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- Fort Wayne Daily Newsi
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TIMI VN UIDPIU nu 1 i TT An On iT il BE3SB 1 wmM ONSIMEFOBUBBEST Sussian College Students Ob ecttoellows Being Arrest rBy International News erylce WARSAW July 7TheistuaenU TeftJTttn1veritynaxiJiti Wyiwhhie high school of Warsaw have inau gurated a general strike which thrcaensto ispread to the universities ol Cracow and Lembersr and ill other academic Institutions Russian and Austrian Poland Thestrlke was caused by the arrest ana roirvicuonox iyiv niuawus ivr aoll QcrmanaKltatoDVvopacUylbe strikers one of the fneri held was later released by order ol Governor General von jjeeieri out tne otner one is stui in prlsoiCjfln the polytechnic With echoblBrave disorders occurred AH pro German professors were1 driven from the lecture rooms by riotous demonstrations andtheTnllltary authorities found Unnecessary to close the Institution All warnings Issued to the students by lr6fessor Dr vori Krudzlnskl President of the university have proved In vain The strikers demand die Immediate release of their lrh prisoned comrade and tho dlKcharifd of Professor Passokowskl head of the German department as well as that of Administrator Schauniberft na Ive Germans At a JnrtnOhecstrllTfrsfnTOl not to resume their studies Until their demands are granted arid fho unlveri sity receives full autonomy They Issued an appeal to ths students of the universities and technical school Cracow and Iembergwhoat once arranged demonstrations to show their olldaWlj with the vyarsav strikers Thii universities may be closed for ihc rtut othe war WHAT HAPPENED DURING THE WEEK OF JULY I FORTY THIRTY AND FIFTEEN YEARS AGO forty Yeare Ago July 2 1877 July 2 Hall fell In this city Sat urday evening Christ Lankenau of West Jefferson sireei is quite in The Germanlas brass band will hold a picnic at Whites Grove on the Fourtnr 0 Joseph Brackenrldge Eci6f the postofflce Is confined to his home wtth UlnesS July3v1877lf July rWpers lit the Wabash round house are now getting jios per day ter Grace left today for Rome City Fresh eggs retail at 12H cents a dozenand sugar cured har at JJ cents a pound July 7 1887 July 7 i Joe Douglass returns today from hunting expedition north AD Cressler was today presented with varmftgntflcent diamond on the occaslbn of his J5th birthday A total of U2Q0 was cleared the Orphans fairi pud Swgrlngen now sings flrsV teu or in1 Pinsut I quartette July 8 1887 of twelve hours They had their July 8 New awnings have been GAINED TWENTY FIVE poiriiii IK POWING THAT SHE WAS 60 ING DOWN IN WEIGHT HEALTH AND ENERGY THIS LADY FINALLY FOLLOWED THE ADVICE OF FRIENDS AND TOOK PEP SINC fa FpJany years Mrs 0 suffered wltiiludigostloii she could get po help She doctored and took most every stomach remedy her friends recommended but got little relief She lost tn weight till she was apparently 1notl4ghut skin and bone Whatshe ate a fi 1 uk caused Jnlserj ohd pain She would bloat and was seldom with out headache Kothiug agreed with Mt She ptiur get up tothe morvi ligwilr baa taster coated tongue aiid feeling of xlliziness The slght the odor of savory foods nauseated her She passed the day In misery land went to bed tired woraput and temcry fhis hdy read as you are doing of l5eTslncd She heiirdf Pejwlncojiler Trlendgijscd Pepslnbo and were heir jed but stie thought Pepslnco iwag like ilhei stoinacli remedies helpful to ml iior cases ohly She was finally prevailed on to get a mall package of Pepslnco The first package did her so much good tbat she continued their use until after a few weeks she could eat with a relish ordinary foods In exactly two months she came up to her normal weight Today she happy and has every tjasoii to be bo tier ualu trouble wag Indigestion nud pepslnco Is the best preparation to be bad for Indigestion and kindred ailments Pepslhco wilt help you If you haje the least tioubla with your fopd Sour stomach sick headache bloating lian sea blllopsness and heartburn are aymptoms that Pepslnco will remedy Dont doubt another minute do as this lady llil get a small package and try it today All druggists hare It or we will Htm a trial package free of charge If you wiiuteiid your name to The Jfenro rharmacaj Company Wa pakoileta Ohio wages reduced recently Chas Lincoln wife Hnd daughter left forChicago tonight nerhard son of Trentmari Esq was attacked with the measles this morning Mobert plceand Alice Itlchet have teen licensed to marry July 4 1877 July Pl4w Esk hasgone to Chicago iri business The lickwlck club had plcnlo In the yard Of Mrs Allen Hamilton Tuesday afternoon Jesse 1 Williams and wife leave for Crescent Springs la soon Joombs Esq and wife are go lngWest Saturday July 5 1377 July 8 Drl 1L Swerlngcri has xe tnrnpit from a JHn to Ohio 1 ir myrfrKi tnM ii residence to me nome ot rroi uoo Inson oh West Berry street Louise V6lt Esq Is spending a few days in Chicago Home City is the paradise of the excursionists Julv 7 1887 July 7 Dnnlel Jocqucl Esq has re turned from Toledo II Bass Esq is back in this city from Kentucky Potatoes were sold today at 120 per bushel William llorah the Ice man while delivering the frozen product yes tcrday fainted and fell from his wagon July 9 1877 July 9 The boys continue to play cards on Sabbath days on the banks of the classic St Marys The plumbers at Hattersleys have received decreases in their wages of from 10 to 25 per cent Jay Moderwell has gone north to spend a few weeks Henry Itothschlled Esq left today for New York city Thirty Years Ago July 2 1887 July 2 Ninety four In the shade at 9 oclock this rnorntng Born to Mr ond Mrs Racine of Cass street a girl Mrs Ewing and Miss Sweet ter have returned from Chicago The Herman Berghoft Brewing com pany has taken out permit to erect a new brewery to cost 60000 July 3 1887 July 3 Ed White leaves soon for an extensive tour through the south Another German band has struck towa Hon William Fleming conlerhplates the erection of a brick bulldiing on Calhoun street Aj Moynlhan city editor Of the Sentinel spent Saturday atJWWar saw placed around the Jenny Electrio ugnt worKs Thomas Stewart Of the Boston store Norwick Conn Is here Luke Durhell Is mourning the loss of a Valuable horse stolen last night from his barn Mrs Bass gave a picnic today at Bass farm FiftstnYsars Ag Julv 2 1902 July 2Dr andAJrs Creenawait have returned from ti extended tour of the east pharles vS Bash while getting out of tho way of a rat at his iarm home last evening slipped and fell on the cement floor of the cellar and sprained his wrist Born to Mr and Mrs Herman Hormel a daughter Afr Hormcl waT ToTlIleriy city edrrorrftlw Frele Presse and Mrs Hormel was formerly society edllrcss of the Dally News Mr and Mrs James White an4 son William are at Toledo on a short visit July 3 1902 July 3 Mr and Mrs House have gone to Lake Wawasce to spend several weeks Dr Meyers returned last night from a few days Visit In Chicago The A Karn Music company have the contract for several pianoes In me various nans 01 me wingna assembly BUUia slightly ill and Is confined to his home July 4 1902 July 4Dr and Mrs A Kesler haye returned from Paulding Ohio where Ihoy were visiting friends Mr Kent Blair Is at Lima visiting relatives Will Johnson son of Superintendent John of the Home for Feeble Minded Youths has returned after an absence of a year In the west He was located at Salem Ore where he was engaged In raising fancy cattle Dr Johnson was at South Bend yesterday Julv 5 1902 July 5 Smith the hardware man has returned from a visit at Hartford City Mr hnd Mrs John Klett and daugh ter Miss Mary Klett left this morn ing for a visit at Pittsburgh Pa Attorney Elmer Leonard returned from Indianupolis where he attended a meeting of the state republican central committee David McKay and David Fyffe representing the Caledonian club went to Huntington yesterday to inspect the fair grounds with a view or se lecting It as the place for the an nual otrtlng of the club In August July 6 1902 Heres the Best News in the Payor Scores of People the Opening Sale S222 A Sure Cure MEN A Small Fee otLotsiii peiser Pap Addition Frotiievery ewpoliit Wclsser Park Addition is an idcaf place either for a home myestmeiit TUink of linproved jots in jstibdiyisioh siicli in tlvitf skiing for flsIow Modcrn homes are being erectyd ieret and the lots will rapidly increase4 in valuation Dont Delay in Making Your Selection See Weisser Park Additibn NOVr or for au as 475 AVeisscr ParkAddition is ihst two sniiarps Ertnth nf uvcaiPovt Afl nri vttv iniri rarkswrcan aninucioriesi ciose tp sciioois ana churches and ouly a few minutes ride from downtown on the Ppnhac carrhne Buralonndbuildon Itl If you dont want to live In the hoiise ybmelf rent it to someone else It is a splendid investment TaKe the Potiac car line to Hanna street arid walk two blocks past Weisser Park or call us and we will take yon out to Weisser Park Addition in an automobile If You Havent Seen Weisser Park Addition DO IT TOMORROW Curdes Realty Co Tha leading specialist in ths city tat QUICK RESULTS la all Acuta Chronic Private Skin and Nervous Diseases epe i fa ilood It a it Varicecels Hy irotiU Strkturs PM Fissure Fistula and Run lurt cured with jfilitiiMvrSUr gital eptrition or sufftrlng ksiplng you from Hurs Daily aJmfNto frir ivsnlnfls 7 to 8j Sundays tt tpm DRGSiERRIS 20MEAT BERRY STREET OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE i PHONE 622 125 BERRY ST Or Any Member of the Fort Wayne Real Estate Board Your Chance To Visit Fort Benjamin Harrison The Greatest United States Army Training Camp SPECIAL TRAIN EXGURSldN LEWRR TO INDIANAPOLIS AND FORT HARRISON SUNDAY JULY 8 MlgBoundTrip Special train leaves Ft Wayni at 600 a nv Central Tlrte Kei turning leave Indianapolis 600 mj Fort Harrison 6 SO ntV Central Time For tickets and full nartleui lara sceL It tt AentJ u5 ffl July 5 1887 July 6 Dr A It Macbeth left this Tony Trentman may erect a mornlnff for Cinclhnatl on a bus neas inp Dr A Stuff has returned from rtke George Mr and Mrs John Vordermark haye returned from a visit In Roston Mrs a McCaskey and son Ed ward left yesterday for Rome City to occupy their cottape for tne summer July 7 isoz July 5 four story 1ullding adjacent to the Aveline house A balloon ascension lots of fire crackers and plenty of accidents helped Fort Wayne to celebrate the Fourth George IeRoy Conover ten montlH old1 son of N6rton Conover of the Sentinel died this Week Clinton Wlllson a bpy was acci dently shotby a target rifle atJlie July 7 Mr Ross McCulloch Is ru IC of 1 picnic yesterday Ju 6 1H8 Jvy rMr and Mrs Louis BrowftHaro ine parents or a onoy ein 1 Andy Thicme Jr had one ofhls toes shot oft on the Fourth Mrs Woodward and daaffh snendlne few days In Chicago Mr and Mrs George Loesch are home from Lake George Mraid Mrs Owen Jleaton and Mr and Mrs Carl Yaple have gone to Rome City for a few days outing TO USE KOWALESKIt Vandasrift Arranges to Pitch Newcomer Sunday Kdwaleskie the sensational young pitcher secured from Pittsburgh will be used tomorrow against Muskegon Theyoung Polish professor beat South Bend in the afternoon game July 4 with a score of 5 to 0 after having pitched the last two innings at South Bend the day before saving the game for Higbce He pitched a brilliant game July i and the fans that saw him then have been clamoring for another look at him To accommodate them Vandy is pitching him out of his turn by using him tpmorrow The Greek and the Hebrews met for the flrst time In the slave market The medium of communication seems to have been the Tyrian slave merchants About 800 Joel Speaks of the Tyrians as selling the children of Ju dah to the Grecians Joel ilf 6 In Ezra xxvil IS the Greeks arc mentioned as bartering their brazen ves WHAT WILL GENTLE WOMAN NOT DARE DO NEXT Hiu u4 HHaHf MfT111 Tinmn 1 iffni7TiyniLK BBI ikkVfHlMMM ikkH rwri4 fvvv JSP HAD RAGE WAR OF HIS OWN Fred Keever Started Trouble in Negro Section Pool Room Proprietors Ordered Close at Midnfflht New Time From Now On to Miss Lily Ltitzef mmfsiiire marvel if midair with Ringling Bras circus This Is tha question constantly ask prefers however to Imperil her life cd by spectators at the Rlngllrig on lofty swinging rings rather than Brothers circus as they watchdalpty enJy career of easennd luxury as Tir riii oi i a nuslcian or dancer But away from Llly LclUel turn and twist and per Xtext elastic nets and Bmelt of tan form her astonishing continuous bar she sings merrily and play the revolutions while dangling from a sin different compositions she learned at gle rope suspended in mld aln One the Charlottcn Schule in Breslau slip of tfef wrist or turn of the toe Since the circus opened Miss LelUels would bl fatat but the1 darlngi little ways and hejr back arm twisting and lady Is flpt afraid Lily who shame ropo climbing have focused attention fecedly confesses to years Is na on her work more than that 6f any dimple4 little creature weighing other Individual Irt the rings Tlw scarcely ninety pounds and possessing one hand giant swing as circus men sauCy brown curls which fall in con term her body and arm revolutions Is fusion around a pair of dancing eye the m6st difficult feat known to per Her home Is InPrague Bohemia Miss formers MlssrIelUel will be onej of UltxeManraccompUshedmuslclanthfeAtureafJttlngIinKrOthers havinr studied under some of the cus when it Comes here next Thurs roasterljulruawi ofvJhiropev Jaay il jAlSWtW 1 Bent on staging a little race war all his own Fred Keever a Hlcksvllle product now living on Erie street went aown on uuayette street last night and got busy with a biff gun He hid between two houses fend when Leah WllSon colored came home he sprang out fit her and demanded that she get her hands up in the air In a hurry Instead the woman turned arid ran screaming down the street and Officer Godfrey hearing the screams caught Keevfer Although the fellow was able to carry on a conversation with the officer last night this morning he claimed he was too drunk last night to know anything The atory did not register well and he was lined 75 and costs on a charge of carrying concealed weapons The gun with the hammer spring already broken was ordered destroyed The case ugalnst Jacob veber for Child neglect was dismissed Mrs Weber filed the affidavit and when an Investigation was made it was shown that there was nothing at the crerlcs orncc for Mrs Weber Later developments showed however that she had been drawing from the clerks office under another numethe money Weber paid in for the children support and tho case was dismissed The sum paid by Weber Is more than ordered by the court when the divorce was granted Edgcr Fulton train climber was fined 10 and costs He Was found drunk ift a coal car and was brought In Robert Ellbe drew 5 ipd coats for driving to the left of a traffic dummy Totn ColIinH a loiterer was fined S5 and costs He was given his choice cf a fine Or going to the county farm and chose the former Bud Owens and Clinton Montgomery loiterers were let go Montgomery claims to own a business block I Iron Mountain Mich George Manning a loiterer was ordered held until July 12 while the po lice Invest eato his record He Is said to have been sent up from Chicago for lwfltens for burglary Bill Burke a loiterer weni over unm juiy it ure nolico want his registration card Pat Roach a drunk was fined 5 and costa Harry McVell was given a continuance until July 9 Harry DIcko wa let go POOL ROOMS Chief Orders Thim to Close at Mid night NswTlme Chief Lenz has Issued an order In structlng his patrolmen to see that all pool rooms are closed at midnight hew time Heretofore the pool room proprietors have been closing at midnight central time JUDGEJICHHORN 8hert Ballot Subject at Tomorrows Forum Meeting The Allen county constitutional fnrum has secured Judge Wi II Eich horni of Blulfton to giye the address at the regular meeting tomorrow aft ernoon He will discuss tne questions County Government and the Short Ballot According to Judge Elchhorn the principle of the short ballot is first that only those offices should be elective which are ImporUat enough to attract public examination and second thaVfew offices Should be filled by election at any one time In order to permit adequate examination of candidates He points to the difficulties of the indlanapdlla voter for In pnt long Il ifiOBi6tWo fTf hundred candidates Other evils of the present system of the Long Ballot will be discussed and remedies suggested Judge Elchhorn la already familiar to Fort Wayne audiences The meeting Sunday afternoop is open to the public without charge and will be held as usual in the assembly room of the court house at 3 oclock Care for the Pastures INDIANAPOLIS Ind July 7 Farmers were urged to give Bpecial attention to the question of supplying sufficient pasturage for their livestock this summer In order that the food supply may not suffer because of oversight in this matter In a statement Issued today by I Christie state food director Christie advised that arrangements be made Immediately by all farmers so that if iholr pastures fail in next few weeks a lot may be selected and sowed with rape This will grow rapidly and furnish a good pasture Six to eight pounds should be planted for each acre The seed bed should be well prepared Care should be taken also he said to keep clover and alfalfa pastures In good condition Clover becomes weedy and alfalfa after blooming is not relished by hogs he said If these pastures are clipped when they need renewing new leaf growths begin from the plants This growth Is young and tender and tne livestock make good gains In weight as the result of eating It uciurai Time A Borgman Son Phone 2304 333 35 Clin tonSt Electric light office will close Saturday at 600 beginning July 7 Electric Light Co 1025 Calhoun St BIO CIRCUS DAY THURSDAY JULY 12 ONLY BIG SHOW COMING TO FORT WAYNE THIS SEASON DR JOHNSTON OSTEOPATH FOURTH FLOOR 8HOAFP BLD0V Take Elevator Graduate of Klrkivllle lie Diieaie ind Deformlt TrtaUd Examination Free HOME PHONE1 Residence 8534 Office 152 Adams Meyer Machine Co Automobiles and machine work including steam gas engines and die work All kinds of ne parts made 1113 1115 Clay St PbtmiOM a wKm TyiijBrVMkjiJik HiKtJrxJiMitt BROUGHT TO YOUNG AND OLD ON THE BIGGEST STAGE IN THE WORLD KgWafl IfciWBtffnwWrt mmi iUIMVf13 WE AT It nmn mtmi DOORS OPEN AT 1 7 PM rWHIIUCU IUIIM15tPlt ONE 60 TICKET ADMITS TO AU CBUKI Nttl I TUB fJW Admlsilon ticket and reserved teats on sale down town Circus Day at 0 Pharmacy 624 Calhoun Street Same prices exactly at at grounds DR RUSH intoiW OSTEOPATHIC ftPECIALI 49 60 51 PIxkyLona Bulldiaaiii Development of wonder new treat mint that CURES It you arslKIt crippled or told to have an operation call on Dr ltush eipecrally If others have failed Appendicitis cancar plleptv eta Twentieth year MONUMENTS All Kinds of Monuments and Headstones BATESCARR MONUMENT CO 344 Columbia Phone 332t Wm KAOUGH COAL Co We have nut No I stove and hard coat PHONE 502 i i SM Here Buds the Promise of Good Fortune Here Saving the source of much wealth is turned into a system by which all may enjoy a measure of financial success Here the clink of hundreds in savings coins may be heard daily They attest to Fort Waynes thriftiness Here in the largest National Bank in Northern Indiana Uuds the promise of good fortune for every man who searches out the profits in his pay envelope and piles them up at 4 interest THE FIRST AND HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK jffiKnra jrzraaAt BESEBVE jBYtTirr GROE Chiropractor Suite 210 Grant Bldg 109 WEST BfiRRY STREET Phones Office 1466 Ret 6401 Schone Ankcnbruck MOTOR AMBULANCE rineit Motor and Hone Drawn Equipment Reasonable Charges Corner Berry and Barr Streets PHONE 377 Eatablhed 1832 0 PELTIER SON UNDERTAKERS Both Phones No 25 Open Day and NioH 117 Witt WayhTStnlt Phones 122 1429 Starsge of Every Deterlption CITY TRUCKING COMPANY Moving1 of Heuiehcld Cvoda and Pianea a Specialty Office i Warehouie Xon ir Calhoun and Superior St reel I MUNCOyAN RYAN FUNEEAL DIEECrrORS Motor mHalance 1908 Calhoun St Phone 6649 Use News31ifckType 0c per lindj fdur fwords per line4vjv 1 Ms.
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