short, gentle walks and do pelvic strengthening exercises as a postnatal exercise. Walking will help you stay fit, prevent blood clots, improve blood circulation, and boost your mood.

5. Manage Your Pain

Ask for your doctor's advice regarding what medications you can take to manage your pain, especially when breastfeeding. Along with taking prescribed medication, you can use a pillow to support your abdomen when coughing, sneezing, or laughing to reduce pain and discomfort.

6. Eat Nutritious Foods

Good nutritious is not only important in the months when you are pregnant but also after giving birth. Your body needs proper nutritious food to heal. So, focus on eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Also, eat fiber-rich foods to prevent constipation, a common issue after C-section. Drinking plenty of fluids is equally important, especially if you're breastfeeding.

The Final Say

Recovering from a caesarean section requires patience, care, and support. Regularly scheduling your postpartum checkups with Medanta gynaecology obstetrics hospital will facilitate monitoring your recovery and addressing any existing or potential postnatal concerns.

Essential Postnatal Recovery Tips to Heal After C-Section Birth (2)

Ms. Preetinder Kaur

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

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Essential Postnatal Recovery Tips to Heal After C-Section Birth (2025)
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