The Swarthmorean, 1952-09 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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• ,BWARTHlJORIC COI..l.U.GS • LIBRAK~ Have You - Moved? THE·SWARTHMOREA Be "Su're . to Registerl .~ ..... ~ -,.': .) , : .• .l .. '. SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1952 ; 13.50 PER YJWl' •• .& .. ".: Leag~e Member$.ilf .. ·.- ~~rst~;,!,e in 341 Years .. E. Clayton Walton " Educational' series.~.;:re~ ~e~b=~no~fs:~ Dies at Home Tuesday , 'I, . ~ . Swarthmore Elementary, High . Schools" ~ Open Monday Morning, September 8th Luncheon Septemb~r 16th Initiates Busy' Fall Schedule Four members of the League of WO:Qlen' Voters of Swarthmore were guests. of Marion Pedlow on her radio show on Wednesday, September 3. Mrs. J. Howard Schad, Mrs.... Hallock Campbell, Mrs. Paul Zecher and Mrs. Rich-ard Enion discusaed the· differ- • ences in partyplatfo~ in one ot a series of, educational programs presented by the local League. In August, a panel consisting ot Mrs. John 'Seybold, Mrs. Alfred Boyd, Mrs. Thomas Prather, Mrs. Alfred Gurin, and directed' by Mrs. Da~id Ullman discussed the recent political conventioDl. . _... Mrs. Carl Chase, progral'n chair .. man ot the Swarthmore League has announced 'a bUsy fall sched .. ule, starting' with a;luncheon meeting on September 16, when :tleanor WoH, International Rela­tions chakmaD' for : the' state League, former, instructor at Co­It, lIIlbia' Univers.ity. and ~dvisor ,to the State Department on Mutual ~urity~ .will speak. on the 'inter':' national situation. ' . BIble. This is the drst authorized version since the publication of the King 'James' version. There will be a meetpl., for the com­munity of Swarthmore, to be held in the Presbyterian Church on September 30 at 8 p.m., to cele­brate the event. Services ·Held Tuesday For Ruth C. Myers Early Borough Realtor Was 'Fhe boys and girls of Swarthmore are anticipatin.g the Resident Here for opemng of school next Monday, September 8. They wdl see H If A C' t their new rooms, meet their new teachers, greet classmates, Cia ato Wal!3 to n ury and look through their books. Also, they will experience the E. y n n, a resident l' t· f t' • • t . ' d of Swarthmore tor over half a rea Iza Ion 0 promo Ion In 0 a new gra e. century, died at 11 p.m. Tuesday Papils returning to the high school classed' next week at his home. 4 Ogden avenue. In will find the home room assignments . ready for' them and falling health for several years, he posted conspicuously on bulletin boards in the corridors. For had retired in 1936 as operator of their convenience the following lists may be used: • the Borough's oldest real estate ' business, now carried on by his PupUa willa son~in-Iaw Edward L. Noyes. Teacher Room FlaallDltlals The son of Edwin and Mary . Mr. Hofmann 201 A-HA 'SENIORS Mr. Yocum 208 HI R Ex-Wave Had Been in ~~e!:;n~fh~:a;O:ie~~; Miss Zimmer 211 . s-z Poor Health for the Friends. and had been, associated Miss Armstrong 209 A-. DA P with the Swarthmore Meeting .JlJNIORS Dr. Irwin 206 DE-MA ast !wo .Years since 1904 when he transferred Mrs. Mathews 203 MC-Z SerVices were held Tuesday af- his membership from the Ercll- Miss Barten 200 A-G ternoon in the E. S. White Funeral doun Meeting. SOPhom*oRES Mrs. Palmer 202 H-O Home, Chester, for Mrs. Ruth Born December 9, 1866 at Erell- Mr. Snyder 213 P-Z c*nt:\ingham 'Myers, who died doun, Chester County, Mr. Walton Mr: Klemmer 105 A-GRE suddenly Thursday afternoon, purchased his busin~ here In FRESHMEN Mrs. SeYmour 215 GRo-N August 28. at 4:30. Although Mrs. 1901 from hif; nephew Henry Wal- Miss Strouse 216 o-Z Myers bad been ill, for. the past ton; successor to the original real- ! Mr. Miller' 101 A-HI' two years from a liVer conditioJ1, tor Henry S. Kent. 'Wpen the rail- EIGBTB Mr. Jamison 102 HO--RI she seeined to be responding to road underpass was bullt in 1930, Miss McKie 107 RO--Z treatment, and het: death came as Mr. Walton moved !rom the litUe . 'ioo a shock to her 'fa~ and friends. office which had stood at the SEVENTH ' :;;: ~!ker 103 ~ ~ . Mrs. Myers, who ,lived with her SOtoUthsw,estht cCorn h estr of statidonisquthare ' Mr. Hall. 6 ~ O-Z Paren,.t s•, 'Mr. and Mrs: Harry Cun- b. uoui lde i~n r'o ad b n,'t he 1_ ____. ..;1~ _____. :.· The morning session' of the high ningham of, 409 Michi.·gan avenue,' g now occuple y. ell ChUdr ' Sh sch'Ool' will begin 'at 8:30 on Mon had been·a secretary, in the en':' en sop. FALL' MUTUAL EXCHANGE, ...I"'eerin'g department of the SuS_An early notary public, Mr. day: Upon arriving at school pu liU' Walt b f th fi t The Wo 'CI b M t I pils should go direcUy to their The evening section of the quehanna Pipeline Company until on was a mem er 0 e rs man s u u ua . b d t di to f th S th E h 'U b h ld S te new' homerooms for directions League will meet on Monday eve": her health tailed her. She was oar'o rec rs o· e war - ,xc ange'Wl e e ep m-born 1 'n Chester, Fe'hruary G4. mere' National Bank and Trust ber 23, .24,a~d 25., Collection 'froin their respective llomeroom nini, September 29, to hear a pan- Of A C hi h . d· will be on Tu d S te b' 'teachers as to'the plans 'for the .~ discussion upon the internaUon- 1922, and was Ii gradul\te:of CheS- ' ompany, w c was orgaruze m , ' es ay, ep m er al situation. . ter High School. She joined the 1904 and met in temporary quar- 23, the sBle on Wednesday, ·day.' All supplies will be distri . tel'S i th Id B ugh Hall He September 2'4, and settling of buted there and pupils will be In October Mrs. John G. Lee, WAVES and 'spent several years. ' ne o. oro . hailded . their individual class Natiopal President of the League, in lhe service' before taking h~ was also. a ~harter: me~ber of tlJe finances on Thu.rsday, Sepwm-will come'to Swarthmore and ad- PoSition' With Susctuehaima' Pipe-~e company,. estabijsh~d b?, 1~04, ~ 25. , . 'schedules which have been pre-- _. '., : _. , and:ac~ lIlember, qfthe orig- .. . , the.sum =~o=~.eo~a~~ ·~~il~'.het·~ti·.!~ .~_ '~~>=:::!~;~::!~~:[cLASs"6F '42 HOLDS. :::=~r1~~e'==:'~' menl" • .' , vived by ber five-year-old 'daugh- no~ DOWn as the swarthmore TENTH REUNION torium usembly, dasses, receiving League omcera tor tbIa,year are ,ter. Susan_ Allen, R sister Mrs. Business Association. Those or-, . books and work assignDients., Mrs. Thomas G. Casey, president; Wayne.J4aSt,both of the Michigan ganizational meetings in the spring , Members of'tlJ.e class"of 1942, . The 1lrst day will be balf day, Mrs. Carl Chase, first vice-presl- avenue address, and a ,brother Ad- ot 1919 were held in his·office. Swarthmore High School, held or morning session only, through d~t; Mrs. BalJock CamPbell, sec- rian of Folsom. He 'WJl8 also a director of the their tenth reunion last Saturday out the school system. The after ond v1ce-pr~~~;, .• ~ .~h Interment w ... ,in the Cunnlng- Swarthmore Bullding and Loan 'atthe bome of Mr. and Mrs. noon sessions will begin on Tues Crane, record.lna secretary; Mrs. ham family burial lot, Lawncroft Association for many years. ThIs . ~ay', ~~tember 9, for :the jUDior4 , Schad, corresponding secretary; Cemetery in Boothwyn. . organization wbich was dissOlved Louis deMon on School lane, Rose seIlior high school classes. -They !4rs. Herbert F.Fr~ and Mrs. in 19U, also met in his office. In Valley. Twenty-three mem~ of \Vill begin Wednesday, 'September Dantel 'Johnson, directors; Mrs. Ne.w Church Secretary addition he had served on the the original class ot 82, Wlth 14 10, for grades three to six. Full David P.Wisdom, chatrman; and Sw~ore Public Library Board. husbands and wives and 11 chil- day sessions will,begin September Mrs. Alfred Maass, _ n9.inbiatlng Mrs. Charles -J. Brady of Rut- An ardent fan of Walt Whitman, drell, swarmed over the lawn that 1~ for the second grade and on· committee. .' ' , . gers avenue hIlS been named per- he had publiShed several books of afternoon and eveninJ, catching Monday, September 22, for the OtherCommlttee ~ in- manent secretanr of the Swarth- original,~ms and from time to up on a decade of news. first gra~e. The' kindergarten clude, Mrs. J. ~ury Piper, hos- more Presbyterian Church. Ap- time delighted fellow residents A 6:30 picnic supper followed classes will ~ave half day 8IeS pitality; Mrs. James Evaps, inter- pointed by the session and Board with co~tributions ofrbyme, ap- !he heated ball game in the earl- sions onl~, throughout the year. national relations; Mrs. Clair Jeg- of Trustees of the Church, Mrs. pearing in The Swarthmorean. He ler part ot the day. Movies of the SChool Houn lum, publications; Mrs.' Hallock Brady was considered eminenUy also ~as an enthusiastic fisherman High School graduation, taken by The ele~entary schools will be CampbeU, membership; Mrs. Fra- qualified to flU the position, be- and a stedfast rooter at athletic Mrs. deMon's father, Guenther~. gin at 9 o'clock in themoming, ser,' congressional budgetingi Mrs. cause' ot her professional back- contests of Swarthmore College ~oeb~, were shown in the eve- I morning sessions. extending from CI8rk Byse. lDdlviclu81 ii~~es; ~ound ~d training. Mrs. Brady an<l.Swarthmore ~gh School. He rung. . 9 to 11:~5 ~.m. and in the atte~­MrS. Margaret Neal, public h~thi ~ a native of Sw~ore, an~ was the only male rooter ever to Prjme movers ot the reunion, in noon from I to 3:15 ~.m. In the MrS. Norman Hixson, Know Your has been associated' with the receive his ,hockey letter from the addition to Mr. 'and Mrs. deMoll, h,igh school the hours will be from State; Mrs. Richard Er11oo. public Chutch since childhood.. : Swarthmore High's Girls' Hockey included Clifford .Bryant of Media, 8':30 to .12 in the morning .and relations. Mrs. 'Earle Edwlirds ~J She suceeds Mrs. Guido G. Sa- team, awarded i!l recognition of who handle~ correspondence. Mrs. 12:50 to 3:15 in the afternoon. the League representa,tiVe on the velli who bad served in the same his faithful support. Lewis Beatty ot Drexel Hill, re- As heretofore,. the high school School Board Coumiltte:e." capacity f()r 15 years~ His first wife, Elizabeth P<!w- frE'.shment3. Mrs. James Mac- cafeteria will serve lunches at a • " nall, whom he married in June, Pherson, Rose Valley, decorations reasonable price, which will be DO', ,N' ',T' MOVE"' N' 0"· w· -IF' YOU w. ANT. TO 1900. died in 1931. and invitations. and ~arshall available to aU pupils who do not He is survived by' Louvenia M. Schmidt, :PUgrim Gardens. Mrs. have 1ime to. go home for lunch. , VOTE IN .THE PRESIDENTIAL ELE,CTIONS Walton whom he wed iIi Swarth- (Continued on Pale 8) The school, however, feels it more in July 1940; two daughters, would be better tor the children '.. , • • • 'Jean (-Mrs. Edward L. Noyes) Of RED CROSS PARTY to get away from school during Public spirited citizens who want to particIpate 10 the Riverview and· Ogden avenues MON~AY. SEPTEMBER 8 the noon hour and go home for the Presidential elections November' 4, had better stay put. and Mary (Mrs. James M. Irvine, lunc~ it and when such a plan can Yesterday September 4th was the last ,day an elector could jr.) ot Arcadia, Calif.; a sister, The Red Cr,oSs Barbecue-Square be arranged. . f .', I t· d.'trl·ct (or precinct) to another and ~. Mabel W •. Kendig of New Dance ~ be helC!l Monday, Sep- On. th~ first day ~f school each m?ve . rom one e ec Ion IS ,- .' Holland. Pa.; aild tive grandchil- tember 8. at tI:\e Aronimink Coun- child will be given a l~ from ~till vote! . \ . dren Edward, . James and Ronald try Ciub. 'The 'barbeCue-dinner' at the school to the parents, covering If y'ou have moved prior to September 5, you must notify Noyes. and Robert an~ Elizabeth 7:30 p.m. 'will be followed by a a number of items ot mutual in, b formal entertainment and square I al the Registration Commission in the Media Court House y Irvine. dancing. terest including the schoo c en S te b 15 f h f address If you have not Memorial services at the dar for the year and plans for ep ~ er . 0 your. c ~nge 0 • • • Swarthmore Friends Meeting Gordon Lange ot Cedar lane various special classes and health voted In the last two years JD Pennsylvama you must r~glster House at 2 p.m. todaY will befol~ will be master of c.eremonies for instruction. by September 18. It is now September 5! lowed by private 'interment in the the show, and Vernon L. Wersler During the past week the ~ch People who have ,moved. from out-of-state· must have Friends.Burial Ground, Ercndoun. of Phoenixville. will be'. cal!er. era have been m~ting in work " • rd' ~..; be b; to '·ster· Ballroom dancing and card plllf- shop conferences and also prepar lived m. Pennsylvama one year in 0 er IN .• a '.I.e reg! Change of' Guard . ing. are included. in the eVening's ing iheir rooms tor the receiving and vote. If they have voted in PeDJ¥IYlvama before, the re- The Flowers for the Flowerless program. of children on Monday. Workshop quired'residency is six months. project Will be in charge ,of Trin- Mrs. J. F. Gaskill, Swarthmore conferences center about the or '.~' The Swarthm. rean 'will 4oa'lre anyone who desire to regis- ity .~urch 'during, September, 6~7557, ~ in char~ ot J:'eSerVations ganization of the facUlty for work , ,".. . • 0 • ~ • ch .II add to Mrs.~· Paul .. B. Banks. chairman. 'which close Saturday at noon. wiUt special attention to ha~ ter, or tq. notify the authon~les of tpeu- . ange 0.1. " ~, . Buckets will be avaUable at the' Proceeds,~ go to the Enter-. f-the various coJlllIlittees of ~e fac-the Court,House on Monday, September 8, at 10 a.m.or 2 p~. Woman's Club porch each. Wed- tainment, Instructi~n and. S\lPPlY ulty.organ1Ze and plan their work Arrangements should be made,. 88' soon as possible. can nesday ar.e&noon for the aorat COnmilttee of the sw8rtJmiote for the year. parucularattentlOl1 Swarthmore ~ or Swart~ore6-183S. . ,. . -, ·contributiODl. . .. . Branch of· the Red·Cross. -'- . (Continued OIl Paae 8) . ' / •

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• ,sW A.RTFUIORB . COI..l.u.,G ~ LIBHAKY Have You -Moved? THE SWARTHMOREA Be 'Sure . to Registerl I Luncheon Septemb~r 16th Initiates Busy' Fall Schedule Four members of the League of Wor.nen· Voters of Swarthmore were guests. of Marlon Pedlow on her radio show on Wednesday, . I September 3. Mrs. J .. Howard Schad. Mrs.- HaDock Campbell. Mrs. Paul Zecher and Mrs. Rich .. .~ ...... '; ~ ... ": " . : .• .l '. SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,.1952 ...... -.: 13.50 PER YJWl . version since the publication of the King 'James' version. There will be a meetplg, for the com­munity of Swarthmore, to be held in the Presbyterian Church on September 30 at 8 p.m., to cele­brate the event. . . '. . ~ . Swarthmore Elementary, High . Schools" ~ Open Monday Morning, Septeinber 8th Early Borough Realtor Was The boys and girls of Swarthmore are anticipating the Resident Here for opening of school next Monday, September 8. They will see Half A c· t their new rooms, meet their new teachers, greet classmates, Cla to Wal~ton ury and look through their books. Also, they will experience the E. y n n, a resident l' t' f t' • • t . d of Swarthmore for over half a rea Iza Ion 0 promo Ion In 0 a new gra e. century. died at 11 p.m. Tuesday Pupils returning to the high school classeg' next week at his home, 4 Ogden avenue. In will find the home room assignments· ready for' them and falling health for several years, he posted conspicuously on bulletin boards in the corridors. For ServiNs .Held Tuesday had retired in 1936 as operator of their convenience the following lists may be used: • .-... the Borough's oldest real estate ' business, now carried on by his PupUs with For Ruth C Myers son~In-Iaw Edward L. Noyes. Teacher Boom FiDalIDlUais ard Enlon discuseed the differ- • The son of Edwin and Mary . Mr. Hofmann 201 A-HA • ences in partyplaUOrqlS In one ot Clayton Walton, he was a brith- 'SENIORS Mr. Y~um 208 HI-R a series of. educational programs Ex-Wave Had Been in right member of the Society of ~ Zimmer 211. S-Z presented by the local League. Poor Health for the Friends, and had been. associated Miss Armstrong 209 A"""","DA In August, a panel consisUng ot P T Y with the Swarthmore Meeting .JUNIORS Dr. Irwin 206 DE-MA Mrs. John 'Seybold, :Mrs. Alfred ast . WO. ears since 1904 when he transferred Mrs. Mathews 203 MC-Z Boyd, Mrs. Thomas Prather, Mrs. SerVices were held Tuesday af- his membership from the Ercil- Miss Barten 200 A-G Alfred Gurin, and directed' by temoon in the E. S. White Funeral doun MeeUng. SOPhom*oRES Mrs. Palmer 202 H-O Mrs. Da~id UJlman discussed the Home, Chester. for Mrs. Ruth Born DecemJ>er 9, 1866 at Ercl1- Mr. Snyder 213 P-Z recent politic~ conventions. . Cum;Ungham 'Myers, who died doun, Chester County, Mr. Walton Mr~ Klemmer 105 A-GRE Mrs. Carl Chase, program chair.. suddenly Thursday afternoon, I?urchased his busin~ here in FaESInmN Mrs. Seymour 215 GRo-N man ot the Swarthmore League August 28, at 4:30. Although Mrs. 1901 from hUi nephew Henry Wal- Miss Strouse 216 O-Z has announced 'a busy fall sched- Myers had been III for. the past ton, successor to the original real- ! Mr. Mlller' 101 A-W' ule, starting··.· with a:luncheon tWo years from allVer 'conditiOJ1, tor Henry S. Kent. tw'pen the rail- EIGBTB Mi. JamJson 102 HO--RI meeting on September 16, when she seeined to be responding to road underpass was built In 1930, Miss McKie 107 RO--Z ~eanor Wolf, International Rela- trea~ent. and hu death came as Mr. Walton moved from the UtUe . 'ioa tions ch8b:man' for : the state a shock to her 'faninY and friends. office which had stood at the SEVENTH . ::;~: ~.!::ker 103 ~ ~ League, former: instructor at Co- . Mrs. Myers, who lived with her southw.est comer of station square - Mr. Hall. 6 ~ o-Z 11.llIlbia . Unlver~ity. and "dvisor ,to ts 'Mr d ...... - H C to . South Cheste~ road in 1be , Paren i • an Jot".LU" arry un- I" The inorning session' of the high the State Department on' Mutual ningham of, 409 Mlchi.·gan avenue, building now occupied by.the r-----.!......------..:. Securi4-tp' will'.' ChUdr ' Sh school' will begin at 8:30 on Moli- _ .J.~. speak.on the 'inter- had been.a secretary,in the en':' ens op. FALL- MUTUAL EXCHAN~E. national situation. . . """'eei"in"g department ot the SuS.. An early notary public, Mr. Q day: Upon arriving at school pu- 6 U & Walt b f th fi t The W 'CI b M t al pils should go direcUy to their The evening section of the quehanna Pipeline Company untu on was a mem er 0 e rs oman s u u u b d f eli t f th S th E h ill b h ld S te new' homerooms for directions Le. ague will meet on MOnday. eve": her health failed her. She was oar'o rec ors o· e war - . xc ange'w e e ep m- N ti al B nk d Trust ber 23 2£ d 25 ColI t' 'froin their respective llomeroom niDi, September 29, to hear a pan- born in Chester, Fe},.ruary 24, mere' a on a an.. ., . '3:, a~ . ec lon , If C hi h d will be on Tu d S te b' 'teachers as to' the plans . for the .~ discussion upon the intemaUon- 1922, and was a gradu~te'~of CheS- ompany, w ~ was orgaruze m . . . . es ay,. ep m er al situation. . ter High School' She joined the 1904 and met m temporary quar- 23, the s81e on Wednesday, 'day.' All supplies will be distri In October Mrs. John G. Lee, WAvEs and 'spent sevetalyears .tel'S ,in the old Borough Hall. He September 2'4, and setUing Of::~~dth~e:ndln~~:alwlllc ru!: Natiopal President of the Leaiue, ~ iheservice· before taking h~ was also. a ~harter:me~ber ot tqe~an;:.s on Thursday. Septem-sehedules which have been pre-will c.o m. e 'to Swarthmo'r.e and_ a.d'-. pOSItio,n. w.ith '. : susque.'h. anna' Pipe. -fainred, accohmApraiInay'l,' . mesetmab~ij,s ho~fd thb:el, o1~r0lg4,- .......; ."... ....~ . ...._ ____. ..... ...;..__ .vlo··.". ... prepared .d unn·g ' the ..... - YiN,7 .. ~ dress the luncheon meetinlon·the 1Jne.. '. ., ". . ' .. ~~,-. ". ..~ '''--'- >t' ." -- _. ". mslliontb& Tlie-}WIIltnc!et onlre' topic ,"~om8Dtl.PlaCem·.GoVerD~ .. ' Besld •. het·~ts·-.·.k sUi;. ·:;:~·=:~0!1~1: 1:9, CLASS OF '42 HOLDS· morning will be devoted toaudl ment' " . vlved by her five-year-old daugh- now boWn as the Swarthmore TENTH REUNION torium usembb', classes, receiving League offtcers tor thlI,year are ,ter. Susan_ Allen, Q sister MrI. Bmlness Association. Those or- books and work assignments.' Mrs. Thomas G. Casey, preSident; Wayne.J4aSt,both of the Michigan ganlzatlonal meetings In the spring Members of'tJ;te class"of 1942, ,The flrst day will be half day, Mrs. Carl Chase, first vice-presl- avenue address, and a ,brother Ad- of 1919 were held In hisoftlce. Sw~ore High School. held or morning session only. through d~t; Kn. Ha1J.ock CamPbell, sec- rian of Folsom. He' also a director of the theh- tenth reunion last Saturday out the school system. The after ODd vice-president;,.~~ .~h Interment W",in the CUDnlng- Swarthmore Dundlng and Loan 'at the home of Mr d Mrs noon sessions will begin on Tues Crane. recordlna' secretary; Mrs. ham family burial lot, Lawncroft ~oc1ation for many years. Tb1s • an_ • ~ay', ~te~ber 9, for ;the junior- Schad, correspondlna secretary; Cemetery In Boothwyn. . organization which was dIssOlved Louis deMoll on School lane, RoseseJ1ior high school classes. They Mrs. Herbert F.Fraser and Mrs. in 18U, also met In his oftlce. In Valley. Twenty-three mem~ of ~ begin Wednesday, 'September Danlel.Tolmaon, directors; Mrs. Ne.w Church Secretary addition he had served on the the original class of 82, WIth 14: 10, for grades three to six. Full David P.Wlsdom, clWrman; and Sw~ore Public Library Board. husbands and wives and 11 chil- day sessions wlll.begin September Mrs. Alfred Maass, _ N.l)Dbiatlng Mrs. Charles -.1. Brady of Rut- An ardent fan of Walt Whitman, dreQ, swarmed over the lawn that 1~ for the second grade and on commJttee.· .. gers avenue hIAS been named per- he had publiShed several books of afternoon and evenlnJ, catching Monday, September 22, for the OtherCommlttee chairmen in- manent seeretan' of the Swartb- original.~ms and from time to up on a decade of news. first grade. The kindergarten elude. Mrs. '.1. :seury PiPer; 'hos- more Presbyterian Church. Ap- time delighted fellow residents A 6:30 picnic supper followed classes will have half day 1Iti!S­pitality; Mrs. James EvallS, inter- pointed by the session and Board with. contributions. of . rhyme. ap- the heated ball game In the earl- sions only, throughout the year. national relations; Mrs. Clair Jeg- of ~tees of the Church, Mrs. pearing in The Swartbmorean. He ier part of the day. Movies of the SChool Houn lum, publications; Mrs.' Hallock Brady was considered eminenUy also was an enthusiastic fisherman High School graduation, taken by The elementary schools will be- CampbeU, membership; Mrs. Fra- qualified to fill the position, be- and 'a stediast rooter at athletic Mrs. deMoll's father, Guenther' H. gin at 9 o'clock in themornlng, ser,. congressional budgeting; Mrs. cause ot her profe$slonal back- contests of Swarthmore College Froeb~. were shown in the eve- morning sessions, extending from CJ.8rk Byse, lIidivici1.uif Uberties; ground and training. Mrs. Brady and.. Swarthmore High School. He Ding. 9 to 11:45 ,.m. and in the after­Mrs. Margaret Neal, public h~th; ~ a native of ~w~ore, an~ was the only male'rooter ever to Prime movers of the reunion, in noon from 1 to 3:15 p.m. In the Mrs. Norman Hixson Know Your has been assoCiated' with the receive his ,hockey letter from the addition to Mr. 'and Mrs. deMoll, high school the hours Will be from State; Mrs. Richard Ertion, public Ch~ch since childhood., : . Swarthmore High's Girls' Hockey included Clifford Bryant of Media, 8 1 :30' to .12 in the morning .and relations. Mrs. 'Earle Edwards ij She suceeds Mrs. Guido G. Sa- team, awarded in recogrution of who handle~ correspondence. Mrs. 12:50 to 3:15 in the afternoon. the League representa.tiVe on the velli who bad served in the same his faithful support. Lewis Beatty of Drexel Hill, re- As heretofore, the high school Sch091 Board CoDU'lil«ee.·. capacity for 15 years. His first wife, Elizabeth Pow- frE'.shmentG, Mrs. Jame£ Mac- cafeteria wlll senre lunches at a DON-T MOVE NOW -IF YOU WANT TO naIl, whom he married in June, Pherson, Rose Valley, decorations reasonable price, which will be 1900, died in ·1931. and invitations, and ~arshall available to all pupils who do not He is survived by Louvenia M. Schmidt, :pilgrim Gardens. :Mrs. have ~ime to, go home for lunch. Walton whom he wed iri Swarth- (Continued on Page 8) The school, however, feels it more In July 1940; two daugh~, would be better for the children .,.. . . • • • . Jean (-Mrs. Edward L. Noyes) of RED CROSS P~RTY to 'get away from school during Public spirited citizens who want to partiCipate lD the Riverview and· Ogden avenues MON~AY. SEPTEMBER 8 the noon hour and go home tor the , VOTE IN .THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS .P residential elections November' 4., had better stay puItd. •a nd Mary (Mrs. James M. Irvine, The Red CroSs Barbecue-Square lunc~ if and when such a plan can Yesterday, September 4th, was the last day an elector 0011 Jr.) of Arcadia. calif.; ~ sister, Dance 'fill 1>8 helel Monday, Sep- be arranged. m?ve ~roin one election district (or precipct) ,1:9 another and =an~~~.;'!riciK:e~:d~~":: tembe~ 8, at tI¥! Aronimink Coun- c~:' ~ ~t ::n~! ~= :,: !Still vote!. \. dren Edward, .James and Ronald try Club. 'The 'barbeCue-dinner at the school to the parents, covering If you have moved prior fa September 5, you must notify Noyes, and Robert an~ Elizabeth 7:30 p.rn. 'will be followed by a a number of items ot mutual in-b formal entertainment and square , al the Registration Commission in the Media Court House y Irvine. dancing. terest including the schooA c en- Septem.ber 15. of your change of address. If you have not SwMaertmhmoroiarle sFerriveincedss aMt eettihnge Gordon Lange of Cedar lane vdaarri ofuosr sptheec iayl ecalra ssaensd anpdla nhse aflothr voted in the last two years in Pennsylvania you must r~gister House at 2 p.m. todaY will be fol~ will be master of ceremonies for instruction. by September 13. It is now September 5! lowed by private -interment in the the sho~ •. and Vernon L. ,Wersler During the past week the ~ch People who have moved· from .out..of-state; must poasvteer F.r iends.Burlal Ground. Erclldoun. of Pho*ruxville _ will be. c~er. ers have been ~ting in work Ballroom dancing and card plaf- shop conferences and also prepar lived in Pennsylvania one year in order to be able to regI Change of' Guard . ing. are included. in the eVening's ing their room for the receiving and vote. If they have voted m Pe~lvania before, the re- The Flowers for the Flowerless program. ' of children on Monday. Workshop qujred'residency is six months. _ project Wlll be in charge of Trin- Mrs. J. F. Gaskill, Swarthmore conferences center about the or .~. The' Swarthmorean win ~e anyone who desire to re~- ity Church . during september, 6 .. 7557, is in charge of ~ations ganization of the tacUlty for work, .~........., 0L',.. ... ..;.. notify the authon'ti°es e ir 00.D 'IlIl'e of address. , to. l\IrS.·;Pau1~B. ~ chairman. 'whichc1Ose Saturday at noon. with special attention to ha~ "" --- Buckets wDl be avaDable at the' Proceeds'wlll go to the Enter-. the various copunlttees of ti:le fac-the CourtHouse on Monday, September 8, at 10 a.m. or 2p:I!l' Woman's Club porch each. Wed- tainment, Instructi~n and $~pp)y ulty-organJZe anel plan, their wOl'k Arrangements should be made 88' SO'On as possible. can nesday af"MUilOOn for the 8Or8l CCmmilttee of. tIut Sw8rtmriote for the year. Paiilcular-attentlon . 'Swarthmore &.0900 or Swarth~ore6-183S. ' " . ·contributions.; - . . Branch of· the Red·Cross. -'- . . (Contlnued on Paae 8) . ' . ". , . ~ . • ' .. . , •. , ~

---------- Page 3 ----------

ter spencliD& AupIt In Stone Bu­bor. Faber IIcKenwl joined' the m.ena of la~ formlD& a bateau neddlne on the lilted bodice. loci N.tvi. of 1,'Uer,nel, HOi ... .,. toone famU,. week: m d • Dr. 1'. A. Patman of PrIncetoD Dr: ancl"JIn, II:clwarcl It. CRt­avenue w11l bve toda7 with out- Ile7 ancl chlldr_N'O!Ul:aDd ~ of-toWD friends on a 1O-dq em- ~ ,StrathHa-ven· .... ue're~ In& tn; to ~.,!,-,e , " , home I'ridaT 1Ifter ,..,..,....... ttle , lira. C. RUsaeIl DeBurlo. with I"mmer In Northern New York oleeve. and full IIdrt with' Valn. ' !fr. and Ifrs. I'nDIt It. KeCow­Her veil'of belrloom Dr' II. ~ aD, Jr.; of,J:.Uiiwood. Ohkr; .... ,N- !fr. _d ...... Willter s. PQlle w.. ",in bY, thelfdom'. mother eelvlDe -»-atuJaUoaa .. 011 ,th of '0&'4" avenue a.'l!,"'.Inte the at;·b6r,.we4d!n1: The )fte, bliJIa tf a UUlhter, Bar~ AIIIl, ~~iOf a dP\IIb~' Jrlarpref r.nDIicl 'the :eoronet hIId on Aucuat 111.,' ,(;. ,,'I IrMn, on .U&UJt_.~? In Woan·. the ~ cIftII of the Barbar,Ann 11 the lfanddP\IIb- H04IPItel, ~delpth;~PQDe her cbIldren Janie Charlie, State. maternal Ifandmother. The ter of Mr. ancllln. I'nDk IJ. lIe- 11 the ~ Barbara Scl>nme"" ... carried a CoIonW bouquet of Jar-I Cowan of V_ avenue, ancl!fr. of O.clen *----_ .. _ ...... . !leal.,.. .tepbanotls--ancl ~., O! ~ I ~: ".!" i 't 1. ':'i-,' retimiei1 ~Y pl;';;e 1o"k hoaie ID SaUy GuIdIl of Unlvenlt)- place New,l\&dfwcl. lien,. Tueicb7' at- lIew ·hom. WeiID~,trom on .. let'a 'lDcMth·. ~wlth her par- land where, IIIe bact"~· the ents Mr. and ....... Char1.. G. week-end aueot of Betsy Bunts. Krs. Henry D. ~cCork1e Thatcher cd·,OIden-v..,.' '-' PrevIouslY.: Sally 'hItd"spent, ,the Newtowa '-Sq~ • .., matroD ' .. ". 'Y .. r . MOTOI' OW'I.,IIA . • CI ... Ilock, .. II .. tI .... r ... TUNE'UP' MO-rbl fO~61.!O~ .' .. A'CATtON " Evelyn 'litl1HU;;d6uAHt4it of Mr. iummer iu ill ~br'atCamp honor fAIr bIIii Ilater.~!Wore ,a iOwD anI!(J4n. James B., Bullltt, Jr.; of CafulII on Lake TetnaglUni, On- of hoDeyauck1e tsfteta aild carried LIJ1coln avenue, bas returned'hQme tar!.o.,Canadli a bouquet' of ,bittersw~t""oeed after spending a year in'Vienna Ami Denworth of Elm avenue podS' and 'bronze' and goid chry;' with her uncle and, aunt· Mr .. and and Jean llolman of College ave- santhemums with a matching Mrs. Guy Cardwell. Mr. and Mrs. nue have returned home from headdress. . , Cardwell are vlsltlog with the Hawkeye Trail Camps. N.Y.. Th,;,<!)ridesmalds, Mrs. John D. RUSSELL"$ SER"IC;:~, Bullitts for a week wblle eoroute where they have been, summer Chiquoine,of Rutgers avenue, an- ,··ItOII!RT"II. iAT%, '~wner' to their home In St. Louis, Mo. counselors. other slSter'of the' bride. Mrs. O,,.sI... aoro.,h Parkin!!,' Lot . Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. T~ppJng, Mr. and Mrs: Howard G. Hop- Phillp N. Kniskern of SW ~O '.' ., " ,Da,.tmoU,t", ~ .... oy.~ ~y.s. daughters Carol and Cynthia and son of Rutgers avenue have 're- Orange. N.J.; Mrs. William R. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. son Tom of North Princeton ave- turned home after vacationing for Keen 'of Bowling Green, Miss r nu~. h~ve returned home after va- a month at their cabin at Hop Mary Margaret Marsh of Colum­catiomng for the month of August Haven on North Mountain ear bla avenue. and MIss' Sally B. at a cottage outside of East Hamp- Eaglesmere. n Kennedy of Chestnut Hill;' wore ton,L .. I. Capt. and Mrs. Rohert E. Hud- similar models of rust taffeta with Dr: and M;s. Frederick D. Dud7 gins and children Harriet and bandeaux to match their bouquets ley and tamlly of Maglll road re- Robert of Academy road spent a ofbiUersweet and brOIl%e chry-cently returned from a two-week week's 'holiday at Gw lsI d santhemums. vacation. at Avalon and a week's Va. yns an, Mr. George P. Warren, Jr., motor tr.p to Old Lyme. Conn.' ,Mrs. Harriet Michael of Acad- served as best man fcir his brother. Mr. Phd 'Mrs. S. Milton Bryant emy road has returned . after a and the ushers InCluded' Messrs. of South Chester road spent sev- month.s vacation In Ocean City Heilr~ D. McCorkle;JobD D. Chi­eral days of ~ast week on a motor N.J. ' quoine. John Cannon 'of spring­trip to the Berkshires and Boston. " MIldred McCowan of Vassar house. David H; Hovey of Boston, Mrs. lL L. Bunker, daughters avenue Is vacationing In Ocean and,Robert Bauer.ofEnileld .. • Mary. Naney and Molly. and son City thts week. ,A' reception followed at Henry. have returned to their MIs!<' Elimar McConechy of home' cif . Mr. ' and 'Mrs;'David home on, Mt. Holyoke place mter South Chester road will leave the Dawson of Lapides 'HIlli, . spellding the, month' of August va- Philadelphia AIrport thts mom- The brlde's mother wore aa ,!~~!ll catioDlng 'on Long Beach Island. Ing for. Boston. where· ahe will of' dark 'green crePe 'with ·1 Beach' Haven. Mr. Bunker joined embark for Liverpool aboard the blending velvet. Her ' was his family -for a week. S. S. Nova Scotia. MIss McConechy of yellow roSebuds; The Miss 'Antonlca '·Palrbanks of will $Pend six weeks In England niother chose II gown of gold Park avenue' lIew b'lIIne from the and Scotland v1sitlrig with friendS 'feta and a hat cif rust velvet, Her west coQBt'after spending the sum- aIld relatives. . corsage was of' cYmbidium 'or-mer With her brothel" and sister- clllds:','Mr:' and Mrs; E.' U.,!'IIr- SEPTEMBER BRIDE ' 'l'be couple will reside in BrYn bankll aIld daughter Joan of San Miss' A1I.e'H~et Putnam, Mawr. The bride IS attending' the 'Franelsco. daughter llt Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Schoi>ll>f Occupational Thl!rapy of , Mrs,' Vaughn K. Foster and the University of PelUlSYlvanlil• daughter Libby of Sprlnglleld, Putnam of Lafayette avenue, and and will return there for her sen- 10rmerly of Swarthmore. and:Mrs. Mr, George ·Clark ,W11Ietts. son of lor year. She Is a member'of XlIp­Foster's sister MIss Eleanor Smith Mr. and Mrs. William T. WillettS pa Kappa Gamma: The 'groom of Bradford have returned from of Roslyn: Heights. 'L.I .• and Ber- graduated In June from the UnI­a seven-week motor trip to San muda.' will be married tomorrow verslty of Pennsylvania and Is a · DIe go. Callf. and 'up' the west eSv eai1rltnhgm at P7:r3 0 boy'ctlo' ck CInh thhe member qf. ' Psi Upsilon fr, aternlty; · coast to Washington.. Durlng.,the w ore es enan urc. He Is a Sales 'Trainee' with the ,trip they'visited former Swarth-, The. Re.v.- Joseph .. P •. Bisbop .. wI11: Internat\Pnal Business Machines. · moreans the Ted Anthonys of officiate. assisted by th!> Rev, Paul • . ' 'Tulsa, OkJ8 .• and the Parke Wi!- W. Hoon of GermantGwn. . BIRTHS coxs ofWiChita:~ Kans. . '. Mr. and Mrs.,.,\lian Tyson of Mr. and Mrs; Richard 1;pringer , D, r. and Mrs. Samuel Gurin and hCehaersstaelr dwinilnle re.n tertain at the re- of Broo' khaven. for. mer1 Y ' 'o f , sons' Bob and Ricnard of Amherst Swarthmore, announce the birth av, enue ,have returned home f' o1- 'o .f M',trh.e abnnd·d AM. rsa.n dP uutnra•m a, npda rUen_ts. of a son. ,Stephen Guthrie Spring-lowing a thi:ee.week vacation at ~... ....... A t 25th In Uni . ,The, Boutlruet , -, .. ~ ", !~$~;';: GOOD •• ~j '; , - . -, ", , SALON­GBOo~' FA8BION'S '" "~-: '\ " (' '1 J r f-,I 1'1" ')[:~ ~s J;. When You .Think 01 Carpel Think 01 ,. -"; , ·~J~·it'~~. ,;;;ha'!Ok c_4IN .• ~1np~eteS~Range'. OiIutalB .... . 1.00 Pork Av~., Svijll:tlVwii~;, .P~,:, ' " . SWarthmore 6.6000 ..;,. CLellrr!;rciok9-4646 " KNo.WS Carpet •• },"1 ._C'' )".~.. 'h..' "", "_ .~. ,.. ..,f , • J , " W, illettS. parenta of the -oom, er',on ugus. ,', , verslty ,· SoDrrre.n taon, d1 \M.!:res,.' Walter , N. . Molr will entert8in at a lunche-on to- H, , OBIPta.,! . . , ' " .,.' ., '. '. and familY of South 'Chester road morrow for' the 'wedding parly Mr. ,and Mr •. ' Dale Guthrie of and out-of-town gUests. ." Cornel\."avenue are the grandpar- " ,\ " , ' . . " '" , .. ,', .. and Dr. John' B. Roxby and family ents of Stephen Guthrie. of Kenyon avenue spent Labor Day week-end together at Beach WARREN-DICKSON Haven. N.J. The mardage cif :Miss' Judith Mr. and Mrs. Johan Natvig of Harvard avenue are receiving con­gratulations on the bIrlh of a son, Joban Martin. on September 2. 'The new baby is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barr of Har­vard avenue. and Mrs. Martin , Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Thayer Dickson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. sad daugh~rs Peggy and Mary Pemherton M. Dickson of PriIice­Lou of North Chester road left 'ton avenue. and Mr. Harry Knight Saturday for B motor trip to Gra- Warren. son df Dr. and Mrs. venburst •. Canada.' They w11l be George Pierce' Warren of Souib joined In Buffalo by' their son and Che~ter road. took place Saturday daughter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Christ SUBSCRIPTIONS Paul W. Thayer of Columbus. Episcopal Church; Media. The FOB ALL ' Ohio who will vacation with the Rev. Dr. J. Jarden Guenther 'of- MAGAZINES Thayers and return with them 'to flclated. assisted by Father ·F. B. IIIItS.LLOW E. J[AtJFFlIIAN Swarthmore for a short visit. Rosboro. SlS J)arIIIlouth A veDue Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacNair The bride, glven In marriage by Swarihmore 8-2080 are moving from Iowa to their her father; wore a wedding gown From Aug. 19 to SepL 25- wheat ranch In Jetmore. Kans.1o_; f~an;;;t1~q;U;e=w;hi;;;te;;;ta~ff;et~a~;; fe;a;tur~In~~'g 1~==~c=a=1l=ME=dIa==8=-=2=86~3==~ Mrs. MacNair was formerly Bar- r bara Ann Crossen of Swarthmore. ' Miss Gertrude Rath. Director of Admissions at Miss Porter's School, F.irmJngton, CODD., and l\IIss Jean Gray, Dramatic Direc­tor at the school, spent the holi­day week-end with Miss Bath·s sister Miss Virginia RIIth of Yale avenue. .Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKernan, daughters Cornelia and and son Richard have returned to their home on Rutgers avenue af- SCHOOL Fall Term hegina Sept. 2 EveniiigSe1i ...... Sept.' 15 "1>""0',",, for TNliiIlII' VeterUu eSmaU elaaael eSbort IlOar&eI llModer-te riIeI eJeit.;, seeare4 Free OI'ta'oC - can ~ Keystone Selmol of' Baidti. Adinfnlatradon ~ 1'-11"'.~"" .i.:::"._ -. 1_' -,..;. ;:, ~." ., TOMORROW • 1'""1 " r' Is the Day After Today .' - , ' .. It Is aJIo the cla7 that ODe puts moIIt tIaIDP oir ... WQ ROt make TODAY Tom_w-Get, fuM Cam­era or PnJeetor' fuM :rou w&DL . CUBA & HOllY SHOP ,w" .. . D. .., alliillt.' AW.' ~l.t; ~ .... "'~'f.I:3.0 1 •. _ .• ' .. h -.. .~ ~') !:.O') (J.lI.,;)..; • THEATRE "Swarthmore. Po. ' AIR CONDITIONED j - Fri. &: Sat; , . Bpen_ Tracy Katherine Hepburn "PAT &: MIKE", • . You'll·love"t1iem.t Specially ...... tedchUdren·. Bh .... Bat. 1. ~.M. " nHONEYCHILE" (color) with Judy Canova. Plus _as. comedy " "Iallor' Men fro .. M_" Sat.' HISI1t ,-/iIDIiI'..,Pe&\U!e 1.l'Im'" .~,oo;~.oo ai14 10,00 •. , 'I Suo .. Moo.'" T .... Glnpr. RGgas· - - -Fred. AIleD "WE'RE'NOT MARRIED" W ••. ~ 'th.~. ~~,., Il.t. -ht i •• ·1.· 'hats ~cic . I. _IIr ~'pcaio ,ta . .... =' iMiI;~'" I :;..; l=~"~, nmnt'.· • ·~t.' ;,·:r. Back to School Cardigallll and skirts, topper 8 andgiD(!hamdressee that''''e&r!:'a:ml wear'.;., CoaoduoY',e1aeks in red and brown." .. 4~ chJp,'t fm'gfJ,,~ (/~ ~ys! t . PARTY AT ,VALLEY FORG' E - 'rUE SW ARTHHOBEAN ' The Swarthmore Entertainment, PUBLISHED EVERY PlUDAY AT SWABTBIIOBE, PA. Instruction and Supply Committee TBB SWABTIDIOBBAN. INC .. P11BLI811E& ' of the Red Cross gave a party for J 3'" is ,our 'ost d", '0 legister 'or ,It. " .. id.,.,ia' flection. l'bIIIIe SWadIimore ._.... 300 men In the Neuro-Psychiatric PETER B. TOLD. BdHor _a Pull.... Ward at Valley Forge lut Wed-I"'==::==;;:;iiI~.i='7.~"~~:'1""==============' ,~ORJE TOLD ..... BA .... BA KBNT. "-ulate Edl.. nesday. August 27. The party was II Rosalie Pelrso1 Ted Oppenlander . Lorene McCarter an' outdoor dance. with music fur- '~~1',i'1s,e Forsythe ~~recl t ~ S!~.?~ C~P Matter. January 2t, i929, at the Post nlsbed by a PbIladelphia orc~~~ a w ........o re. a., under the Act of Ilardi 3, 1879. uaM. rs. 'Peter Told a' nd Mrs. ~U,~ 1\ DEADLINE-WEDNJ:SDAY NOON chenan Harrar from the Canteen SWABTHlIIOBE. PA .• FRmAY, SEPTElIIBEB 5 1952 Committee served sandwiches; P6- :.....-:_ ___- ------,---;:--------:..' ~=__~JltatToh ceh hiposs taenssde sp uwnecrhe. Mlml"J,,'' l";" " PRESBYTERIAN NOTES stowed upon us. that we should be sell, Ann Wright, Ann HUkeJl, , Mr~. Bishop' w11l preach at the called the sons of God." Mildred Magee. Uarbara Thor­Church Service Sunday at 11 a.m. Among the Bible citations Is the hahn, Pat Giles. ,Corinna Foster. on "The Victory of Christ". following from St. Paul's FIrst Anne Mabbott,Franees Myrick. , The 11 o'clock bour for morn- Epistle to the Corinthians: "But Joan Wood and Ethel Mei1dey. log worship is resumed as of Sep_ the natural man receiveth not the tember 7. The double service plan things of the Spirit of God: for NEW,S N'OTES" of two services at 9:30 and 11:00 they are foolishness unto him' will be resumed on October 5 neither can he kl\civ them, be~ .Mr. and Mrs. ,Dale Guthde and which Is World-Wide Communio~ cause they are spiritually db- family of Cornell avenue have re- Sunday. cerned." (2:1t) ,c.:, .. turned from their summer"'l~~:: I There will be a Church School Among correlative paSsages at Hartman's Grove, near B, be read from the CbrIstI S I burg where they have been vaca-program beginning next Sunday ,an c ence September 14 at 9:30 a.m. Th; textbook, "Science and He:alU>! tionlng for the past month. , Church School will be divided In- with Key ,to the Scriptures" by Mr. and Mrs. I"aul Hummer of to two groups: preschool and Mary \ Baker Eddy Is this:, "The Rutgers avenue have school age cbildren. Regular Sun- true idea of map. as the refiecUon home after a two-week day School registration however of the invisible God. Is as Incom- to/0ugh ,Yellowstone. Zion, will not take place unm Septem~ prehensible to the limited senses Bryce National Parks, and ber 28 and the curriculum mater- as Is man's lnllnlte PrInciple. The Grand C&iiyon of Arizona. ial then not go Into effect visible universe and material man Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pelrsoll.October 5. There w11l,be a special are the poor ,counterfeits of the Jr., and :daughtersGlorial :':::1 program. of ,religious universe and spiritual and Sandra ,·of Lafayette a' for all the young, people of • • • Even though you aver were the week-end: ",est of Mr. Church School on September 1t the material senses are In- and Mr •. Robelj,SIlrz~1 of Wlnd- 21 and 28. Consequentiy. all oi to man's existence or swept Farm. T8n11u7_ ' , , the families of our church are ur- you must change the hu- Mr. and Mrs. FranIt R. Morey man concept of lite and must at Yale avenue spellt, LabOr, Day ged to encourage the young people length 1m ~. week-end visiting Mr. an, d Mrs. L. taot tceonmdamn~een ce their Church School . 0,,:" youn; spiritually as of September 14 and sc.entillcally. • (337:20-24; M. ThomR!' of Scarsdale. N.Y., at . 359:11-lt) their summer home near Man- The Session ItDd Board of Trus~ ________ chester. Vt. tees are happy to announce the , METHODIST NOTES Mrs. Henry C. Ford of Amherst appointment of :Mrs. Charles' The Church ~JIleets at ave'l.uc;.,antJ her daughtel:. Chris- ~rady as the permanent' Classes are p1'!l,vUii!d'10r cbil" tinel"w11l' ,drive southo,over" the Secretary. Mrs. Brady is dren of all ages and fOl' ',' week-end.;;CIu'~4ne'",W11I., ~"f".1 C1aua1i1led to 1111 this position for The Young Adultl!.meetat'9:45 In Duke,UnIv~rs1ty·~Dui-bani."N.C. . our Church not only because of the Ladles Parlor.:i~,i;",(,,~" ' Ml1!; Ford ,,-ULvlilf cousins CB]pt.1 he~ !,rofesslonal background and The Holy Commuirlon will be and Mrs: Otho Sniobt of Alex­tralDlng but because she Is one of celebrated ~t !,be 1!, o'clock ser;- ander, Va .• and a 10rmer,£01lege Qur own.. havi!'g grown up as a vic". The lWi ..... fo\'; tjoe ,4~ are rO.9,' ~te ¥r~, Rr.a,nt,~ Fh1h ' of part of our church and community. M. ~Y""!1; FJ:ed;Bt!ienn,; R~Jb; N.~.\wbo "waS a Pel1tal' , The Board of Trustees will meet Warren Crafts and Walter SnYder. GalJ1lilir'.wlth' l\ri~. Ford at S".o_ for the regular meeting Septem- The Church Nursery Is open dur- cuse University. ber 9. Ing the morning servlc". Mrs.!f====:======-===il , The Men's Bible <;!ass W11I Theodore A. Haddad will be'ln iU!J) CROSS IUme this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. In charge ' larbecu-Squore Dailce the Church Lounge ~th their The' Board of Education will 7.30 P.M.-8eptem_ 8th "teacher, ~r. E. Fay CampbelL All meet on ~ evening at 8 at DlDner and Dan .. p.GO mdIeanll yo .fi ntvhiet ecdo ngregation are cor- parsonage: . -CI!I! ~.. PGMI",I-I 8oWlll 7a-_75.l5I7O, , . .~,:h'" . ~ asaJJi!j1 ,,~n aooe ~;;."" ~ !Dl!<;t. at a . CHRISTIAN SCIE/ltGI1 NOTES·' luril!1teOh ,o;,l The question "What Is mRn" I at 12:20 In the church. The regu- 'M11 be answered by ~e~is.11ar meeting w11I1011ow. x.osson to be read bUll. . !!Icience churches ~ <.Iu ,'. TRiNITY ~drEST "". when the Golden T.ext .~. Th .. r" "Ill ......... ~:'l'~r~rc,:;:1 &aken from, the JNist £PIiiUe the H-:;i; Co~uiil~n John (3:1): "Behol<\'l, .. ~t:lll1im.; liluit.tI., JmOi.nIlIflil j_tou TrInItY ~er of love the Fattier hath be- Church, and again at the 11 0'- clock service. The Rev. H. Lawr­, CHURCHSRYlCES , ) Reipen. Sep;:,t 'iii . ,,~,i;lJ Shop . tl OLD IANI( IUILDING :t..1J uoi (J . Flowers C.andy Ho ..... Ba~ed Goods ,~' ~.\" '::, '" .ot','·,Dancing .':II~; .~:.tOi~4t~~obatic - Tap . $WA~l"MO*1! ~ WALLINGFORD SP.,NGF,ELD . ..;.. RIDLEY PAIK EOrOlI before september 13.fIu. Classes Limited , ,lio •• Sworllimore 6-3688 THE SAME FiMILY - ' . ,.1 'the same family hell sup8r(ised our services for 74 yea .... • THE Oi..~Eit if• . iA, ii CO. . DillClouorfU_ .. :. '.' ': , ", '.! ~ " {ti. 1 .• ~O CH~S'NU.'I:,S'JJEEI OUVII H. ~,.......... MAR"(.A. ~ PreiId ... ', ... :: . " '( .. ,..,. T".ph.~ Ri 6-1581 hom*orl 'garter· tuhs! , . 8e':k$h;r:~'$ ~!'Iw Nylace-topped stock­ings positively will not run. 8erlcshires flex easilv as you bend. stoop, stride. Nylace-topped Be~ires give you new comfort all day lona. I • . '. ' ']" ' 7' -nrt !I.on I r. ('li!;:"<1 f( "'t;,; J j(.-U '1 -11 fl.: 1 t NC! .:.fI?"r ~~kings,~~'(!!_tlit, p"dJ,l~iY" Be~i~ feature •• ; ilO other stoCl"ngl are lerlish,re-beautiful, tool t .. ';ld~~ thk 'daf~~ feminine tC;~ on o;j~; njh,i' Lemhi .. styIes-SI gauge.,60lg.IIge and the .u..Nyloce Kant­runs-$ I.35. $1.50, $1.65. . '. - . SWARTHMOftIt,.,,'1 PRESBYTERIAN CHtl'RCH Joseph P. BlshoPl\MiIilster John Stettner, ~s~tant ence Whittemore, Jr., rector, will be in charge of the services. , , ,'') ~ >AAh1!i1l tAl!'\'.~iJD!Ijiy.. willi tie fQllows:.J. Baker. F. s .. c~~,I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l·b,in's."}I: JI;' Fellows. W. ·F. of"", Pdce,·:.J'I., W,Jf. ay~ 'C).\ 'Aone Swarthmore 6-4597 • Sunday. September .,' 10:QO A.M.-Cburch ,Nunery. ,\." 10:00 A.M. - Mr. Bishop will preach. . . Wednesday, September 10 10:?!! ~ •. ~.~~~caI., Dres~ings. ,liETHODIST cmmC!i:' Roy N. Keiser. D.D .•. Mlnlster Sunda:r, September 7 , , 9:45 A.M.-CH'urch School and Young Adults. 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Cburch Nut''i'Y.'· " TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Wbltte~ •. !Rector : Sunda:r. September',···· 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Holy ComnwNon} , THE FIRST CBURCB,f)F, ClIRIST/SdlRlft'tST ' SWARTHMORE ., Park Avenue below Hartard • Sunalill', September ., 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School 11:00 A. lII.-The LessoD-Sermon Is "Whit; Is Man?" son. 1I. P.. f!~mford. an!1 TOlahd." At 'thff 8 o'clock' sel:'vi(;e Hugh Morrison Is scheduled to serve as, acolyte. alid C. W. Ran-dalll Jr .• will be~on d~ty. at 11 0'- .rock. " . . fRI.ENI?. .S ; :MEt:rI",c:...f.!0F~S. " Child care during MeetiJig for Worship will be resumed this ~he winter. iiaisTiR NOWI j-Ls_t. .. eo .. House 'f fluro.," ' .f.I, -'~ 9:00 .. ,. •• 4:30 .M .. \ ,Does ,He Loo,k Like Someone· yquKnow. or is it the white shirt tOO,:s the attraction? c' .~~ _~'. £-":. f¥lllin~ .~~, sb,irts • • • white, colored; sport, b"!1siness or dress, we NOle the eleganl bOw Ilel ,lfo~e ~ go for these • • • regular ~ f~\l .... in. , '.h ave ,'em. handa, 100. BUCHNER'S, tNC. " : .... rgllir;~S"op .;_"':. ...• _8; -. -',: P.. ark A.;" vI,. en.. uT,. e SWarthmore 6-0240 . , .. :~ • '-~."'" .t, •.. • 0 , Wednesday even1ngmeetin( each week, ,8 P.Jrl. Reading room p? ... '1 . st .•• ' ,data" 7:•5 0- P.. WMe. danneds d9a tyo e8v:8e0n lnPl.l SM .1 L-__. ..,;.. ___. .:..--!IJ--~---------------------------..1 •. ~rdcuy 9, .1~, . , .; ...•

---------- Page 4 ----------

(. '.', , .. . ~. ., .'"" ," '"(. ·· . - ~ ,-." ',:. <, ". • • B,D.,.I,III .. . . ., .... ,'" .;'... .; ~. " -:;, ., .. '~" f~' . ;:,:- •.. , ." ... • f ,_ . " • . v~ her fint day at ~. a whole __ world wiD opea C Crciia ~ at eanlflIIl or lit marked _ waJD. to her-a world of ~ uid Jeammg-a wodd ofjiFiu: CarefaIIr·foIIow the nJe. 01 tile Sohool Se' tt S. .. JIIIIIIben. •• , the ·fint dme. __ wtite her PatZol. n. _Fe' ........ fint ~ " . ' ,.;: 'IIIia will he • happier wodd if yoa haft '"'it't hiir.' .' '!'JIehit way 10 m'Ire.~ ..... 1,O'IIl' ....1. dna .. '. '., . .. A-B-C.' fDDDw 1heee .-,mlee. to let tIvwn a ~0Qd example!. .' t . . 0be7 an traftic mlee yoUnelf~wbeo w,Jlring and chi ..... A~AIwa,. *r 11:'" ?ignah and. look hodl •• ,. Il !ho ClG' ;g the 'beet or road. B-Be cetain to play fa Ide areu"away from traflic. Do DOt "ran. baD or pet into the Ibeet or road. -Be .ce.r taiD to follow aD US ty nJe. wbea y_ are . " :r , Pertinent to the beginning of a new school 0 year, this message, in t~ interest of high~ay ~ , ' . . ~' - '- . • safety, is sponsOl"ed by the following intereste~ businessmen: ..... . 1'~;; ';!Ii/'~ ".'~ • J. A. GREEN minus' AND co.' -THEATRE PHARMACY HORACE A. BEEVES B. J. ,BOY. 5 AND 10. STRATii BA VEN INN SWARTHMORE NATIONAL ~ ... . -: -, , BANK and TRUsr, CO. ," MARTEL BROTHERS SW AR'!1m.lORE CO-OP HOUYBOCK SHOP JOYCE LEWIS W. MARK. BfI"rLE THE SWARTBMOREAN .HANNUM & WAITE . THE INGLENEUK . . . . .i;- ,~!l ..... -'.; 'rHE BOUQUET BAIiID and BJIU). , BUCBNER~S~, INC. . E. L. NOYES and CO. FUSCO and AlSTON PEI'ER E. TOLD MIc8AEL'SCOT.llrA;E PIIARMACY DRIVE CAREFULLYI' .' - 1_11··· ..... ·-" N_ C.1lllMlMl1nt tra'n ' n , _ter will be opeD for . Delawue Coull.,.. Manl lDspecUoG at wbIeh tm. equip- JIr. aclllrL J. W. Wames ... BattlUoD will IlaYe a ment will be manned md operated d ... .,. .. Jbr7 DIeB UId :~:I ..... . of Swariho ate IIilII have RcoldmIamz'•d . I." W. ouII-c,e rU .-8W.Nbe.aR. ., tau. 1»7 .zo•e ~ ,UtI. Tbe pub ite Is cor- e4 boaM .ttIr ~!n, a _ DeXt WedDuh:r 8ept.lbel' dIaIl:r IIlvite4 to·at1leDd. _ ...... .., ill tile Poe1ll'1W 10 •. TIle eet:eJDC1U7 will be heIcI em FALL FLOWER SHOW JIr.aDCllIrL Paul B. !Senks tllepvade,1i'ouDd on tile . da\Jlllterllol17 of IIarftrd ave-lIelerve Tn'nln, Center _ A ~ IIbwer obow lP""'Mlredb;y nue haft retumecl from . their IDduatrIa1 IflchWI7, the PIne lUdIC Garden Club will ... mmer h_ ~Inwood'. on LIke brllnnln, at 7 o'docIc.. be held Saturqy, September 13, W ..... ldn" Towanda. Rear AdmIral John V. iII'the c:afeteriloat the Walllnlford DorothY. Deftworth of Elm ave- U.S.N. (Ret.) will speak, Elementar;r School, Providenee DUe will leave Tueac1a7 for' Carle- J. E.. LIMEBURNER CO. DISPENSING "OPTICIANS ,.., ..... ~.". ...... ,,, .. , ., s,,, ...... ". CI ..... , .. ~ 1 ,23 CHEStNUT STREET 6913 MARKET STREET - -- . PHILADElPHIA UPPER DARBY Band from the Na~ Due, Pbll- rOad. Ho~ lie. from Z to • p.m. ton CoUece Where she ill on . adelplda, will pla;r durin, the eve- Tbe public ill illvlte4 to freshman week eommlttee. Dorn- 127 lANCASTER ~VE., BRYN MAWR, P.A. niDI, and the drill team from DI- Mrs. Robert Darnell acl Mrs. thy 11 a senior at Carleton 1 ... ____ ... _____ ...... --------. vision· 4-82 will perform. At the Carl Caltellan are eha1rmen. year. II Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas J. John- --..:....------"-'------------- - Attention, Citizens ! !! • Vital Election' Iitformation Who Can Register? , . In Pennsylvania, citizens of the United States can register providing they have been. residents of the state for one ~ar or for six months, if they have voted, previously in the state. Where To Register,. . ,. '. Registration can be made in the Court House, Med1it, up to and including' September 13 during the regular business hours Monday'through Friday, 9 a.m. to ':30 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. How to Keep yoUr Registration Remembering the following dates and pl,nnlnl around them will help to prevent your loaing out on. Election Da:r. i November; 4: . September' ill the last day an 'elector ma:rmove from one election dUlrictto another ill order t9 be permitted to vole at the November Election. . September 13 Is the last day all electors may rellster to vote at the November Election. Thla lIloltulea eIeoton wu wD1 lreeame of ace OR or before November 5, 1951. September 15 Is the last day for any elector who, hal re­moved Into a new election district to live notlee to the ReIIs­mtion CommUs1on In order to be permitted to vote at the No­vember Election. The removal card must' set forth a removal date Into the new election dlslrict whicll .cannot be later thail September ,. . School Calendar--1952 ·1953 ChIldren Report .............................. September 8 Co. Institute (No School). , .................... October 20-21 . Sehools Close (Noon). .. : " ..... ........ ,.- .. _'·r: ...- .. .. Novem.b'e r 28 Tbai>\:sgivlDg Holiday .... ' ••...••.... : •..••• Novembe,r.27.~28 , Sehools close (Noon),,(Tw.o Weeks holiday) ..... ~. December' 19 .. " 'I Sehools reopen ................................. January 5 Washington's B1rthdj,y'(Hollda:r) ..... : ... :.;; .. February 23 Sehools close for Spting Vaca~on ...••.............. Mareh 20 Sehools reopen after Spring Vacation •........•...•. Mareh 30 Good FrIday (Hollda:r) .......... .' .......... : "" ' ...... Aprll 3 Easter .............. .'.............................. AprU. 5 Sehool reo~ ...................................... Aprll 7 Scho~lmen's Week Sessions ..........•..........• Aprll 15 .. 18 Memorial Day ..................................... May 30 Baccalaureate ...................................... June 7 Commencement ... 0 .... .. .. .... • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. ... June 9 Last Day ..... :PupUs ............. ~ ................... June 17 Last Da:r _ Teaehers ............................. :. June 18 Summer Sehool ........... : ....... " .. .. ..... June 22 to July 31 ~ ... .. .' Delaware County Technical Institute '. " , .f : The Pennsylvania State College Eveatn, Program foil Semester leglnnlll September U.d la Tool Design Accoo.tlng . Prodoctlon C.ntrot BII51ness AdmInIstration tndllstrio' Electricity Blilldlng Const/'llctlon Television Psychotog, Speecfl Registration: September 8. 9~ 10 & 11 . 7.9 P. M. . N ....... rrovl ... =:..:,0'" Provlde.ce Ict;. W.tH Pe ... , :' C'a ....... eet Monday & Wednesday Eve •• For Details' Phone .Ogont. 9400 ", _, .... ~,'OQO ~~~..;!.I: l" • .tonhavebeens~n~gthe~- r-------------------------------------, mer with Mrs. Johnston's parents Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller of Ogden avenue at their summer pl<lce in Wilmington, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will leave this week-end for Saxton's River, Vt., where Mr. Johnston will teach English in the Vermont Academy. Mrs. Edwin oJ. Faulkner, accom­panied Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cheeseman of Lansdowne, froln I Buck Hill Falls to Cotuit, Mal"'., I 'to . visit her daughter Jeryl, who has been on Cape Cod all sum­mer. Jeryl will join her parents this weekend at Buck Hill tor sev­eral days before returning to Swarthmore. Recent guests from Swarthmore at the Faulkner cottage at Buck Hill were ,Mr. John Stettner Harvard avenue, the Misses Kalth-I erine and ElIzabeth Bassett of North Chester road, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson and family of Park avenue and' Mr •. Tbomas Saunders of Walnut lane. ,.' DAYS caU for;, ) I .' .. • . . . '~;:.:"; .ectJrd tactics . \ '. The shortest distanee between r your home and our bank ill our bank· route, Why not try it? '. CO-ED .BEAUTY SALON AIR-CONDITIONED SIotlMOBE 11T101lL. BARI ·UD· TBUST COIPAH" PAItK .... DAJtTMOUTH AVB. .,.. ...... .,.,.. ,o, Yr. p" ~ Dol"" I -.- ..- Av. 0', .' . P-o SWlII1ImIon 1-10.3 ... .' • .. Clothes for a H~ppy. Year at School! Here are the clothes to take away wilh you for. a year' of work and fun on campus! SIprts aDd blouses for class, gowns for proms, dresses for dates and facnlty teas, suits ~d toppenifor football games, slacks <snd jackets for picnics, for weekends on campus. A marvelous selection to choose from ••. ' at moderate prices. 1Itade 1)tJ","~ 104 PARK AVENUE·'

---------- Page 5 ----------

• . ._)0 •• 1 • • ~DQU'AIlm!f'rOR 'pOpULAR ., ':: BUN·Dllc:OrF. . ',. . .. I .. thner ".r a ,.,.&.r ....... til. Ie ?'If'"t •• ,. P .... BBlli-FLORGISTlNO· :~. ~.n .' flSaJ Il~*. ~ 'Ii' . ': A ~~:.i;.. ';;':;": , .. ~ ;;. IZ.:II. WlI=CREST Iliiiil~77~ A.II~_"''''''''JOl.tILv''''''""" • Ior.z-as· Otkal IJlead !.. ate _.hoOv,'·"_;"'_. , ... s ... MAXWDL HQUSI. 8OSCUL; DEL MONTI. IEECHNUT or CHAII .. SANBORN COFFEE -• .9dmI ~.T~ ~1~~4" i tf:"'~.O •• Sal. of 'nstant Co"' •• NESCAl'Jt . ··Ik ... ' .1.49 BORQEN., 'S.. ." .' -I~ .'1.23 MAX\VBLt;aOU$E .... ~ 'L49' G. WASHINGTON .:... Iv 91e Northwestern '~stiI*I"-. , , . FRESB PRUNES 2 u.. ZSC ·N.w Crop U. S. No. I, Yellow . . . . ..... SWEET POTATOES 3 Ills Z5C Nearby F ....... StIIfngl_:~; h . GRE_ BEANS. , Grapefruit SeeliGDI '::'..... 2 := 25c ,. Mir~cle Whip Sala. Dreamg' .;:: 51c . : ~.S.Ht Peu . . 2 :=35c ':. SHlWeit .all-l.!r. JD!!1..- ~.• .I JO • ltl .. " J,IM;W. Ii , .. " ..... n Aut J. ...1 .t ,~~ no. .= . ' l lc Venaat MiiI'IjIIi; . . . I:: 24c CloroX Iii" . " "=' lie: \.'"27e ............. CII ••••• ~ SPINAeR' . . . , f, " by 2 pack ...... _ 'd.." __ ....... If _ ,0. ... __ .....,. .. tlMl.II'_ ' .... I· ......... 11It ........ 1_ ........ _,.... ,.o'I ......... ~. wln.~_ DOUBLE YOUR MONIY IACII . ;, .. ~ . '. : i .. ' :M»/. David:' .B.; Dau!lhetl:1l·.···Of DicklnS",,,,, avenue :hasi retOlned from' a. lQ.dayllShing trip .to' Qt. . tawa, Cel:ia~', n .j '"I,",1-";:'·:'.J:ri · Mr.' and' Mra,.J~.,;r"·I~!I,)lIs.!lmdl family of.·Aberdeen,. ".lIJM!Dt ~lII>r Day wl!dt,.e,J1d ,.wlth pa$~ ,patents . Mr ••. 'Il'I\l .... ~"" 1 James E. I!a"llI.ot.AmhPJ;llt·a",," nue. Mr. ,Davia will be. b"!lnsfeu~ll 'the .middie o1 .. SeptMmer .mlml Aberdeen to._H;untsvllle, .$.!a. · John W. Sna~ of Hatvard. a,,·e-I nue has been promoted W Ciulet I Second Lieutenant' of the. A,Ii­Force ltOTC at Hobart College, Geneva,' N.Y. Snape; a iunlor at Hobart. has been' active' as' a mem· 'ber of' the Board of Control and In Chimera. .. Miss Olga Shatagln of COlrnelll1 avenue entertalhed 15' guests at miscellaneous shower Friday eve­ning In honor ot MIss Sally Spen­cer . of Guernsey road who will a September bride. · Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow of Lafayette avenue entertained last Tuesday In honor of Mr. Harlow's sister Mrs. Grjlce Hammersly of Portland. Ore., who' was their hottSe gliest for two weekS. Mrs" Mm7 C. Foster of' South Chester road has returned from her ··Summer place' at Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Her :, daulghter I Pameiil ·whowas with her for part of the liwruner, was a camper at Camp Wyona .. Fairlee. Vt.. for the month' of AugUst. • ,: • . . .", ~ ..' --, -' ." J~a._ ,. WATER, iEAt ••• • .' I ", .. ,, .,.~~ .. :'. ' ...... ,: ~ . , " ·' .... ·t...! . IT.' l~~-. tr-'J t !:' nlc"l ,f.: All the family can show. ~nd ~ij h~V;91~tY of. ~ water for dillies and tii8 iauftcilY~ ~_ ",' .. 't.. t~, An autoniatie gas water heater provides a Constant supply of .healthful .• .....t. ' "': -' , "", • hot water, reGcIy when " you nelll it, without a Jitl'il moment'. all.nllonl '.'n·"'~' ')f rfp;" t;'")"" Choose the modem ~~~ pa wa.l. hea .... that fillS your .1 .' • ,'., ."., .. .'. "''''.'..,...0.1 ;;' .:~,~r,J?.Iu~I~I~~ at any PhllacWphla E1edric sliburbGn ai". J, .' ). I ~ .1 }.' ...... • • •••• , . MrS. L. ·L. Hedgepeth Of Bound­brook. N.J •• formerly of'· Swlrth­more. viSIted Mr. and Mrs. 'RaYL. Harlow of' Lafayette avenue for several days. PHI . . . . The MIsses Mary and Elinor Bye .. L'ADELPHIA,ELECTRIC COMplNY of College avt!ll.\l'< JlU'IlP-1 l1~~ ----.,...,...-~--..,.-'-. --~"':""':'-::"",:-,:,,:,,::,::,.:,:,,:,,::,:-=­, .' \., I Day week~d 9lS1U!ig' th1)Ir'col1s~ In. Mt/ samuel. Bye ,and MIss Sue Bye of. De!{ton, Md.~ .. ,,' • "Mr!t1J E\ v~,.qe~ of Park avenue. her house guest. Mrs. E. K. Boehmer· Of San Francisco. Calif.. and Mrs. Gardner Walton "Wghtrees", Bryn Mawr, spent Tuesday at Bridgeton. NIJ',. as the guests of MIss Clara Mahon at a 1l1Dcheon and \ bridge'. partY at the Cumberland Hotel. Bridgeton • Mr, aeorge"Glaesse...· Jr.. of. Dartmouth avenue returned last wl!dt 'ttom atwDdlbt the' Nt.tlonal Convention of Postal Clerks In St. Paul; l\ItI!n:(:fl'olll August 111~131 ' Mr, and Mrs. Oscar j, of vasSar ·aveD.uo!·i!ave after spendlnl a week as the . Of: MIIs'Helm Th01DlO!1·ot· J!roOk,. line. MUs.; at her sumina' bome . in Harwlchport. Cape Cod. Mas8. MIss Kathleen GllfIllan of Colt . lege avenue spent 10 days vlsltlnl her sister Mrs. Barton HooPes Of FortW~ . t ~.~d.~, ...-ank G. Keenen of H~l .. ven"" will entertain as90eli>, .. Unnerlll1!ests thIs eve(­ning Admiral and Mrs. Erne'l1 Lineberry,' I,.ater· 1n,.tINt evening. Dr, LIneberry. who Is hqd of the · Blood .'ilrOgr~..,," of Phlla'\ielpl!la. wlU speak to. \be Recruiting CoJDi­mittee .s wa. r.t hmbre Blood H.I~'V Sls.oOe FIR $&,IM A bInIH·.tItat eOlt 15,000 ~o buUdin.1932 could not b. repl .. e.d for $15.000 todq. How about :your ~ •.. I_faaeof Hav. :you Increuad It in lin. with prant munf . ., ;., : . . .•.•., ~. L'P.. . W.. A~TED. . '~1 - "<Ai"L~ .~ "-B.~ .. ~. ----------- . G) IlLS···· jells .".,JoIIie ...... ... - : pay right freIIl ...,.... . . •. . - n' . " GJRLS •I ... ,. , .. We know where there are jobe opeD rilhtilow tfialiaV1i m'tb¥)OOd le.:tili:• . . . ~t1oii'-,e "a.. a.b.. ov··ell i"r·o J..l ed ~oMllf yoi are in~ w ." iio'''tfB -t~O p.... m1 at .. 0D8 of the 0. ea' listed. . ",6 1.J '1:" i'I' .I~";· ,! '.' ~~',::,. 6919 Ludlow ... eet, U ..... Dwb" ... :.i! v":"~~.· rl~;.: 1"1 ArcIa. Itre.e _t, ....'.,..'. ........ ... .. " • .,.. & .' ACME MARKET, Chester Rd.;· SwarthlDGfi PE'I'ER E. TOLD loo:1~~ I' S:){1'. ~): ·r)"'1.'Y?~toltt ."1'.t,ll_I.CI1,1I'. ,1.: "; \ Open Thursday and Friday to ,. P.M.' .. .. O"n S~rday. 'til ~ P.M. , 333 Dartmouth Ave. - ",,-. -... """ ....... ,.~ . :ii ,t .1)" ~ii·),. I.. ~ -, oJ .. ·r.u • • i'5!;, . lWtIwIIo .. ,I ." .... , .' I I w.'· . '. '.J t: "-;',' [.'.<' '", • :r'-,.--· ~ \' ~ ... " . . " ..:,~ '"'. ,-",~,,,,,, """,'~.: , . '. I ,,, J DEVINE ,tAxi SERVia . .... 8-"·~- - ... . -~~~.~ ... - ServIng Swarthmore, . Morton Rulledge ap.d ~Idley. To~~ , .• , ,Iinee 11118 , . '. , S. wartlllllore 60444 ,~ . , . SEREMBA UPHOLSTER,R Rhone WAshburn 8-7~ II" or Write to,'61'2.Clymer Lane , ,'·RIPL-EYl'hRK"A. PETER 01 NICOLA _'4'~"''''''''''''~''''':'~_'''' ~ DrI"ew.y Construc:tlon 1. _'~ P:f 1 .. , ~ •• It or COle-'-" Cefta~I~111 R~Hc.:hred c, •• iery M ••• , •• I. UII IIDOIIONT AVBM1lB CllB8TEa I__- •u .,lro.i i /1 M.MAGEE .,fj!\. h .T"" '~,ag8tE.: lAval •• ,... - n.... • R.ports 1(" .... -.1.. •. '" .• " ( 'ro"ii02'. effIcle.t ••• accurate (&.". ,. 1 ~ ...-vIc.... ~ ~ .", ,~ ·,C ...... et .~ Ho~rI'y '~tft": RUPACf.. ItI~·, Th ...... 5q •• r. \..~ '5W",·I2ZI' MIH Strad •• y N"I'arv '.blle .-..: :::. ... ~-:::=:;-:;-'-;.t-l-n • • F • .1.. ••••••.••.• DAY anu"l N.l GRT \~ , OIL BURNER' SERVICE MONDAY THRtfSATlJRDAY NOON . SW 6-4041 .,,' 'I.. ....:~,., S1JNDAYS anol HOLIDAYS SW 6-0740'" 1. \""(. '\1 1. . COAL ~IREPLAtEi'\iI(jOO . J.A.GREEN REGISTER NOWI Media Court .. House' I " , Monday. through Friday. 9:ooA,M.· 4130 P.M •. '·Satvrday-9. 12'~ • Co.·.· : Ge' "IODl fA\\eag' PI 'I' ..... L ,,,' '.lo. ur dOfte, Yf"11 pI., . . . . . .... <r, .. Sup~~ by ",OODn~~· Dr, a_'-wUl.r leIm!< .. SeftiJll\'llr 1 _ .. J(oat, Treznblant,..c-da wbele' he will praeot a paper at tile' LaUreDtiOil HOnn'olle MilD Korey WetberaJd, .,1IIeD It.~ OD1·lIOrtb, ,cb_1I' It 1lO&dl!6ll. 'dti.wbll.lfitatl0ne4 III 1hlnPhlllld~pblJl' NayY:·.YU¢ .beeJi ....,IIIIt. lWa±lnltOD. N.H.\1 wh_( be ia' dolnl·,Jlavai M.viaJtlcm experImeDtal work. Mr. "81.0 • Mrs, Herbert Sanford of VjIBI&r· avenue .. have mtllmO!d . ROOFS GUTtERS', following a .10..:lay motor REPAIRED &'INSTAJl.ED I.tblro~IIh',New 'England and New WARM·AIR HEATING York State.' Furnaees Viieuu:m Cleaned ,Pumps. . Naval Aviator Joseph F. Gas- GEORGE MYERS .... , small .applianees. . , kill. Jr .• is. ,;pending 16 days at his Box 48-Swarthmore 6-0740 PHa.,r:Hk aaunsedn M•. SicWh.i6g-a2n8 5a0v.e nues. h. om'e on Un!v ersity place before 1Ii ~=======:;;;;::;;==~ reporting to San Diego. Calif •• FOR RENT September 14. . FOR RENT"'::'Apattni'!Dt in Lans- -" Cornelja McKernan of Rutgers '. downa-living room, two bed- avenue is visiting frIends in l,font-Ir oomI s. bath and kitchen. Central- cl air• .N.. •T. • fo' r a t ew d ays.o'f tho, s y ocated. $60 per month. UIlll' . SnBwSee. ney & Lukens. Chester 3- we1e4kr.. and Mrs. G, West Cochrane FOR RENT _ Unfurnished house. of Riverview road. Mr.' and Mr •• • ; fdur.: bedrooms. 1% baths _ Thomas Chew of Park avenue, Sp,i1>8fl~Q.. Conyenient to trolley and Mr. and Mrs. H. John Lums-amnodn .t.h. tlrya. iAn,v aiYlaebalre' sO clte. a1s. eS.w a$r1t5h0- d en f M di·· t tho h lid 0 e a, spen e 0 ay more 6-0615. . week-end in 'Cape May. N.J. . 8-20-8t !~~~~~~~~:fm- u~;teca.s 1A!el.l EBTATI!l EOSTPA' HTEM NmOATIHCLE . WOLPB Ideal for be- ,deceaaed. . • ent·. $18.00. Lettmu TOotamentary on the abo .. Swart .. o ... 60144 • WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes; &'RubbI8h Removed Lawn8 Mowed, Geueral . Bawling. 238 Barding Ave ... Morioa. Pa. PET~~ E. T~~p'. All LInes of !niuranc:e'( 333 l>ertmonth Avenue SwartillnOl'tt, Pa. Swarthlllore "1833 . CUNNINGHAM ., ' .. Since 1905 , Palate" & Paper H •• gen W.· .. o.ld -bow ow ' aw·''''· 6a2Z6£ ""'Ichlgall Ave. ~harles E. Fischer f"' .. , ;:', ' BUILDER I • l ~: • . Swarthmore -6--2253 ) _tate have been granted to the un-cJ. a1mw.Bh oor dreeqmuaensdt s a~l l.u!."~~; I ~=~~~;~~~~:~ of the decedent ~'~"."" iTpei~lii; nue. Swarthmore.',. p;j;~i' Or to her Attorney. . "., "." '1I~~~~=~:WOOI' blankets. tww.~t. mlquJre. l: . 6-2572 . after Chester. Penna. 1=~1~'5'5~ H'·O.1. 4 C B It. Passmore " . ..-' ~ J"".~~"" - -. r WANTED , w-ANi'm> --:-'tlat~ge~ J near corn~ Yale and Harvard. Swarthmore 6-2194. . . WANTED - To rent furnished 1, apartment or' house to accom­moda. te.'-three or four Naval offi­cers. Will· give Swarthmore ref­erences. Phone Swarthmore 6- 2016 after 6 p.m. .. .,,~ .R.. BS2T ATB • JloiSVR~Nt;B 609 S. CIi.iT.. I.lL HORACE A. . 'REEVES .Bullcla'll eonstruc:tlo. Residential •. Paiintiln; CQminerei8l. • Alterations ' nyz Soath' CHS"i' Road Swarthlllore "3450 " .. ~·lO~~~ •••• P.R.R. Freight Ildg • . Swarthmore, Pa. Caoler WANTED,-Small upright.or spin- aw.u:niMou. l'IIIIHA. et piano. in good condition. Call J. F. BLACKMAN Swarthmore 6-3526. r.,IIotN S .. 6-"10 . . ~ ~ ..du .. WANTED-Single width . Holly-h ..... ""u • ..! wood. type bed or junior bed, ,. ... ; .. .. SW 8-8818 fl~f~tU~'I:S=w~arlh;:~m=o~re~6~-~7~37~3~·~77.~~~lj====================~==~=~~~=~~~~~~ .", In ........ WANTED-Garage-'vicinlty Yale and Chester road; also In- II .. life. Traclo NOW """ &A vet . TRUCK OWNERSI Famous MARATHON TRU(K \D85 ~6 'TIRES • . T'a.l<~ , IA6-n'LMYG Foster. Swarth-care every. other or stay B~X ·E, just released . ~~~ desires to·rent two-bedroom !II ment br hOuse tor' w.lfe. Md one­year- old dalll!hter. Can yoU help me? Call Swarthmore 8-4474. W~'H .. iis<!Wbtk' from 9 to . 5. l\.!oridaf" t'liiougli Fr!lIii:y. Swarthmo", .1I-4~;I, ., '. LOST LOST-Real. EstcJtt! .j " .. >. ;.\;. ..' :\.-" .:.,: ,t:· ,,,,pranc! Custom' Homes .1{ ~ "';0. '-I!:~ ~e.,structiQ4M"rtgag~~ ; .,'.:: 0 , ' --.-- Baird & Bird t' -' .. COR. DARTMOUTH end LAFAYEIIE AVENUES ~. ___ .... - O;~,,,"~,,r ....... \ .. , .. ~~ ... 'j,W: -. - .~. . 0,._111 •• ., .... Haft / .. . ... .. . I IOWa ftJRCirOx AftNn ... -. , .-. ' .... .',~ .. - ....... --............... ."...~-"

---------- Page 6 ----------

Class of '42 Holds -.Tenth Reunion . . £'," . Dinn~rnYokoheme spector1artbeU.s.~JnY~ NEWS NOTES . Swarthmore ementary • . . D vi kohamli. MrS. Davfl!!! and three H• h S' h Mr.' and Mrs. A:. D. Moscrip and '9 c....,. o· " s 0 p.' en Mon ..M ajor and, Mrs. Frf ~ ~_ ,a. . esf chIl'dren"joln'.A.~.. .Q..U ~U. th' ere several of Yokohama.;Japan, o~r~o. months ago." . (Continued from· ·Page 1) William Conron; PIlgrlnl Gardens; will take charge of the letters ~ chUdren Davis and·Martha Ann of (Continued from Page 1) Yale avenue, entertaIned as their ' " , , , Dartmouth avenue bave returned 'WBs devoJed to: consideration of dinner 'guests August 26, Mr. and Medie Fellowship Chorul hom~ after' a . three-week vacl!ti. on proble~. which. the school is fac- .. _ J . A D vi ' f Cedar -00 .... s. ames . a ea 0 , The Media Fellowa:hlp Chorus at Twin Laltea In the Pocon08. In£,' In' 'view of the gradual 'ap- lane who 'had arrived at their 'lnvltea' PIlrsOnS Interlisted 1ri8lna:-' absent members. , Although ~~St cam~',' from the Philadelpiili.. vi.hiIty. ~lassmates came from. as far. as New Jersey and Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. James Weir liold' the record. hav­Ing driven from Pittsburgh to at­tend. , . Mr. and ~. Gec!r~e Glaesaer, proll!lh of warUme conditions with .on·s home on August.23. and ElI- Ing to join In. rehearsals which Jr .• of Dartmouth avenue and Lt. Its rising antagontsms . and mIsun- sign, H. Weston Clarke of College Will begin September 22. Rehear­Comdr. and·. Mrs. John Taylor of derstandlngs among peoples.· The avenue. Ensign Clarke whose ship sals wID be held at 8 p.rn. on Mon- . Yale avenue spent Labor school faculty feels that a broad the Destroyer U.S.S. Soley, was day nlihtaln Fellowship' House, week-end at Brant Bea.h, N.J. and vital·responsIbIDty Ia placed in near-by port of Yokosuku tor a FrankUD and Jackson streets. Me­upon the tea.hlng profession at flve-day' overhauling. Is now In dla. AU voice partaare .needed •. Joan Pennock of Whittier place such times. the midst of afour-month~mbat = __ ..;.._-=-______ spent the summer at the"Friends FInaI· ...... -Uon d~'" ~"od In Ito Work Camp near Grand __ N_ u~ .,..-' . rea. .' . "I I!8W It In The.Swarthmorean." ~Tu ... ery I Fl al gis' ~ tI f the new "'-'ot Davies Is Chief Food In- JINGLE tion. Mich.. where a ., n re .... a on or I ;:~"""~~~~~~====================I S.hool was buUt for chUdren of s.hool year muSt be completed to-I, migrant worke.... day. Entran.e for k1ndergar\en Is· DIUCIOUS DINNIIS fa SUIT ... TASTE of IYIIYONI They say that fine .Iothes , Do not make a fine man, But a neal booted foot With well-polished shoes. can. A.sorted Shoe Polishe. CATHERMAN'S DBUG STORE Mary Spiller 0 f 0 gd en avenue aJavnalulaabryle 3to1. ch1U94d8r.e na nbdo r'and pmriisosrl oton TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS' Cook,.d to Order has returned after spending the .,.,... PARTY FACILlTIES summer at' the Friend. Work to first grade Is avaUable to chIl- EXCEU.ENT BANQUET 41'.... . Camp of the American Friends dren born prior to January 31, BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1 :30 P. M. Service Committee on Indian Is- 1947. AU registration must be Colllfortable Room. Day or Week .• lIevator .ompleted In the School District land in Old Towne. Me. office 'In the high school buUdlng. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wamsley and not in the classrooms at the of Rutledge entertained on· Labor teachon. Day at a family reunion· of the . Where there have been changes Harry Bernard famUy of Swarth- In the •• hools the elementary chll- AIr-(loal1ltloaet1 .' STRATH HA.VEN INN Swarillmoro. Pa. WALTEI I. PARROTT. M, •• T.I.pho.. swarthmore 60680 .... PAIIiN. ,-====:::=======~~m~o~r~e.~===::;:;;:;:::;;;:;:::;;;:;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;; dren will atlend. whether It be - Rutgers or College Avenue, no- L ____ ----...... ---------------~---' tlces of the change have gone out DEW DROP INN ;=========================i 407' DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAKFAST· LUNCH • DINNER CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY OPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Monday Thru Saturday Daily' . Dinners 90c: to $1.65 Special Chll~en'8 Platten. ""sto Your Advantage SHOP AT THE' C;~O-OP AMPLE PARKING' SPACE (Across from Borough HallJ , Dartmouth Avenue to parents:·Letter. bave been .en~ , . out to aU parents of kindergarten children informing .them which session and· school their children are to attend. If. however. parents have any questions. they should contact the S.hool 'Dlstrlct offi.e. Parents are urged to mark and label .hUdren's .Iothlng. .0 that articles that are lost or mIalald may be promptly returned to the owners. At the end of each year. many un.laimed arti.les are left at the school. wliich might have been returned If' they had been properly labeled and marked with the children'. names. BRANDYWINE BATTLEFIELD PARK TO BE DEDICATED September 11.1952. being thll 175th Annive ... ary ot the Battle of the Brandywine •. the Brandy­wine Battlefield Park will be ded­Icated and offi.ianY opened. All 'the Things You Want 1952 Chevrolet 1'IIe Style"ne Special 4-Door SeCIaa 'LOWEST-PRICE' l.INE , . .' IN ITS FIELD The Park is located on the Bal­timore PIke near Chaddds Ford, and located on the Park groundS are the Latayette BuUdlng ant! the Washington Headquarters BuUd­ing and several outbuUdlngs which bave been restored falthfUUy to the condition In which such ,buUd­ings were at the time they were ~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~;;;;~;;;;;;~;;~il ocTcuhpei eedx ebrcyi stehse w Cilol leotl'lmiaml eFnocrec east. 2:30 P.lIII. The aSsemblage wID meet at the Lafayetle BuU~. Apply th" val.. t •• t-th. doUa.-Cost of finest q\lalify-:-li~ you'.' find thet., h ... , the choice Is Chevrolet. . - For th_ bigger, mare buutifuJ,mo~ fiMly belancecl cars ... : the lo",o.t-pr/c_ fI.. In their flelel • • • priced below any others ·In their range • .' _ and _ p.iced ~ilndredl ~f dal\ers Io~r than meny a ca. havil\g the leme quahty f •• tv.... . . "r .. Meet ,,,. Ricuf , .. ,1. at S,.",ul" EDGMONT AVENUE-7th and WELSH STRl"..ETS Fashion Wise in Thrift Minded Women Are All Getting a Lovely All-Wool Topper ~ Lined with their Old For Coat. • We'll start fashion ute over again for your old fur coat rei/ardless of how "Impossible" It looks to you. We clean It, then convert It to a beautiful fur lined coat. see' the smart allhouettes· and styles avaU­able In lovely wool fabrics. COAT DEPT.-second ftoor Forslmann Wool. • • • '. ~ • • $89.98 sUg1atly 'liigher Jor MiaIc, Bealler, NulrUJ, lap MinII, IAoJlfD'd Jar •• Skirts. .'. • 814.98 10 $18.98 and after appropriate exercises. includln. the invocatiOn and ben­ediction by two well known clery­men and the presentation of a flagp'o-le by the Colonial Suelety of Pennsylvania. they will proceed to the Washington Headquarter!! BuUdlng. where the Colonial Soc­Iety will present another flagpole.: and where two other well known clergymen wID participate. A WEEKlY IIIClH£ FOR UFE y ... 7oa .... ould ..... 1 ... a weeld,. Income, &1I&raft­teed .1 long .s you are totally dlaabled,-... en for life--, .. the r .. altof an •• cldent. Tbia I.. ..... of the mala fAtarea of .EllUl' . A.oWeat 1_ ... Rea· _eb17 prI.ed. PEla L TOlD ~ .. ,./I ••• ra.ce 333 Darhnonll Ave ••• Swarill .... 6-1'33 Moreov.r, they' are extr.m.1y .conomical to operate and maintain. an the short d.ive or ow. the long pull. And of cou~e, the.e'~ • good .eeson why Chev-. rolet g,v~. you more end co.t. you I ... than other cars ••• That reason is, more peop/. Ituy CIr.vro/.,. titan an, otit.,. car • • : in, every one of the ·forty­eight st.tes. north. south. eaSt and we'! ••• and thiS greater demend .nllbles Chevrolet to give you greater value, yea. IIfte. yee.. . Com. in • • • meesure Chf!;tI:~I.t ~y ,a.riy y~.d •. stick o. IIny test you care to u:e •• • and we beheve you, too, will prefer Am.rlca "CI,..." lIn~ fine" low-prlc.d cllr! More Peopl~ Buy Than A.ny Other Car GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in S, ervice - First in $ales ' RUMSEY, CIIEVROLET ," ~. SWGi 1' .. ore6:-6130· ., Theatre Square South Chester .R_ . , • Have You 1 .:- t • \ • _, . .Moved? '.TH·E"'·~-SWARTHMO VOLUME 24--NUMBEB. 37 ~ , " '. ~ .' ,'~ : , SWAB~OBE, FRIDAY, S~EB. 12, 1952 Be SUre to . Register. fl.SO PER 'IIWl Rver 200 Antic. in!lted l Bib180bsei-vence Meeting Schools Open Monday· Health Bulletin Fan Mutual Exchange UI ..... ,Mr. Henry Faust, Minister at ., AlthoUlh there bav. been no Se 23 25 At Mothers Club Tburs. ::~O~d:~ ~:=yC~,:::: Enrollment Tops 989 =~~ ~.!:: ~ ~..:~ ·Set for pt.. - . . which wID sing a short Cantata by , . . . Delaware County is high and has I d B OpeningJamboree at Club Mendelssohn, "Song of Praise", at Eleven New Teachers Join .optlnued to rise. Preparations' A rea. y e-. To Welcome New the Bible Observance Heetlng on Staff; Saturday Football Parents are again requested not' gun for Woman's Club September 30. This Cantsta was to have patties tor the children. Prol' eet Members originally composed to commem- Starts Sept. 20 and leaders ot Scouts and similar . .. .- ." . orate· the prtntlng of the Guten- Swarthmore Schools opened on. groups are requested to pnsIpone It·s Fall, it·s Mutual. Ws an Ex- ,1'40re than 200 membera o.t the hurg Bible. and this year Ia the' schedule Monday morning with aU meetings and hlkea until further change. and It'. put on each year Swarthmore Mother's, Cl~b and 'SOOth Anniversary'. of'that great the tea.hIng staft on duty and notice. . . by the Swarthmore Woman's friend!' are expected to iltlend the event. AU those who are Interested with 'every 'room available after Il (Signed) Club. so there's nothing but truth gala Gypsy, Jamboree. next In singln. in this choir should summer of changes and improve- J. ALBRIGHT JONES. M.D. In the "Woman's FaU M'Jtual Ex- Thursday evening. September 18 conta.t Mr. Faust or come to re- menta; The elementary School with Borough Health OIIIcer ~hange". Set this year for Sep-at the Woman's Clubhouse. hearsal ~n Thursday, September an enrollment ot 507 shows a rise tember 23. 24 and 25 •. Tuesday, In addition to .those, previf)usly, 18 at 8:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian of 42 'over a year ago. 10 the high N" C" R d Wednesday and Thursday. the announced gypsy. fortune-tenon Church. school with an enrollment of 481, Ine o. espun three-day event is as ,mu.h a part wID lriclude: Mrs. RI.hard Enlon. the number Is .one less than last .' • of Fall to Swarthmoreans. as the ::~~;d.H~a~~hBl'~a": Council Commends ye;:;. the elementary schools, the. In Test Dnll Thurs. ~t~:::a:dtoth;;.!,,:: Mrs. Joseph Donovan, 'MrS. Rlch- Geo ME. largest grades are the k1ndergar~ .. Pafrtsh "'aU. Swarthmore Col- turaUat. ' . ..rd Farrington, Mrs. Carl Flam- rge wing mer. • . ten wI th 83 pupU s and the f 0 urletge.h rec"eive d the brunt at a test That I.S w h y Bor ou&~,.-., h ouse.- ' Mrs. Daniel Jqhnson.. Mrs. grade with 87. The other grades alarm last Thursday night when wIVes. packing the college trunks Robert Hall. Mrs. Alfred Mangels.. Borough Coun.1l passed. a re&o- have 77' in the IIrst grade. 68 in nine Delaware County Fire 'Com- or ma:klng' preIlmln.;ry frontal at­Mrs. 'G. Alex MUla. Mrs. 'Leroy lution Monday night commending the second grllde. 66 in the panies. 175 volunteers and un- tacks on the Autumn Housec1ean. Peterson, Mrs. John B. Roxby, George M. Ewing. architect of the thtrd. 11 in the fifth and " In counted k1bltlzer. responded to ing. are -almosl ga­Mer- rts. pt' n..~~~.' UI~an and Mrs. Rob- new .Borough HaU, fo:r "the ren- the sixth. TWQ hundred 'thIrty- the caU at 6":55 p.m: Streams of together the flllDily's out- ....... - dermg of ·" seven pupils are attending Rutgon water played on the ftve-story groWn clothing. 'and sorting the The" wID be gypsy music by and "In time of soartng costs. Avenue School and 270 are at- buUdlng for more than an hour in variety of'usuable. practicable and local musicians. and attra.tlve re- keeping within his budget' and tending the College Avenue the drill-one of a .eries-that unwanted' ftotsam that collects In fteshments served by the hospltal- holding down the Inevitable ex- .chool. Tbree of the College Ave- was considered very suc •••• ful. every household through the sum- . itY committee headed by Mrs. frils." . nue sch,ool Classes. are on the SwBkhmote Fire Chief John mer,' with an eye to taking It Gear(e WilbUr.: PleSIding attha The req' uest ot a Philadelphia ground lloor of the high school R dlnated th drill in down to the Woman's Clubh~use tea table wID be l\IIlIs. Peter Ear..hltbecturual firmU for thdree elxcenp-' g. . . '. wuhmicshe yS .p• or-lonr-"e ld Morteo n., Rut 04 Tuesday (September 23). For Coste and Mrs. Chari", Gerner.·. . In the high' .chool, the largest . ...... . , .' - wllUe the dates may vary from AssIstIng hostesses wID "lnclilde: tiona. to the buUding code In their clasS Is lhe nlnth graile with 100 14ge. Media, South Media. MU- year to year. Tuesday, in aU Clu!) lItiS. Noel Armatronc. Mrs. Jame. proposed plan to buUd a 57-uult, 'while the other clllllSes are as fol": mont, WoodlYn .and Mlisom, took Exchanges Ia by tradition. Recelv­Ca: haU,·,Mrs. Edw~d Cornelius, apattment ·~\,use.. was turned 'tow.: 'Seventh. grade; 17; eighth part. MQy'am~nslng, Ch,,:,ter, was Ing Day. '::'t ,t.J:ack Jones 'Mril'.. Josop'h : HIl- down. .T he. ap~Jica~on c asked for: :grade' 80' tenth grade 8$' elav-' alerted but remaIned on Its home ·Similar, •••. W· ednesday. Septem-a setbac:k Of. 01liy.,2$. ~eet'lnstead ' ". ,. . post' In the event of a real lire In ~ den, d, Mrs. D. Dlsle1n, Lam- of ~O. for a,90-fooi )j~lht Ii1 p'laee .enth grade. 64. and twelfth grade. the' area; AJ.sij'on the job were ber 2., Is Sale Day. ~e doors of blrtb. Mrs .. Stephen Podolak. Mrs. of a 85-foot'limIt, and for a 47-car 77. The senior class Is just one Frank D~" Delaware CountY the Park avenue clubhouse v.IUl be J0!ln Scott,. Mr,., RO?bert, Shipman, parking sPil~l(rllt1ier,~t)le 57_ stUdent larger than the senior lire miIrsh\iU,.Jame. . Greaves. open, from 10 In'tile morning to 9 Mrl":i'Blwood Schu.kers, and Mrs. .ar recj~nt undl!r. the code. ~Iass of one year ag~ when the en- sixth cU8trict ·mara:hail. Frank at night to accommodate the N~ . ~eeks. ,Mrs. Leo Mar- The prop~ ap"",,,en~ was to lie ,rollment was 76.. . Grayson. tliird: district ~droves of potentlonal buyon who .$!"in .... berShlp c;halrman Is In buUt on College propertiy'on Ches- Ne:!, Stall Members _ and Harry ood •• upertntendent of tour the ra.ks of clean .and mend-general char~e. of the, aft~., ter road j~ 80Uth of thll Swarth- . There are more new staft mem Swarthmo~e ,College. '.. . ed clothing. .overing aU ages of . , On Wednesday, ·Ociober 15. the more apartments. "".: ,bets on duty thIa year than has Fire' aU ... from Media Rut- human beings from Infant to .fIiI!t meeting. of the literature - "'-~ '" ,been' the"'casefor_ a nUm~ot .Pd'· ,,, ... '. '.' d- "~'" . '~p8rents. male or female. 11Ie ~W';-'W& to be "d to ~.o.o;.o.."., -''''.... le41e an ~n"an a ........ ary ._.'" '. ,. gr,aup wID be .~Il.t,t1t.~hO~. of ...~ ",~., ",\N!I'8,: US' .. .......,...en ... ~ _' ;.~ l>o'lJCe'~~r~.ail u.. nde r. ~I.".ot ~o'wwel4!:iIlbooJll4d:t~~. ~ 1;Ja¥id ,~'IJ,." ,n,.48"Io' ,aat· ~QIl ~"fh??bhe.iter ; :-ani{leaviit at abaJn<!e; In_ i::h.iei'of·Po'Ulienomas Bateman, trom ,kitchen utenSIls and bed-avenue. Mrs. John. Webael. a . a_!:; ., ", . 'cluded alno", the new menobets Insed ds t th 11" d spreads to roller ~tes aU sys-member of the'Swai't!lmore Wb- ""d "JI.-"'; JfarV#d . avenue. are ,the :following: WlIUam '!L c " 'irain~o: :'e '::,:" hi 8\1: temaUcally'and convenient»: ar-mail'sCjqb . llter"t,uI:e colJlIlllt.tea. The Central Delaware CO~ty)3ush; the .lIeW High School Prin~ =d.. ghrll!1ged by, the clillgent clubwomen. wID reView 'a ljook of current In- Sewer Authority was authorIZed 'cipal; .Mri. Marguerl~. Seym~ur .. : Followlpg the drill Swarthmore :~s.1s tlie 'time, too, that erst-terest. to _lW,at a bo?d Issue ~reconstrud "'uclal Study Teacher. Jean Swift, enterta",e<\~, "t-of-town com- wlrlle sellon. coming In to sup- . '. . .. 1 .. flw~ores ,ou~,~.wc:r tram Home Ec:onolnics; Mrs. Laura Pal- aDies &t;t'ujetffe House. plement their own or thetr .hll- L-'' . t "";'1 b' ," t.- .. CresSon la,ne to ~"Dade Boule- ·mer. Commercial Subjects; Wal- p " '. ': •. , dren's wardr,obes. the toy·. box. or lOllS 0 Wi e ra e vard. The Boroughs share wID be ter HaU, Mathematics and S,clence._ cheo"':"·:,,, '0' LWV household furniahings. call see the . • ' $58.206-55 per (lent of the total In the elelbentary \P'a~;os: caroUn~ Lun n to pen reason for the careful mendlrig. Anniversary Sept 22 cost. Hetlel. But g era Kindergarten. .' cleaning. pressing. polishing. shIn- ,I . " The ftrst passage Of. IlIl o~i- Mrs. Rita MOntagn.OIOl su. bstI. tutlng Fall Pro' gram' Sept 16 ing and bpf\lng that went Into the Thil SwarthmOre Lions' Club nimce to va.ate Westdale 'avenue fo/ MtI. Robert Enders In ~e Col-, .. " • preparation of their own contrl-from Butgon avenue to School le"e Av~ue KIndergarten. Mrs'. . . : buUons to the display. For only wID celebrate the first anniversary lane was approved. . Martan C. Stuart, Colleee Avenue The League of Women Voters clean and usable Items are ac-ofthe presentation IIf .their ChU- First. Grade; Martha Sbaw. Col- of Swartbmore wID open Its faU .ei>ted'on TuesdaY. most Ukely to Lteir MFornadnaky '"Il igFhat,dSde piemLb-e'r~ ~I-f." 'e. ' nn,·s.F,·na Is S un d ar·,· lege Avenue Folirth gr, ade; Mar- prol1'am with a .Iuncheon meeting be 'sold on -..e. 'd nesday and there- on .. ac en. e ...... ~ " garetYeatrnan. College Avenue at 1 p.m .• Tuesday. September 16. '. (Cantin ed Pa 8) of #)e Charter Night· Committee. Semi.Finals Tomorrow Fifth grade and Mrs. Ruth Wright. at WhIttier. House. EUnor WaH. u on ge has 'made arrangements for a din- College Avenue Sixth grade. Mr.. S tat e' International Relations net at the Strath Haven Inn- for The finals of the sixth annual Anne Boulter, who was on leave Cilairman of the League of Wo- JR. WOMAN'S CLUB the club membera, their wiveS and men's single championship tourna- last'year Is ,back at her position men Voters o{ Pennsylvania and REVISES BY LAWS guests. The highlight of the eve- ments of, the Swarthmore Tenuls as wgJ. IichoolLibrarian. . former economiC! analyst for the -. ning wID be a· summart of. the Club, are scheduled for Sunday at The footbaU recreation program Foreign Ec:onomlc Administration, At the last', stated meeting of many activities of the clul)'1n Its 10 a.m. at the College avenue for the elementary school boys wID speak on ''The League Looki the Swarthmore Junior Woman's flnt year. l)anclng will follow the .ourts. Two semi-lirial matches will get' undl1l' way 'on Sa~day lit International IBsues." . Club the By-laws of the club were dinner. Asslstlng Mr. MacFadden will be held tomor",w '(Saturday) morninl, September 20. under the Mrs. WoH. a graduate of Gouch- amended to abo1lah the n-year­on the committee are: Al Stuart, at 10 a.m'dlrectlon"'of _ WIIDam Reese. Mr. er College, was formerly an eco- Old age limit for' club' member­Charles Brady and I;d Sullivan... The results of. the first. round Reese has directed this program nomist with UNRA, conaullant to ship. Under thIa amendment mBlD-At the regular meetinC of the match are' as' f"llow.:Tom Wynn for the past several years .. nd the the ECA, consultant to ~e Brit- bership to the club wID be a_ LiOns Club, ManU Smith._ defeated Ed Gw.~n •• -1,: 11-2; boys and their. fathers have .hown Ish TreaSury and the U.s. HIgh Bible to all women 18 years of ..... awarded a Key Membership for Ted ShoOk defeated;:Bob Brad- (Continued on Page 4) Commlulon for Germany. 10 1950 and older. The .Tuulor Club has hiS darts In bringing Into the ford. Sr .• 8-2, 8-2; Ed. Sw\l1'b de- Mrs. Wolt VIsIted Yu,oslavia at Iiiso Completed Its reorgallization club two member!\.4~iI! •. the cur- feated J. Carter. II-I. 8-3; Joe Eoft M"' _ """'''''''_'_'' the request of .the YU/loslav goy- of certaln 01 Its administrative rent year. The presentatiiiO. of the defeaiecl BUl' Pegram. 6-1. 6-3; LA ST C H A HC E!! ernment With the approval of. the poUcles.. Key was ma~ by Harold ~n_, BID Goodman defeated Mark Abo' U. S. State Department, for the It's Board wID eonsIst at two past president of the Southeast brlbat, defaUlt; Tom Saunders de- purpose of ofterlng advice on Yu- chairmen. One c:haIrman wID con- Delco Lions Club, futed Bob Bradford, Jr., 6-2. 6-0; , gosJav econonilc WhIle duct the ", .. dn . meetings of the The S~ore" C1ulf has a Joe Lebeck. defeated MIke Dur- abroad ebe alan 1oeturet1 club. wID represent the club on block of 25 CIrCus tlcketa for the kee 8-1 11-4' Tom Lang defeated out Germaa7. ~ the Senior Board and will axe- MUla Bros.. Ctrcus and Cbarles E. Koft,' dehult. in' the program Is cute all toc.I..1unctions. The loca:l LIncoln Is makin, artangmeats In the second round match Bob tend. chairman thI8 year Ia Mrs. Newell with the Delaware County Chap- Taylor defeated Tom Wynn. 8-3. The group of League members B. West. ter of the Association for the 6-4; Banks VanOrmer defeated who app.ared last week on Sta- The second chalnnan will at- BUnd to have 25 bUnd children as Tom Lane. 8-1. 6-1; Glenn MIller tlon WPWA have been Invited to tend all coimty mee\lnlS and per_ . the club'. guests at the circus. defeated Ted Shook,' 6-2, 8-3; BID prUlDt their ~ot the plat- Iodically report to the club on aU :Henry lroflman. clIaIrmaIl of the Trumpler defeated Tom Saunders, forms of the two iM}br parties at county, state, and national 1une- Un!ted Nations Co~ttee_ ~d- 8-1, 8-4; BID JoluIoIon' defeated H _ ........ reglstere. the Delaware C&\mty DAR. tiona. Ruth Wqner Ia the club's. ad "an invitation to, au Uons to. Leheclt!l. 6-1. 6-3. " .-- meeting. Wednesda,-•.. September county chairman thIa year. vialt the United Nations In ~on . ' 2" entries eight, Y" ca .... yota Novo.. 17. at 8 p.m. at st. .JCJbJIs Church . , bert E. Well ...01 act September 80 ThiI tour Ia IP co- There were .. her 4 ... T_rro. W _. In Concordville. Response to the Mrs. Ro . er -......c . " ". .:,' - , . seeded; drew bYes. They were Don obroadcaat'_ 119 large that the as treasurer handling aU club lID,. =a~o~th the Lea.wH'f Wo- Jones. winner of the-tournament , ........ ,... .......... cast, conslStlngof Mrs. Hallock ances. Mrs. Edward CoUlns and o the last two 7eera; J;Iill Johnson, .... "Olin: today~ 9-4:30; CamPbell, Mrs. .T. ltowU'd Sdlad. ~e ~aus wID be correspon~ . .~. ruiuHir-up last J!ear; Glenn MUler. .5atllniay. t-12, at... Mrs. -Paul Zecher ad Mrs. RIcJl;; seereb!ries as well as take ch ..... N.~ Ia.W..:w':n~d::, 0,: week with BID ~~tine,BIDBob .!.:!p~;'B~' Co •• I ........ U.... t: EnIon, were asked to repeat of 11Ie telephone committees and, .. ~ 'UA_ Van".~, ,u, ___ .... an discussion;' (Continued on Page 4) a~nt cJauPter Mrs. Walter ......- " ,., ._ .. __ ;_'.'. ", .................' ..' .MMMWt"" 7 'boUi_UP; t ,1'OI4:·KuJl WaUIn- , . I

---------- Page 7 ----------

.P ersonals ter, IOn of Mrs. Anna lI",ln'" of W. HooD, Mra. WIIJI-m P. Bell of Hazelton. Ch~, Mrs. Jacob Bzown of ELEANOR FA WeEn MIa Smyth Ia a ~~d:to~~~ I Newark, DeL, and lin. IWalter Hr. and' MrS. Francia H. For- Notre Dame RiI\l School, Coleman of Vlrllnla Beach,' Va., Pianutand... T, eacher sythe of Thayer road en~ed c1qf. of 1851. slater of the brtdel1'OOm. Their as thelr h_ pests for a few . Pte. Ruo!n-k laa craduate (Owns featured bodice. °wf l.?~"o'.: Mf.,'. S-lli Gater ..... SW~~ 6-4~5 days of thIa week Hr. and Mrs. St. lames RiI\l School; Chester, p8Cne lace over tafteta on ...... Clyde F. ]I t "lie of EvanstoD, c .... of 11148 and Ia now servInI akirts of n)'lon net over turela and "============ §§::: m. Marin rust velvet sashes. Their ;:, Hr. with the United Slates es. were of autumn aower. and the), ";d Mrs. Robert Sessions of NO date has been selected for Chestnut aVeliue motoi'ed ~ ~p the weddfuC. carried cascade bouquets of )'el- A.!I.".h, pear, G~vllle, Me., low and ~t ,clu7ean~pu"" •• where their 1011 Bob!)' has been FETE COU'LE bitte~weet, eloo!a and dried seed a summer camper. At the closln, .. ,.. Sara Pettit C!_cer of pods., , ...... , . .""-- Kath;y ,Bell of Chestef ill ilo,,,er da;y of camP. on AUIUSl 21, ':Mr. Guernse)' 'road lind Hr. Anthon;y girl wore a Ions dftsS of white or- "···'0" ns and his· sOn went to .,-,.oerl T f "'--hester Ny .... M.,..o.,c..t.s ehead Lake in the Northern •-_•. .... 5 S. , .t.h rm., 0 ~h --,-.'-.d,e 'limell), and white velvet sash. . I , """ war ore, W ose uuu...... Colonial 'bouquet was of autumn pan of Maine for a week of trout will take place 'tomorrow after- aowers with a matching wreath In JlShing. Hr.. Sessions spent the noon at 4, o'cloek in the SWarih- her hair. The BoUquet .'·IIAUn.~LO~ . . ' IT'8 CAllING THAT'SAm TJIi: wz.UDni " .. 9 Cheater Bcwi '. . . . week at Ran,ele), Lakes, Me. Pre- more Presb)'terian Church, will be lIIr. Henr;y Jnll. Anderson, of (:all ,Sw¢hmore 6-0176 viousl)' Mr. and Hrs. Sessions had guests of honor at a butret bupper New York served ali beSt man for been on a 12-da)' trip by plane to to be given b)' Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Mr. Wilietts. The' ushers were ~~~...:~...:~...:~~...:~...:~ =~~ C,nada, stopping In Toronto, Mon- ert P. Hetherington of Rutgers Capt. Walter Coleman, ~om- }I .. treal and Quebec. la'VeJlLuQ, for the bridal part)' and as Capp Petty of Long Island, Mrs. E. VanS. Cleveland guests following the N.Y., lIIr. Ted Floyd ,Stlrgwolt of Park avenue was the guest rehearsal thIa evening. lIIr Karl F Lynn, Mass., and. . two days of this week of Mrs. Mae Members of the wedding party Juengling, Jr., of Lakewood, Ohio. Lind Cordes of_the Riltenhouse- and out-of-town guests will A reception followed at Strath Savoy Apartments, Philadelphia, entertained at a luncheon tomor- Haven Inn. The bride's mother at her summer home in row by Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T. wore a gown ot royal blue lace' net Pleasant; N.J'. Lathburyof Walnut lane. over taffeta with gold aCCi'SSories. Mr. and Mrs. H. Llndle), Peel The bridegroom's mother chose a and son Craig of Columbia avenue SEPTEMBER BRIDE goWn of gray blue taffeta with sll-returned home Labor Day . The ';'arriage of MIss Gladys ver accessories. Their corsages iilg an 18-day motor trip to VIr- Hope Re;ynolds, daughter of Mr. were of orchids. , glnia, Minnesota, where the), . and Mrs. Charles Warren Rey- The couple wlll live at 124 ited their son-in-law and dalJihter nolds of Yonkers, N.Y., and Mr. Guernsey road. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manthe;y. Robert Conrad McCowan, son of ~IRTHS "CHECK LIST FOR FALL • Lubrlc:atlon and Change 011 • Motor Tun~up • Clean and Inlpec:t Cooling SYltem .• Rotate Tlrel . . • AdlustBrakes . • Adlust Steering • 4dlud Clutc:h RUSSELL"S SERViCE ROBERT J., AT%. Owner Opp~II" Borough Par~ng Lot Hr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCo,,- Mr. an,d lIIrs. Frank H. McCowan SW 6-0440 Dartmouth a. Lafayette Av. .. an, Jr., and baby daughter Bar- of Vassar avenue, wlll take place bara Anne of Lakewood, Ohio, afternoon at 4 o'co*ck in Lt. and Mrs. James H. Archer'I~ ____________ ~~~~~:!!~~~:!!~~ Jr., of I>trath Haven avenue, are receiving congratulatlo,," on the birth of a son, James Stephen, on September 9 In Chester HospitaL will visit next week with the for- Central. Methodist Church, mer'. parents Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Yonkers. Cowan of VB8Sltt avenue. Mr. and Mrs. McCowan, parents Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. of the lP'OOm, will entertain at a of Princeton avenue have dinner party at the Hudson River following a three-week vacaUon Club following the re-at Kennebunkport, Me. this· evening. Mr. and Mrs. HarT)' F. Brown, with thelr daughter Miss Jean WILLmS-,-PUTNAM Brown and son BlU;y of 'No~ In a candlelight setting of CT-Chester road, and theIr dalJihter bollum ferna and 'white ftowers, Mr •. Walter L. Douglass and son the marriage of Mlss Alice Harriet Landon of Seaford, Del., have re- Putnam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. turned home after spending the Alien L. Putnam of Lafayette ave­summer at their cottage' at Reho- nue, and Mr. George Clark Wll­both Beach. letts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam The new bab)' is a grandson of Dr. and'Mrs. George B. SickeL of Strath Haven avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Archer of College Park,Ga. Mr. and Mrs. James 1Ienr;y Vi­dal. of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., are receiving congratulaUons up­on the birth of a daUlhter, ElIz­abeth Ann, on September 1. . Mrs. Vidal Is the former MIss Ann Harvey, daughter of Mr. and MrII. WWlam MInton Harvey of Columbia avenue. Hr. and Hr •• W. H. Gehrlnc and P. Wllletts of Roslyn Helchts, L.I., daughter Vlrilnla of Unlverslt)' and Bermud", took place Saturday place have returned home after evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Hr. and Mrs. H. A. A. Wiegand vacaUonlng at their oummer place Swarthmore Presb;ytertan Chureh. of.~,avenue announce the birth at Riverhead, L. I. Th~, Rev. Joaeph P. Bishop per~ of an ~I pound four ounce son; Hr. and Mrs. A~ 1'. Blake, formed the ceremon;y assIated. b,. ErIe. Mltd>ell Wtepnd, on.Sep-daUlhter Pat and AVery 1'. Blake, Rev. p.ui W; Hoon, ~ tein1!er D In BI'J'Il Mawr Ha.pltaL :1r., of Amherst avenue, and Xar- of the, FIrst MethOdIst Church, jorie Lewis of Qrad;yvllle, have Germantown. Mr. ':me. Mrs. Edward E. Thom-returned followlnC a two-week Mlss Mill')' Lecron of Cedar as of. U Applebrook", Park avenue, vacatlon at Beach . Haven, N. J. lane, aoprano, san, "God My announce the hlrth of thelr aecond Mr. anei Mrs. Jack lIIcwmjaml Shepherd wanm Beside Me", by dauchter, XIIrtha ElIzabeth, on and children Mill')' Margaret and Bach; "DedlcaUon" ~)' Sehumann, Tuesday, September D. John of Swarthmore avenue, re- "Cara' Mia Ben" b,. 'Giprdiml, and The hab)' Ia the granddaughter turned last week following a 10- "The Lord's Pra)'er", by MaLotte. of Mr. and Mrs. .Earl A.. ~mas day vacaUoli at Lakewood, Wayne ~~ron was accompanied b)' of Rlchmon.d; Ind., and of Mrs. (:Qunt)'. Mr. Henr;y J. Faust; organist. Roland G. E. Ullman o~ Swarth- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart 01 The bride, given Iri marriage by an.dth",late Mr. Ullman. Lafayette avenue entertained at a ber father, wpre a gown of dinner part)' Saturday evening m. tulle and' n;ylon net,: fashioned honor of theIr week"tind with a litted bodice, high neck- Mr. and Mrs. J. Oberle of tine, long sleeves and full skirt. 8UBSCRIPTIONS roB ALL MAGA,ZINES MRS. LLOYD Eo KA1lFF1\IAN 813 Dartmoath Avenae 81Var&h1n0re 8-2080 From A~. 19 &0 Sept. 25- Call MBdta 6-8883 Chester and Palo Alto, Ga1lf., and Her veil of nylon net edged with Mr. and Mrs.' Eber' Kilpatrick' of Spanish Blonde lace was held Cunshohocken. Alao 'preselit were place with a pearl tiara. The lace their son and dauilhter-In"law the on the veil was fIrSt' worn by the Rev. and Mrs.J •. Richard Hart bridegroom's maternal grand-and son RiChaii'Vof ''SwedesbQro, Mrs. Lydia Jane Newhall i===i: .... SiO=S .... S ............ =i N. J. _.. on her wedding day In 1882. The 'CO' LLEGE THEATRE Dr: and Mr;;.iobn"Wlgton and bride's bouquet was of white or- '. children .of Harvard avenue ' chids andstepha'lotis. . returned from the Poconos where Miss ,Jane B: Tyson of Chester they had be<ln vacationing for live altended as maid of honor, and weeks . ~t .Lake l'aupac. the bridesmaids were Mrs. Paul .'. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mri..Paul Arno Smyth of. Morton, announce the engage­ment of their daughter, Kath1~en Elizabeth, to Albert Steven Rus­mak of Highiand G~, 'Ches- Keep email feet eoverecl in SLEEPERS Su...l~ 11.98 up TIl Children's Shop Swarthmore 6-1148 13 SoUth Gee .... Road , , ONL Y87 SHOPPING Days uidtl the BigDciyl start aow to Iook··for fflat 'IIIG ChriStmas . Gift-Use O.r LAY-AWAY PLAN to Ease". Dec:.mber , $HOCKII CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 4O.S Dartlnollfll Av •• w • ..-.MI,;y ,., . l'rIiI., ,..:30 Swarthmore, Pa. AIR CONDITIONED. Friday a. Saturday JST RUN IN THIS' MtE.I. . J. Arthur Bank presents w. Som~ MaUlham's "ENCORE".' . s short stori... with JaUlhter. ro­Imaoc ... 8!'_ ... ' . - c'" . ' srBCIAJA:'~~::' SH~.' Fun lellCf,h western. with WILD BILL ELLIOTT, "plUS-', ,cartoons. comedy 8ll~'" ':- ", .'~., . "Radal' Meli fromM~a" Bat. Ntllllt ~O nly-Feature ~, 6.00. 8.00 and 10.00 . ·1 • _', " Sun" Mo';.and :Fues. Dean Ma<tln 'JetTy Le ..... "JUMPlNGJACKS~' 1 ...... - i -, " W". ciac. Tltari. LoultHay....;, , "LADY IN 'tHE . IRON MASK" (-)., -J ad.entu ... with S .. Mue'keteen...· ,P. rJ· "iTo.. SCHOOL-The Swarthmore N~sery.School , \,­Opens Sept. 15th' Register Now with ~oGo1VoBrodhead 308 Maple Ave. SW ....... re ,. ~ I ., • Tft" .... rt.u •• 4ftllaVe ~.- . Don't bell"SILENT PARTNER" iii YOllr gOfJcrnment Only ~ 1 % of eligible voters wCni to the polls in '48. Retneinber.: The smaller the vote" the closer we,come to '~gov~ent by the few," And that iSn'l DEMOCRACY I REGISTER AND VOTE! SIABTINOBE ·IATIOII1 BAil· 'IID TIU'ST COMPAI'" - , J ....-• ,.,. 1D '."... 1 _- .'... A. ','. r .TWO OLYMPIC TEAM . .. . . ". SWARTHMOU WOMAN'S CLUI MEMBERS HONORED ,.roll ~re Sept. l3.. ~Vla~moN ..,3681 PRES~ERIAN, NOTES Spac:11I1 T"."II Acr ..... lc: ~I~I .. I for FRIENDS MEETING NOTes " . The Collepate Track and Field "VI On Sepfenilier 14 a joint Con- Club honored Its two members of ~. Bishop wlll preach at ference 0" Churel> Service Sunday at 11 "~Il dD.1 • the 's"';"' "n". ...... "'_" of the 1~52U. S. Ol;ymplc T'raclltll~l:~~~~~;;~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~r on "The S~ange Case. for JuiUce." Cain, Concord and Western wlU T'.e am. . - dT oLmee JYondes', 'm00ar athtorne . " . ,. Utke place at Swarthmore Meeting runner, an a er, .. me The 11 0 cl~k hour for 1DOl1lin' House. There wlll be 'Worshi hurdler, at a dinner at the Ingle-worship Ia ruumed as of Septem- .. Ith S . . '. p nenk Tea Room, Wednesday eve-her n The d ble -~-.. Ian f w warthmore FrIends at 11· . ,. oU; """ nce '~ 0 a.m. Bring a box lunch; Swarth- ning. Jones, 35 years old, Is a his-two servicea at 8.80 and 11.00 wlU more FrIends III be tor), professor at Lincoln Univer-be res\lDle d on October 5, W· h.i' ch is Conference cown vesneersv ea t 2v erpa. gems.. slly, h as d egrees f rom Earlham World-Wide Communion Sunda),. Theme: "The Challenge of Ox- and Haverford Colleges. Yoder, a There wlll be no church hour ford." Four FrIends 'will report Wlllow Grove boy, attends the nurser;y (11 am.) until October 5. brief1)' on the Oxford Conference; Unlversitl. of Arkansas. . There will be a Church School one of these will address es- Among those In attendance were program beginning Sunday, Sep- peclally the younger FrIends. Jeff Kirk, former Swarthmorean tember 14, at 9:30 8.m. All pre- Regular Modthl;y Meeting and University of Pennsylvania school children (ages 3, 4, and 5) Business will be held on Tuesday, track captain, 1948 Olympian in should report to the large base- Sept. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the 400 metre hurdles, lntercol-ment room under the LoelIler House. . legiate low hurdle champion and Building. All s.cbool-age' children The 1952 September meetings Penn Rela), record holder in the (6 and above) should report to the American FrIends 400 metre hurdles: Jim Grosholz, REPUTATIO, N Our repulatlon hen ...... bunt on. 7" years of to this community. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. .. moat or PUNIUU 1820 CHISTNUT STRIIT GUVIIIL~" ...... MAIft A. lAIR. Pi ..... TeI.phene RI 6-1S11 McCahan H~ Committee will be held on Sep- Middle Atlantic AAU ·880 ChurCh School Reglatratlpn 19 and 20 at the'Meeting r8e8c0o rcdh ahmolpd efrr,o man dH Iavnertfoerdr CCoOl-llegiateli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ take plllc!! ol!. Sunday, House; 15th and Race strleet.sI,.llege; 'Van Zimmerman, present 28, at 9:30 a.m., with Philadelphia. The program Intercollegiate pole vault cham. ! I dren reporting to their proper .emphaSlze ftrst-hand reports pion from the University of Penn-pi. rtments. Regular classwork will 'MSC projects In the U.S. sylvania;' Warren Snow, Upper, Dela'ware County Technical begin on October 5. from recent\;y returned overseas High boy who placed In the A recular month1)' meeting of workers. A panel of )'oung people Championship 200 metres.' of . the Session "ill meet on Tuesday, will describe their eXperIences In Another former Swarthmorean, . • September ui at 8:00 p.m. the MSC summer program, lind Andy Kirk, 1951 Penn. track cap- The Pennsylvania State College C: I 3 wl1l mei!t Wednesday there will be time for questions taln., 2nd p'lace winner iD. the IC4A . ll'C e .,' and discussion. FrIday sessions are " Fall S ster ~ptember 17 at 2:30 at the home at 2 and ., • Saturd t 10 pole vault and three time Middle Evelilng Program' . eme DI: Mrs. Harold Grlaln for Tea. and i ~::: . ay a . AtlanUc AAU champion; Herb I.glnnlag September 22nd Circle 6' wl11begln their . Truxton, PeDnsylvania . . ' In' . in- with a Planning Meeting, . " .", ' , Teaclters College champion In . I We-dnesday".~'., te, m. ber 11..,al •... .. .~. 11 ..T.l tlNthIr ,t NOTes 100', 22'0 and. broad jump for W. est Tool D.I,lga... Ac:c:ouat aAgd I .I tratl home of their Chalrlnait, Mrs. 'Fa owlnge ~ o'clock service Chester; Karl Seott, Temple 'Q'nt- ProductloJi ':Coatrol . IUllne'l m a I on H'erbert Sanford, at 2:00 p.m. od f the Hmoilny Cothm irluwruiolrlt b teh is , versity. record holder. and formd er IndultriaiEiectrlc:lty Iulldlng Conltrllc:tloa ay mo g, ere a MA AAU discus record \101 er; .. Television ' '. Cirlcle 10, the, . . Breakfast' .1'Or thli Church T' om' Casev, .former Swarthmore "-" '.. • 'c:h' • will open :th'e-year . Scbool Teaehers. Thiirellillar College' tra'ck- captain and .twice . PSYChoI09Y;'~ .. ' Spee ; september'''l'i ~th .. o. f. Mol.'ll.i.ll g Praver 'will. M,·ddle Atlantic States Colle"'ate . '. . . . P,a rty at 8:00 p.m., to be held Iheld ant 11 o'c.lock. ' 220 champ., . Pa. ul. R.. auden,b ..l.l.S . ,h ' Rego.s· t.rcitioiU September ~8.9. 10'& 11 tile Women's Association Th ..... . f 7 . 9 P M . ose servmg as """ers are place Wiimer for the Untversit)' a • • ° RefreShments will ~ ~'~a'~Y. ,follows: O. iT, ~ch",:, S: D. Clyde, p!lDDSYlvanloiln the ,Indoor 1000 ·.,"'~""':'-'P_ul""'-~'.HI;'h Sc:hool.. Mrs. Bett)' llltth, .. · Hospl t)' Jr., E. M. Hl1lar;y, A. H. ,Knabb, F, yards .. and outdoor 880 b>.tercol- _........ ..~ _ , CIlairman. An)" new il!.te'rested J. Nutl, legiate ChampiOnshIpS In 1ll5~., ., '.' .. ,.,rc.vldeac:e Rd., Wallln~ord,P.~na. ~mbers ar".,.~iJ;'.,¥"l1)' invifed, to "swart!iriiori' reidderit !Gordon "C!""ass'e's nidi ,rI'olfday\, &Vfednesday Eveso c:;:~~J.;:.:'a~i f.J~\:~ub· ~ Follett, PIAA~:;'~ 1t4~~~~':.Pf~~~ For Details. P.oil •. ,Ogontz 9400 hOld a 'Cove~~,I)'l~.,Sup~~rn,iee~g _ at 11. Pubnc High 100 on Friday; September 19 at 'T:OO §esslons of' the yard champ, and Jim'Scouler, filr-p. in., held In McCahan. ,Hall; win' De- 'resumed on mer Tome School hurdle star. arid Mrs. Robert Ji'r;y will be da~,!!e",te'1lb~:2~.:a~ 9:30 a.m. Bob Detweiler, of 'Cornell ave-and hostess. ,'".' C"', • ,,' The' opening meeting of nue 'served as toastmaster· lind i ': Men's Club will be held on Mon- pte.:.nted placques' to the two : , CHURCH 'SERVla~ day. ev~g;'" ~pteinJ>er 22. Olympians on behalf of the club. Choir School wlll meet on 140011-1 CHURCH Roy No' Keiser, D.D., Minister Sunday September 1;1 9:45 A.M.-Church School and Young Adults. ,- 11:01r A.M.-Church Nursery. TRINITY CHUROH H. 'Lawrence Whittem.)re, "F tecltor I day and Wednesda)' of this week at 4 o'clock and again on Thurs­day at 7:30 Mrs. Francis H. Fors;ythe and daughter Elizabeth Ann of Thayer road. have returned home after -------7, vacationing at Ocean Cit)' for live CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTes weeks. Mr. Forsythe joined them "Subslance" will be the subject for a two-wee1t holida),. of the Bible Lesson to be read In Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. How­all Christian Science churches land moved August 26 from Phil­next Sunday, when the Go~ld""1 adelphia to their newly purchased Test wlll be the well known verse residence at 505 North Swarth-f rom st. Paul's letter,to .the He- more avenue. • Mr. . <no. WI and , a brews: "Faith Is the substance practicing attorney in Philadel­things hoped for, the evidence of phia formerly lived in Swarth­things not seen." (Hebre-rs 11:1) mor~. He Is the son of Mrs. A. C. METHODIST' NOTES Howland oi Guernsey road. The Church SchO~I' meets : t~~~~~~~~;t:-- 9a:t4(!5J.l Colfa asslel sa glieres ,parnodv fdoer dafodur lctsh.i l- RELIGIOUS SOCIETY The YoljDg AdultS meet at 9:45 SE P I Em B [R OF FRIENDS In :the Ladles Parlor. ' .. d' " The sermon topiC at the 11 o'­clock service Is "A Working Re­ligion. 1I . lIeadA", September 15 All-da), sewln, for the A.F.S.C. Tuesday, September Iii 7:30 P.M.-Monthly meeting 'for business. Whittier House. Wednesday, September 17' Al/.-day se)vinll for. the' ·A.F.S.C. , lI'IRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTlDiORE "- Park Avenue below Harvard 1111:00. Ia Tb,e ,Church Nurse!')' lsopen dw.ii'tg: the: mornin, 'siorvice. Miss Helen and Barbara ,Scott will be charge. The ushers- for the da), are George ShUbert, Edward H. At- Sweet Shop OLD lANK BUILDING P .... · $_li ..... ,. 6-4597 Flow.rsCandy Home-Baked Goods .. - . -.. -_ .. -.. , , Atlantic B~'decked and' Be Comfortable o.:.r Fall line of CoaI8 ~ " . . will anewer y'~. every . .' . Ii . need-Toppers,: Shortiee -for dress or Bport­they'r~ right for 'fe!ghl and right in style, , See our beautiful'· lli;;i~w ~';'rsin new FALL HA.TS }:5. ~f!,,!:"'l;~~!:, ~~f ; "":'.::, ' .:-'~:' '.. ..'., . ..,'

---------- Page 8 ----------

, ,- 'Auxiliary Meetfng SchoolS Open Monelay; ""~I~Ism:eJ: o:orthe~=~1 E,nro llment T,ops 989 McCAHAN, HODGE Come1l a_ eD~ at~af fi~~~~~~~~~~§~ w: , bUffet IUpper Thul'ldat· ev'eDiDi ,_,I.U-.c.e.e e_d September 15 at Z p.m. at (Continued from Pap 1) . Dr. David McCahan, pre! or ~ honor of'MIi.8' MlttaaHt ,En.:- ... --- home ot JIrs. 1:. vanS. a .... t deal of enthuliallD Hr of· , insurance In the Univenity of of 311 Park avenue. a- advt.a that the bon • l>ennqlvAnia, wu dectecl prell_ !lbeth Whitaker of . .J~to~ A vital Issue will be be _ •• 1--.1 with .. _.~_ to dent of the Amerlcan Collqe of and their nephew the Bev. J:dwin d _" '-- __ '--' .. ...._- ............. • •• U ,.Uee Garrett, m, of I ........1 \'Qe, "~'J .H ubbell an .... mem _ . are __ ... part In football work.' .... e nderwrltera ·at the annual present. election meetlq of the coUqe whqse marrfa&e will take place I~~ .• ; ,~_ A4IIB .. . , (W... Atlantic City, September II. ThIll'Sday, October 11, In ,St. Mar-i~ I~ sa~w~i~,t~In~The~~~~~~~1 .hTophe wAodrl!uol t wEilvl ~be,lin C' lTuua.e ..a. .l ayl nMl9c',C pahhlalini dIeUlpccbU1ad,a w Dhro. Sw. a8s. e1lleueetebd- tinD'.r, .C ahnudre l.l.,. .O..a Dk alAviDd eJ. 4. M«:Ca-nilht. September 10, In the prea1dent-ernerltus. At the IlaJlJe han of Strsth Haven avenue spent Idu~lrIal Arts Shop In the time Sewell W; HodCe,' ~!U\aei~1 the month of August at Wolfeboro, Teaeher.of Piino .; . , 727;yai.Aveiue SWortlilli.... 6-17 •• Concord School cr<ny>ds. ~ this' of the Provident M,,~ 'lJfe In- N.H. Dr. McCahan Is attenillnl the GRAPES there are ShOp and Burance Company, was re-elected National ABsoclation of-lJfe Un" work sultabl4! to the experience treasurer of the College' for the derwr1ters Convention In Atlantic the adults participating. The selec- fourteenth consecutive year. City this week. At the meeting of tlon of activities and.projecta will Dr. McCahan was advanced the Board of Trustees of the NOW ON SALE COLAFEMINA VINEYARD Phone MEdia "~672 Save 10 Percent acco.r<!lnl to the' wlsl!es of from the position of executive enrolling and will, Include vice-president, and served as dean Elementary and Advanced Wood. of the 'college from September, work, Art Metal Work and House- 1934 to September, 19ijl. A resi­hold Mechanics. David. Watklils, dent of Strath Haven avenue, Dr, the regular shop instructor, will McCahan was for many years be In charge and WIll register the president of the Board of School adult. stu4ents on . September 30 Directors of Swarthmore, and a at 7 p.m. A class may be taken one member of the Board of Trustees or two nights a week for four or of the Swarthmore Presbyterian eight months as desired. Church and superintendent of 'Its - Sunday School. . DIUCIOUS DINNEH to SUIT ... TASTI of IVlIYONI TEN DEI STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to O!'4er . EXCEI.I,ENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCIf 12·1:30 P. M. C411nfortGbie Rooms Day or Week Ele~ator Alr·Condltlonecl ' . STRATH HA.VEN INN Swarth .. o.... Pa. Telephone Swarthmore 6-0680 WALTEI E. P4l10". M,.. FREE P .... IINC; Order Imprinted Christmas Cards Miss Charlotte Hobbs of Park avenue left Monday to begin her teaching position at Orange, No. J. He began his career with the American College In 1928 when he graded the C.L.U. examination 'i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ papers of the' first C~L.U. gradua-I: lion class, In February, 1929 he Fall Food Checlr-up For 'fhe DIscrimInatIng .. Before October Ist SPICE ISLANDS SPICES HERBS and SEASONINGS ~liC~9~ari~t t 5 old "anle ,. ... "." SPICE ISLANDS WINE YINEC;AIS Plain - Tarragan - Garlic Eschalot - Sweet Basil "GI'" 'or Every ••• '. T.ate" Antiques & Gounnet Shop . ' - • PBOVIDBNCB BOA» WAU.JNGJ'O~. 'PA; It's to Your Advantage SHOP AT THE .'; "h.' C 0 _ 0- pO"", AMPLE PARKING SPACE ~,' ...... t (Across f'0"1'oro1/Sh ~IIJ Dartlnouth Aye ••• ' " .• -•• ' I' Ih.r.~1 HOT WAIEI .• alor. with mod.r. AUIOMAIIC GAS WAIER HEAI.IIG . • i" All the family can shower and still have plenty of hot water for dish .. and the laundry. An automatic gal wat.r healer provi .. a conatGnt supply of heGlthful hot water, ready when ~ you ne. d It., l.out a ;~I: moment. all..,llonl, Chooee the modem automatic gas water heater that fill. your n •• d •••• at your plumber'., dealer'., or at any Phllad.lphIa ~" < Ela'ctric 1U1au... lien. • PHilADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY vias made AssiBlantDean, and In 1934, ·when Dr. S, S.' Huebner be­came president of the College, Dr. McCahan was hained Dean. , . He was formerly a member of the Board of Corporators of the Presbyterian MInis!ers Fund and the Teachers Annuity Association, He is a past-president of the American Association of Teachers of Insurance • Mr. Hodge, who lives on Ogden avenue, will ~rve on the execu­tive and financial weltiire com­mittees of the college, In addition to his duties as treasurer. Treas­urer of Provident Mutual for 23 years, 'he has been treasure of the Pennsylvania PrIson Society for 26 years. Head of Swarthmore's Comumnity Chest Drive 'slnce 1948, he will direC:t it again this Fall. , Junior Woman's Club Revises Sy-laws Don't be misled by sO-called "Ba'r gaJ.D~";;' Some people are tempted' to look far afield for carpet savingB, only t~ dl8eover Ja~that the same (or much heiler) values were avail­able right at their Dear-by .tore. AO stores have their "epeclal&." These may Ledieeontinue.I pallerna (which are perfectly ~ood), enuof ron., imperffietione, or merely "ow eellera. ' You dOIl't JUave to bant 01lt' a ~ etore for these thiDP. Ycni will &nd'Wluit yOu want In :rour favorite etoft. ' . AII4!, _lui,.. )'Our I-rile ltere ..... :£~c:= .:n:oP: l!em. \tPAll'S~.·' ~.COM~~t\! ' Clair ,RlncWre will act as re- V - r.. ~ cOriJln& secretary reportlq NlPl-+S ....... o.rynal 0 Complete SIze llaDp 0 OIieatai __ . larly to the club members on all 100 Park Ave .. SWMt'-'e, P .. business conducted at monthly board and stated club meetinl!8. SWarthmore 6 6000 - CLearbrook 904646 KNOWSClirpet • ' Committees have been estab­lished under the auspices of general program chairman, Mrs. Herbert Tutherly. The American home committee win be respons-ible for presenting programS to I~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the club pertaining to child 'devel-r lopment and domestic. sciences. This committee will be directly assoc-iated with correspon41ng commit­tees of the Senior Cluh and the Delaware County Federation of Woman's Club with Mrs. Robert Hamm acting'· as Junior Chairman. The health .and welfare commit­tee will he re~nsible for all philanthropic projects 'undertaken by the club with Mrs. Howard Wilhoyhte represenmw' the ,com­mittee in correspondiilg county and senior cluh groups. ,The music; art and literature committee will be responsible for presenting programs on the above topics: Helen H09t' will represent this cominittee In corresponding county and senior club groups. The international, national, state and county relations committee will also be responsible for pre- , senting programs to the club. Miss Waner will represent this com­mittee in corresponding county and senior club groups. -. Mrs. William Huey will act as Junior club advisor and represent senior cluh at the Board meeting. Under this new organization work has been more evenly di­vided among club members and responsibll!ty of club functions distributed In such a way as not to burden one Individual with a heavy load. The 'club feels this will enable more to be accom­plished for the bettennent of the .Junior Club and encourage lireat-er intereat and . throqhout the cOmmunity. " • THERE'S NO MYSTERY to good party-line telephone service It's-It matter of simple OOnsidemrlOn. Remember the three Rs of party-line courteSy-be Iteasonsbte ' . about how long you ta1k; Rei:esse the line for emergencies when asked; Replace the receiver genrly when you find the line in use. If' you 81e IIlWBfI' courteo\1I on the telephone, you're sure 10 find your' party·line nei&l>bom the -. Happy teSiIh:. bener teIephoae ..-mc:e for CiU)'bodr ClOIK!craeill" • , _mm._,. __ . (f) OFF ,TO. COLLEGE ·".I I''I"·O E. . Caroline de' M of Nd Chest8r rvad:will,retuna tomor_ UftLft '. row·to . Pembroke CoUege of Brown University to be"- he The Bntertaln-..t Instruction junior',-ear . ..... r ~d sU:::~edc :t'~'f« ~Bed SaJJ.r G~ of Univen1ty pru;, ross ~~ ual lett . Wednesday to enter Den1so fund r.illo, Barbecue and Square University U' a member of u.: Dance Mooda)' nIP\. :I'he .parq ~m.o cJuL .. was given at the Aronlnjlnk Coun- Mildred McCowan of V try Club and previded an ev~ avenue returned to P ,;:ar of informa.l fu,n fo,r .a.U.. ~ . .. ~" Th~" -.."..-..-. for her sophomenonre yeatro. DurIng the dlnIWr).,}! ued Ray DeDw;orth of Elm avenue chicken and routed com' thtl and Sandy Ford of Amhen1 ave­~ wd of nearly •. 2OO ·were enter- nue returned last week-end ·to talned by an excellent program. Wesleyan University, Middletown Gordon Lange was ~r of Conn •• as ,uniors. Artie Jones oi Ceremonies for the show which North, Swarthmore avenue and consisted of talent most of-whom Dave Cbx of Walnut lane are have entertained in the veteran freshman at Wesleyan'titIs year. h~spitals, for th K I. and S. Com- John H. DavIS' of Amherst ave­nuttee. The program was .arranged nue will enter Harvard University and directed by Mrs. Oliver Swan on September 15 ' who .also dld ,!,ost of the accom~ Polly Told' of Park avenue, Sue panymg for the acts_ Hopson of Rutgers avenue, and \Mary Ann Milloto played the Sue Goldsmith of Wallingford accordian. A quartet made up of will return to Bucknell University Lee Swan, Andy Schroder, How- as sophom*ores this 'fall Anne Lu­ard Sbearer and Don McElwee kens of Strath Haven avenue Is a won much .applause with .their junior at Bucknell. novclty mediey of madcap tunes. Three J u n e graduates of Ruth Woodward tap danced and Swarthmore High School will en­also., accompanied. .)'ohn .. Levais, ter Oberlin College, Cathy Wis­who enchanted the ,iP."oup with his dom, Charles Russell and Don inspired sinllng. Ai.other high- Sharpe. ' llght of the program was the Lee Bennett, Jr., of Haverford lovely voice of Marlan Hunt. avenue is a sophom*ore 'at Haver- There was a clever Martin and ford Coll!,ge and' Harlan 'JeSsup of Lewis impersonation done by i,ee Haverford avenue Is a sophom*ore Swan and Howard Shearer. The at Dartmouth College; Clel!l Ma­program wound up on a hl!aiiol1S lin of Prince~ avenue will enter note with the Master of Ceremon- Dartmouth. ies Lange first playing and singing Frank T. Flahe~y, Jr., of ,!"me of his original compositionS, Guernsey road will'leave Wednes­then. 1osinghis the Lewis- day to enter·M.I.T. Marlin team. " ' N"'lcy Chambers of' Sycamore After the program the CQl!pS of Mills road, Medla will leave to­wait!' rs and waitresses including morrow for Dickinson College'. John Bates, Marian LeCron,' Sally where she will begin her fresh- , Gaskill, Phyllis Kleitzen Pat man year. Giles, Hlcky Thompson,' Phil Sally Alden' of North Chester SWain, Joe Gaskill, TedCampbeU road will return tomorrow to Wil­and Ginny Gehring cleared away Ham Smith College, Geneva, N.Y., the .tables and Vernon Wenler arid to begin her junior year. VIrginia • ... p. .• .. ' . -. Ao Old_bile doaJen .... CIID make that prom' , oanjidtmdy, endu.ui DflO"'Uj 1 ~ e • ..., OLl!llJlObi1e to. ~y ol&n the __ pIote lin. up of lea_ we'.., tmIr off&csd. rant, of ooano. tben'. tbe Rocked ma- _ III ear" bi.- 1Ia1 III ....... powa bls:: I IAriIl _ the road! Bat you . ',' .. , ". " I, • ' .. MOTOR C~RI can't .P ......... te die "Rocket" 1IIIIil,.... rry i&. And the eame .- _ Hydra-Matie Super Driv.-. Po..... s-mc •. the A..-lc-E,......,.·... all wbat _ eaIl "ct-"'adoaR lealW'" Make a date with • "Rocket 8" ............... for 'ow"" bow ~ it ..... be to dri .... OIl (lLlm-Me! . , . hiI!, Square Dance O~ .. took Gebr{ng"of Unlvenity pla~ is en- ' over for the balance ot the 'eve- tering WUUa'" Smith. as a fresh- Ding. . . man. "" • The Entertainment Instruction F=================""I'I and' Supply Committee and its CO-ED BEAUTY. ~, ,Hr.. .John, L. Good, SALON . ., t.i,KET· O·'ISM08ltE .",..... ... s.",. ..... ...;,,> .ia.. ; 4 ; ............. __ ....... '.'. ~ ,to thank all the people of the eommwilty who sUpportlod this 0,..,. TIuar..,. N"",. __. ...;• __: ....._ •••. , •••. ~.AI.e' .• ,: ••••• " .••• A,.a ------- ...... ";.. ~-.., ~,: .... _ .. " .. ParI( given to ralBe fimds fot'the .~ ...D UTX01J'l'II'lWa "\" ", cominittee's;velieIatlhOl,Pltal. par. .-;:' ....... 1n. ....... 1 ,~ .. ·T. ...t 'IC.-L ...· _ -".II~_'= = .11 "I • • .aa_. ...-.-~..- r .. JT..:''U, . P.. . ..,. W.~C...A.u ..TY a._tell I., C •• , .. .. , tles'to ~,liveii throUJhotit theil~;=::·==:;;:7.:"=:·~"'=·· =;' :=:::::::::::::::=E cominC year.' .' I WHITAKER-BARRETT, Inc. \ •• "r saw It In The Swarthmorean... 340 W • ...... 0,. Pike . ',' , • .... .. c , ...... tInI Pi "115t"'1t~. -......... ...".' ........ , , hdlawfcJt ~ , I 'L., .... ; -, : \", SEPTEMBER 15 IS TRANSIT PROGRESS DAY AND ••• , Within the last decade vast progress has been . made in, the development of the transit service which has helped. to develop our community and bring the pleasure of country . ' life to thousan4s like yourself and your neighbors. . " It takes yast sums of money to plan ahead for the kind of . transportation Red Arrow patrons enjoy. Since the end of the war , Red Arrow lines have invested millions of dollars in new and modernized equipment-:and facilities to.service them-to'keep our community one of the best served in the country. A~uate transit is a "must" if a community is to grow and thrive. Red Mow has demonstrated its capacity to 1lDticipate the needs of those who look to it for improved service­and will continue its efforts for Transit Progress. +RED • A OW LINES • •• •• •• •• .••- : led Arrow's large,,", of -".m Dletal-bwea umI P • W r.1I cars tllve .=011: ""w,l",g ...... 10_- •••••••• , THERE'S BEEN A BIG CHANGE ,IN COSTS, TOO I In the lastqual:fer_nlu.y our op ... atlng ."pens •• Increased 1 "3%- Employ ... • wages hove been upped 203%- Pa ... ~g.r buses operated by us In 1933 co.t $6."00 each. Today's Diesel Bu.e. cof! $20,000 each. The cost of one of our streamlined rail COn is $48.00~ ~ $29,000 more than earlier mod.l, costing $19.000. In that time Red ArroW's average fare per __ has Increased only 2S.7%- . . •• •• •• •• •• .• ............... _. ..• LINES • ,'" ... , ,

---------- Page 9 ----------

• . ' :'. -' " Mrs. Robert P. Bradford and BOn they took a 10-day trlpby plane house pesta for' a' tew daya MR.·I Mr.' . J' Bob of North Swarthmore avenue. 10 Monte.o Bay. Jamaica. 17 .... •• brother-In-law and slater son. of .Oldrl6VJQ. ·'aveJw. e 'have te:. Mr. and Mrs.C. Irwin Gal- . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Piceard Mr. and··Mrs. 1t..E. Rector IIIld turned b,om. fol1~ a: _th·. breath and daughter Jean ot Ben- Dr. and :Mrs. John R. Bates. an.d ~l!lJ!lter. Betsy OfD~outh chl1dren of Topeka, Kans.. vaCatipn in Ocean CitY.lJ.J •. NEWS NOTES jamin West jlvenue retlll'iled home ~ulhter Sally and lIOn JohnnY avenue recently visited Mrs. Pic-I--....:...--~-:-----.;..---------..,.---­J40nday from Spray J!el!cb,. N. J .• hiove returned to thelr home on card's parents Mr. and Mrs. where they had spent a' two- North Chester road after apend.lng Charles R. Russell of O.den av .... month holiday. They entertained the season at their summer place nue who bave been spendini: the . as thelr week-end guests Mr. and at Shoreham, L. I. WhIle ,!}lere summer at their cabin on Lan.- foed Bay. on the Eutern Shore of rqu~get allthfee by PTe QUAt·tTy fhat Meet Your fa},'. f • ., U. S. GRAD.",CBOI ...... m ROAST- • 41' Mad. from .on •••• " • .,. I're.~ Oroaad .• -...,.... ,'. SSc Meatt Serappl. ,."n~'~:".::.":':tt. • ate All-Pork Saa .... ~~l • Ste a_.. W.II. .......1 1a·"!......,. •• A A. HoNEyDEWS·'· ... 49c y ..... _ 10 Ie 12 011_ leio .... Ie ... m ... ICEBERG LETTUCE~=lt . ' .'~. . .. Specia'ly Prlced-8Ig Va'u •• Ultbys . '.5' PINEAPPLE JUI~ ~-6' ., LUNCH T I!!X 37c Main. Oll.r ~1i_lf . a.::_.C 4 25 .9tUoJ" DoaaId Back P ... .9duz1 Gra .. .Jui .. C::hopped Bro.nll .!::.t c::om on C::Ob ~ Downyllak. w,~ .. BIr4s Eye 'tomatO .J~ .. .. .. .... /}dmI Orange Jaice e.o. "01.4 ~ Le .. aade e. ....... I.4 . Y.ur Choice Only c 2::: 31c 2:;:33e REAL BIG SAVlNGS'IN GWIT PIOS. SOAP POWDEIS a DETERGENTS RINSO (-=I) -;.:S3c· SILVER DUST Wltll DIoIo To_ ·;;ssc (Sped.' 'rlMl SURF (""'8. ) PIf .. -.:-.: sac OxnoL S~Kl.1 VEL, FII T.:' riot ·SUPER SUDS Gian,SI. carR &/L. DOl 6Sc TIDE .} 69c IVOlfSNOW DlEI'T~ JOf '.' , l'Iod·Doa Grapefruit •• 0" n a ~ as- C"lfoataia 0 ....... Tuna .... • ::: 47. .... '. T ... to ••• It • '~.h . ..... " .. ' c::oraed _lei ..... .-a .. Clarida. Ba .. 1nIqera tk· ... I .. Mezola 011 fwSaI.d .. re_ ........ a _ ..... Crown Ma ... .J.... ~ ... a "=', .. Ben Awl (J • .... ) ... ~7t.,. . .- • -He Maryland. /. Mr. and Mrs. Ruaell anil family' of Haverto;d plal:e bave returned from a miSiiQ!'. vacation at their cabin at Warrior's Marie. MIss Mabel 'falley of North Chester road entertained ai a lun­cheon at an ouf-ot-tOwn lea room Thursday tollowedby canasta at her home. Her guests were MIss NeitieAlexander of WOJt Chester. Mnr. E. K. Boehiner of San Fran­cisco. Calif •• Mrs. E. vanS. Clev .... land of Park' avenue. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett ot North CheS­ter road. \ Few cripe iAto .the eeatral city ew ... yWha. .boat -... joo will find PTC ready to tab :r- wbeDever and wbenver you wish to go, witbout traffic, parking or other driviDc .... vri • , Mrs. Robert E. Moist ot Wan-tagh. L. I.. with her children " Johnny and Jacquelyn. returned . " Yon will6nd yoo caD uaually to her' home Sunday after a 10- ~ ~.",~,~'~'~~. ::::.1 g;;t to points iA the central city day visit with her parents Mr. faster by' PTe tIuui by driving and Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vas-sar . avenue. Lt. Col. Moist, sta- - y_ automoblle, findiAg a place to park and tioned at Milchel Field.' N. Y.. _!k;n, to your destiDation. . Spent the week-end In Swarth­more. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. M. Tyson of Guernsey road will have as their =- '- .i.­" I. " •• U..... , "rI/i' "• •. ., _.0. ... I. Use Oar Convenient la,.Aw.,PIan '. Up·to 91" mor. "atatt-altlllty"" • '" • a9% _ ft ......... IIItr" • E .... r.· Qv_ rltUn, .. dry pww""' ..... :'°Il::!N2' 1~W:W::t 1I1Jq( FamOoWus Nlll$l'1985 MA,ATHON ~w TaVCK oMy . .t~ TI ~ES, 'LUlt,U - The money you can .. Te­u much u $300 or mon> a year-by uaincPTC kstMa of your auto to travel to WOI:k, to mop, to the mo-.'ie.-wiIi ilo , Ipng way toward helpine the children tIiiongh schooJ. stepping up you ,clothes budget ew buying a ...-jor hon ..... oId appliance. PHILADELPHIA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ,,:~ •• _.J ' .. ,_ . ,#".- ',<.. . ; •• read It next tlmo you're at ya.u~ mhTot On second thoqhi. ulaybe you'd ~ to know now what it says. Held up in ~nt.qf a mirror it reads, "Girls' who like people·1iite teiephone ,:"ork." ADd It'. true; for girls who like people. tbe'felephone . Company is ai, ideal pleCe to work. H6re are a few of tb8 many advaDtapo.: • 'leaH.,', ..... torta" .. lunounctillfll' ,,' " • 0004 pcoy from ,be....... . ... ...... inc_ .. . • O,portunlty for ... Va ........ . ' : .. ~ He ~CIl· n •••• d . . 'l'Iae are _ lIuml:e . ot OJM'nlnp rtpt _ rw ... who can qualify. Stop In'~ At _ til tho m listed below to talk It; 0.,.. 6'" Ludlew $tNet, Upper Darby, .... ~6'1 Arch It. "" l1li ..... 1 ........ ACM~ MARKET, Chester. Rd., Swarthmore lilt .. , ..." ••• c. ,I ., .. "-111,"111'. .'. (i) FUSCO & ALSTON Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M •. • C ... ter. Falrvfew Id .. Open SaturclCly"tii 6 P.M. SW.I '''.N '"3681 .... :.{~~- '"~:,~~: o _. ... ..' . • < ! , • p _____ w ____ .., lac:: ~:"'::~':; =: Wins Swimming Mild.. OO"1QMDATION 0 .. A&CIII'l'EC'l' . HEL' ... lint; ,., r ••r P"='" IIJ u.. Onn"CIJ of \be H._ .11"" '. .. IIafOUII> of --. .... 8en_- Bobby Sealons of Chestnut ave- Tbe Bur. ... and 'CouncU of the Borouah of Swarthmore are of M ....... _ ber s. 1911. nue. a camper at Camp AUquh, th!,oplnion that Geor .... II. EwinI baa more than dt.eharged the ob1l-hi cal.. ....rI...... &LI0'l"l' IUOBAIIIlIIox Me •• this 1Ummer. won the lUl,ln., I "'1I0IlS of his contract u Borouah Arch1tect. I'rom JDid-Mareh, 1HO. I JIOr<>U&Il ---tarJ A Swlmm1n. Race ... d was pre- when the lire In old borouIb hall forced 1be lliaJrtna: of declllon.· of .ELECfRICAL All ~'n.. to._ w_ _ted with a 1'11 ..... 1 on Camp serJouseonsequence to all of us, unW our Ana DeW borough buUdinI A_. _ of -J IIc1e of Closln D A was completed this i1immer. Gear •• bad· been on the job day ana lepal ... _ I.' ......... , Ru .... A_ •. & p!O$tecI ... , • BY on \IIUSI :U., Plimiinl collnMllln •• ~tinc with o/'Ileersand committees, "'-tr-ctf- )IDOPeDI'd .- of the JIGI'OUIh other Sw~re boy, drlvinl the work, and In a time of ioarInC ..w. bepinl within his Chrilh,)... ';'"Jolre Of _ ......... ODd to __ Bradshaw of BenJamin West an- bud&el and holdlnl,down·the InevitaWte "_bu." His entire organlza- .. ..... r... tile ~ Plan nue. came .In seci>mlln the race. tion liPS":: to have·liveD 1M pref....,."tlal trea~t, ai1d one llllndred . PIIOIIU. .' ~.~~j>(ereel:'t:Ice to aIlJ prtnt. per cen performance. W4i! are cratefuL· .. . . . ~ ~~. -~-- .' . HII", '''''4 a'll. ,UtI TD COUNCIL or TD ~~~~ I Mr. and Mrs. z. Z. bocney' UJmlTlTeldlZIU!:tF Of Uthel'=!1!!·~t.~ minute lsi'e erpvulb11slied· .. ill ..... 7-1111 NO ..... , ... ,.. C1P BWAilTIDroIUI DOl!B. daupters ,Justine, Kathleen =.r:r. ow ,men 0 ~ ..... o. exti'a-Grdinary cos by Mr. _ .... I. Alice of Lafayette avenue ha, ... t opeDOd returned home atteropendlnl Passed this 8th day .of September. 11152- DEVINE fAIl SEIVICI =J days vlsltinI Mrs. Bodley'. mother H. LINDLBY PEEL Mrs. Robert J. Byron at her eot- . President of CouncU S~ .... nlm ... 1 tare In Ocean City. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Servin. Swarthmore. Morton RuUedge and Ridley Townshil' , .b>ee ~la Swartlim .... , BUt over ....... :~_ ~:_; ;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;; tAwveeennu eR. -uttog elf'laJ r Aavse ntuhee , terested. 'I'b.e proper TOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERER Phone WAshbum a-7311 or Write to 6i2 etymer Lane RIDLEY PARK. PA. PETER 01 NICOLA Driveway Con,,",ctlon Alp'alt .r C •• c.:.t. C.llar 'Walll R .. Plalterod ...... S_rtftm.... 6-2526 GEORGE F. CULUS C-et.ry Mo.orlal. 3525 EDGIIONT AVBNtIB CBi:B'rI$ l-n01 wAl.TER M_ MAGEE s.r .. .-UtI . . STENOGRAPH'C: &: TYPING Sn.VICE La .... __ • n- ~ •• ,.rh ~ ....... '.r .. i(..ri'· .... RUPACA. ·I"C.. Th .... · iope.. IW ~'u. ... 1 ..... ' .... ry ...... 8t1NDAYS and BOLID~Y8 SW ~-O740 COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J.A.GREEN are hereby directed partJona ,or Westdale Avenue eMt CYl Rutgers Avenue from. the Borough Plan. . . Section 2. Nothing hereln contain .. eel Bball be taken to coD.ltltute a cloe. tns of We8tdale Avenue- east of Rut­gers Avenue 80 far as private rlgbts are concerned, or sa to any ptlvate e'Hment or right of .... y along or across the ume, U any 8uch rlghta now ulst. 9-12-3~ Borough of'Bwvtbmore OBnINANCB NO. M4 All OI'dlDanee to terminate and abolloh the Pollee' PllnaIOll' PIlnd ,eslabll8hed punuant to 0I'd1- Dance No. 0184:. appiovec! Hovem.Oo her :n. tHIS. malting provlslona for the PIoper llqutdatlon there'­of • Section 1. The swvtbmOJ'e: Pollee Pund eotabllahed by Ordi­nance No. 018-1. approVed Ncwem.ber 21. IMe, btl and the same hereby 18 ter­mJ. nated and Bboll8hecl. 2. CLASSIFIED PERSONAL FOUR NEW HEALTH. FILMS AVAILABLE Donald D. Gardner. Health Ed­ucation Seeretary ot the Dela­ware County Tuberculosis and Health Assoeiation, announces the avaUability of four new 16mm. health films for use by schools. . Secretary CHARLES R. RUSSp.L . . .'. .' Burgess CUNNINGHAM Since 1905 Painters & Paper Hangers We Ihould know how Swa. 6-2266 MIchigan Av •• clubs. IndusWes. and interested 5019. 1",·om,. In·DelAware County. These ;;P';E~RS~O;;:N"AL;;-::"'-::C::-hi1""" 'dr-e-n"'.s-s-m-oc.....,-ks fllms deal with tuberculosis. over-for school. Made 10 order. $3.00 weight, safety. and nutrition and each. Alberta Blankenship.' SW 6- should be of interest to many pet ... ·1 Charles E. Fischer 1382. pIe In the County. FOR SALE BUILDER FOR SALE-Colorful young para­keels easy 10 tame fun 10 train to whisUe and tanL Cell 6-4595. . A" U'" of l.wl_ 333 Dartiaoalh AT_ae· S .............. SW.I It •• N ,"~m In addition to the above films. a new fuU-eolor film on the biol08l­cal and physical aspectS of tuber­culosis will. be avaiabe after Octo­ber 1st. It is 'ot parlicuar value to junior high school. high school acantdio cno. llepghe ycsliaoslsoegsy .i n hbaecatletrhi oelogdyU -I!~~~~~~~~~~~~ and general science. The Association also ls .willing 10 plan and Conduel health meet­ings for any Interested group In the County. Films and equlp,metlt I are supplied free of charge upon request. AU requests should be di­rected to the AssocIation "t' 9th and W81ah,~treets. Chester. Ph"ne Chester. ~'T, Ge ... "",o. '.JJd.l~ HORACE A. REEVES "'NlI79Co.dnlctla. ~~., : . '~ ==== • AltBaIlOllll 17'1.1 sO ... C ... ler .... Sw ....... "'~ ... , Arthur HarveY. of Park avenue celebrate' his eighth amiiven­ary tomQrrow by entertaininr .at a ~~~ ~POI'S. : .. Gli HERS . ~. IlEPAJftED a: INSTAU.m 1V AIIM·AIIl BEATING Farn..,.,. V_alii CleaDecI GEORGE MYERS Box 48-Swarthmore 6-0740 HSIDENTIAL AND COMMEICIAL CONSTRUCTION Alterations '.R.R. FreI,U Bldg. Swartltcn-o.r e. -.. .... J. F. BLACKMAN 8W 8-8818, ~-------------------­--~------- ACompfete. '.sut.ace· GIl" 'Hf Estate Ageacy SWEENEY" & CLYDE 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESl'ER . . PhOnes: 3,.6141 3-6142 4-4291 4-4292 • . Samuel D. Clyde J. &.lWilrd .(lyde Samael n: C1yole, Jr • l .... '.~ Geo~e Plowman . Rei"~EState . '.~ .' .-:, '.- ". '. .' -.-:.~: : • J.. • ._ . '. ~ . , - '. ,.:.::{ ~'."!~.~~~-"':.:;;: .. ~ -. '-:- . . CUStolli?Homes . '. ._. - -:.' .,. ' ..., .'. -- .. - . . .. '. . - ~ .. ;,' . ~ . .-" COIJSJructiqn Mortgaies --,.;,..' -- '. Baird & Bird - COR. DARTMOUTH .... LAFAYE. IE AYENUES O .. nlt. ......... H .. 1 ~.

---------- Page 10 ----------

Polio Threat Delays. home Sunday from Yarmoutb, Fall Mutual Exch MRS JAMES P PORTER end NJDa LeIIb JrlcOmde and Scout, Brownie Meets :~:,h:~th!"~t::e. = ~ . ange Jrlemo:a. Servic:. were' held ~beth LudchlqUOlne. ' Due to .the number of pollo return to. Friends Central Thurs- Set for Sept 23.25 Sunday afteinoon In the Swarih- . The~, J'oeeph P. BlIb/)p con- ~ases In Delaware County. Dr • .1'. day to begin his senior year. . • . more Presbyterian Church for duoted the servlce·on Sunday. Ih~ Albright .I' 0 n es, . Swarthmore Enslen David CamPi1e1l wUl re- (Contmued from Page 1) Mrs; J'ames P. Porter who died terment was'held In Woicester. health omcer, baa uked that no turn to the Naval Ordnance Plant, fore provide the cash to be col- Saturday evening at the 'home of G,lrl !Icout or Brownie. meetInp Louifvllle, .Ky., tomorrow after lected on Thuraday. h daUJhter .1'. ROIielt" Twombly, ·U-S.N., be beld before the ftnt of Octo- spending a week's' leave at his For Thunday, September 211, Is er Mrs. Pemberton M. graciuated September 8 after 11 ber' U there Is to be a further de:. home on Collelle avenue.Plc.J'ohn Settlement Dey. Blunt-nosed pens Dlcksop of North PrInceton. ave~ weeka training atl iIle Recrult lay the leaders will be adv1secL All Campbell, stationed at, the Army and overheated 'adding machines nue,. with· whom she had Hved eaDrP,·: Bainbridge, MeL' : Mr. Brownies and Scouts wUl be notl- Chemical Center, 'Edgewood, Md., wUl probab}y be all that remain. since May. She had been Ul for Twombly Is now on a tw~week field when and where thelr ftnt spent the week-end at his home of the speedy, hardworkin& Fin- some time. leave and with Mrs. Twombly, meetlni wUl tske place, here. ance Committee of the club, cal- Born In Dlinols, she spen~ the the ~Ann 'de i'Jnia of NOrth Because of the lack of leaders Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir culatlng percentage&, and record- early part of her ute In Worces- Chester road, wUl motor to Maine the Scouting program in Swarth- and daughters J'lnnle and J'oan of Ing and labelln. hundreds of In- ter, IIIaas. 'UPon her marriage she for a visit with his mother Mrs. more wUl have to be curtailed this South Chester road, wUl spend the divldual envelopes, 'all between and Dr. Porter, . professor 'of 'PST-' Charlotte Twombly cif Fort FaIr­fall, necessitating a waltlng Ust week-end at Cape. May Court nine Wednesday eveninll and noon cholo.." llved ftrst In IUlonola l1eld, ,Me., .. followedbY a trip to for certain Scout troops. Anyone House, N.J., as the lUeSts .of Mrs. Thursday. Nevertheless, promptly where he tauaht at Clark Univer- Canada. interesto;d in leading a troop or J'ohn A. Moir. . at noon, and until 4 p.m. the doors sity, later movinl to Athens, Ohio, ;::' =' :±'='=' ========~ asslatlng In leadio. ill asked to ~all Mr. and Mrs. Palmer L. Sko,- of the Club will, a'aIn be open for where he was associated with the Mrs. D. M, Gowing, Swarthmore lund and three chlldren of Swerth- Mutual Exchangers to pick up the University of Ohio for 20 ye""". 8-2489. m,ore place have j~t, returned cold hard cash' and any unsold Prior to thelr move to Swerth-from a .~-week 'vacatlon in Items. more last Spring, they llved In NEWS NOTES Pentwatet;iWch. En route home What makes It an Exchange? DanvUle, m. Lt. (j. g.) J'ames Cameron, Mrs, they vlsitM relatives '.' an!! old Sprouting chlldren present a prob- In addition to her husband and JINGLE t • ~ -, i' . ~ . .' Do yO" need Pad or Pencil, A Pen: that wUl write? ThiY},,~;·b~.,>color varted, ~~~ ~,80me ll8ht. Bbeatfer "- Ellterbroolt . PaperHa&e DaUG STOU Cameron and tbelr son Franklin friends in the Chic.go. silburbs lem to parents who sometimes feel l'yfrs, Dickson, she ia s.;mved by a spent a few days of this week 'Vis- over Labor Day week-encL 'WhIle they do nothing but try to keep dauahter Mrs. Seymour Green of lUng Mrs. Cameron's father Mr. there they also viSIted Mr, and their small 'fry from buratln. out Hlldson, N.Y" thrlle grandchUdren, F. T. Flaherty and familY' of Mrs. Allyn Sriyre, J'r., and chll- at the seams, so September 24 Mrs, Henry McCorkle of New­Guernsey road whlle en route dren of Crystal Lake,' m. Mrs. provides a wonderful opportunity town ,Square, Mrs. john Chlquoine from Portsmouth, R, I., to the Sayre is the former l\!lSs Jean to "swap" the outarown but hard- of Rutgers avenue, and Mrs. Har­Naval Air Station at Glenview, Storrs of Swarthmore ptace. ly worn dress or suit for one that ry Warren of Bryn Mawr; and Ill. Mrs. Nothera B;, flllbbell and .:,ts. Hous~hold Items too, come Ithr~;ee;;:;gr~e;a;t-~gr;an~d;C;hll~dre;;n;,=L;aur;;;a:4~==~;;;;;;~;;;;===~ Mr, Milton S Hobbs of Park her daUJhter Vir_;:it'iiive re- ~ the Plcfturlde, forltsif It isn'tt anal II avenue returned Sunday from a turned from a vacation In MaIne e: ange fO urtl~;:;\ anta :::' ~ two-week business trip to Dsh- 'aod are now In their new home at IC atange-op c I h,orf curl dy' °tor . os nee. eop e W 0 ee rea rBhn, Arab18. On his return fIlght, 127 Yale avenue.. scream at the llvingroom draper- Mr, Ho~bs met his son Lt. Milton WUliam·R, Huey, Jr.; of Dlck- les, could promptly remove them, Hobbs m Paris (stationed near La inson avenue wUl leave Sunday clean them, tske them to the Ex­Rochelle for the summer), where for Ann Arbor, Mich., where he change on Tuesdriy and look for they' ~pent two days together. Lt. will enter the Law School of the another set on We~esday. For It's Hobbs Is now spending the re- University of MlchllBn· anyone's lUeSs what' will be there; ma1nder of his furlough on an Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tucker and what one thinks I is junk Is an­elght., day tour of England and famlly of Swarthmo~e avenue mo- other'; idea of a precious posses­Scotland. tared to Benninaton, Vt., where sion. And that is what makes It Mr. and Mrs, R, T, Bates and their daughter Diana entered Ben- mutual exchange. son J'ohn of· Yale avenue returned nington Colle.e. '. '. _____ - "fou Meet fll. Nicest Peop'. crt $p .. ,05'" ~~;-.~~ .. , C .... EDGMONT AVENUE - 7th and WELSH ST~ I for all sweater· loving womt!n IMPORTED by CATALINA It95- for the 19.95 for the eardi SIZES: lito" MOST COLOBS SPORTSWEAR Second Floor SHOP FRIDAY 9:30 to 9:00 Mon. a. ThUll to ~ 'We p. II. NEWS NOTES Mrs. W" MInton Harvey of Col­umbia avenue has returned home after a five-week -visit with her son-in-law and dauahter Mr. and Mrs, James H. Vidal of LOOkout Mountain; Tenn. Mrs, Pierre Decrouez of O.den avenue, accompanied by . her daughter Mary and son Pierre, re­turned Iaat week on the S. S. United States after spend1n8 the 'summer In France. f4ary wUl re­turn next week to Oberlin Col­le. e for her sOphom*ore year. Mr.' and Mrs,' H. E, Sheppard and son .Scott wUl arrive today by plane. from Jacksonville, Fla., for a visit with Mrs. Sheppard's pa­rents Mr. and Mrs. Earl H, Weltz of Collelle avenue. Mrs, Edward H. Allen, son Ter­ry and daughter Susan of Haver­ford avenue, returned Friday from IndianapOliS, Ihd., where Mrs. Al­len and daughter had ;Visited for a month with Mr& Allen's broth­er Mr. Arthur Collins and family. They were joined there by Terry who had been ~ampln. for three weeks In the Adirondacks with Mr. and Mrs. stuart Graves and three sons of Moylan. The Graves famlly were camplnll In the open Itl the middle Saranac Lak~ sec­tion, takinll side trips by canoe on nearby lakes and rivers. Mountain climbing was also enjoyed, es­pecially the one with no trail when a compass was used to lind their directions. CAUSE .• ,bD,o a~1 tr'f 10 .... at you ar<ll i11_~ wluac 10 do to _ your heslch.Go at_ to your Doctor. II. guided by hi. experi. ence and .kU1. And of cour •• , we bope yoa will. brin, hi. pftsctip­non. bere for expert, carefal cDlIlpoandin,. CA1IIEIMAN'S DRUG ,STpIE All the Things. You' Want , ' 19 . . ·C'.h fO" ijo,; " , 52 'e.,,·, .'''''1 ' . . evro et The lIyI.nno Do Luxo CollY ........ and finesl . no-shift driving· a.llowest costwitb POWER ~ AutOMATIC TRA·NSMISSION* Yes, indeed ••• once you'v_, tried.,POWERGUD~;. , •• you'll nevor be satisfie.d wHh .. ~ything lessl. . . For CheVrolet's time-proved roworflld. Alii. mafic fl'an.m'"'on, coupledwHh th .. I~Ch.v­rolet Valv,,'n-Hoad fllflno end fconaM'.or Rear . AzI., forms a peerless PowerT e.m that Is exdusive to Chevrol.t and th.t gives II.", • ...... fft drMDf at 'owo. cost-plus the m,u powerful perforn)ance ' in its field. • ,No clutch pedan No ge.rsllifting! No power steps or sUH,lesl' Only effortless motion, a feeling that you . are ,u'd'n, th •. car inst •• d of driving it, and ",_'wot volocH)' , • • .. smooth, unbroken flow of' power at aU . engine speedsl . . Come, hy PoweH,llld.-nlv bHlion-mile proved automatic transmission in its fleldl • CombiftOtioft of P"",erIlIUle Automotio T .... ......... .. nd 105-1>.p. Val".·i ... HHd B"" ..... ."tioJoal ... mode" al ... tno COlt, . Mor~ People Buy " Than Any Other Car GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS .. J - , , First in Service - First in Sale. RUMSEY CHEVROLET . .. :-- . . Swciln.DNMIIO' ' \ ;", :" . . i' ' ,1 .. ,_Th_._ea_t_re_._S_q_ua_r_e~. _ ..'. _. ....... ~ ... _~ .... ~i;i.uth._.C. h. . e. _st_e_r_R_oa d~ Womalf's .. Club Exchange TH·E "SWARTHMO Tuesday, Wedn~sday Thursday . V'OLUME~BER38 8WAIl'l1DlOBE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1952 1BR.\RY ; .. ' . I" . HealthSocietyReports !:~'!!!~!~!~- Woman's Exchange On Summer' Months :~: ~~m:t:~ ==-: f:~'Begins Tuesday at 10 DR. MUU ..... SPEAK Dr. J'ames MuLlle"lbui r.-. .... .s::1 sor of. Bible .. at Union 'Tbeolo8ical Seminary in 'New York City wUl X·Ray Survey to Be Held Here Oct. 1st ,lows:. . be the speaker at the Nursing Staff Prepared Saturday, October 11, an Infor- Mrs, Morse Heads Three- ::: a~r::b~~~ c:.uur: Afternoon, Evening Exams ~ f mal dance for the seventh grade ; ~~ '1 bl I for tiome Care 0 and a formal dance for the ninth Day Event at Tuesday~ ~ptember ao. Dr. Mull- Ava. a e to De aware . Polio Patients grade; Saturday, October 18, for- Club enburg IS one ,of the leading Old County Residents mal dances for the eighth arid . Testament 'scholars In the world, Director Mrs. ElIzabeth Ann tenth grades; and Saturday, No- Old home week has nothing on and has worked with the Revlsion The cooperatln. committee for Groft listed 1906 home visits made vember' I, an informal dance for the Woman's Club Mutual Ex- Committee on the Bible for sever- the BoroUlh of Swarthmore met in this area by staff nurses of the the eleventh andtwel1th efades. change coming up next week at al years. with representatives of the Dela- Community Health SocIety of There has' been a sllaht delay the swarthmore Woman's Club. -.------- ware County Tuberculosis' and Central ¥aware CountY dur1n8 jn the sending, of the Invitations For if ever there Is an event ".'~t Services Tomorrow for Health Assoctatlon to plan for the the three summer montha she re- because of printlllg dimculties Is fun, frivolous and fetching, It s . community Chest-X-ray survey ported to the Board of Directors The cooperation ot the parents ~ this Autumn excbange running M J H d T I examinations which will bellin Thunday momin., September II return1n8 enrollment cards through next Tuesday, Wednes- rs • owar ayor shortly. • in Borouah Hall. promptly, when recelve.J, wUl be day and Thursday. , Robert Bernhardt, Executive Two of the nurses attended the much appreclted by·the Commlt- Those who have gone to the .25-Year Resident Served Secretary of the Delaware County Pollo Institute at Delaware Coun- tee Club's exchange in the past wUl Association announced that his ty Hospital and one is now attend- • not quarrel with the fUn and friv- Red Cross and Depres- .taft with Its equlpment will be In ing the Pollo Institute at Chester 920 M d ollty-the most wonderful variety sion Pro ·Ied the Swarthmore. Hiah School Hospital. The entire staft is now to Enroll on ay of friends and acquaintances gath- 8Ymnasium on Wednesday, Octo-prepared to care for Pollo pa- er at the Park avenue clubhouse Funeral, services for Mrs. J'ohn ber I, 1952. In the "ai-Iy part of tlents In their homes. Since menY At Swarthmore Coil on Tuesday, for Instance, brinll- Howard Taylor of 241 Kenyon the afternoon, the hi.h school pu-polio patients are sent bome from • Ing their wares as prospective sel- avenue will be helrJ at 1 P.M. to- pUs of the upper grades, ",Weles, . hospitals as early as pOssible, due lers or receiving the ,goods as morrow at the .1'. Harry Stroud and members of the staft would be to the crowded condition, the Tuesday Classes WiIIlntro- members of the Club's emclent FUneral Home, 600 North 6ard lliven the examinations. The ex- Board consldered this a useful d 16 N F Ity committees; an even wider circle street, Philadelphia. Interment In aminatlons for the public would Item of information: uce ew ac:u on Wednesday to case Arlln8ton cemetery, Drexel Hill then be made between 3:30 and 5 A new nurse, CecUla Manion, Meml:iers the racks and tables of classified win follow. In the afternoon and 6:30 to 8:30 has joined the staff. Miss Manion .oods from bousebold' wares to Mrs. Taylor who died at her at niaht, is a .graduate of the PhIladelphia Re8lsiratioD for the 1952-53. baby clothes, while Thw::sday_as home earlY Wednesday m"rnllnlll The chest X-ray survey wUl be General Hospital and Is studying school year at Swarthmore Collele final wind-up day ofters the op- was a n;itlve of York. She was 117 for persons over 18 years of .. e public health nursin. at the Uni- bep Monday when 920 students portunity to meet those missed In years old last April 22. Her mald- who reside or work In Delaware verslty of Pennsylyania. She came wUl be enrolled, Thls Is the previous two days. en name was Artie Sooy.. County and who desire the serv-· student body than last year when Married in Phll del hla sh Ice "6_~ces are made availab'e on duty as of September 1. Two And grammarians stumbling a p , e . ~.. '. staft nurses were married during the enrollment dropped below 900 over the choice of "fetching" wUl was a former cbairman of the to many communities in Delaware the summer, Geraldine Ryan and for the fj,rst time slDce World War ~ forced to agree that the .clean- Swarthmore branch of the Red County throuah receipts from the Ami'e Baker, the first becominl II, ed, mended and pressed goods are Cross and had been_ co-operator annual Christmas scal sales and Mr& J'ohn McCarthy and 'the lat- When classes start on Tuesday fetehed for the club on 'l'uesday; of the COlJlmunity Exc~ange con- have helped many persons who ter Mrs. Robert Todd. there will be 228 members In the buyers fetch bargains on Wednes- ducted under the auspIces of the want to avall themselves the op. ~ children from the area senior class, .204 juniors, 202 soph- day, and sellers fetch th~ cash on Woman's Club during tho!: depres- portunity of having this survey. went to Camp Hope at Fl'ench omores,. and a new freshman class Thursday. slo.n ~ears, One 9f her hubbies was Creek .Park and 27 chlldren to of 225,· There are also a1 special Tuesday may be a weekend and pamtlng in oUs. . Camp Sunshine. or unclasslt1ed students, There a whole Monday away, but there's She was a lJIember of the ll'irst LWV GROUP TO HOLD PANEL MONDAY Due to a manifested need, the wUlbe . 487· men students as a hustle ""d busUe a,bOut the town Church of Christ, . board authorized two sessions a£ainst 433 girls, , ' that testifies to the large scale Swa~~re. The regular evenin. meeting of each month at. the Woodlyn Clind There wUl be 18 new faces on preparatlpns goWg on in an am~- . SUl'Vlymg besides her husband, the League of ,Women Voters of· Health. Center to ~ hel.d .on' 'the ·the'. faoulty. When. ··classes bei!n .. , "'g n. "::;:t;;: ofh~Dleti. HO~: a ~o,rmer, P~!!eJ!,lPa ,!,;"chltect Swattlunort> wUl be held on' JIaII­ftrst arid'third Thursdliy mornings. Deborah:WIng-~ be.the new a"''!IIV"m·· .If l1ffie~1iIrW:' . ew, connectecl.l:wlth the DeJaware. dlilf"evenlJig;,september22,-a1: iI:II!" Doctors In attendaJicil WIll·~ or: slstantdean' of ~oJI1en. Mlsa Wing alas, outgrown, poJlshlng Sunday County National·. Bank In Chester, 'In the Pre'sby1erilin .Church. "OV­Oscar LaJilch of Leedom Estates is a graduate ot thecoUege and School ~oes too amall for grow- are two chlldre~, Mrs, J'ohn B. erseas Reaction to United States' and Dr. LorettaDeLaltes pedlat11.- baa been head .of the :English de- in. feet; mending boys and men's Roxby,. Jr., of 235 ;Kenyon ave- Forelen Policy" will be the foplc clan at Chester Hospital. ' partment at the KatharilU! Bran- clothing,' 1reshenin. UP evening nue and Lt. J'oImHoward Taylor, of a panel discussion,' The Dental Clinic at .Ridley son School, San Francisco, for the gowns and dancing shoes ·for ftrst J'r., stationed with the Unfted Willis Weatherford, assistant Township :fngh' School' opens past sill yeilrs. (Continued on Page 10) - states Denver, and three profe$SOr·.,f EconomicS af Swarth- TuOsday, September 23 for scliool There wU1 be thr~new men In grandchildren,. J'udith and J'une more Colle.e, who' returned' last. chlldren m: this area who need the enllineerinll division. One wUl H II' ,. p' -d Roxby and RIchard Taylor. Lt. spring 'from a· ten.month tour of . dental care and meetthli 'eUlIi- be Prof. Wllllam J. Cope, profes- a owe en ·ara e TayIO~ who IVisited his mother India, will discuss Ibdian reaetton . bUity requirements. -'. .. sor of mechancal engineering. . ,. ,. ,seyer driys ast week flew back to ,our foreien ·.pollcy. Mr. Weath- Mrs. C, Edwin Ireland, pres!- Prof. Cope was head of the de- Date' Set ·fof' Oct 30 today for the funeral. erford·vlslte.d . India under the dent of the Board, presided at the partment at the University of ". . . _. ..•. , '. auspices of the American Friends meeting. ~= ~~~r;e. C~!e: ;:0:: Annual Event to Be 'Held College Nurse Found =I":f ~~:=gfO!h:: ~:o~ Football.. T.e .a.m ~~~:~,~~~:~;;!:~' as- , Out. of yDeOaOrrs This Dead at st. Davids ::~~g~ :~~~=~ed:;o~~~d . with refugees in North Africa and For Opener Sept. 26th ADULT SHOP CLASSES The Swarthmore BuSiness As- Mrs. Devereaux Victim of South and Central Europe dm;inll START TUE.SDAY NIGHT sociation has set the date of their Accident Monday th~,:,w~lr.eapsrs, . professor of . annually sponsored Hailowe'en MacAJpine and Kauffman Parade for "1'i1ursday, October 30, Afternoon French at Swarthmore College, Head Swarthmore Adult shop classes will be held in the high school shop bullding for a period of ei8ht mon~, be­H. S. Elevan . ginning on Tuesday, September The 111G2· swarthmore' H, iIh 30, ' . School football team Is gradUally The program calls for shop and takln. shape ~or the 0penin8 pme handicrafts work suitable to the wl~ J)'arby on the latter'. ;'bema experience of the 8fOwn-u~ par- 8ro~ .. FricJa7, Septem~ ,,28. ticipatlng. The selection Qf:~~ac­Loca/. tans who have. watched ~e tlvlty and the project will '" op­sq~. in practice, uid in 1Crim- tiona!. The work wUl cover wood­maie with other teama Uke Its work, both elementary and ad- 1000 and feel thaflfwi11,becOine vanced; art metal work; and steadily stroDger ail the seuim household mechaniCS. Shop mater­pro .. ms. ia1s wUl be provided by the school It Is an qgreptiOn th'llt con- but whatever Is used is to be pald taIns some line prllQ)el!ts but that for so that further supplies can be still baa lOme· uncertatn opots. purchased and made available to The 1088 by graduation of 14 let- other student!'. ter men, Incbiding such standouts In years past, enthusiastic as '51 Captain Jack Tit9mpson and workers, both men and women, Quarterback Jimmy Carter, lett have found recreation and pleas­some hig gaps. Getting the proper ure In worklnll with tools and the balance wUllnvolve the SwitClIlnl shop machinery. This Is the same of certain pti..,ers io dil!erent pos- shop and the same equipment that itions on offense and ddenBe" is used for Instructional purposes and has arr_Of t~ed to bold It out Memorial services for Mrs. who spent threPe --m'-onthsd ltahs t of doors '"L"'_" year. Acco. rdinll to Blanche De'(ereaux wUl be he. ld sprin. vlsltinSf Fr. .. ~ waUn l e present plana the parade wUl form Sa southern part 0 anee com-tomorrow ( turdriy) morning at h tI to on Ru'..-.~ -. avenue, m' arch down 11 a.m. In the Swarthmore Pres- ment upon Frenc reaAcl sooi l Cheater road to Pa. rk avenue, past byterian Ch.urch. AtlcmlpearitcinaSn fIonre ltlhPe' p.op laicnye.l are ptWaro-the judges' Stand to the Borough Mrs. Devereaux was found dead League members, Mr& H. I\Iather Parklnll lot where It wUl dbband. on a rallroad embankment be- IJpplneott; who recently accom­The decision to tske the parade tween St. Davids and Wayne at panled her husband to the Friend!! out of the· Field House where It 5:30. ~ond8Y..' Auto.P8Y diaclOlled -..o r'd ..." nterenca. in' .......o r~ and had . been hospitably received· by tured skulL .. '. .... .".. .. the Colle.e for the past 14 years, a fBroacrn In MinneapoUs, Mrs~ Dev- tMrarsn.l eLde rtohyr oPugetheorusot nE,n JwIhanosde, arDeod was made by a majority vote of ereaux came to this community ks will be dr fro th members of the Association at earlY In ute and tOok tra1n1n8 at mar Le awn, 1m ch ose their September meeting last Children's Hospital, PhlIa. She llieveetntn atb thEllne a~elfs un eon M ond ay evenln. . was a rellislered' nurse. m An.y•on e YI nter,eosrt e.d. 0 in• the pro-' Out-of-town bands will be as!c- . She had been head nurse at the ,- invited to tte d. This ed to join the Swarthmore Hiah ., iIifIrmary t S arthm gram '" a n School Band In providing the Cmenll· sin 19-a W ore 'aroup of LealUe members meets , , th b 0 ege ce ~.'. in the evening so that thoee un-marchln. rhythms, and e ... She Is survived by a dauahter ' of novelties awllrded to each mar- . " able to attend luncheon meetingS , . ed h Mrs. J. CliI!ord Scott of Wayne may participate in LealUe of Wa-cher will be eUmlnat , Cas and four grandchildren a brother . prizes will replace the red, ~hlte Co\' Frank Salfl'!l"re, USA, three men Voters programs, and blue winner ribbons preVlous- sisters Mrs. Grace Veit of St. Dav­ly liven. Ids, Mrs. R. S. Horsemann of In addition to the parade,. the Gra~e, and Mabel Salftnaere· Association wUl spo":",,r a poster of Phlladelphla. Trinity Sunday School Parents of TrInity Church,. The openln, IBm!!· ;With, J>vby in the day school classes, Will be a hard test for If Is likely Rellistration wUl be accepted by to be the toUJhest' g8Die' 011 the the teacher, David L. WatkinS, on scheduJe. Darby sthl has the fine Tuesday, September 30'. If ~": ronnln. back and the big end who is. enough demand, .classes wm gaVe Swarthmore IiomucJiiJrliilble beld two nights a w~ Tuesday in, the 13~13 opener last' season. and Th,llrsday; otherwtSe, once a Fortunately SwarthmOre seeJIIS week as the, clalIS ~ elect. The (Continued on pagii 4)' hours are frOln'7to 9:30 p,m. contest with cash priZeS, open to I r::.:,;;;::;;;::::::,;;;;;:;,...--:----.:..., all grades at the Swarthmore Schools. These PIlsters wUl adver­tise the parade, and i~ is, ho~ that there wUl be a poste'l". ler every busineSs house wlndow,··The windoW painting of the past few yeara wUl be discontinued. DON'T FORGET October 18 Is the next Bor­ough Red~oiIs, BlOOd' Donor Day. Put ' a' pint of your bloOd in ,theLife-Savinl Bank! Swarthmore, who have not al­ready rellistered their chlldren for Church School may do so this Sun- . day mom1n8 at 9:30, Mrs. Arthur ... Moscrip .and Mrs., .1'" W. Howard ' Schad will be on hand at that' time to recelve re8lsiraUons, : . ChUrch' School claSses' bellin . Sunday, September 28 aU:30 a.m. •

---------- Page 11 ----------

. . ". ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers of Miss Sara Spencer Mrs. Herbert W. Huse _~i;I.~c.Oo,r~n~'rell avenue wUl be- guests of daughter of Mrs. F. Guinan Spen~ daughters Molly. Sally and JI on SatllMay a«emoon. 'cer of Guernsey road imd the of Vassar avenue have September 27. when their twin late Mr.. Spencer ~me the home after spending the sons Mr. Thomas Myers and Mr. bride of Mr, Anthony Ma1lierl, at their. summer place at John ~ers of Drexel HUl wUl Jr .• son' of Mr. and Mrs. Malgleri London. N. H. Mr. Huse joined his entertain at open house In' honor of Rochester. N. Y .• on SatllMey family for a three-week of their 50th wedding anniversary. afternoon at • o'clock in the Mr. and Mrs. ltcibert Also attending the event wUl be Swarthmore Presbyterian. Church. ~t_'-.~._'.fioo: !1.tlY_. thelr ~t1hlea!i:r1 _es~o!'li_s1 !I~M. _r.~ _l4 t_ O._ ~. ,. l¥.Y'lma~ ~e9l1 candijpbra !iiilitecf' tile--- .. - i>ertorined by the Rev. ~~~ summering In Ocean City. Myers. his wJ.fe and daughter Syd- Bishop before an altar -ba»ked DR~ PETER E.' COSTE DENtIST announces the removal of his offi(l8 . . To 121 RutgenAvenue . ".' ' ... ~ .. _ _. . _ .B'l' Al"POIN'ritlINT . _ .. _ SWABTIDIORE '-111' SWAB.TBMOU. p"" . . .' lC1-year-old daughter of the ney of Plalnfteld. N. J. with ferns and white chryaanthe-wellers •. had the misfortune mums. ~~~;5;;;;~~~;a~~;~~~~~~~~~5~~~ bfl!ak her left am. the last EN(;AGEMENTS . Mr. Henry 1. Faust, or8llJllst. : of their vaca#on. ... ~ Mr. mid Mrs. W. ileriry IJnton and Mr. Eugene CalrcsU; viollnist, S'' 0' ,... S ·. _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry 01 . Wliw'a; _ announce the engage- presented the pre-nuptial music. daUfhter Lynn of Vassar. av;~:: I ment of their daughter. Miss Lois The bride., ilven In. mlllTlag" 1;>)' spent a week visiting Mr. D. IJnton, to W.lrl N. Duling. Jr .• her brother. Mr. F. GUman Spen- NEW EXCITING for parents Mr. and Mrs. vi. R. of Swarthniore. son of ·Mr. and cer. Jr .• wore a liown of white . - 1.98 on their farm on Lake Wallenpau- Mrs. 'DulIng of Huntington. W. satin fashioned with high neckline. $av, $1.oa: Tral.n Far_Buy ~,i.~eaily pac In the Poconos. Va. ,. lace yoke. long pointed sleeves 51ave 30e BUIFq~Buy It Now' . Mr. and Mrs: James E. Davis Miss Linton attended Simmons and full skirt with cathedral train. Save "al .. and. Pa,krng-IJlY It Here Amherst avenue spent several College. Her veil of tulle fell from a Jul- Sove $1.98--0on't Buy It at Alii days on a trip through the New Mr. Duling attended Marshall let cap of lace and she carried . . .,.. . . . England states. They were ac- College and the Massachusetts In- white orchids, stephanotis and 111- THE CAMERA AND HOB8t SHOP companied by their son John who stitute of Technology: He is now les of the valley. 4.DS DARTMOUTH ·AVENUE entered Harvard University, aSl'oclated with Sun Oll Company. Mrs. Ralph B. Little. IV, of Wednesdays 9-1 FridaYI 9-8:30 Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson Swarthmore', as matron of honor, '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and daughter Claire of North Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G; Myers wore a gown of copper taffeta r Chester road. will leave today to of Dickinson avenue announce the featuring a low neckline on the motor to Northampton. engagement of their fttted bodrce. with flschu of ta1feta where Claire will enter Miss Isabel Ann Myers. to Mr. and long full skirt. She carried Coilege. James A. Hughes; Jr .• son of ·Mr. gold and chartreuse autumn ftow- Dr. John . W. Nason. and Mrs. James A. Hughes of ers and wore a' pheasant feather dent of Swarthmore College, Glenside. cap as a headdress. Mrs. Nason will entertain a t a Miss Myers Is a graduate The bridesmaids. wearing char- Fteshman Tea on Sunday after- Middlebury College. has attended treuse taffeta and carrying bronze noon for the new students. the University .of Basel In Swlt- shades of chrysanthemums, were Mr. and Mrs. James B. Douglas zerland and has a master's degree Mrs" F Gllm an Sp encer. J r.. MI' SS of North Chester road have re- from the University of Pennsyl- Ann Peters Crowley. Marblehead, tu~ed home after summering at vania. Mr: Hughes Is a graduate Mass" Miss. Carmita Bartlett their cottage In Cape May, N. J. of the Wharton School of the Un- Hetherington of Montclair. N; J., Their ~on Mr. James B. Douglas. Iverslty of Pennsylvania' and a cousin of the bride. and Mrs. An­Jr .• and family of Gwlnhurst. ·Del.. member of SIgina Phi Epsllon drew A. Thompson of Arlington. sPent several weeks the latter fraternity. Va. of August at the Douglas cottage. No date has been set for the Dorothy Hether,lngton, daugh- Mr. and Mrs, Marvel Wilson wedding. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. and sari Layton of Strath Haven Hetherington of Rutgers avenue, avenue have returned' home after Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hertel of cousin cif the bride.' and Susan summering at their cottage In Swarthmore avenue. Rulledge. Lathbury. daughter of Dr. and Rehoboth Beach. Layton returned announce the engagement of their Mrs. Vincent T. Lilthbury of Wal­to Episcopal Academy last week daughter. JO'ln. to Mr. Allen D. nut lane. as flower girls wore long to begin his senior year.' Marvel Hinkle. son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- dresses of copper' taffeta with Wilson, J~.. who joined his par- old HInkle of WUllamsport. puffed sleeves and sashes ofehar­etlts In RehobOth the latter part MisII Hertel Is a graduate of treuse. They carred baskets of of July while on a three-week Swarthmore High School. attend- blending pompon chrysanthe­. furlough from Ft. Sill. Okla.. is ed Endicott Junior College and is mums. nov.; stationed In Germany. now Ii senior. at Pennsylvania Mr. Dale Rauch of Swarthmore Mr. and Mrs, Daniel S. Morse State College. She Is a member served as best. man. The ushers and daughter Ann have returned Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. were Mr. Wesley Gordeult of The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON ABE YOU 'PERMANENTLY' SATISFIED?' 9 Chester Road 'Call Swarthmore 6-0476 "CHECK LIST FOR FALL • Lubrication and Change 011 • Clean and Inspect Cooling System . .. Rotate Tires' • Motor Tune-up .. Adilist 8rokes' ~ Adlust Steering • Adlust Clutch itUSSELL'S SERVICE SW 6-0440 ROiERT J. ATZ. Owner Opposite Borollgh Parldng Lot Dartmouth • '-afaye'" Ave .. to their home on Pattish road. af- Mr. Hinkle attended Pennsyl- GradyvUle. Mr. Paul Kuehnel of ~I~= :;t· ~':n:::=:~:' ~gS:teth~:fe.t 'S'!..:!s "Ar,o"'_'1 :re~~:~~:;;~~~v~:~:I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~,~~~~~~~. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Scheib- f11!. He Is a melllber of Lambda Dr. Ralph B. Uttle. IV. : THEATRE P·O-.AR· MACY ley of Orlando. Fla,. formerlY of Chi Alpha fr.aternlty. A- .!'e!"''ption followed at the Strllth Hliven Inn. are driving home of the brlde's mother. north and will arrive in . , . OC,TOBER BRIDE Out-of-town iuestS - lricluded more .t oday.. for a week'. visit. Dr. an, d Mrs. David McCahan ofM' r. and Mr.s' . .,.,.·.,.....o.' ed· 0 f Roche s. - Mr. and Mrs. George M . -'\,l I:en Strath" Haveii avenue have issued 1er. N. Y- .•, t s of the g.'r o.o m. and famJly of RlvervI~e:';w :ti(,::: I invitationS '" t!)e marriage of their Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mamml. and hllve returned after .. daughter. Mi"" Patricia Morse Mc- Mr. and !rIrs. Frink Detoof Hew in Avalon. N. J. Canan. to Mr, Frederick Meredith York. Mr. 'and Mrs. Archlbald' G. Mrs, Birney K. Morse of Har-'I Porter. son oi Mr. and Mrs. Mere- Robertson of RJchmolld. Va" Mr. vard avenue. chalrinan of dlth Frank Porter of Rose Valley. and Mrs. Seth C. Hetherington Needlework Gulld. Is entertaining whic~ ._wlll take pla~e. Satiirli:.!Il. ',.1 Montclair. N. J .• Mr. and Mrs. G. the board members of the Gulld OctODer 11 11;1 the Swarthmore D'arcy Harcourt of Boston. Mass., at a luncheon-meeting today. They Presbyterian Church.' and Miss Jane Allen of New York include Mrs, A. Sidney Johnson. The bride-t9-be was 'guest of J M h City. r., rs. D. Mace GOwing, Mrs. onor at a miscellaneous shower "~;:;;::;;=====:;======11 William F, Lee, Mrs, J. Albright given Tuesday evening by -Mrs, Jones, Mrs, W. n, Gehring, Mrs, William S, Butler of Rose 'rree W, H. Huey. Mrs. Sewell W. road. Media. Hodge, Mrs, Bruce-Smith, Mrs. W. The couple will be honor guests H. West. Mrs. J. Horace Walter Sunday evening when Mr, and and Mrs. S, S; Rutherford,· Mrs: Thomas Porter of Newtown F=====::;;=====;:;;_I Square Will entertain at a buffet -'supper. . COLIEGE~THEATRE' . -, . ·Swcirffimo..e~ pil. -. . _AIR eQiipirl,ON~b ,·Cil i . &.:" S, Ci.'..r.~ ,a. y,_ _' J • .A'ib.U~.~ l'r~n.~; '. ''TOM IROW)l'S -SCttOOL . DAYS", otamnl: ROBIlRT -NI\WTON &I .JOHN HOW ARB DAVIES' or 'OUver TwlSt·.··A· thOrOO.rhly lii­~ w.EII&II8~ production. . JOHN WAYNE In fUll IeD&th west­ero sat. Matinee, 1 P.M- , _. CariOOD.s~ comedy and . "Radar Men from MOon" Bat. Night Only-Feature Times 6_00. 8.00 and 10,00 • Sun., Mon., Tues., • Wed. FlllST RUN IN THIS ABBA GREGO~Y PECK ANN JlLYTH ''WORLD IN HIS AiMS" (tecbnloolor) Adventure ...... n« tbe aereenl ,. SUBSCRIPTIONS· FOR ALL MAGAZINES . MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthlnore 8-2080 From AiIK. 19 to Sept. 25- Call MEdia 6-2883 FiJi: Hard Wear and E A' S Y Sleeping! L98 up THE -CHILDREN'S SHOP a~'iiHlaiy , . 615 SOUTH CHES'I'ER ltOAJ) announce they have acCepted the excl1i8ive agency for LanVin.Parfums, Inc" in this territory 0 .. ARPEGE SCANDAL PRETEXTE RUMEUR MY SIN '. : ~' jJ~ ,y ~~ ~. -- .' '. '. ·LANVIN lfTIl.I S.. . 1f,.t 7o"r1 M._.._ ft... M. Gowin!!. swarthmore' 102489; , Mrs. W. F. Faragher, of the ."'~ lIJrs. Hall~k Campbell. Swarlh- swarthmore Apartmenta and her 1.-----....;----.,...-'"'11 more 8-'1245: son 'all.d da':'~ter-Ill-law Mr. and - THE . SWARTBMOREAN PtlBLl8BBD EVDl' nmAY AT 8WABTBIIOBE, P"" Tile oplnJ .... _ .' .~... Interested Swarthmore Parents .Ilirs. 'Robert Faragher, of Wash-. TBB $W~TIDIOREAN. JNC~ I'UBLISIIEB th'" 01 tlMltndhlll,w ~tOn. All lIIrs. R. A. Detweller l~ri.I>. C,. spent th<; week-end . I'~ae .Wadlamore 1-"" Ietten·to Tho 8waruua_ mlllt Mrs. Roy McCorkel In Hershey.- lie II!I1IeG. l'IeIl~ _ !>II " • I'ETEB E. TOLD. EdItor aD4 PublllJler ~OB.IE TOLD .... BABBABAKBNT. A.Delate Edlten RosalIe Pelr801 . Lorene McCarter Entered 88 second C1ass Matter. ·.January 2t. 1929. at the Post 0fII~ _ at Sw6rtluDoi-e". Pa., lQUIer Ute Act ot March '8, 1879. '. &>iADLINE-~~.,.r ~Oo~ _ II tile III.nUt, of tu ..,ter .. known " tile EdItor; Lt>tten will Joe ..... ~. aaJ,J io&. tile dJI. ... tlon 01 tile Ed1tor. • IA Appreciation To The EIjItor: SWABTllMOkE, 1'.., FRmAY.8El"J~Eal9. 195: The '\lXecutive board- of th~ . . I' .. ' Le"gue -of - :Women Voters ot" PRESBYTERIAN NOTES le~d~p ~ lIIIrs .. "MImi" Dlck- swarthmor.e would Uke to ex~ Mr. Bishop -will;ch at the son. /ulyolle who Is inter~sted In ~ress its al'l'reciation of tile very" Chu,rch ServIce Sunday at 11 a.m. I re8~g IIJ:8Y call the Ch1""cJ;l fine c.II}CI;lPl'i8n the Swarthmore!",' On "The. Only KInd. ot SticlIrlty OflIce. - , ",allO\f to urse valera. to reglster-: There I....· ..' Your editorial, news and ado; The ,11 O'cloc)t hlilur for mom~ TRINITY cN9T~. : verUsing program. were most ef-: rr " WHAT'S IN A NAME? I "j, .', • • In oun-d"""'"W!lty, ~. .' . ~ u.,erielici:. •• J _ • • .~. ~ • THE OLIVER H. BAI, ~. _tel ... O. IVNII'" • '," ••. 1. .820 CHIS'''M' fT:Jl,,,:r MAn.L ___ ~ I.,,,. OIIYIIIL IAII, r: 'or 'C' = ... - -" ... TeIeph_ AI 6-1Ai ' lrig wor~.1i> ,will be C~lI.tlnued un.- Ther, wUl pe a~le.h;l'''t10.':l r>/. •. ~~,!,e1y coordinated to jog the' til Oeto~5. w"en the., double the ~~lY C:~~~ip'n .at !I o·.~~ ",emories of those Who had not:! service plan of two services at ~unday morning. ".t 11 o'~ocJt yet registered, We would like 1i.1s0, 9:30 and 11 yn\lbe. resumed. the regular service of Morning to join the people who beneftted· nuTrsheerrye wuniltll l beO cntoo beehr ur5c. h Thhoeurer PInrga yaesr uwSbilelr sb ef ohr etlhde. Tsehronsc,;e 'S.e 'iaVre-' fIrsotrman ytso utor oMffeedr iato Itnr avnosipcoinrtg reogu-r:; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will be a Church School program as follows: R. T. Bates. J. E. Bell. gratitude for this publlc service. at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. but actUal E. O. Cramp, J. H. Furlong. T: W. It is essential that those who • Registration will not take plpceHopper. J. W. Jones. A. E. Pdt- have relistered should go to the untu Sunday. September 28. Reg- chard and C. W. Randall.- Jr; -"t I>olls In November to vote. an~ we ular classwork wUl be,pn Oll Oc- 8 o'clock George Hay .~ sched- know you wUl make this point tober 5. uled as acolyte. and Ted Carey at also. A regular meeting of the Board 11 o·clock. . of Deacons will be held on Tues- Parents who have not registered day. September 23 at 8 p.m. . their children by mall msy do so There will be an "Open House" on Sunday at 9:30 a,m. Chureh for the High School Fellowship. SchoOl classes belin Sunday. Sel'­liven by the Rev. and Mrs. Blah- ternber 28. at 9:30 a.m. An Adult op at The Manse. 912 Westdale Class will meet with lIIrs. Morr!­avenue. from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. All son In the parish omce at that of our young people of the tenth. time. There will 1i.1s0 be a special eleventh and twelfth grades and class for ninth and tenth grade their ~ds are 'w.apnlY invited. students. under the supervision of The Senior High Chun:h School the rector. meetinlln t\!e rectory Class wi\l meet at 9:30 this Sun- following the worship service at day In the SenIor High Room. The 9:30. Mrs. Richard Enlon Chairman. Publlc Relations League of Women Voters of Swarthmore 1'1e. for Scout LeAders The following letter was sent to the SwBI1hmorean for pubUca­tlon: Dear Swarlhmoreans, If you think Mondays are blue. you haven·t seen anything yet. they're llkflly to become griIn and weepy. Due to unforeseen events. ·fIrst meeting of the SenIor HIgh Qn l')Ionday at .8:30 p,m. the there are no leaders for several Mothers' group will be held on Men's Club of Trinity Chureh will Thursday mo<:nJng •. SepWmber 25. hold the 'first fBn dinner meeting. girl Scout troops. and 30 enthu­at the home of Mrs. WUllam Peg- The 'Rev. Jesse' Anderson of St._ 51ast1c Brownies and Scouts of last ram. Thomas' Church. PhIladelphia. season are going t!' have -to forego On Wednesday. September 2'. will be the' speaker. He Is one of Scouting unless le.aders are found. three of the Circles will hold their the foremost -<!peakers in the Dlo- Surely somewhere In this Scout­opening meeiliIgs. At 2 p.",. C!rcle cese and will discu.SS the unique Ing town of 8000 people there are 9 wUl hold a WeIccime Tea at the poslUon of the . negro In our some leaders past or present who home of Mrs. Guldo .~avell1. Mrs. ChUreh and rehite the fasclnatlnl! wUl.make Mo~day again a day of Martin Luther. chairmanl at 2:30 history' of st Thomas' Church 'happy psrUclpation In scout work. Circle 7 Wru have a Welcome Tea wh!eh dates' b""ck 'to the Revolu~ Enough leaders w!r~gh~~ u: at the home of the chairman. lIIrs. ti' W·.· by the Girl Scout .. e or 00 , . . tIni onary a>:. Committee last spring for this o..:;:e. H~~e:: :: :'::t th: Cl)olr School will;meet on ~on- selil!i>n. but· clrcnmstances bave CIr f th chairm l4'rs. WUl~ day and Wednesday at 4 0 cl~ made._i~ necelisary ~r~me .tore-, home 0 e an.. - and again on Thursday at 7:30 p. "IPa at the last ininute. ard Crane. . , ,- feel th t th tr di A Parent-Teachers .Meeting wUl rn. yte paren... . a ea.- Septe be tian of scouting for all In Swarlh-be held on w~esday. ~..; . METHODIST .NOTES more Is Important and should be ~ at~p':IP': ~-::n sJio~ The Church School meets at continued. We sign this hopefully BLOUSES, BLOUSES, BLOUSES! Sleeveleaa. French-cufted, collared, boatnecked. print or solid. bright or while (puff) SWEATERS! Cardigan, pullover, long orehort, wool or nyl_ With all kinds of colon- (pap) Not to Menticm - s'J9JlTS, SIillITS" SKIRTS! Plealed, plaln, plai~ or solid. wide band. II1II'". row;full or BUm, BVelt or trimmed (ob, my) COME TO· JOY~ LEWIS. ';. .' '. . ,-- !'~~ - ' .,.. - - - , . .. ;. 15 South Che8terRoad '., . - . o bin th 9:'5. Classes are provided for chil- with the telephone numbers of our whieh demonstrate teac g e dren of all ages and for adults. Neighborhood Committee Chair- ~~~§~~~~~§~~~~~5!~ Bible In the ChurchthSchh 001 anAlld ;;m~a~n~an~d~V~I~ce:::-~C~h~al~rm~a~n::~ ·Mrs~::"~ D:.~~~~~~~§~ USe of the Bllne in 1'. ome. The Young Adults meet at 9:45 :: .' . . . parents are urged to come. In the Ladies' Parlor. - .' S : The NurserY P'I:1 School will The preaeher at the 11 o'clock 6 t · -I- t . d" m'd b' 1 ""e' r belin on Octo1;>er 1 undeJ: the service is Dr. Earl F. Zeigler. who ... e· , .,a ..' J e. : .rS fe.a/me.· .,.. '. ==-___________ 1 e-.', a~. . will ~peak on' "The Church and CHURCH SERVla5 the Alcohol Problem". ',' drivin· , ---. -S-W-'-AR=T=H=-=M=ORE=-' ---1 J. i:'0~;:'~~:~:~.~1:~~ :;: and cut yo. ur .g costs-. PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH Murray and James O. Stephens, Joseph P. Bishop. Minister The Church Nursety for chil- John S'·tlner, Assistant . ~ dren Is open during the mormng Sunday. September 21 d 9,30 A,M.-Church Sc~ool. ·service. Mrs. Harry E. New an n.oo A.M, _. Mr. :BIShop will Joan Behenna will be in charge . preacb, . On Friday. September 26. Mrs. _ Wednesda,. Septe'P.~ 24 k 10:00 A, M.-Surgical Dressings. Panl Towner will give a boo re­, view on liThe SDver Cbalice" in METHODIST CHURCH the chapel at 2 p.m. RoyN. Keiser, D.D" Minister 9:45!R?~h:~~rc~0~: and FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Young Adults. The September meetings of the n.oo A.M. - Dr. Earl F. Zeisler American Friends Service Com-will preach. mittee will be beld "t .tiIe 15th 11:00 A.M.-Chureh Nursery. and Race Street Meeting House. TRINITY CHURCH phUadelphia on Friday and Sat- H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector 'urday september 19 and 20. The SuntIa:r. S,.,leJ!lber n ,~ is as follo:w~: . . 8:00A.M.-Hof:f COmm~o~ pro'~\ember 19 2 pm. Youth 9.'0 A.M.-Church Schoo, 1- P .' H' er and 1stration. ServIce Projects - e .•. .... 11: ..... 0 ' , ~~ .... ~~ .. ~ ....... -. ~,"lwI~ • .I'A(~6/tI4~,/ 11:00 A.M.~Mornlnl ~"yer. Abroad. 7:'0 p,rn. World Peace 'THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Probler.- Here and Abroad. Sep- OF FRIENDS tember 20. 10. a.m. Communlt:r Sunda:r. September t1 Relations-Here and Abroad. 2:00 11:00 A.M.-MeeUns for worshi~ p.m. The AFSC Program-Here Visitors welcome. (Children wi and Abroad. All are welcome. 1952 $I'VIIEBAKEIl be cared for during Meeting,) First Day School will open on Monda)'. September 22 All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. September 28 at 10 a,m. Wedne<IC1&:r. September U All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES ,FIRST CHURCH OF 'W~rds of the prophet Jeremiah cm:~::tL~JiST' pro~de ~e. Golden Text of the Park Avenue below Harvard Bible Lesson' In all ,Christian Sanda)'. September n Science churehes next Sunday: 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. ''Truly In vain is salvation hoped 11:00, A. IIII.-;The Lesson-$!rmon for from the h\lls. and from the, Is. . 'Matter' . . multitude . of mountains: truly in each W~~$~~":!~ln':~ the Lord our GOd ~ the salvation: open daity eXCept Sunday 12tol. oflsra.el." c_(Jaenulih 3:23) ~~ P. JI. WedneSday evenl"gs 'I to subJeilt of the sermon 1s.''loIan....- '. '1:50 P. l1li. and 9 to 9:30 P. M. '. , "- COMMANDER v-a OR CHAMPION Spend le8I!I_~or gas-~8'~or .ee.p-~th a Studeltakerl Get more for your money all ~e way-With a Studebaker I , Check delivered prices and you'll drive home aStnde.,aker! . . ... • 0, -~ , -! ' ...... ,. Jib ( .. ·AutomatItDri'fllcirOf •• h."- .......... "~.~~~~ ..... ~ ,- I,',:' . ,usco a ·,4I-STON· CHESTER -udFAIRVwEW ROADS ._,.,' . . . - _ ...... Swartll_re 6-3681

---------- Page 12 ----------

HOLE IN ONE Swarthmore Tennis Club Winner After 34 years In the gol1 game, R. Lloyd Jones of Parrish rqad walloped a hole In one Sunday af­ternoon iiri the Aronlmlnk gol1 Donald Jones, Swarthmore ave-nue, won his third straIght course. Teeing oft from the four- Swarthmore Tennis Club men's 1eentb with a number three Iron, Mr. Jone. sent the ball 175 yardI singles tlUe on Sunday when he To· Train Boy Scout Leaders at School School Board Grants Use of High School Rooms to sink It. Witnesses and fellow fought oft a determined rally by Bill Johnson, Sharon HI1l, to win players were R. L. Jones, Jr .• and tbe final set of a 'Il'\lelllng, dve • Doctors James Horton, aenlor and set !DBtch• The IICOres were 8-3, j~ Is the drat hote..In-one re- 8-3, 5-7, 2-8, 8,1. Jones wils at ported In Swarttimore vfelnlty mateh point three times In third since 1951 when Dr. David Cramp I setb~t was forced to extend ~­sank one ali the R I1lng G se11 ~ the lInUt by Johnson s for Course Upon application of George Kline the Swarthmore School Board Wednesday evening grant­ed the use of six blgh school roolllJJ for a six-week Boy 5c<>ut leader training course this CLUB ART CLASS Auxmary Rummage Sala TO RESUME WORK The. Lelion Auxiliary of Swarthmore will hold a Rummage The Painting· Class of tbe Sale In the Presbyterian Church . Swarthmore Womans' Club, Haniard avenue on Thllrsday, Oc; Florence TrIcker, inatructor, tober 2, with a preview from 7:80 wlli resume Its morning sea- to 9:30 p.m. The .sale will continue sions at 9:~ Monday, Sel~tem-II on FrIday from' 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 ber 22. The class 'meets at the p.m. '. TrIcker Studio, 335 Park ave-lIf"""=== ..... =======.. nue unless Aeld trips are con- C()'ED BEAUTY templated in which cue mem-bers will be previously noWled. . SALON A seCond. class otl0 members '. ; 0". Tb ... hy l¥" .... is being formed •. There are PABI ... DAltTlllOUTB AVE. lIn1rs, a ~ steadY and relen~ess atroklng: The four top-seeded entrants lINGLE When you h~ to abave And you lind your blades low We have Nineteen KInds played In the semi-finals. Jones miminated Glenn· MIller, former Swarthmore College player, when Miller was forced to default be­cause he was unable to breathe d\,e to an allergic condition. The score was one set a piece and 3-2 In Jones favor at the time. John­son defeated Bill Haseltine, Mor­ton, in tbe o.ther semi-final match The program will run on Thurs­day evenln", beginning October 9. A charge of one dollar per roo,m'l each night· will be made to, defray Iteat and 11ght expense. some vacancies to be 1Illed. S~ _-IIU. 'l'hose wllhlng to join may con- 1I!::::==~==:;===:::::::===d tact Mrs. Alfred E. LonllWeJJ, SWarthmore 8-5508. instruc­tions are given in botb oil and watercolor mediums. All your whiskers' will mow, Keen Bladea for all rue .. amERMAN'S hy scores of 8-3, 8-3. Bids for replacing emergeneylJ-----__ ...;. ____ I' lighting equipment were opened and relected. The solicitor was Instructed to look Into the possibility of plac­ing the school district's non-pro­fessional employees on Social Se­curity. Hasson and Joel Single. The pow" er-drivlng Bill Kaullman, co-cap­tain, is again at fullhack and, In one of the variouS switehes, may bolster up one of the tackle spots on defense. The speedy Eddie The.fifth through eighth seeded Noyes is In reserve at fullback. players were eliminated in the The Board approved the tui­quarter- finals with the lInal tion-free entrance of tbe new Col­============= scores: Jones over Bob Taylor, 6- lege, avenue first grade teacher's 2, 3-6, 6-4; Johnson over Bill daughter in Swarthmore kinder- DRUG sroRa This season also Introduces W.,I_ I ter Hall, Jr., former end and son of the veterail Spring­field coach, as aSsistant coach. knows football and is proving helpful ald to Millard Robinson. The latter, patient and under­standing, Is inspiring a spirit of team play that should make this another of Swarthmore High's good football teams. 1IIS MONTH OR SE P T E 8E ·R ANY MONTH . Trumple!) 6-4, 6-8, 8-4. Miller garten. , over Banks' Van Ormer, 6-3, 8-8; . County approval of the entire . . _./. Haseltine over Curt Wallin, 6-4, tract the Board anticipates acquir- Your car could be involv­ed in' an accident aDd you might be lued for dam- (Uo 6-4. ing next to the Rutgers avenue Atlantic The Club, headed by CurtiSS' sch~ol was reported. State conflr- ONE of the year'. most delight. fulvocotion months. Summercrowds. ." ••. ~ •• have thinned, yet still a wann lUll and cool evening breezes. Surf Qne bathing ore at their best, entertain ment and shops are at micJ..summel peak. Ocean-front sundecks, privott beach entronce,nenlng hotel enter­. tainment, delicious meals. Hot ond cold, fresh, and ocean water In all baths. CaIlA,kmIcOtyS.1211 Wallin as president, is made up of mation is expected. . age.~ Wby not be com­pletely protected with ado­quatoAutomobileLlabllIty InluraDce? Might save you tbouiatidil~ of dollars. about 80 senior members, about High School Principal William 90 percent of thell) Swarthmore Bush was authorhed to attend the residents, and about hal1 tbat state Secondary Principals Asso­many junior members of school ciation convention iD Harrisburg, age. While the cll\b's maIn pur- Octoher 30 and 31 with half ex­pose is to maintain a good set penses pald. Mrs. George L. Armitage. of Soutb Chester road has 1'<1turned home after spending the summer at the Armitsge cottage at Cape May. Dr: Armitage spent part of th season. there. They were job.ed there for an extended visit by their son-In-law and daughter pon E. TOLD - ~eneral Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avellua Swarthmore 6.1833 of courts for the town's tennis en- -------- thusiasts, it has also put on sev­eral tournaments each year. This year it inaugurated a program of lessons for youngsters ages nine to IS. The lessons were well attended by 40 potential Budge's or Con­nelly's .• . Membership and interest have Increased ste"dUy during the past few. years. Next year the Club hopes to he represented In the Philadelphia . D is t ric t Tennis League. . \ \ "1 saw It in The Swarthmorean." Football Team Readies Fpr Opener Sept. 26th (Continued from Page 1) Capt. and Mrs. George H. Troxell equipped to blunt this attack with and sons of the West Point Acad. I . emy, N. Y. severa unusually fine ends. Local 15iE555555~ football fans got a display of Don iii MacElwee's rugged end play 'last DEW DRO season ~d Lonnie Staton at the . .. . 'p . 1 N N other end appears able to do any-thing a topnotch end should do on 407 DARTMOUTH . AVENuE either offense or defense. The teams that have scrimm~ged BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER Swarthmore soon qult trying to CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY run plays around him. Bill Zleg- • OPEN 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. enfus, wh9 y.rm_sbar",,1n the kick- Monday Thru Satunlay lng, is a fast and alert defen~ve end. Backing up this, tdo .,.e Daily 90e; ;to $1.65 Charles Neuweller, Thatcher z.;:c- Special Cblldren'. Platten! GoBuinll, BDaicrrka cBleolulg ahn' adn Jdo Pe eMtee 1SIaicm;e-. i~;;~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~ kin have the present call on the .. StampAlbllm -.. . Dealers' two tackle pOSitions but they ha'.e-I competition from John Mascha!, MIke Bender, Stuart Bowie, MIke Hurd and Pete Bloom. ., Fans will probably see a shltt­Ing .of .guards and' tackles on of­fense to distribute the weight and speed to better' efteCt in the line. John MacAlpln!!, co-captaln, and Frank HabberSett will be the It's to Your Aclva"tGge , SHOP AT THE O·p , fUNI IT'S FIISCINIITING! " $ (jJM£ IN AND GET: ~ YOuRS TODAYI . ,-. 1 Fusco & ~Iston CHUTlI", FAIIYIIW lOADS ..... S.a" I.N .,1" starting guards, witb Don Strom­berg, Ed McGaughey and Charles Livingston in reserve. There are three candidates for the center position, vacated by Jack Thompson - Mandel Much. who Is showing a lot of promise; Jay Phillippe, who has had some experience at the position, and Roger Zensen, a freshman with the makings of a fine center later on. The backer-up problem, left by Thompson's· graduation, will .probablY be met by moving. the hard-hitting MacElwee to that job on defense. The return to football of Bill Hoot, a natural athlete and a left­handed passer, has strengthened the 'quarterback portfolio. He probably will duties with Lee Swan, who showed up well last season. Charlle Grier and . 'Steve Carter, JimlD)"s kid brother, are also. on hand for quartering responsibilities. There is a wealth' of material for the other hackfleld positions. The fast Howard' Shearer, who was injured 18t1t seas01l, is back at left half. With him are George Allison, who loob llke a very good defmslve back, the fleet Bob Doherty, Randy Malin and Dick Jester. At. right halfback are Andy Selhreder, who may share full­back usllI!lments. Steve Snyder, who appe&I'1I headed for a bill' __ .8OD, Piesluu HoUander, KenD3' - Dartmouth Avellue (Across from Borough Hall) / ~ Delaware County Technical Institute af The Pennsylvania State College Evelllllg Program Fall Semester Begllllllllg September 2211d III Tool Deslgll Accoulltlng Prodllctloll COlltrol Busilless Admillistratioll Illdustriol Electric:lty Bllildillg COllstructioll Television Psychology Spee!=h - Registration: September 8. 9. 10 & 11 . . ·.7 - 9 P. M. .' Nether-Providence HI,,1i School Provl_a Id.. Walllllgford,' Puna. ·Cla •••• m"" .Monday & W~II •• day EY ••• For Details Pho .. 0908.& 9400 Mrs. ~=re:t~~~ ~Mr:w Drop 920 to Enroll Monday Inn won the sweepstakl,s IJi the At Swarthmore College lIower show sponsored last 'Sstur- (Continued from Peg 1) day by the Norwood Horticultural e Society. Entered in '28 difterent s!stant prof. of .electrlcal engIn­classes, Mrs.' Palm's blooms and eerin&: and Frederick S. Burrell, arrangements won 20 drst prizes assistant professor of mechanical to earn the blgh..,ore oU8.points. engineering. Both Mr. Barus and ____ _....,....- Mr. Burrell were lIIISOCIated witb Mr. and ..... J.h~~ L. Web- :~~. before coming to Swarth-oter, .Jr., and dauahters . Naney and Beth of ~, . .avenue In the EnaJls" department Dr. have returned ~m Robert Spiller of the University cation spent at. Fo.1/P.Il Lake in of Pennsylvania will' give a semi- Adirondacks. nar In American Literature In the Plate HANGERS ijiiiiiii. abllence of Prof Stephen Whicher who is on a Ford Foundation grant. Prof. Bruce Dearing who bas just returned from a two- Small _. ,.La.. r,e year tour of duty with the Navy will be back this year. New ap- Made of solid brass wire polntment in this department Is and double, I~ springs William Wasserstron, assistant (will not rock. or wobble,. professor of English, who comes Also AttractIve Allortmellt to Swarthmore from Adelphi Col­AntIque P'nfas' _ Platters lege, N.Y. An r I ques & .G o unnet .' Sho P There are t wo new assistant professors in the p.sychology de- Providence Road partment, Russeli A. Clark, who i~~~w~a~I~II~"~gf~O~rcI~,~p~a~. ~~~ I cleoymaens toU nSiwvearrstihtym, orea nfdro mA Wrtheusr- Gladstone. DON'T HIDE YOUIt LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEll Project Your Color Slides to Advantage With Quality Equipment • .. : •• • ii i::;~ ~ See Ollr Large Se'e~t/oll of a PROJECTORS a SCREENS a VIEWERS a FILE BOXES -~.. . ~ . ROGER RUSSELL Among the new instructors are Robert D. 'Cross and Richard Ly­man 'In history. Mr. Lyman, a graduate of Swarthmore, recently returned from England where he studitid on a Fulbright Fellow­ship. Mr. Cross is a graduate Of Harvard. The mathematics. d~­partment will have two new in­structors -in Edgar R .. Mullins and David Rosen. Mr. Mullins comes from the University of rutnois, and Mr. Rosen ·from t1ie Univer­slo/ of Pennsylvania" where he rec<!Otly received his PhD. . . Leland B. Tichnor, a PhD. fro,!, M.I.T., will be the new Instructor In chemistry, and Helen Manning , PapS CALL FOR RED Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson and , ..- ----------... CROSS VOLUNTEERS daughter Claire of North Chester road, returned Thursday by plane To 1111 the constant need from MInnesota where they had volunteer ,w orkers, the Red croSl;lspent a week visiting re, latives, is living a series of training cour- inclu4lng Mr. and Mrs. Walter ses thIS fall, and urles all those Llndeke of Wyazata, Minn., Mrs. W. iL O'Connell and Mr. and Mrs. who can spare the time to serve In One 2f the many Jame. 1II11e! and family of St. service branches. Paul, Mlnn Canteen Service claaaes will Mrs. Anthony· M. FaIrbanks and October 7 and 14 at Lankenau ebiIdren of Rut&ers avenue have Hospital from 10 to " p.m. For returned home after spending the evening workers the dates will be at Ocean City, N. J. I October 27, November 3, 10 and Nothera B. Hubbell Teaeher of Piano 727 Yale Avenue SWartllmore 6-871. 17 at LanJsenau Hospital from 8:30 .. to 9:30 p.m. Anyone Interested In this branch of the service should call Mrs. Avery Blake, Swarth­more 8-1971. PIANO STUDIO Antonica Fairbanks Gray Lady Service classes will he on September 23 from 10 a.m. to. of p.m .. 1n SneUenburgs' Audi-torium. Those Interested In this service are asked to call Mrs. Oliver Swan, Swarthmore 6-0609. . Tile Staff Aide Service class will he herd at Chapter Headquarters on October 9 from 10 to 4 p.m. Call Mrs. David Bingham, Swarthmore 6-5606 to register for this class. Volunteer 101urses Aide Service has classes starting September 23 at UniverSity Hospital, on October 7 at St. Agnes Hospital and on Oc­tober 14 at Hahnemann Hospital. All these classes are held Tues­days and Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m: A Refresher Class will be held on September 22 and October 8 at Montgomery Hospital in Nor­ristown from 7 to 9 p.m. AIiyone Interested in any of these classes should call Mrs. Wayne Randall, Swarthmore 6-3197. . FRESHMEN ARRIVE AT SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 234 Park Avenue SWarthmora 6-4910 INSTRUCTION IN YOICE - PIANO - ORGAN Iy Henry Faust Pholle SWarthmore 6-4712 or SWarthmore 6-3492 MILDRID SPENCER HUTCHESON --.---. .,----- Pianist· Teacher 330 N. Swarthmore Ave. SWarthmore .6-0133 FLORENCE· L. HADDAD MEDIA, PA. Hunter, a Radcllffe graduate, will Swartbmore College faced the ME 6-2176 Open Frl_ Eve. be a part-time Instructor in eco- job of getting 252 freshmen setUed Teacher of Violin r~ ~~~~~~~~~~F;~~n~omI:c~s;"= =========.1 oorni ecnatmatpiouns topdroayg raams thgeo fto u. ur-nddaeyr DEUCIOUS DINNERS t. TASTE· of mRYONE TENDER STEAKS alld CHOPS Cooked to Order EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY JrAClLlTIES BUSINESS MEN'S. LUNCH 12-1.30 P. M. way.· The new class Includes 134 women students and lI8 men. There a~e also 32 transfer stu­dents who will probably have ad­vanced standing. PrIvate InstructIon for leglnners SWarthmore 6-0406 Today the nevi students will mtaekeet with· course advisors and ~~~~~~.~~~~~~ii~~~~!5!~~~~~~i a. physical eXamination. A fi plcrilc dinner and a softball game Comfortable Rooms Day or WHk Elevator AIr-Conc1fUoned STRATH HA.VEN INN Swarthmore, Pa. . Tela,"olla Swarthmore 6-0680 WALTER I.' PAllon, "gr.' . .' FIlEI PAIICING Why Not Save Money . ;. 00 Your Insurance? '. It is now possible'to cover the following onder one policy- 1. Dwelling-Fire & Extended Coverage '. 2.. Contents-Fire. & Extended Coverage 3. Comprehensive Liability 4. Theft 5. Vandalism and Mischief This policy gives a complete coverage at less money. • 'ar fart.e' Informatlo. call Edward L.,Noyes & Co. SWar.tla ... on 6-0114 - wut be t1>e feature of the earlY evening. Discussions of extra-cur­ricUlar activities with upperclass leaders will follow. Saturday the same process will continue with tours of the campus and an i~troduction to the ,llhrary added. There will be a "mixer" dance Saturday uight. Sunday student groups will 'be introduced to the churches In the area and President Nason and his wife will entertsln at a tea Sun­day afternoon. Hymn singing and a musical program WW follow in the evening. Students from the vicinity In the freshman class are G. Dennis Becker, Walnut lane, and Lawr­ence Shane, College avenue, ,Cloar'!es Cogswell, Mary Anae Gal­loway and Margery Paxson, Springfield, Alan Robinson, Wal­lingford. Foreign students in the class come from England, Nigeria, Ja­maica, Palestine, Austria,' Japan and Holland. To Speak at Mr. & Mrs. Club . T. R. Pierpoint, manager of the Service >Department at Piasecki Helicopter Corporation will speak at the meeting of the Mr. & Mrs. Club ot the Presbyterian Swarthmore, on Friday, Septem­ber 19. PierPOint has been in the rotary wing Industry since, his college days. He is now president of the American Helicopter Society. LIBRARY HOURS MOllday.Wedllesday.FrIday 2 to Ii and 7 to9 P. M. T .. sday - TIIersday 9:30 A. M. to i 2:00 Noon 2toliP.M •. . Salada, 9:30 A. M. to 12 Noon 2 to 4•' . M. .. ADULT EVENING CLASSES IN SHOP' SUBJECTS • Art Metal, Ornamental Iron WGrIi, WoOdwork, Wood carvhi~ · . Wood TurnIn~, Bench Work, and Maobine Work CLASsas EVERY TUESDAY and THUR8D~:!l\'ENING BEGINNING BBPT. 30, 195Z-SWARTHMOBE DmH SCHOOL RqistraUon ai High School, September 30, 1 to 9:30 P.m. Rales: I night per week, eight months .. :.. $12.50 per course 2 nights per week, four months . . . .. $12.50 per cou~se Half Courses at half price Shop Materials to be pald for as used. How do you buy .. carpet? Make sure, above all, that you are getting a carpet wbich will compliment your home. _ If pnssible, start with your carpet. If you are not satisfied with your present carpet, we can take it in trade. Up to 2/3 of its replaeement value can be allowed on your new carpet. , It is helpful to bave an expert take measure­menls for you, and to show carpet samples in Ihe home. This PAULSON service can save · many a costly mistake. • · Select a qu.ditywhich will stand up in the service 10 which it will be suhjeeted. A rug cleaner's 6perience will' help you in this. When you think of CARPET, think of • •• (PA"'S"" &Comr.en!. Mohawk CJarpe,.... • Complete She Range • Oriental __ 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Pa •. SWarIhm_ 6 6000 - Clearbrook 9-4646 (j',. .. , .... KNOWS CarpeJ '

---------- Page 13 ----------

• 6 O H OFF TO CO· LLEGE At.tend Chicago Convention Co,nfere'f! ChaIrman Twenty Years Service Hold pen - .' 'n na'. C t Ml'B. Henry J. 'Weiland of South Morris L. Hicks, c::ollege The MIsses Leanore and Anne Jim Vi py.~ of ParI!: !'venue will ~, lIII!ber of ,........,. war" 01Pl Y Chester road and Ml'B. lloyd Go-who has completed 20 yeara Perkins of Cedar lane, return Tuesday to Urslnus ,College chemlcai engineers are In Chicago man' of Wallingford have been the Dravo Corporation, last Thursday evening at an : to bejln hIs sophom*ore year. this week attending' a convention nam~ co.lJlDlIttee chalrmen for is an invited guest at the corpora" house •. Guests from Priscilla Rogers of Park avenue of the American Institute of the S8th State Conterence' of the tion'. annual testimonial dinner to Included: Miss Bettina has ,entered her junior year at Chemical Enllineers. ThIs meeting Dauihters of the Amtrican Jtevol- ,be held tomorrow at the Neville Miss Judy. Colby Junior College, New Lon- ill .iI!'ilII "~\d ... Ptn of ~ cen- uiton to be held In Plilladelphla On Island plant. The dinner will hon- Charles B. Shaw, Mrs. don, N.H. .o.toblir· 8, 7 and 8. ' or almost 500 veteran employees Sharpless, Miss ,Kitty Smith, I Nancy Moore, daughter of Pro- tennlal celebration commemor~t- Mni. Wellalid'heada the Infor-having !lD aggregate of 13,300 arid Ml'B. Laurence Fredrick, i fessor and Ml'B. John :M. Moore, 'ing the lIrat olllcW recognition of matlon Committee, Mrs. GoDian Is yeara of service. Edmll,lld Soule, .an!l Mr. ! of WhIttier place has been' elected clvilJan enllineering In the United chairman of the National Defense ' Wllliams· : president of her residence hall at States. commit ••. Sweet Shop Out-of-town llUests Antioch College. A graduate of Among the chemical engineers __________ _ MisS Mar:tha Connor, , Swartlunore ,High School, NancYatten.dlnir the Dieeting are Wm,'amMrs. ·Fred A. Patman of PrInce- Joseph H. Perkins, Jr., . Is a frefhman at-Antioch where A. Acketman, Me!lia, and ,Jaek It.. ton avenue entertained Informally ford; MiSs Michl Nakamura, Pen-, she plans to major In paychology'qulhrfe, Springfield, both of sun at luncheons on Thursdayand.Fri OLD lANK IUILDIN~ and Mrs. OUver Talt, LInda Smith·of Amberatavenue '011 Company. Houdry Process day of !,.t.w88\<-. _. " ;~~~~~an;d~M~I~';S :E1:lz:a:be:th:1 wJU ,leave today· to bagm her, CorporaliOn at,Llnwood is sending ,'- " H~ar, DeL sophom*ore year at the -University Chalmer G. Kirkbrlc\ie, President A ;';'t" .1 of Delaware. "of the company, W~l!!n"ord; Jack'!"'!'" Iq" , 'hone Swarthmore 6-4597 , I , , .. Flowers Candy '"_ I.iI C,~. .L. .".LD', .~. t PWat Tdonl-d- -o' f Pator kS a vegn uet rC<o;tlulergne- C. Dart, Moylan'.' T. A.BurtIs and FURNITURE IN THE ROUGH ed e ...... ay ar en Josef W. Schall, Springfield; and , Red"ce.d 9 I · to bagin her Benlor year. l\lrs. N. Marlin K8pp of Cornell Ave- .. Home-Baked Goods _ old, 'an" ,Peter E. 'l'old and Mrs. Donald P. nue, Swarthmore. Drolleat Tabl_ • • • $,20 II K bUIDc!II"{1 Jones motored to Sarllent with Calalyt1c Construction Company Small Tabl_ ' •••••• $12 -, Pat and on their return trip stop- Is sending the following engineers PIne Washston" ••• $12 :=::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:===~============; ped btleBy to visit Artie .Tones, a to the A.I.Ch.E. meeting at Chi- Walnut Washstand • $15 freshman at Wesleyan University, Whi'tn W W Inri-h Wal Heavy PIne •• nc:h $6.50 BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP The place to buy your Freshman accessories Cordially Welcomes Freshmen and . UpperClassmen Come In on Your First Trip to the Village "AL" CARNEY, Manager 8 Park' Avenue ", We,leome Stud-ents! • f We invite you to use our nwdern Banking Facilities' , 'No Minjmum Balance Ch~jng A~unt SIUTBNORE IAllalAtBAl1 DB TRUST COMPIIY • • ..... rttI "IT , ... e,FI.' ". . . . . cago: ey. e toO. - Conn. . ..L... Bet~ McCilhan of Strath Haven lliigford; John W. Delaplaine, Alltlques & Gourmet _p avenue returned Wednesday to South Howard, Swarthmore; and Providence 'R9ad . Wilson College for her senior year. Dr. Raymond· E. Vener," Drexel Walll'n·gford', Po. Betty, who fs captain of the senlor Hiiiljlili 'jiiiii~iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiii-= hockey team at Wilson, returned .'< early for hockey camp. MarY Knapp and Barbara Cros-set of Swarthmore returned. this week to Wllliam and Mary Col­lege, V"., as juniOrs. June Shearer left Monday for W1Il1aJn and Mary where she. is a sophom*ore. Jime Allen of Riverview road, retUrned this week to Wellesley . Collge where she Is a member of the iuDior class. Ann Denworth of Elm avenue and Alice Patterson of Maple Avenue willl.ave ,~y to ~eturn to Earlham College, Richmond,' Ind.: ail .ophelmo", . Alan Hunt of Elm avenue left , Weclnesday. to 'begin IiIS second year in the Law School of the ' University of Michigan. John Snape of Harvard avenue , returned to Hobart College, Gell- 6va, N.Y., Sunday. He Is a mem- : ber of the sophom*ore clilas. 'w, Gre p'eased to announce that - Henry B. Coles, Jr. has "ecomeGssoclated with us • • • ~dwa~dL .. Noye$ ," CO. Real Estate Insurance June HobbS of Park a"""u'l has entered Ohio Wesieyan University. June and her father Mr. William ~~:'ObbS motored to Ohio on s,un-I~~~~~~~~~~~~=, ~, ,~, ;,~,,;. ~~~~~~~~~~ 'Stephen N. Hay of OJden '!Ve-nue will enter Harvard Graduate School this week where he will study Russian, Far 'Eastern and American History. .Julie Richardson of Park ave­nue has returned to the University of Delaware fO.r her junior year .. , Greta Richardson of Park ave­nue leaves tomorrow for Oxford, Oh.i o' where she will enter as a. freshman. NEWS NOTES Hiss Helen Kraus of Benjamin West avenue, who will be an Oc­tober bride, was guest of honor at a pantry shelf shower given last Weclnesday evening by Miss Mary Ann Hook of 'Strath Haven ave- ~ue. . Mr. and Mrs. R; Chester Spen­cer and Mrs. Mildred Hutcheson of Swarthmore aven1,le have re­turned to Swarthmore from their summer home ''Twin Knolls" in Wallingford, Vt. Mr. -and Mrs. K. M. Fox and daughters eynthla and, Sally h"ve retUrne.J to their home on Yale avenue following a' business. and pleasure trip to ~n, Ohio. Wbne there' Mrs. Fox Yisited her moth!!1' Mrs. B. J. Gadclls ~ Kent, Ohio. '·Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lod.t!e of Mountain Lakes, N • .T., spent last week visiting Mrs" Ezra T. Gres­son' of Ambers! avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Boyd and fomlly of Dickinson avenue have returned from a three-week motor trip through ,the New England States, stOpping for 10 days In Brookville, Me. lIIIiry LeCron Will enter Hood. College, Md., tomorrow. Mary wJU drive down with her mother Mrs. W. R. LeCron of Cedar lane. Mrs. Geoige Davisson of Vas­sar avenue VW.ted over the week­end with her son-In-law and daughter Mr. . and Mrs. Halsey Knapp of ShIloh,N, "J., who Db­& ervedtheir SeCond wedding an'- Michael's ~oUege . Pharluaey , (the druggie on the cor;JJer) Welcomes the . class of '56 the returning uppercla.ssmen . the vacation-rested fellow Swarih. i. moreans We Iwpe it's a good year for all of you. Open Weekdays: 7:30 A. M •• 11 P. M. Sundays: 8:30 A. M •• 10:30 P. M. SW AR'I'BMOBE .6-0857 , ., ~ IL. __ ~ .. __ ~ ______ -.· ~~ .. ~-~'~~ OVER A QUARTER' CENTURY OF' SERVICE - , , '. C'H·RYSLER YALE" AVENUE and CHESTER ROAD • , • ,. ·TO OUR CUSTOMERS , . MANY' THANKS . ' -' :t FOR THE . -...... '. 30 YEARS OF PLEASANT R, ELATIONS ." • ~ ';it""". 1'tJJeteIt, 1IIatte . , ~'.,; - .. ' . . , '-'i~' ~. to' ~., , ~,.-~ .'.: ,~~.~ • M" WAITE . , , .. ·P-LV OUIH.·;·. .' =- _ '. r . ',' . . , ' Telephones SWARTHMORE 6-1250 - 6-1251

---------- Page 14 ----------

Wl'D mOlAr" 'Al ... ,GJi,' FAMILY SHOPPING ,WEEK TOKAY GRAPES Crisp Calilomia ICHerg , ~ 15c Cello .kg rresh Tomatoes ':~~ 17e !)dmJ OrlDge laice /}dmI BleDdecl' I}tkal Grapelmit laice Your Choice Spacial Price Popular Speclals In PEANUT BUTTERS Skippy Peter Pan I)dmI 14:0'2.9' l2:0a2.2.e 12:oa4 9C ~~ ~~~. pan·I ,,,, DELICIOUS, eOAN,' ED BEEI' HASH II:..,. . .4,, - ~ ... -.... ,"",. ·'HEISBEY BISQMCI _':- ..l:!'r ':.-:.~ Bt:ST PURE LARD 'jSUIAI~ .. :rid. 5.=. 4tc : 10.: .7c JCI iOlElM ~ (=) • 1IIUIid.i•i n• it.;-.ii;..i. i Ci.;t.iIIDah,,~C~.;.ill~"".'" 'Vienna Flngen, Hytlrox ..and-} "",', Y_C.","'''., <wiehe., Kroemllnetl Wafer., .- .SC 'Macaroon Cook.... ....... III VI,...n ...... Fall '.a,., .... .V..k..p..".. .......... .J.I.l.l .'. A .... 1"'" ~ ..... .. -S5e loafS" C. Ir . ",~ . ." Mrs. Frederick VanUrk and has •t o his home in Wall_ daughters Romona and Mary have lDgford after serving with 'the U. POUO HYSTfRlA returned to their home on TbIlY~ S. f!Jr Force In Spokane, WIIIh., ~ afteI'Cl' l1IDUllerlllJ at ,for III ~ear and six monthe. He w- ~. J. ,Jt,lb-.t Jones,~, ___ ub In the 'Peconoe. ·Mr. " ' , ... of the Medical Advisory Commit- VanUrk jomed his family week- accompanied by IIrL Spencer and tee Delaware County Cbapter of ends. their daughters Stephanie, SelbJ the National Foundation for In- Mr. and'Mrs. James Lukens and and one-year-old Hilarle, born In fantlle Paralysis, joined with 10- daughter Debby of Elm avenue, Spqltane In ,June of 1951. cal health authorities In cautlon- and another daQhtar Mrs. Paul Mr. and IIrL CJarence G. lIoIyera Moyer of Denver, ColO., spent the IIDd Miss A1m Myers of Dlcldnson ing the public agpinst undue summer I\t the Lukens cottage avenue, spent a two-week v,ca-alarm over' the local poliO out- Cape May. tion at Rehoboth Beach. They break which has increased to 28 Mrs. Raymond It. Denwortb, were, accompanied there by Mrs. the number of cases reported so president of the Swarvunore Wo- lIoIyera' parents Dr. and Mrs. Ly_ far this year. man's Club, entertained'members man J. Briggs of' Wash1nston, D. of the Board and Cbalrmen at a C. Also jo1nlng the famUy group "We must remember," Dr. luncheon-meeting at her home were Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Myers Jones said, "that although polio 'Monday. of New Providence, N. J. is a serious problem at present, - •. --=-.:.----------':..:::~:..:.:.::..:.::.:==:.:...:.:.:..::--•- half of all patients recover with­out visible after-effects, and 30 per cent recover without perman­ent handicaps sufficient to inter­fere with normal life. Among the remainder, 17 per cent are seri­ously involved and about eight per cent may die. Dr. Jones has in addition issued a statement regarding the publics request for information on pre­ventative measures against polio. "lnv~stigative work on Gamma­Globulin has not progressed far enough to' justify its general use on the public at this time." let's take off that harness! Dr. Jones repeated his cautions against fear, commenting that avoiding it is nearly as Important as the close observance of the rules in the National Foundation's 1952 Polio Pledge. These precautions are: 1. Avoid new groups. 2. Follow your doctor's advice about having mouth and throat operations. ' 3. Keep children from becom­~ bU1"1l. or ;ovoOittlred. •• 'Be sure ·to· .. 'Wash bands .~ fore eatinl and after uslnl the toDet. 44 AS • ., lNEED Grandma was bitched to housework, but electricity< takes over the reiJIs for you. It does the ··nni88Dce" job. u.t used ,to ,take 80 .~h_aJUl80 ~4ort,BDd hel~ ,you live a fI!ller Iifa, ... TJa.e\hepeflfp ao ..... dlathe­w_ are yowa tIuoqhthe Mn'i_ofa tax:pQiDr. . buaiD_ " men_pel elootrio Ilsht aDd JIO­com_,' DIIa .. the .tua.ricaD wayl AT COATESVILLE' It was reported recently that an em~_c;Y Jim exI~ aOIRB.tlme for "*",,Q.' QperatiAI ,: *,ilPeers (Genenl) and 211 H<i*pltai At­tendants . for employment at (the Coatesville VeterBrul AdmInIstrIl- .EIaJtrie/IJI ;. IIiIi 0"" ., Ihe'_ IJri«d _ilks ill Ihe f.aiJy 6uq,.t 1Ion HoQ)ltaI. ' Dr. ~1I.0 ~, mlll\llier of u.e 1/l1!IIP1~, -decllU'ed that this per .. sonnel needed immediateiy to prevent deterioration of medical care for h""RllaUQId veterans: •• PHILADELPHIA I ELECTRIC COMPANY A IUltFI M'lNAGID. TAX:PAYIHG UI1UTY t»II#lN'I 0_ .., MO. 1IWI IOCI.- STOCICIIOIHIS f'l1IA;A;J.Ji .tIl.... WAN 1. 1) GIRLS rtg ... 'no", 'II"" \c!f1lO, O~~ "L II ..... · I anla ..-plIfI1f' .".1\ • ' b ..... - ,...,,-, • rIOht • • ...... n •••• II GoocI pG'I . No Jf ~"oDI" f,\MIClIY, ~...,., ........ ~" v:-... .­I ,&I ",11-nt, ..,..4Sfr .. _.._ .. a "... ...... .... .. ,~'r.n. ,,1"" ... ~ l1i 1Uft1io joocl-b k 1>wL! , .... abo ... ", .. ' 5 .... 'lit . ',-", tSPIIl dPt ~ tar .--who"" .. 'lI.'" ' ...... ..,..~ ~," 6 = __ 1&. .... with .. 1ft' ph 0 ..... wIt WI,.. ..... ~ 110 lad .d ha ... a fine empIoyw, If)'OU_fr ' • I •• .... ~.. I toW .. • a wo ar.-,.". to "',AfS ..... "....., .. todq at _ fJ6 .. 0'" ....... w, - • : ., ............ "',.F Dc.., .... 'CME MARKU, 'Chester Rd., Swarthmore '61' ArdI 'hssl, ............ ... Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. Open Saturday 'til 6 P.M. • \ liE IELL BlEPHOIIE COIIPANY OF 'QlIUn'ANIA ........' 1 : ' ••••. '~,~I ... I c •• • • .. .. blEWS NOTES Dr, R. C. Ammerman and Dr. Fred A. Patman of Swarthmore have returned from a week'. fish­Ing ~p to Loucljboro Lake, Bat-terse!!. Ontario, canada. . , Dr. and Mrs; J. OM T. Pinkston and ~hUdren John and Jleth reo ~e.9tiy IDOVed from Cleveland to 53Z We.tmInste.r av.enue. Dr. PlilkstOIl' Is wit,h the Catalytle ContrueUoll Company. PbIladel- CLAssiFIED ADS FOR Plymouth 4-dr, ra:l~a,~h~~e'a~~ter, ,150, 91 avenue. PIANO TUNING N_ aD4 BebaU& l'IaIlN aD4 BepaIrtDa- 81Dee 1908 ALBAN PARKER l'hde IIfedIa 8-1855 labbl" ConecHoa SWu:'ihnlort DIs ..... ' WeeI<Iy or lIonthlj ,j~~~ I phla. 14 Alan and Jared. Robinson of wAlilii PlIICI' IIftrtlllioolll 8.10'1' WalllQgford opent the·1n DM'~ t' l:I.IN·S' Inil.r'.... yancouver, Wash.. Alan made '. 1ft lUll my "'I: return trip of 2,000 nilies by mo-- 8~re, Pa, t9':: cycle. He !las entered Swarth- Serving liwarthmore, Mortoll more College as, a freshman. new an!~~~~~~~~~ All LIM. of IIlJiill'GlICs Rutledge' and Ridley TOWnsb4 Miss· Nan" cy Hoot of, 'Lafayette , 1\n~1918 II SWal'fllmciN 10444 venue arrived home Saturday by 333 ' corrimercial ~~~~~;~;~;;;;~~tl Hpl~ante hfarodm a cMcoomnrpOaVniiae,d Chaelirf . sMmiaslsl nieces Nancy and Susan Lawrence TOM SEREMBA to their home in Monrovia last with Fire Sales and Watef HeatersJ . Ranges, Dryers, Pump~t Fans, Cleaners and small appbances~ Call: Erich H. Hausen. SW 6-2850 Corner Park 'and Michigan avenues. or ap­confiden­.... C upboard, No, 5 .-Ike, Wilmington, ROOFS GU'I'IERS U P H 0 L S T ERE R June and remained three months . to assist their mother Mrs. Lewis REPAIRED & INSTAI,I.ED LOST WARM·AlR ImATING Phone WAshburn 8'7311 D. Lawrence who Is making a re- LOST=Five-month old kitten _ Furnaces VaculIm Cleaned lonl hair, orange striped, white GEORGE MYERS FOil RENT or Write to 612 Clymer Lene markable recovery from Polio. i;;;;;R;ID~L;EY;.;, ;P;A~R;K~. ;P;A;';;;;~"I Mrs.· Lawrence is the former Polly throat. Female. Swarthmore 6- Box 48:Swarohniore 6:0140 PETER 01 NICOLA Drlve.lI, Constnactloil "A.,halt or ColiC ..... Cellar Wall. Re-Plastered Swarthmore 6-~!52j GEORGE F. cm.JJS Hoot. I~~~t~~!~al~ Mrs. Phelps Soule a~d Mrs. R. 3995., ~~~~~=~~~~~~ LOST=Man's raincoat left on sta- i P. Kroon of Swarthmore, sailed last. week on ,the Queen Mary for tion platform Tuesday evenin~. Reward. Please call Swarthmore 6-229a. a sIx-week. lrip to England and the Continent. Mrs. Kroon ESTATE NOTICE . visit her mother . and f8m.t1y in d . home. KATHRYN V. MEiER. De'- Switzerland. They were bid bon g&r en. spacious corner ceased, late of RUtledge Delaware voyage, hi New York by Mrs. ~0'lims, large white tile bathroom County. PeDD8»"lvanla. -' a , many . closets, sun porch: Letters' of AcIm1n16tratlon In the Swart ... ;,,. 6:1448 WILLIAM BROOKS ASh ... & Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed, General Bawling 23.8 Hardin&, Ave .. 'Morta_, Pa. Claire Jeglum, Mrs. Charles Shaw. be!,!,~lful pnvate entrance. fUl above ..tate havlug boen granted to M~s. S. H, Hemenway, Mrs. Wal- u:ilibes and garage. Refined peo- tll" "fd_JIIled.8U'peroons Indebted CUNNINGHAM ter Rauber, and Mrs. William' Pes _ p e ,wanted. No chUdren or pets ..... 11 eo!<\te - roqueate'd to m,lkell D Near staUon and buses MAdi80' payment, and those having clalma ' Since 1905 ram of .S;warthmore who laterJ 6-2354. • n pzeoent the ...... e without delay Painters I: Paper Hallgers we.nt slg.htseeJng ana enjoyed the LAWRBNCB T. MEi_ theatre in~ludlng. tlie play "Ami. -entire 7 Rutledge A~nu. We shoulel know how the King of Siain," 'A!se sall- rooms, bath, ~~~~::~\ Or to :u..-::;,::=-. . SWa. 6-2266 Mlchlgall Aye. Ing th Q ' room, kitchen J , on e ueen Mary with Mrs: $80 a month: Phon~ B11TLIm, Bl!lA'l'1'Y, GREER I!o ~oule aod Mrs. Kroon were Mrs. 6-1205, JOHNSON W G Ij;iiii~"",r:=-""'=:::::i=;--- Avenue Cemetery M.".rl"'l. 8525 EDGMONT AVENllB :':' , CHESTER 3~UOl . . . \ WALTER M, MAGEE' Sales Mana,. . ordon S,cott of Muhlenberg FOR RENT - Cdmforiable room , avenue and MIss Greta Smaltz of Ph and bath for refined gentleman. Detroit, Mich.. who were accom- one Swarthmore 6-4133 . the rOl­and. giv­of the on Septem- Charles E, Fischer SWarthinore 8,3890 STENOGRAPHIC TYpING sElvle! Le,o' .op.... • TIIons • it.;orto ''''.pt. effie,! ... iii. .cc ...... ....,,10 C •• friet ~r H •• rI, i~i~. RUPACA. 'l"C~, TIl...,. 5...... SW 6-IUI 'MI ....... 1.' No"" •• 1II1e TDlI'DT' ~4@made O.LUMT." , _ ... OIL...-..en .. __ eQlUU.CIlLIV.M._ WAUl .lAtln ....... DAY and NtORT OIL BURNER SERVICE lIIONDAY TBRU SATUItDAY , NOON SW 6-4041 811NDAYS ... « HOLIDAYS SW 6'()740 COAL , FIREPLAtE WOOD J.,A.GREEN 1 sOirm Plmwil:wN AyiNO& _ e' ....... ,"' ............... ,'" panied to the boat for farewells FOR RENT-Available October 15 JIoi-ough 01 by Mr. Scott, Mrs. George Davls- profess~onal omce suite, suitable her 8, 195'. son of Swarthmore and Mr. and for .physlcian or dentist, in con­Mrs. P. H. Ennis of Ridley Park. vement esta~~~~~~ I 0 c· a t ion. ELLIOTr I!.ICIIARDBON Borough Beeretary Mrs. Mariana Robinson ofWal-retUrned last week fol­loWing a month'g visit with UveS In Berki!ley and siin IIle/lo.J CiilIf. Mr. and Mrs. Peter- J. Kroon an., d.. ' d_a ug'h' tl;r's Ada . D.'o.r.e y, ' and Emmelioe of CorneD iivenue fiew home fJ:om Amsterdam, Ho11anCI,;1 the latter patt of August. Mrs. Krtion and clllliiren left here hy plane In June to visit relatives in :\Ioliand. Mr. Kroon ,oined his famlo/ in August, lleqil ... t for IItdS An Ordtnance to vacate Westdale Avenue, east of Easterly aide of Rutgere, ~venuB. a plotted 'but unopened street of the Borough of Bwartbroore. and to strike E.Cm.8 from the Borough. Plan w1thou~ preJul:1ce to any private rights therein. . 1~1~=~~o:p ~sl~~g~N IIe&lOd bldA will be Rcel_ In Council Cbamber. Borough IflIIl. Swazthmore. P.o, on October 8, 18a2 at 7:80 P.M. tor turnlsbtng one Snow Tl>,roWer. 'l'he eqUIpment oball be driven with a gasoline enaine at not IE~::: ~f.:r ~aJ,'hn~~:' ,:dl:'::': F~R .RE!'iT ~arge comfortable In width. l!:Ec1se tax, It any, when re- 4.' oom, eo~v'C}'went, to transporta. section 2. NOtbtng herein contain­fUnded by -the Government shall be 1I-10n a~d tea-rooms. Homelike sur .. el.;l taken to coDlJtitute .. clos- 1Ja1cl to the Borough. "nle person or roundmgs. Call SWarthmore 6 lJig ot WeKdBle Avenue east ot Rut-flrm. to whom the contract ,IS award- 4124. . ' - ~ ~ve~ue 80 far as private rights ed muE¢ execute an agreement are concerned; or as to BtU" private tBho*r ouogmh. .r esoefr vtehse t huen dreiTgIhIlt ltion .d~:;t r~~~~~FO~R~S~A~L~E~~~~ aee~roesan tth e osra mrleg.b tI t oafn yw asyu cahlo nrigg hotsr any or all bidS. now ex1EIt.· ELLIoTT RIOHAlIDBON bird 9'12,St Borough Secretary 1I1!1l pole. I r'===========~111 9-ID-2t 6-4495.. I' F'-OR SALT:' P,hone:. CHeater 2-31118 ~Antique cherry side- . PARTNEBSHIP DISSOLUTION board. Call Swarthmore 6-0863. P, R, B R U S H NOTICE FOR SALE-Northern back Hol- !lONDED REPRESENTATIVE ,Wotlce Ia he",l!yglv~11 that the I",!der mink dyed fur 'coal--fair ELECTROLU](, BUILDER • Swarthmore 6-2253 Generat'on 'ullelelrS HORACIA. REEVES .alldlllfJ Co ...... tI ... · Rellidenlial • PalntIJ,. Commereial • .' A1teralioDS 17Vz So.I. Cha.ter loael SwarthinOre 6-3450 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSJRUCTION Alterations • P.R.R. freight Bldg. Swarthmore, ra, J. F. BLACKMAN ~=er:r~ ~"We~":nclex=¥es ~ gondlUon. Misses size. $50 SALE5-5ERrICE-o-SUPPLIES . SW 6-8816 Grter. trading undeT the name of watthmore 6-4118. • R.al4H:~; s~z E. Zlit St. Cheater. P ... '"Utility Shop,'" at UlSouth Cheater FOR, SAT.E ',G.E. ,refrigerator=6I.o:l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~===~=~=~ ROad. swartbmore. 'PelllWJlvanla, was : .(~.-good condition, Reason- 1; dlBsolved on September 11. 195' Call Swarthmore 6-3193. said buslD..e8s from and after that· date will be conducted by Charles 11. . arler.., alone, -trading under'the name of "UtilIty Bbop" . J. J BoDLEY. Solicitor " ' 12 SOuth Twelfth St . . ,l'hlladelphla 7. Pa. . , 'H 0 II A C B Do 'Passmore .... u. .STAT_ • lHsuaAift;- 50' s. CS.,or ..... ..,01 •• laau con ... -- Real Estate Insurance Custom Homes Construction Mortgages --.-= Baird' Be Bird· COl. DARTMOUTH , olld LAFAYEIIE AVENUES Oppllll .... lore ... Hall , ,

---------- Page 15 ----------

I L' h Frank McCowan, evening dresS Woman's C Uu Exc ange the care of Mrs. George B. Thom, . I ~. and Mrs. Maurlee 1.. Web-! MIn Patflcla wenaiui of South GypsIeS Set Theme for ster, Jr., of ~ avenue entertaln- Chester road III spendini a few ed at a plCDlC supper on the lawn days of this week at the Delte 8egins Tuesday at .10 Boys' clothing, Mrs. William B. (Continued from Page 1) Lowe, Women's clothing, Mrs. year Junior AssembUers, and Mother's Club Party of their home Satur~ay evening. Gamma House at the' UnI_ty Out-of-town guests mcluded Mr. , and Mrs. John McQuade, Jr., 'of of Maryland. . dusting off toys, vases, pans;' a Lloyd E. Kaullman; sweaters In a thousanQ and one saleable items- group by themselves will be the these are the unnumbered army of responslbillty of Mrs; W. Alfred women at home. Smith and her committee, and Close to 200 members and guests Moylan, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of, of the Swarthmore Mother's Club. Kempton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray-. Amherst avenue will return to­attepded the welcomlnll party last mond 0:' Webster both of Lans- morrow following a week'. trip evening at the Woman's Club- downe,:Mr. and Mrs. Curtlll Drake lIOUth to'Plnehurst and Asheville, Meanwhile chairmen and com- arranging men's clothing the care house. of Brooklloe, and Mr. and Mrs. N, C., returnlni' by way of the mittee members under the general f Mrs. Percy A. Gilbert. chairmanship of Mrs. Birney K. 0 Old and new members ':~ Joseph W. Matta of Ardmore. Blue JUdge Parkway. greeted by past president, ... rs. _iiiiii Morse, lay final plans for the good Allee Marriott and her commit­natured seige. Mrs. J. Paul Brown, tee will be at the desk on Tuesday, MrS. Samuel T. Carpenter and and again on Wednesday when Mrs. Rqbert A. Boyle and their doors, In charge of Mrs. Francis committee will take charge of the H. Forsythe, will be open from 10 receiving on Tuesday from 10 a. In the morning to 9 at night. Mrs. m. to 4 p.m. Mrs. Raynham T. !'orsythe and Mrs. Paul R. Hertel Bates will classify the household head the committee In charge of Items, Mrs. J. M. Pearson wi)l take settlement, which takes place for charge of hanging, Mrs. Donald the public from noon to 4 p.m. on P. Jones will sort the little girls' Thursday. Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter dresses, Mrs. E. vanS. Cleveland as treasurer of the cl~b, and Mrs. will organqe the babies and tots Peter E. Told, publlc.ty, compl~te items. the committee chairmen. Skirts will be in charge of Mrs. AnY club member. who has not been called and would. like to work on the Exchange, can call Mrs •. Morse at SWarthmore' 6- 0602 or any of the above chair­men, because it's fun whichever side of the cbunter you are on. EFFECT Combining practicality wit h pleasure Is not the easiest of feats, Charles Gerner and board m_- ber, Mrs. Norman Weeks, who presided at the tea table and Mrs. Peter E. Coste, the Club's new president. The previously announ, ced membership and hospitality committees headed by Mrs. Leo Marshall and Mrs. George Wilbur, carried the gypsy theme through­out the evening's program. The lilting gypsy music by' Tony Coma, »loUnist of the Roxborough Symphony Orchestra, p\cke.d up the theme with such selections as "Czards" and "f?Panish Dance". Mr. Coma was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Frank Chapman. The decorations of varied color­ed lanterns, Bohemian candles, fiowers and log fires, all very "gypsy" 11) character gave atmos­phere needed by the gypsy for­tune tellers who were 'kept busy through the evening rea~g palms. Brighten Your F~mily'sAutumn at"e MUTUAL EXCHANGE , • • Iring Article. Tuesday - 10 A.M. '.~ 4 P. M. luy Articles Wednesday - ~OA;";M •. a , P. M. Settlement Thursday ~ 12).oon. 4 P. M. • • . .. SWARTHMORE WOMAN'S CLUB • The _ff.etI_u or a medicine depends up­on the quality of ingre­dienu. and upon tbe skill of the compound. ing pbarmaclst. Always bring your Doctor'. prescriptions to tbi. dependable pbarmacy where quali!y and ae­CU11lcy prevail. It Is • pleasure to serve you. but the Club women have been managh.g it with skill for a num­ber of years. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoft of Michigan avenue spent last week­end In Towson, Md., visiting their son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Burton N. Cox, Jr., who mov­ed from their former apartment to their new. home at 50t Overcrest The refreshments, no less im­pressive than the rest of the well I planned opening party, were a !~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~:I ~I ~:~I~UI~~~~II~II~'" September 23,24~.25 happy conclusion to a successful ' I I ill J§ evening· \ CATHERMAN'S DRUG STOlE road, Towson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape, daughters Mary, Ellen and Bar­bara, and son John of Harvard avenue, have returned home fol­lowing a two-week vacation at Ocean City. On Wednesd"y Mr. . and Mrs. Snape and Mary Ellen motored to Tyrone where Mary Ellen 'entered the Grier School. AUDITORS ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DJElTBICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING IUL~ ,. 1952 TAXATION AsseYed valuation, of .taxable' real estate .••.••••.•... ~ ..••••. t8.497.18S.~ Number or m11la levied .................................... .. Number assBued with per capita: to. ....... ..... ........... None Rate of per capita _ ............, ........................ .. None AMOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX PROPERTY TOTAL Amount Levied (Pact of 195' duplicate) ........... ,221.400.'8 221.400.18 Daductlons ............... . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112.00 ~~:.:: Penaltl.. added ................................. 875.09 16 ~18 '25 Othor _.. (R, B. Transfer Tai) ................ lU'l3.25 .' Total amount (aum of 1. 2. 3 II< 4) ................ ,".181.Wil 24U81.l2 !Sun tax returned to Olunty Oommlsrdonera 2.928.00 2.928.00 DI8cOunte • .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • •• . .. .. .. .. 4.049.15 4.049.~; Net amount of 1951 tu. collected •.•• , •••••••••••• 237,181.9"l 28'1,181. ~ ofltenuo 8. 9. 11 ............................... 2".131.12 • ~.181.l2 EXPBN8BB Mrs. Coste, president, announc­ed that the Woman's Club would appreciate Mother's Club helll In handling the Exchange articles on Tuesday, September 23. She urged that Mother's who can give even an hour's time call Mrs.- J. Paul Brown. . The first Board Meeting of the season wni be held Wednesday, September 24, at the home of Mrs. Paul Zecher, 727 Swarthmore avenue . .:-----=--- NEWS NOTES Dr. and Mrs. Hallock Campbell of Vassar avenue are entertaining as their b.ouse guests Mrs. Camp­bell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hutchinson of Winter Park, !fla. Mrs. Geneve D.' Mohney cif ;Park avenue Is' spending the month of September ·with her son Mr. Ralph D. Mohney' and familY of Love­iand, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. GrIIIIin Townes and chlldren Ann and Stephen of Lafayette avenue have returned from a 10-day vacation In Stone Harbor. 1liiCB1P'tB Balance on hand .July 2. 19S1. All tunds exclusive or SInk'ng Punt! ., .•.. , ..••• 54.609.26 Jinuny Foley of Dickinson ave­. nue is a patient at Taylor Hos- Qeneral Oontrol (A) .....• 9."9.88 pital with a !raet ured thigh• S ev- Property _ 1951 ........ 220.849.52 Otbel' taxes ............. 16.413.25 Delinquent, Taz. (PrevioUS to 1951) ...... 4,0'14,46 State appropriatiOn. Teach .... . Transportation. TUItion, Vocational ••••••....... 30.490.01 Tuition nonreslclent pupUs 64,068.69 Interest .............. . .. 625.58 Sal. of real estete. auppllea and equipment ..••• , ••• , • 'l06.8-I All other eourcea •.•••.••• 128.&1 TOtal _Pili. Includlng beBlDDln8 bajaDce ...... t89'.1:13.38 Instruction (8) ••••• : .•• 236.098.38 en and a-half year old JimmY had the misfortune to fall of! the Jun­AuxUlary Agencies (0) ••• 11,9,6,49 gle Jim at Rutgers avenue school 59.S0Ul Monday. He will. be conjlned to Opel'atlon . (D) ............ the hospital for ejght weeks. Since MaIntenance (E) .... .. .. 8.9'l4.95. the rules of the hospital are that , 12.638.2fo no children wider 12 years of age Plx04 Cherge8 (F) """". are allowed to visit, JiJD1IlY would Debt Bervlce (G) ........ 18._:~5 appreciate cards from his young Capital OUt16y (H) .. : '.' .41,488.45 friends. Mrs. Edward L. Legg of Secane, 8UMMABY • 89'l.123.38 a member of the Delaware Coun- ~~ ~~n>:""""""""""""""""""".'" ty Chapter .. ill serve as co-chalr- Total current BlCpenoes (Itenuo A,F 1=.) ••• "18.410.40 man for the coming year. Total Debt Bervlce (Item 0) ................ IUGli.21 . ..- G ge E SIIloway of Total Capltel putlay (Item H) .............. 41.48jI.46 .... s. eor . TOtal •• .. •• .. .. ...... ...... .... .. .. ..... ............. 810.415.10 North Chester road is entertaining ""lance on Hand (To Be A'fa1l&bI. for SChOOl Y .... 1952 ... ) .... 21.soe.28as her house guests Mr. and Mrs. ASSDS i 'Arnold Trueblood and baby Sohool BuUdIDp and SIte.. at c_ ................ , ............ f1,1411.048.00 daughter CaroUne Ann who have Textbooka and Bqulpment at Ooat ............. ......... .. .... 201.11 • .00 th t 11151 Tu (OUrreDt Year) ..................................... 1.11".00 been spending e summer a 1950 Tu ..................................... ........... .... 1.l100.811 Lake Paupac Club In the Poconos. 1_ Tu .................................................... 1011.01 ·Mrs. Trueblood Is the grand- _OWl to 1!K9 Duplicate .................................... 801.10 f Mrs Sill TUItIOn Receivable ......................... I.. ........... ..... 2.800.01 daughter 0 • oway. Balance on hand all PI1Ddo eXcludln8 BlDkIn8 Pwul •••••••• :... 21,101.28' Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt returned Total ,\aMte ......... , ............................ , ...... fl,8'l'J.-,u to Swarthmore Monday after LlABlLJTJBII spending the summer In Oeean Bonded lJulebtedD ... (With Vcite of B1eotorate) ............. .',.f 'l'J.000.00 City where her son Dick joined JIOnd~ Indeb_ (WIthoUt vote· of B1ectorate) ........... 22.000.00 her for a week before returning AccoUnts Payable: Teacher&' salartes •...••.•. ~ ....... , ..•.•.••.•••..•..••. -. • 30.93".28 to Cornell University. En route Transportatlon .......................................... 177.00 h th . ited Mr and Mrs All Other Accounts ...................................... 181.65 ome ey VIS • • Total Liabilities .....................................• 130,2'1l1.91 Richard L. Burke of Westdale ave­Amount of Tax 001*_'. Bond ............ '182.119.40 Amount of Treaaurer'i Bond ••••....•••••• 2.600.00 AmOUnt of Secretary·. Bon" ............. 1.000.00 nue at thelr summer home ''Bay Brae'" near Ca~ M!I)' Court House. RecoDcUlatlon or Bank lJe.lanre at Cloee of SChOOl Year Bank Balance July- 7. 1952 ......... , ........................... . OUtetanding Check» .. ,...................................... . 24.801.66 Peggy Robinson of Guernsey 8,29S.2!!, road celebrated her eighth birth­day last week by entertaining slx of her young friends at a dinner party. Balance on Hand to be AvaUable tor , .. SChool Year 191;2-19... .. : .............................. ·f 21.808.28. We hereby eerttry th"a.t"we b.ave examlned the above accounts and find. them correct, and that tbe securities of the oftb::ers of the board. are ln accordance wlth ~aw. O. DUDLBY I!C'R.I. ..= ~ .. R RICHARD M. SNiDER ROBERT B. KORTZHALZ . Audltora September lB, 19&:1 Oomplete Report on FIle. In SChool DIstrIct om"" In High 8chOOl BuIlding Mr. and Mrs., Arthur W. Binns of Muhlenberg avenue have re­turned after spending a month's vacation on their ranch In Estes Park, Colo. All the Things 'You Want 1952 Che'Y'r-olet Th. Styl.l1n. De Lux. eonv.ltIbI. LARGEST in its field "~'"lFi:)'";>:' oJ. ',.' .. ":l. "~.' • Apply the size and w~lght fe.t to any .~d aD low.priced cars, and you II find that Chevrolet I~ the 'argest car in its field - bar none! . A swank and sweeping 19'1.4s t~c:Ii~s'lon9 '. ' •• by actual measurement • • • the 1~"!Jest of all low­priced carsl A huge and husky 3190. pounds of streamlined action in the model illustrated ••• the ."v'est of all io;':priced carsl . And a road-hugging, ro.d-smoothing·S8.3/4 inches betw.en centers of the re.r wh.els • .'. the widest tread of any car in the enti~, low-pric:.e. fieldl AU of' which Means em. comfort, em. safety and edr. durabilityl More People Buy , Than ~ny Other Car . .. GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in Service - First in Sales . , RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swart/lmcire Nt •. ' Theatre Square . South Chester Road Eastern . . GrIArthmore College Librpry o'vlRrthmore, PA.. Standard Time THE' SWARTHMOR Begins. 2:00 A. M. Sunday VOLUME 24-NUMBER 39 SW ARTBMORE, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 26.. 1952 t3.SO PER YEAR H. S. Gym Open Oct. 1 For Free Chest X-R ays Hours From 3:30 to 5 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Open To the Public NEEDLEWORK SUILD MEETS A luncheon meeting of the board of dlrectors of the Swarth­more Branch of the Needlework Guild was held last Friday at the home of Its president, Mrs. Birney K.: Morse, Harvard avenue. JOHN H. PITMAN ~~A~~ '~EL~E~~~~ 7th Mass Meeting Tuesliay Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, TOed· t N B·bI president of the Woman's Club of 10 tea e ew I e Swarthmore, has announced that the opening tea of the club will be held Tuesday, October 7, from 3 to 5. Further details will be Community to Join in Observance at Pres. given later. . Church The annual directors' meetln, was set for September 30 at 3 p.m. In the Woman's Club. AU directors The Chest X-ray Survey team are especially urged to be present. Various church groups of of the Delaware COU/lty Tuber- ThIs ;year there will be election 61'gh School Football Swarthmore will join In a. mass culosis and Health Association will of olllcers; a new plan for electing meeting Tuesday evening, 8J!p-have their equipment set up In the ollleers .. ill be discussed and Tud 0 b tember 30, to dedicate the new Swarthmore High School gymnas- voted upon. . ay at ar y "Revised Standard Version of the ium next Wednesday, October I, Holy :BIble." The meeting will be to take free chest X-rays of all Sch I Ch Junior. Varsity' To Play held at 8 p.m. In the Swarthmore who present themselves. 00 anges Presbyterian Church. The speaker The school hours, from 12:30 to Darby on Rutgers on this occasion will be Dr. James 3:30, have been reserved for h,igh Conference Field Monday Mullenburg, Professor of Bible at school pupils and for all schooi Union Theological Seminary in staft. From 3:30 to 5 and from ·6:30 The Swarthmore High School ~ew York City, a member of the to 8:30 the general public will be First Period Moved Ahead, football team Inaugurates the 1952 committee which has been work-accommodated. Since women wear Others to Receive season as they visit the fold of the ing on the new trsnslatlon of the paper jackets for the X-ray, many Darby High School Rams thts af- Bible. find it convenient to dress for the Wider Spacing temoon. The players, coaches and Tuesday's program will also In-occasion by weartng sults with The Swarthmore School District faos alike are all looking forward clude the singing of a cantata, blo uses. is issuing today letters to parents Borough Saddened by to another promising and exciting "Song of Pralse," by Mendelssohn, The X-ray reports· are com- of children In its two elementary season. by a community choir under the petently handled, being read by schools, announcing a change In De' ath of Ex.Burges· s This opening· game with Darby direction of Henry Faust. This physicians who are members of scheduling of the three parent- has always been closely contested cantats was originally composed the Delaware COUllty Medical. 80- te~er conference periods which and tbts year should be no excep- to commemorate the printing ot dety. The results are made known for the past 20 years has been Services Tonight, lelmor'l tion• Darby will field an exper- the Gutenburg Bible, just 500 directly to each perSon and his the meuiod of reporting pupils' f I d C ienced team that very vividly 1'8'- ~s ago this year. or her physician. progress here. row or Be ove om- calls last year's 13-13 tie. Partlcu- DurIng the program there will munity Figure larly outstanding Rams are half- be read selected ScrIptural pas- The many details necessary to Approved at a meeting of teach- back Tyler, who won ~. 180 sages from the Hebrew, Greck, make thts survey succ:easful and ers and grade mothers' group rep- The death of ex-Burgess",,::1 Class B low hurdles, and right and Latin Vet'l!Ions, and from the of wide appeal are being ably car-. resentatlves last'week the ne. . cal- Hln\eS Pitman 'Tuesday.. ' e, end Lew, 6' 5'~ basketball star. major Engllsh translations, In­ried on by a Swarthmore Com- endar advances the first confer,.. leaves Swarthmore mourning one Several other good holdovers from cludlng the new translations. Spe­mittee whose members 'are: ence period several weeics to Oc- of the most outstanding public a fine 'SI Darby team will see cially bound volumes of the new MrS. Elizabeth N. Groft, Chalr- tober 8, and sets Its purpose as af- spirits ever a community has that the little Garnet faces the Bible will be presented Tuesdsy man; Robert W. Benihardt, Exe:. fording an Opportunity for par- known. acid test at the very outseL evening to persons representing cutlve Secretary of the County As- ents to acquaint teachers with Masonic rites at 8 o'clock As In past years It appears that the cooperating church groups. soclatlon; l\IrS; Judson R. Hoover, their chlldren'.·speclflc needs. Un- evening at the Rigby the locals ,starting lineup will not John W. Stetmer, Asststsnt Minis- Mrs. Charles Fillcher, Mrs. Paul der this headln, parents should Home, 1 West Baltimore be coo;>flned to any 11 players. ter of the Swarthmore Presbyter- William., Mrs. VlneentT. Lath- come prepared to relate present or Media . and a service In LIke Darby, they have.a good ian Church. ts the general chalr-bury, Mrs •. Edith Kenney, Mrs: reCent physical set-backs of the Swarthmore Methodlst Chureh at nucleus of experienced and famIl- man for thlll event. Thomas Casey, MrS. LeslIe A. child as well as pointers on hill 2 p.m. tomorrow will be followed _f •. CelI. ':t.::oi'l!h .1",.le!;ter~ . The """"p1etion ot the RevIsed wetlaufer, ~ Joseph Seal, -~ ~al relatl~~·,..,.th. ch1ldnt1. bi'J)riYate InfetnitnL ·are··r., someoutstand- StaDdard Yerslon 'Of the Holy J. Albright Jones,Carroll Streeter, and adult!, 8J!d bltr. attItud •. to- Although Imperfect health Ing play is expected from boys In Bible Is considered an epoch In Joseph Reynolds, Ambrose Van ward school. led hIn\ to resign as burgess their first year of varsity perfor- the religious life of the Engllsb- Alen, Peter E. Told, ·Mrs. MIldred Another innovation, designed by 1947, the first year of his' mance. The lineup at present III IIP"8k!ng peoples compsrable to Weaver. the teacbing staff to, relieve pres- elected term, and a heart c~::~;1 somewhat as follows: that marked by the llIsuance 'of sures el'P"rlenced by some parents tlon confined hinI to hill Ends: Don MacElwee, Lonnie Stat- the ~ James Version. In 1611. J W 'CI b r. oman S _U and' teachers during former years during the summer of 1951, ton, and Bill Ziegenfus. RecogniZing the need for a new when conferences were held for Pitman had been able to continue . five and six days In succession, Is f Tackles: Pete Simkin, John Mascal (Continued on Pa,e 8) Lis'ts Busy fall the spreading of the second con- hmisa tdhuetmieast iacss asasnodci atses tproronfoemssyo r 0a t G andd sB ilCl BarracloQgb. ference periOd over a four-month uar : o-capl ain J-~- MacAl UllU - Swarthmore College and was pine and Frank Habbersett. span, and giving the third and fI- the college as. usual on Monday, Q b k Lee S Bill Legion Aux. Rummage The Junior Woman's Club of nal period a five-week range. By uarter Be s: wan, Sale Odober 2 and 3 Swarthmore announces· a varied thIS meaDS conference afternoons reglstrstlon day. That evening Hoot, CharlIe Grier. Members of the Legion AuxU- and ent.i cing pre.Chrlstmas ho1 1- for the second period will occur .-..'.'.'.e. red a coronary attack from Le' ft H a Ifb a.",_"" •.. How ard Shearer, iary report an. urgent need for day program and cordially invites approximately two weeks apart, which he died at 5: 45 p.m. Bob Doherty, George AllIson. . helpers at the Auxiliary's Rum-women' of the community. to at- (Continued on Page 8) nexB!.!'t. Conshohocken April 7, Right Halfbacks: Andy Schroder, mage Sale on Thursday, October tend any of Its llsted programs Steve Snyder. 2 and Friday, October 3. FrIends which Int'e rest them. 1890 he received his bachelor of Fullback' Co-Captain Bill Kauff- k d t Mrs. Herbert Tutherly, the or- Lions Hear International arts degree at Swarthmore College' . of the Auxiliary are as e 0 come . man. to the Presbyterian Church on ganizatlon's g e n era I program Governor Monday Night In 1910 and his masters degree a All Junior Varsity games take these days with their rummage, chairman, lists Tuesday, October Edward Snow, past District yenair lasteitr . Aff tCear Utwf oru yl ears da tL tihcke place the ·~o lIowm· g ."oUnda·y on the and predpare t0 ·glv e as muc h time 7 as the season opener when pros- Governor and present Interna- UOb ver tY 0 B -k 01 ahan return field opposite to where the Var- as possible. The Auxiliary's do­pectlve members' and guests will tional Director f Li I 't serva ory, e. e ey, e - s1ty game was played. nations' to hospitals and commun- 0 ons n ema- ed to Swarthmore as Instructor In receive a cordlal greeting In the tional, addressed the Swarthmore mathematics and astronomy In ity campalgils depend greatly upon Club House from 8 p.m. on. Club Lion. Club on the occasion of their 1913, was made assistant professor High School Atlrletic this sale. members will present "Fashions of First Anniversary celebrated with The 13 active members of this the Past 100 Years." a Dinner Dance at the Strath Hav- (Continued on Page 4) Assoc. Ticket Drive unit will be moSt appreciative of Mrs. William McDermott, Vol- en Inn Monday night. The annual drive of the Athietic assi~tance and olter sociability and ers' ServIce Chairman, will be Mr. Snow, who has the dlstlnc- POLIO HITS MORROW'S IDA AssocIation season tickets, which surprises In return. The ald by presented on October 21 In a time- lion of being the fourteenth LIfe SON.IN.LA W 'IN' FLOR admit holders to all home games outside help In sorting mriterlals, Iy talk on Party Platforms' and Member of Lions International, Mr. and' Mrs. William C. Mor- football, basketball, etc., Is In full beginning at 9 a.m. on Thursday Infonilation on Candldates Bulle- conerawlated the club on Its row of Harvard avenue Bew to swing at the high school. Proceeds will considerably shorten the tin. The evening is In charge of achievements during the past year~ Miami at the end of last week wlll help to .flnance ilbnost. 100 hours. Generally a short nap about the International Relations eom- Donald Snively, President of when they received word from athletic events, from plngpong 4 p.m. makes it possible for wo,k­mlttee. Mrs. McDermott's·talk will Media LiOns, and Jack Carr, Past their daughter Mrs. Patricia Nolan I tournouOlellts and Intramural sports ers to return at 7 p.m. to handle begin at 8:20. Donations for the PresIdent of Chester Lions, on be- that her husj>and, 'llrulY, age to varsity games. The money also the actual Preview SellIng. Thill Is' (Continued on Page 5) half of thOir respective clubs con- was a poliO victim In Children's provides bus transportation for the day when much help. may WOMAN'S CLUB CHORUS OPENEb TO NON.MEMBER.S The music department of the Wo~an's Club of Swarthmore, of Which Mrs. J. Leslie EllIs Is chair­man, Is announcing plans for the chorus for the eomlng year. An invltatlon III extended to all who like to.· sing "'- memberS of the Woman's Club, Junior Woman's ClUb, and 'Mothers' Club, alSo . non-members. There Is no charge for membership In the chorus. The new ~r, ~ Henry.J. Paust, who III In 'ch&rie of inusic at the Presbyterian Church. The Dleetlngs wID be beld the first an4 third TuesdaYs of each mOllth at the club ho~ at 10 a.m., start\JqI October 1. . -' - . - . gratulated the Swarthmore Club Variety· Hospital there. the teams and the band. . mean a successful venture. . and wished It continued succeSL Mrs. Morro.. left immediately On Friday a few are needed Adults may obtain these tickets th h 'f 8 SO The events of the G~ year were upon reCeiving the news Thursdsy between e ours 0 : Lm. ~a. from Bill Hoot; chairman of· adult llIn d short summarized by Lion L. C. Hast- night. Mr. Morrow Bew non-stop ticket sales or at the prescription and 2 p.m. for s.e g, an a Ings, the club's first president. on Sunday accompanied by Mary counter in Michael's College Phar- time afteIrIw ardVs foSr cCleI an-Iu p.d ' Dancing followed the dinner with Lou Wilson, physical therapist of Mrs. E en an. eve an .s Lion Hastings calling for the the Delaware County Chapter of maey. Parents and other Swarth- c h a lrma n_ f th Sal All 0 e e. rum-the . National Infantile Paralysis more HIgh fans-an. urged to lend mage may be left at the Church danees their support -to the drive. . Ba~n Calvert Is presldent of Foundation, for whom Mr; Nolan early on 'Thursday, .or if prefer·, the Swarthmore Llona this year. had expressed a wish even though red, at the home of Mrs. Herbert for a short periOd. MIss Wilson Hom. Nursing Courses Bassett. 500 North Chester road· Eighth &rad. Mothen Tea flew back to her loc~ duties .the Red CroSs Home Nursing clas es or In Mrs. Frances Lumsden's Th Mothers Group of the following day. Placed m a resp1l'8- are reedy til start at the Swarth- garage, 223 Kenyon avenue. .. ~ .. ;;. Grade, Mrs. Robers GIl- . tor the patient was reported Im- more HIgh ~hool> The oourse f..t.I.l... h-'--- will entertain at provlnll this ..e el<. The takes one night a week for elght an, e ou,~, 'd n. to 10 w-..... and'wlll be given bv tesMonday October 8 at 2:30 have a year-o. so. -. , a th.. ' . Room Of the HIgh . The Morrows for the past six nurse rrorll the Community In e ... useum years have contributed the use of Society. Iristructlon Is tree~ l!ehool. !II. Bush. r1ndpal their private: sw'lPmiDg pool for . For ·fdrther· fnfotmation . call Mr. WIllIam _1 ~ talk to rehabilltation of local vletims of Mrs. Henry C. Ford, Swarthn\ote !If the. ~ .Sch ...... _ the iliSeiise.· . . 8-2518. . . the group. Sixth Grade Mothers TM A tea for the Sixth .Grade Mother!J of the CoUage Avt!IIue School will be held at' the hmne of Mrs.':S. A.. Turner, . :Sr.; 514 Cedar'lane, at. 3:111< oil- J'dda::r afternoon, October 3. •

---------- Page 16 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 10 THE SWARTHMOREAN September 19, 1952 Woman's Club Exchange Begins Tuesday at JO Frank McCowan, evening dress the care of Mrs. George B. Thom, Boys' clothing, Mrs. William B. Lowe. Women·s clothing, Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauftman; sweaters in a group by themselves will be the responsibility of Mrs. W. Alfred Smith and her committee, and • S Th f I lI,7:r. and Mrs. Maurice L. Web- I Miss Patricia Weiland of South GYPsies et eme or ster, Jr., ~f ~Im avenue entertain- Chester road Is spending a few ed at a plcmc supper on the lawn days of this week at the Delta (Continued from Page 1) year Junior Assembliers, and dusting off toys, vases, pans; a thousand and one saleable items­these are the unnumbered army of women at home. Mother's Club Party of their home Satur~ay evening. Gamma House at the University Out-of-town guests Included Mr. and Mrs. John McQuade, Jr., of of Maryland. Meanwhile chairmen and com­mittee members under the general chairmanship of Mrs. Birney K. Morse, lay final plans for the good natured seige. Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter and Mrs. Robert A. Boyle and their committee will take charge of the receiving on Tuesday from 10 a. m. to 4 p.m. Mrs. Raynham T. Bates will classify the household items, Mrs. J. M. Pearson will take charge of hanging, Mrs. Donald P. Jones will sort the little girls' dresses, Mrs. E. VanS. CI~veland will organ~e the babies and tots items. arranging men's clothing the care of Mrs. Percy A. Gilbert. Close to 200 members and, guests. Moylan, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of of the Swarthmore ~other s Club. Kempton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Amherst avenue will return to­attellded the weicollllng party last mond D. Webster, b~'h of Lans- morrow following a week's trip evening at the Woman's Club- downe, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Drake south to Pinehurst and Asheville, house. of Brookline, and Mr. and Mrs. N. C., returning by way of the Old and new members were Joseph W. Matta of Ardmore. Blue Ridge Parkway. Alice Marriott and her commit­tee will be at the desk on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday when doors, in charge of Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, will be open from 10 in the morning to 9 at night. Mrs. 1'0rsythe and Mrs. Paul R. Hertel head the committee in charge of settlement, which takes place for the public from noon to 4 p.m. on Thursday. Mrs. Carroll P. streeter as treasurer of the c~ub, and Mrs. Peter E. Told, publicity, complete the committee chairmen. greeted by past president, Mrs. ~~~~~~~~iiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiii\1iiiiiiiiii\iiii~iiiiliiiiiii.'iiii\iiiiiiiiii\ii~iiiiiiiii;iiiiiiii~I~. Charles Gerner and board meUl- Jj'\,.'~~'~: j ber, Mrs. Norman Weeks, who presided at the tea table and Mrs. Peter E. Coste, the Club's new Brighten Your Family's Autumn ~ president. The previously announ- I ced membership and hospitality at the !fi committees headed by Mrs. Leo lli Marshall and Mrs. George Wilbur, MUTUAL EXCHANGE ~ carried the gypsy theme through- !fi l!fi out the evening's program. The lilting gypsy music by Tony Coma, violinist of the Roxborough •• 111 Symphony Orchestra, picked up ~. i<.J Skirts will be in charge of Mrs. Any club member who has not ------------- been called and would like to E F F E U T work on the Exchange, can call Mrs. Morse at SWarthmore 6- 0602 or any of the above chair­men, because it's fun whichever side of the counter you are on. the theme with such selections as ~ "Czards" and "Spanish Dance". i<.J1 Bring Articles Tuesday _ lOA, M •• 4 P. M. Mr. Coma was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Frank Chapman. Buy Articles Wednesday - 10 A.··M •• 9 P. M. The decorations of varied color- ~ ~ ed lanterns, Bohemian candles, I Settlement Thursday - 12 ·Noon - 4 P. M. I flowers and log fires, all very ~ ~ Combining practicality wit h pleasure is not the easiest of feats, "gypsy" iQ. character gave atmos- ~ ••• ~ phere needed by the gypsy for- ~ ~ • The _jJ«';".".., of a medicine depends up. on the quality of ingre· dients, and upon the .kill of the compound­iog pharmacist. Alway. bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this dependable pharmacy where quality and ac­curacy prevail. It is a pleasure to serve you. but the Club women have been managing it with skill for a num­ber of years. tune tellers who were kept busy I WOMAN'S CLUB ~w. through the evening readi'!g!fi SWARTHMORE ~ palms. ~ 24 25 W The refreshments, no less im- ~ September 23, I ~ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoff of Michigan avenue spent last week­end in Towson, Md., visiting their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Burton N. Cox, Jr., who moV­ed from their former apartment to their new, home at 504 Overcrest pressive than the rest of the well !fi ~ planned opening party, were a ~ ; ~ happy conclusion to a successful ~r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~' ~~~tIIf!I~,~.~,,~",,~~~~~~~~~'I!III;~,~~~'1<:'IIi~\\\!~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~;"!I;;;;;;~;~;;~¥;;;,' evening. r , CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE road, Towson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape, daughters Mary. Ellen and Bar­bara and son John of Harvard aven~e, have returned home fol­lowing a two-week vacation at Ocean City. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Snape and Mary Ellen motored to Tyrone where Mary Ellen entered the Grier School. . AUDITOlt..'J ANNU,\), REPORT SCIIOOI. DISTRICT OF TilE BOROUGII OF SWARTIIl\IORE DELAWARE COUNTY. STATE OF PENNSYI.VANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY. 7, 1952 TAXATION Assessed valuation of taxable' rea.l estate ..................... &6.497.165.00 Number of mills levIed .................. ,................... 35 Number assessed with per capita' tax •...................... None None ~~~bpc~~ TAX'" ... ···············PROPERTY·· TOTAL Amount Levied (Fact of 1951 dupUcate) ........... ,22'1,400 . .,8 227.400.78 ])eductions ...................................... 112.00 112.00 Penalties added ................................. 376.09 375'0:; Other taxes (R. E. Transfer Tax) ................ 16.4:73.25 16.473.2 Total amount (sum of 1, 2, 3 & 4) .....••••.•••••. 244.13'1.14 244,IS7.12 1951 tax returned to county Commlsf:1oners ...... 2.926.00 2.926.00 D1seounts . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.{)49.15 4.o:~'~; Net amount or 1951 tax collected ................. 237.161.97 237.1. Bum of items 8, 9, 11 ............................. '244.137.12 • 244,137.12 Mrs. Coste, president, announc­ed that the Woman's Club would appreciate Mother's Club help in handling the Exchange articles on Tuesday, September 23. She urged that Mother's who can give even an hour's time can Mrs. J. Paul Brown. . The first Board Meeting of the season will be held Wednesday, September 24, at the home of Mrs. Paul Zecher, 727 Swarthmore avenue. NEWS NOTES Dr. and Mrs. Hallock Campbell of Vassar avenue are entertaining as their house guests Mrs. Camp­bell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hutchinson of Winter Park, Fla. Mrs. Geneve D. Mohney of Park avenue is spending the month of September with her son Mr. Ralph D. Mohney and family of Love­land, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Griffiln Townes and children Ann and Stephen of Lafayette avenue have returned from a 10-day vacation in Stone Harbor. RECEIPTS EXPENSES Jimmy Foley of Dickinson ave- Balance on hand July 2, 1951. nue is a patient at Taylor Hos .. All funds exclusive' of General control (A) ...•• f 9.4'79.88 d thi h S Slnklng Fun l•A . . . . . • . . . . • 54 •.. ..~... . .5 pital with a fracture g. ev- Property tax 1051 ....•..• 220.649.52 InstrUction (B) ••.•••••• 236.096.33 en and a-half year old Jimmy had Other taxes ............. 16,4'13.25 the misfortune to fall off the Jun- De(lPinreqvuieonuts Ttoa X1 951) ...... 4,0'14.46 AUXtuary Agencies (0) ... 11,9 76.4 9 gle Jim at Rutgers avenue sch 00I State appropriation. Teachers, Monday. He will be confined to Transportation, TUition, Operation (D) ••••••••• ,. 39,304.'71 the hospital for eight weeks. Since Vocational ............. 36.490.04 Tuition nonresldent puplls 64,068.59 Matntenance (E) .••••••• 6.914.95 the rules of the hospital are that Interest ...... . . .. . . . .. . . 625.59\ ft no children under 12 years of age Sale of real esta.te. suppUes Flxe4 Cbarges (F) ....•••• 12.638.24 are allowed to visit, Jim~y would and equipment ......... , • '105.84 All other sources......... 126.84 Debt Service (G) •.•••••• 18,455.25 appreCiate cards from his young TOtal Receipts, \neluding t ds beginning balance ...... '39'7,123.38 Capital OUtlay (H) ••...•• ·U.489.45 frien . Mrs. Edward L. Legg of Secane, SUMMARY a member of the Delaware Coun- TOTAL RECEIPTS ................................ _ ........... 397,723.38 ·11 h ·r TOTAL PAYMENTS: ty Chapter WI serve as co-c al - Total CUrrent Expentoes (Items A·F inc.) ... '318.4'10.40 man for the corning year. Total Debt ServIce (Item 0) •..••••••.•••••• 18.455.25 Mrs. George E. SlIloway of Total Capital OUtlay (Item H) ............•• 4l.48~.45 North Chester road is entertaining Total .......................................... _" •.• 378.410.10 Bale-nce on Hand (To Be Available for SChool Year 1952.53) •.. 1 21.308.28 as her house guests Mr. and Mrs. ASSETS Arnold Trueblood and baby School Buildings and Sites at cost ............................ 11,1"8.043.00 daughter Caroline Ann who have Textbook& and Equtpment at COSt ..........................• 201.114.00 • th at 1951 Tax (CUrrent Yea.r) ...................•................. 2.926.00 been spendIng e summer 1950 Tax .•••.•.....•••..•...••.••... ,....................... 1.500.811 Lake Paupac Club in the Poconos. 1949 Tax .................................................... 1011.91 Mrs. Trueblood is the grand- Previous to 1949 Duplicate......... ........................... 301.50 daughter of Mrs. Siiloway. TUition R.ecelvable ............................................ 2,609.01 Balance on hand all PUnds excluding Sinking PUnd .........•.• 21.308.28 Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt returned Total .Asaets ........................................ , .... ,1,377,905.35 to Swarthmore Monday after -.....::.:..:=-.:::::.:..:=-:....-----;L-;IA-;-;;B:;:IL;CI;;T;;;I;;:E;;;S~------------1 spending the summer In Ocean Bonded Indebtedness (With Vote of Electorate) ................• "".000.00 City where her son Dick joined Bonded Indebtedness (Without Vote of Electorate) ........... 22,000.00 her for a week before returning Accounts Payable: Teachert.-· Salaries ........................................ 30.934.26 to Cornell University. En route TranspoT<-.- tl on .......................................... 116117..6050 home they visited Mr. and Mrs. All Other Accounts .................................... . Total Liabilities .....................................• 130.27'.91 Richard L. Burke of Westdale ave­Amount of Tax collector's Bond ...........• 182,713.40 Amount of Treasurer's Bond .............. 2.500.00 Amount of Secretary·f.· Bond .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000.00 nue at their summer home --Bay Brae" near Cape May Court House. Reconcutatlon of Bank Balance at Close of School Year Bank Balance July. 7. 1052 •......•••.•.•••.....•....•.....••• $ Outstanding Check...-. ........................................ . 24.601.56 Peggy Robinson of Guernsey 3.293.28 road celebrated her eighth birth­day last week by entertaining six of her young friends at a dinner party. Balance on Hand to be Avallable for SChool Year 1952-1953 ..... _ ............................. f 21,308.28 We hereby certlfy that we bave examined the above accounts and find them correct. and that the securities of the omcers of the board are' in accordance with law. C. DUDLEY SCHLOESSER RICHARD M. SNYDER ROBERT H. KURTZHALZ Auditors september 15. 1952 complete Report on File In School District Office in High School Bullding Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Binns of Muhlenberg avenue have re­turned after spending a month's vacation on their ranch in Estes Park, Colo. All the Things 'You Want 1952 Chevrolet Th. Styl.llne De Luxe Connrtlble LARGEST in its field Apply the size anel w~lg"t test to an)' a~d all low-priced ears, and you II find that Chevrolet IS the largest ear in its field - bar none! A swan~ and sweeping [97-4/5 inches long ••• by actual measurement • • • the longest of all low­priced ears! A huge and husky 3190 pounds of streamlined action • • • in the model illustrated ••• the IIeavlest of all low-priced cars! And a road-hugging, road.smoothing 58-3/4 inches between centers of the rear wheels ••• the wlelest treod of any car in the entire low-price field! All o{ which means extra c:omfort, extra safety and extra durability! More People Buy Than A.ny Other Car GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in Service - First in Sales RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 6-6130 Theatre Square South Chester Road 3vmrthroore Colhge Librnry ;,'vmrthmore, Fn. COLJ.f:a g !, l· I t! II ,\ H Y ., I Eastern SWARTHMOREAN Begins Standard THE 2:00 A. M. Time Sunday VOLUME 24--NUMBER 39 SWARTIlMORE, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 26~ 1952 f3.50 PER YEAR H.S . Gy m0 p e n O ct . 11 NEEDLEWORK GUILD MEETS A luncheon meeting of the F F Ch X R board of director. of the Swarth- or ree est - ays more Branch of the Needlework Guild was held last Friday at the Hours From 3:30 to 5 p.m. home of its president, Mrs. Birney 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Open To the Public K. Morse, Harvard avenue. The Chest X-ray Survey team of the Delaware County Tuber­culosis and Health Association will have their equipment set up in the Swarthmore High School gymnas­ium next Wednesday, October 1, to take iree chest X-rays of all who present themselves. The annual directors' meetine: was set for September 30 at 3 p.m. in the Woman's Club. All directors are especially urged to be present. This year there will be election of officers; a new plan for electing officers will be discussed and voted upon. The school hours, from 12:30 to 3:30, have been reserved for high school pupils and for all school staff. From 3:30 to 5 and from 6:30 to 8:30 the general public will be accommodated. Since women wear paper jackets for the X-ray, many find it convenient to dress for the occasion by wearing suits with blouses. School Changes Conference Schedule First Period Moved Ahead,j Others to Receive Wider Spacing The X-ray reports are com­petently handled, being read by physicians who are members of the Delaware County Medical So­ciety. The results are made known directly to each person and his or her physician. The many details necessary to make this survey successful and of wide appeal are being ably car­ried on by a Swarthmore Com­mittee whose members are: Mrs. Elizabeth N. Groff, Chair­man; Robert W. Bernhardt, Exe­cutive Secretary of the County As­sociation; Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Mrs_ Charles Fischer, Mrs. Paul Williams, Mrs. Vincent T. Lath­bury, Mrs. Edith Kenney, Mrs. Thomas Casey, Mrs. Leslie A_ Wetlaufer, Mrs_ Joseph Seal, Dr. J. Albright Jones, Carroll Streeter. Joseph Reynolds, Ambrose Van Alen, Peter E. Told, Mrs. Mildred Weaver. Jr. Woman's Club Lists Busy Fall The .Tunior Woman's Club of Swarthmore announces a varied and enticing pre-Christmas holi­day program and cordially invites Women of the community to at­tend any of its listed programs which interest them. Mrs. Herbert Tutherly, the or­ganization's g e n era 1 program chairman, lists Tuesday, October 7 as the season opener when pros­pective members and guests will receive a cordial greeting in the Club House from 8 p.m. on. Club members will present "Fashions of the Past 100 Years.'· Mrs. William McDermott, Vot­ers' Service Chairman, will be presented on October 21 in a time­ly talk on Party Platforms and Information on Candidates Bulle­lin. The evening is in charge of the International Relations com­mittee. Mrs. McDermott's talk will begin at 8:20. Donations for the (Continued on Page 5) WOMAN'S CLUB CHORUS OPENED. TO NON.MEMBERS The music department of the WOl\lan's Club of Swarthmore, of Which Mrs. J. Leslie Ellis is chair­man, is announcing plans for the chorus for the coming year. An invitation is extended to all who like to sing _ members of the Woman's Club, Junior Woman's ClUb, and Mothers' Club, also non-members. There is no charge for membership in the chorus. The Swarthmore School District is issuing today letters to parents of children in its two elementary schools, announcing a change in scheduling of the three parent­tea_ cher conference periods which for the past 20 years has been the method of reporting pupils' progress here. Approved at a meeting of teach­ers and grade mothers' group rep­resentatives last -week the new cal­endar advances the first confer­ence period several weeks to Oc­tober 8, and sets its purpose as af­fording an opportunity for par­ents to acquaint teachers with their children's specific needs. Un­der this headin" parents should come prepared to relate present or recent physical set-backs of the child as well as pointers on his social relationships with children and adults, and his attitudes to­ward school. Another Innovation, designed by the teaching staff to relieve pres­sures experienced by some parents and teachers during former years when conferences were held for five and six days in succession, is the spreading of the second con­ference period over a four-month spa.n, and giving the third and fi­nal period a five-week range. By this means conference afternoons for the second period will occur approximately two weeks apart, (Continued on Page 8) Lions Hear International Governor Monday Night Edward Snow, past District Governor and present Interna­tional Dire~tor of Lions Interna­tional, addressed the SwarUtmore Lions Club on the occasion of their First Anniversary celebrated with a Dinner Dance at the Strath Hav­en Inn Monday night. Mr. Snow, who has the distinc­tion of being the fourteenth Life Member of I~ions International, congratulated the club on its achievements during the past year. Donald Snively, President of Media Lions, and Jack Carr, Past President of Chester Lions, on be­half of their respective clubs con .. gratulated the Swarthmore Club and wished it continued success. The events of the first year were summarized by Lion L. C. Hast­ings, the club's first president. Dancing followed the dinner with Lion Hastings calling for the dances. Barton Calvert is president of the Swarthmore Lions this year. Eighth Grade Mothers Tea The new director is Henry .T. JOHN H. PITMAN I WOMAN'S CLUB OPENING I TEA TO BE HELD OCT. 7th I Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, president of the Woman's Club of Mass Meeting Tuesday To Dedicate New Bible I Swarthmore, has announced that the opening tea of the club will be held Tuesday. October 7, from Borough Saddened by Death of Ex·Burgess Services Tonight, Tomor­row for Beloved Com­munity Figure 3 to 5. Further details will be given later. High School Football Opens Today at Darby Junior Varsity To Play Darby on Rutgers Field Monday The Swarthmore High School fool ball team inaugurates the 1952 season as they visit the fold of the Darby High School Rams this af­ternoon. '.rhe players. coaches and fans alike are all looking forward to another promising and exciting season. This opening game with Darby has always been closely contested and this year should be no excep­tion. Darby will field an exper­ienced team that very vividly re­calls last year's 13-13 tie. Particu­larly outstanding Rams are half­back Tyler, who won t~ 180 The death of ex-Burgess Class B low hurdles, and right Himes Pitman 'Tuesday' ev.,ning I end Lewis, 6' 5" basketball star. leaves Swarthmore mournin.g one Several other good holdovers from of the most outstanding public a fine '51 Darby team will see spirits ever a community has that the little Garnet faces the known. acid test at the very outset. Masonic rites at 8 o·clock this As in past years it appears that evening at the Rigby Funeral the locals starting lineup will not Home, 1 West Baltimore avenue, be confined to any 11 players. Media and a service In Like Darby, they have a good Swarthmore Methodist Church at nucleus of experienced and famil- 2 p.m. tomorrow will be followed lar faces, an<!- although 10 letler­by private interment. men are returning some outstand- Although Imperfect health had Ing play is expected from boys in led him to resign as burgess in their first year of varsity perfor- 1947, the first year of his fourth mance. The lineup at present Is elected term, and a heart condi- somewhat as follows: tion confined him to his home Ends: Don MacElwee, Lonnie Stat-during the summer of 1951, Mr. ton. and Bill Ziegenfus. Pitman had been able to continue Pete Simkin, John Mascal his duties as associate professor of and Bill Barraclough. mathematics and astronomy at Guards: Co-captain .Tohn MacAl- Swarthmore College and was at pine and Frank Habbersett. the college as usual on Monday. Quarterbacks: Lee Swan, Bill registration day. That evening he Hoot, Charlie Grier. suffered a coronary attack from Left Halfbacks: Howard Shearer, which he died at 5: 45 p.m. Bob Doherty, George Allison. next day. Right Halfbacks: Andy Schroder, Born in Conshohocken April 7, Steve Snyder. 1890 he received his bachelor of Fullback: Co-Captain Bill Kauff-arts degree at Swarthmore College man. in 1910 and his masters degree a year later. After two years at the University of California and Lick Observatory, Berkeley, he return­ed to Swarthmore as instructor in mathematics and astronomy in 1913, was made assistant professor (Continued on Page 4) All .Junior Varsity games take place the following Monday on the field opposite to where the Var­sity game was played. High School Athletic Assoc_ Ticket Drive POLIO HITS MORROW'S The annual drive of the Athletic SON-IN-LAW IN FLORIDA Association season tickets, which admit holders to all home games Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mor- football, basketball, etc., Is in full row of Harvard avenue flew to swing at the high school. Proceeds Miami at the end of last week will help to finance almost 100 when they received word _~~.~.::: I athletic events, from pingpong their daughter Mrs. Patricia ~ tournaments and intramural sports that her husband, Truly, age to varsity games. The money also was a polio victim in provides bus transportation for Variety Hospital there. the teams and the band. Mrs. Morrow left Adults may obtain these tickets upon receiving the news from Bill Hoot; chainnan of· adult night. Mr. Morrow flew ticket sales or at the prescription on Sunday accompanied by Mary counter in Michael's College Phar­Lou Wilson, physical therapist of macy. Parents and other Swarth­the Delaware County Chapter of the . National Infantile Paralysis more High fans are urged to lend Foundation, for whom Mr_ Nolan their support to the drive. had expressed a wish even though for a short period. Miss Wilson Home Nursing Courses flew back to her local duties the Red Cross Home Nursing classes Community to Join Observance at Pres. Church • In Various church groups of Swarthmore will join in a mass meeting Tuesday evening. ~p­tember 30, to dedicate the new "Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible." The meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The speaker on this occasion will be Dr. James Muilenburg. Professor of Bible at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, a member of the committee which has been work­ing on the new translation of the Bible. Tuesday's program will also in­clude the singing of a cantata, ·'Song of Praise," by Mendelssohn, by a community choir under the direction of Henry Faust. This cantata was originally composed to commemorate the printing of the Gutenburg Bible, just 500 years ago this year. DurIng the program there will be read selected Scriptural pas­sages from the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Ver~ions, and from the major English translations, in­cluding the new translations. Spe­cially bound volumes of the new Bible will be presented Tuesday evening to persons representing the cooperating church groups. .Tohn W. Stettner, Assistant Minis­ter of the Swarthmore Presbyter­ian Church. is the general chair­man for this event. The completion of the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible is considered an epoch in the religious life of the Engllsh­speaking peoples comparable to that marked by the issuance of the King James Version in 1611. Re<!ognlzlng the need for a new (Conilnued on Page 8) Legion Aux. Rummage Sale October 2 and 3 Members of the Legion Auxil­iary report an urgent need for helpers at the Auxiliary's Rum­mage Sale on Thul'sday, October 2 and Friday, October 3. Friends of the Auxiliary are asked to come to the Presbyterian Church on these days with their rummage, and prepared to give as much time as possible. The Auxiliary's do­nations to hospitals and commun­ity campaigns depend greatly upon this sale. The 13 active members of this unit will be most appreciative of assi!!tance and offer sociability and surprises in return. The aid by outside help in sorting materials, beginning at 9 a.m. on Thursday will considerably shorten the hours. Generally a short nap about 4 p.m. makes it possible for work­ers to return at 7 p.m. to handle the actual Preview Selling_ This is the day when much help may mean a successful venture. On Friday a few are needed between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. for selling, and a short time afterwards for clean-up. following day. Placed in a respira- are ready to start at the Swarth­tor the patient was reported im- mor~ High School. The course proving this week. The No,la.lS I takes one night a week for eight have a year-old son. to 10 weeks, and will be given by Mrs. Ellen VanS. Cleveland is chairman. of the Sale. All rum­mage may be left at the Church early on Thursday, or if prefer­red, at the home of Mrs. Herbert Bassett, 500 North Chester road or in Mrs. Frances Lumsden's garage, 223 Kenyon avenue. Sixth Grade Mothers TM Faust, who is in charge of music at the Presbyterian Church. The lJleetings will be held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the club house at 10 a.m., starling October 7. The Mothers Group of the Eighth Grade, Mrs. Robers Gil­fillan, chairman, will entertain at a tea Monday, October 6 at 2: 30 in the Museum Room of the High School. Mr. William M. Bush, principal of the HIgh School, will talk to the group. The Morrows for the past six a nurse from the Community years have contributed the use of Health Society. Instruction is free. their private swl~ming pool for For further information call rehabilitation of local victims of Mrs. Henry C. Ford, Swarthmore the disease. 6-2516. A tea for the Sixth Grade Mothers of the College Avenue School will be held at the home of Mrs. .T. A. Turner, .Tr., 514 Cedar lane, at 3: 15 on Friday afternoon, October 3.

---------- Page 17 ----------

• mE SWARTHMOREAN Personals Laura of 327 Park ave­nue, entered University of Penn­sylvania HospiW yesterda;y after­noon for further x-ra;ys an.­treatment. ' Marjorie Elizabeth Lewis, to Mr. Miss MIldred McCowan, sister of September 22 In University Hoa- ~garet, on September 11. AVeI:Y Felton Blake, Jr., son of the bridegroom, Miss Barbara plW, PhDadelphia. , The new baby Is a granddaugh_ Mr. and Mr •. Blake of Amherst Schube of Yonkers, ,MIss Dorothy 'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J;Rutan avenue. Manley of Syracuse, N.Y., and Dr. and Mrs. W!I1lam O. LIn- 01 Olden avenue, and of Dr. and MIss Lewis Is 'a' senior at the MI& Obert Werdel of hart Jr., of Pittsburgh lUfuoUnce Mrs. W. O. LInhart of Jeannette, University of Pennsylv!'irla and a wore models of. pile . .the birth of a;daughter, ElIliabetii ~L " member of Kappa. Alpha Tbeta They .all carried· 0Id-fashl9n!!d I;::=============:=:============. fraternity. .. . . bouquets of pompon chrsanthe- Mr. Blake Is a senior at Swarth- mwns In shades of blue. PIANO STUDI,O Antonica Fairb~n"l .~. and Mrs. Mathews M. John­son and sona Johnny, Chris and Scott of Park avenue, have re­turned home' after spending the summer at the Cape Ma;y «;ottaae of Mrs. Johnson's mother Mrs. Caroline Christy of PhiladelphiL more College. He Is a member of Mr. Frank H. McCowan, Jr., of Phi Kappa Pal fraternity. Lakewood, Obio was best man for No date has been' Set for the hII bcother, and the \\Shers' were ddlng Messrs. . Warren C. Reynolds, 234 Park Avenu •... - - we • brother of the bride, Alfred Au, ' !, '. , ", ___ .. ___ .'J.~ .. SWarthmore 6-4910 " .... . ,,". ,. I " MIss Florence' Turner ; McCul­loch of Riverview road ·w" a brldesmaiCi In the 'wedding . "art)' of MIss Rachel Margaret HaInes of Germantown and Mr. James Wilson 01 Mt. AIry who were married Saturday afternoon in the Germantown . Friends . Meeting TO ATTEND B~IDE Mrs. Arnold Trueblood of North Chester road and MIss Betty Ann Furnas of Richmond; ind:; w~ be attendants at the marriage of their sister, MIss Deborah Sargent Furna!;, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Furnas of Richmond, to Mr. Robert Huntingdon Savage, son of Mrs. Henry Holcomb Savage of Audubon, N.J., and the late Mr. Savage, which will take place Saturday, October 4 In the Providence Meeting 'House, Media. brother-In-law of the bride; The-I;:==== odore Baker and'. Grant MacMack- House. In of BronXvIlle, N.Y.' . i'ollowIDg the cei-emon.Y a re-' ceptlon was held . at· the Hotel Gramatan, Bro\ixVille. Tbe bride's mother wore a gown of old-rose lace and. cbifton with gray ac­cessories. Her corsage was of pink chrsanthemums. The groom'. mother chose a gown of aqua lace and cbifton with blending ac­cessories. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds. The ~quq.."et -------------- BEAUTY SALON TRIM BEAtlTY SAL1lTI!S THE FALL 9 Chester Road !Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Mr. and Mrs. William Freegard of Swarthmore avenue spent last week visiting their son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. .McCoy and young son Donnie of Weymouth, Mass. Mrs. Henry W. Heisler of Park evenue has returned home after vacationing for a month in the The brlde-to-be . is a grand­daughter of Mrs. George E. Sillo­way of North Chester road. tonT hHei gbhr idSec hios oal "w,,h-aedruea tseh eo fw Gaso a r-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ member' of Zeta Phi and attended New England States. BRIDAL ATTENDANTS Maryland College for Women. Is a member of the Junior GuJ~dl of Yonkers and the St. Andrew's Pla;yers. Tbe bridegroom was graduated from Swarthmore' High School where he was captain· of the foot- !iall team, IUld Bulles Preparatory School. He attended the U. S. Naval Academy at SPECIAL , MOTOR OVERHAUL , " $69.50 plus parts Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. BOWie, and Stuart and Janet Bowie have returned to their home on South Chester road. Mrs. Bowie and children spent Jul.;y at Allenspark, Colo., where Dr. Bowie joined his famlly In August. Dr. and Mrs. Bowie took a fishing trip In the Wind River of the mountalna of 14 Iss FraIlces M. Hoot of Lafayette avenue will act as maid of honor and Mrs. Lewis D. Lawrence of MonrOVia, Calif., will act as matron of honor at the wed­ding of their slster, Miss Helen Kepner Hoot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Irvin Hoot,' of Lafay­ette avenue, and Mr. Frlink Bottum Ozmun, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bottum Ozmun of Rochester, N.Y., which wllI take place on Saturday, October 18, at eight o'clock In the Bala-Cynwyd Methodist Church, Bala-Cynwyd. where he was on the varalty foot- RUSSE"L'S SERVICE Wyoming.. . ll~o~~=g a wectdlng trip to ROBERTJ. AT%. O~n~r;: Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue, will entertain this week-end Mrs. Banks' brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wll11am N. Mitten of Fremont, VIrginIa, the couple will rea1de In Opposite Borough Parlilng' Lot :~~~::" ~te:dingW~f':.,.e~:I~~s~W~~6-~044~.~,~ O~~~!!!~!!!·~.D!!!a~rtniOUth & "Gfayethi Aves. Nebr. Mr. Mitten, president of the The bridesmaids wlll be MIss Nebraslta State Bankers Assocla- Joyce E. Ozmun, sister of the tion, 'wIll attend ·the National groom, Rochealer, and MIss Helen Bankers Association Convention E. Fricke, cousin of the bride, being held next week In Atlantic. Merion. Miss Nancy S. Lawrence, Clt;y. niece of the bride, Monrovia" will Jeryl Faulkner of Dickinson be the flowergirL . College. j, ------ BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. qharles F. Sey>­mour of Cornell avenue, announce the birth of their third child and second daughter, Nancy Lee, &orn Sunday, September 21, in L;yIng­In Hospital, Philadelphia. Mrs. Melanie D. Seymour of Cornell avenue Is Nancy .Lee's paternal grandmother; Mr. And­rew 14; Robinson of Lansdowne Iier maternal grandfather. The Arts A're Fun , , • ..; " f Join Your COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER ROGERS . LANE, WALLINGFORD . . , ' .'. ' ... OPEN HOUSE AND TEACH'ERS' E~HIIITIO" . SUNDAY. 'SEPT. 28, 2:3o'to 6:00'P:M." .' - Crafta Art, Danclt avenue left yesterday for Winter Mr. Robert H. Ozmun, Rochest­Park, Fla., where she will begin er, wlll be best man. for hII her junior year at ROllins College. brother •. Tbe ushers will Include Jeryl will assist In the Freshman Mr. Richard S. Hoot of RuUedge week program, and this year wllI and Mr. H. Wilbur Hoot of Latay­be a Freshman proctor In Clover- ette avenue, .brothers of the Ioride; leaf ·DormitorY. She has' been Ill,'. Donald D. Munshower; cousin awarded an achievement scholar- of the groom, Phoenixville, and ship from the college and a na-. Mr. William F. Beveridge, Sea­tional uoderl1'aduate qcholarahlp ford, Del. Mr. and Mrs. Howell LewiS . , ' Shay, Jr., of Walnut lane an- Creative WrlHng -- F!0wer ArNlligement. nounce Ute birth of a son, Astronomy Speec.. Horticulture from her sorority, Kappa Kappa -------- JQnatban Warner Si)a;y, on Sep- PhofO'Jrop~y Dramatics tember 15 at Bryn Mawr H,osp:ltall.l Gamllla. McCOWAN-REYNOLDS Dr. and Mrs. Horace' H. Hop; The'marrlage of MIss Gladys H. kins, Jr., wllI leave titIs weeK-end Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and for,thelr home In·Rlchland,'·Wash., Mrs. Charles. W .. Reynolds of after visiting for a· week 'wlth Dr. Yonkers, N.Y., to Mr. Robert C. Hopkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. McCowan,' son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H; Hopkins of Creat lane. Dr. Frank H. McCowan of Vassar Hopkins attended' the American avenue, took place Saturday; Sep­Chemical Society Meeting In At- tember 13 at 4 o'ciock In the Cen­lantlc City last week. tral Methodist Church, Yonkers. Jonathan' Is a· grBndsOn of Mr. I Children's nea~':"-" and Mrs. Shay of Cornell avenue, and ot Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas -Ieg,strat'on for member."'p anil c'aaie_ White of Chestnut Hill. . Sept. 28tll .;...,10Ct. ". . I . I r Far Petalls' iii hone Media 6-1739 between l~IOO A,M. and 3:00 P.M. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Held The Rev. Chester Eo Grossman of Westminlster avenue have re- officiated before an altar banked Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wilds Plowman of North Swarthmore avenue are receiving congratula­tion upon the birth of a seven pound, 13 ounce son, francis Wilds Plowman, Jr.,. on turned from a vacation.ln· the with ferns, white gladioli and SUBSCRIPTIONS South, and Nassau. They spent a chrysanthemums. FOR ALL few days visiting with Mrs. Held's 14 i 's s Olive VanDerwerken, MAGAZINES parents, Mr. and Mrs .. Paul J. orgimlst, and Mrs. Eleanor Ed- MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Sriyder of Atlanta, Ga., .~nd fol~ wards, vocalist, presented the 313 Dartmouth Avenne lowing the week In Nassau,- spent wedding music precedlnil the SwartJuilore 8-2080 th . k . From An ... 19 to SepL 25- ano er we"l! sightseeing in ceremony. Call MEdia 6-2883 . Florida before returning home The. bride, escorted by her I '============~ last week-end. father, wore a gown ,of imported II Chantiil)' lace and satin . and a . ENGAGEMENTS flnger . tip veil of illusion. She Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Pat- carried a cascade bouquet of white man of Princetop. avenue, an- roses, stephanotis, ,centered witl1 nounce the engagement of their, a white orchid. daughter, Patricia Lee, to Mr. Mrs. Alfred Au of Yonkers, as Curtis H. Gallagher, Jr., son of matron of honor 'for her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher of Wall- wore' a gown of Winter biue mar­ingford. . . qulsette and carried yellow chrys­The'marrlage will take place In anthemums. T h' e bridesmalds, the Swarthmore Presbyterian I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;".",;;,,;;;,,;;..,...;....;;====\ I Church, December 27. LINED DUNGAREES Mr. and Mrs. William S~roul Lewis of "Deep Meadows", Grady­ville, have announced the engage­ment of their daughter, Miss CAMERA & HOllY SHOP. 405·Da:I ••• I .. A"." ", ... 604191 . FrI; Children's Smocks ,1.9.8 up . . ' . n. .ClJiItten's s", Op •• M. HlltH Sw ~n ... , .. ",( •. ,.1.... __ ~ ........... , .. - COLLEGE THEATRE Swarthmore, Po. AIR CONDITIONED Fri. & Sat. Laurence OlIvier ,JpnnHer .lones. "CARRIE" The Jea.r'8 dftunit,ttc. aensauOll. . -Special- BOY BOGERS show I!at. 1 P.M, cartoons, comedy and "Radar Men from Moon" Sat. Night only-Feature Tlmee, 6.00. 8,00 and 10.00 Sun., ,Mon.. Tues., & Wed: 'GABY COOPII'R "HIGH NOON" _'tc""" tlds tliJtD~1II Starffn§ Than. WALT D18NBY'8 "ROliN HOOD" ( ........ ""'1«) & WALT DI8NBY'8 "OLYMPIC ILl('" : ( ..... 11 .. ' )' ~ , ~_"'II'i'\i~_,~ , ._ ____~ ~,'%\.. __~ ALDON COTTON CARPET . . "The Cotton Carpet with'a Guarantee" Honded for Wear, Easy.Qeaning, Fade Resistance, Moth Resislance, Latex Hacking, and Quality Horizon Blue Woodrose Apple Green Avac4do Green . Emerald Green Red Tropic LIme Imperial Gold ....,...-.. - . ChamP8l!De Biege Sandalwood . Pearl Grey Gunmetal Grey Antique Ivory Cinnamon' Turquoise Dark Brown Seamless in 9' - 12' - 15' widths Twist Pile, Cut. Pil, e, 16 Colors $6.95 sq. yd. c. . $, 7.9. 5 sq.. .y.d.• Closei)' woven of 'oDlythe Ilnest Virgin cotton for luxurio\\S look and feel. Every tuft Indlvlduail)' locked in. 27"xS4" -7.50 & 8.50 4'6"x6'-21.00 & 24.00 cPA\4'~~ U·, CMtt~~?ll!' Mohawk C_1Ina .. ComPlllte Size Range ., J!Dtal B .... . lCio Pari Av .... Swartbmore, Pa. ,. , . ': ' SWerth_ 66000 - CLearbraail 9 4646 Dori • .w.. ".. ~. ,,"play '0, ItIort-lc . C",.pdint ~ bY ~~'D.k. ~~'-a; p""o~.· . .','.' [", '.1 )., '.- i;-'! ./. .. -, -' -, • I . ~ ' . . 'DIE 811" ABTBMOIlEAN .. ..,s -, '\' THE'· SWAR'rIiMO:8.EAN 'PUBLISHED EVD'I'JlBlDA'I' AT BWABTIIIIOBB, PA. THE SWABTBMOBBAN, INC., PUBLlSlIBB Phone SWarIbmore .-..... . PRESBYTERIAN. NOTES M~enburg of New York will be tory, and th~ majesty: for all that Mi-.BJshop will preach at the the speaker. The service wlll be is In.the heaven and In the e8rth Church Service Sunday at 11 a.m., In llie Presbyterian Church at 8 Is thine" thine is the ki~gdo"" 0 Eastern Standard TIme, on "Be- o'clock. All are cordlall)' invited Lord, a~d thou art exalted as h~ad yond the Sacred Page." to attend. bo all " , . . ,. .. . PETEB E. TOLD, E4l1or aD4 i'RIIUIIIel' . , " , JllAlUOBIB TOLD ..... B!\BB4B4, KENT, Anaobl .. Bdlton Rosalle Pelrsol' 'Lorene McCarter . 'r .• , Entered as .Seeo.n~ Class' 1!htter, Jan.....,.' 24. i 1929, at the PM Office at SWartbiDore, Pa.,· unel~ the Act., of March 3, 1879. Church School Registration for The La. dies Bible Class will a _v e_ _•_ ________ CHURtH SEltvlas classeS will take place tbls Sun- have a covered dish dinner on day, September 28 at 9:30 a.m., Tl!.ursday at 8 p.m. In the Ladles' Ith th hlldre Parlor 'of the church. -----::-:==:::::"==--- w e c n reporting to earsal Is ' SWARTHMORE their new classes. Regulsr class- . The Junior Choir reh PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH wo.rk wlll begitJ. on ,Octobef 5. on Tbursda) at 6:30; senior Choir Jaoeph P. Bishop, MinIster The Nursery Department (3 year reh~ at 7:.5.. John·. S.tello...,., Assistant . olds) will meet In the large room The montbi;y meeting of the BaiulaJ'. Sertem...... II ~clng the yarel; the KIndergarten OfficW Board· will be held on . 9.30 A.M.-Church SchooL ,DEAtl~WEDNESDAY. NOON SWABTBMOBE, PA., PBIDA'I', SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 Swarihmore Loses "A. Gooo ·A.rid Faithful Servant" John Himes Pitman, ex-Hurgess of Swarthmore and professor of math~maties and astrono~y ~t Swarthmore College, set a high standard of citizenship and Christian liv- . '. ing' for every Swarthmorean privileged to. know him as teacher, neighbor, friend, or taken-for-granted public ser­vant. death, Tuesda.y eveni ng brought to its close a full \ life of widely varied interests, staunch and valued friend-ships, and unselfish, unpretentious accep~nce of communitY and church responsibilities. Most of that . life was spent in SwarthmQre first as a student. at the College from which he graduated in 1910 and since 1913 as a resident of this com­munity and member of the College faculty. A lifelong Democrat, his election as BlIrgess of this ~re­dominantly Republican community in 1933 was evidence of his popularity in the Borough and his s~cce8sive reelection for three terms established a local record for length of serv­ice in that office which he resigned in his 14th year because of the failing health which he bore philosophically to the end. At the time of his resignation Borough Council passed· a reso­lution which said in part, "Since his first election to office,. Burgess Pitman has served faithfully, cheerfully, and en­tU" ely witl!Qut remuneratiQn. He has demonstrated. a rare ability to promote good will and ready cooperation of all J1S­sooiates and pel1l0)lDe~ .lIshas :repl!Bt;edly been asked. to ?i!I\d private and public agencies, committees;' and orgaruzatl<ins. He has I!h~"y.s, >"-i!linlrly ,~epte~ !lUcl!-:,Hlld~mrll and ;de­voted the necessarY timEl,t9 tJteir 8.\lccessful accomplishmi!Dt. The Councjl is convinced that it speaks for the entire com­munity in thus commending one who may properly be called a faithful servant of this communlty;o' '. .. '), ,".( ,'. -; f.' J~''''!' : .... '- ;-' \ '-t' .. epa rtm ent (folU'. anel flve year Friday evening at 8. 11p.0r0e aAc.Mh:. ;, - "M r.'. ,Bi'sh,op . will olds) In the basem*nt ot Loeftler The ,r.hlrd Anniversary of the '. ,TIIosc1aJ', Setotember ao Building; Prlm'~ Department COlliwall Methodist Church Home 8:00 P.M. - Bible Observance -. will be celebrated on SatUrday, MasS' Meeting. . (ill'S!, second and tblrd graders) , . WodDM1aJ', Oelo ...... 1 In the Braun MemoHal B~dIng, October 4, .lrom 1 to 5 o'clock. 10:00 A. M...-surgical Dressings. first floOd rear; Junior Depart- The Bradley Home and Bradley ment (fourth, fttth and .. sixth Hall will be dedicated at 2:30 by METHODIST CHURCH graders) In. the LoeIlIer, B~dlng Bishop Fred P. Corson. Roy N. Keiser, D.D., MInister on the first floor; Junior High SundaJ', September 28 Department (seventh, eighth and TRINITY NOTES 9~:, School Rally ninth lP.'aders) In McCshan Hall; Tbere will be a celebration of 11:00 A.M~Dr. Roy N. Keiser Senior High Department (tenth, the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock . will preach. . eleventh and twelfth grades)' In Sunelay morning. Cburch School 11:00 A.M.-Church Nursery. the .basem*nt of the Parish H04se. classes will be resumed this Sun- TRINITY CHURCH The Women's Bible Class will day at 9:30 a.m. At U o'clock the H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector start its regular classes tbls Sun- regular service of Morning Prayer SundaJ', September 28 day at 9:30 a.m., to be held In the w~ be held. At 6:30 p.m. there 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Woman's Association .".o om. The will be a service of Evetin ingf Prathy - 191::3000 AA.M:M..-oM-Cohrnuricnhg PScrahyooelr.. Class this year will be uneler the ~r fo~owed by a re~ep on or e Monday, September 29 very able leadershlp of Mrs. mcommg Episcopalians and upper (St. Michael and al1 Angels) Katharine McElroy Kent, who Is classmen Swarthmore College. 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. an ordained Congregational min_Tbe ushers for'the services will 7:15 ~~"'~~y ~~=n~n. ister, a graduate of Union Theo- be as follows: P. 'B. Banks, R. S. Tbursdal', Oclober 2 logical Seminary, taught at Wel- Slrd, J, L. Cornog, C. E. Fellf>ws, 11:30 A.M. "-:Holy·Communlon. lesley College for many years, V. L. Fine, C. H. ·W. Ingraham, Meeting of Woman's Auxillary. was Dean 'of Wells College and W • .'M. McCawley, and W. H. Ran~ 'l'HE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY later became Prea1dent of Pierce dall. W. E. Danforth will ';'" on OF FRIENDS College, an American Board. MIs- dutr: as 'lcolyte at the 8 0 clock Sunday, September 28 slon College in Athens, Greece.' servtce, and Dana Swan Is sched- 10:00 A.M.-First Day School op- I d t at 11 ens-Wbittier House. The class feels very fortunate to u e 0 serve. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for worship' . h ave such an outstanding leader. afCt offtehe ' H1o1 ur '1w llkl be r.e•su mtheId Visitors welcome. (Children will er e 0 c oc servtce s be cared for during Meeting.) ~e Senior High School Fellow- Sunday. Tbls will be held every MondaJ', September 29 ~P w!II meet for Its regular Sunday with the exception of the All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. meeting, thu: . Sunday night. A first Sunday of the month. WodDMdaJ', October 1 llght supper WIll be served at 6;30 . Holy Communion will be eele- All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. p.m., and the fellowship program brated at 10 o'dock· Monday FIRST CHURCH OF will follow the supper at 7:15 morm'ng. 'CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE under leadership of Mr. Bishop The mid-week celebrations of Park Avenue below Harvard anel Mr. and Mrs. Jam~ McPher- the Hol.;y Communion will begin Sunday, S.ptem ...... 28' son. . this Wednesday at 7:15 a.m. 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. Rehearsals for a Youth Chorus, There will .be a celebratIon Of.\11:00" A. M.-;;The Lesson-Sermon made up of ninth, tenth, eleventh the Holy Communion at 11:30 a.m. Is Reallty. enIn tin and t w elfth grad ers, ill be held ; Wednesday ev g mee g W Thursday followed by the opening each week, 8 P.M. Reading room regularly. on Sunday afternoons meeting and luocheon of the oIlen 'dally except Sunday 12 to 5 at 5:45 p.m. under dlrectlon of Women's Auxlll...,.;· The Rev. H. P. M. Wednesday evenings 'I to Henry Faust... . Lawx:'ence WhI""",Ql'e, .Jr., ree!!>r' .1:5Q P, M .. !,nd.9 to 9:30 P .. M. METHODIST NOTES' Sunday is ~all)' Day in the Church 'School which meets at 9:45. There wlll be .appropriate exercises. Includi!lg promotions anel giving of awards. At tho: 11 o'clock service the minister will preach on "The Church God Wants." The tishers for the day are Peter Murray, of TrInity Church; wlll be· the . speaker. Presllyierian Mell's Dinner FRIENDS MEETING NOTES. (1:80 PJIJ, WodDesd..,., oct. 8th FIr· st Day School reopens on .. DR, A. RT'H8U~Re rM OSHER Sunday, September 28, with an Dinner ReoervatioDi. _ $1.50 Assembly at 10 a.m. Regular Call Swarthmore 8-&712 classes will start. the follow~1! I piiiiiii~iiiiii~ Sunday, October 5, at the usuillil time of 9:45 a.m. . RUMMACE SALE' George Dunn, WesieyFranee, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. NOTES Harry E. New and George Shu- "Realit;y" Is the subject of the bert. Bible Lesson to be read In all of Legl.n Auxiliary . The Church Nursery is open Christian Science churches next P. ...y terl •• Chore. during tho:: morning service. Mrs. Sunday, to which the public is Charles H. Grier and Mrs. Theo- cordially invited.' Htlrva.rcl Av .... Among Mr. Pitman's community services were the head-ingof the; Victory .Garden ~roject :which he or~n­ized, prefinanced, BJld, under'Wi'ote, a finanCial, loss, while.his own garden" the. best In,the ares; the directio~ of the ,Community Chest, driye",in Dem.ware County in 1948;;10 y~ of service tis president of the Delaware County As­sOciation ofB\lrgesses; se.rviceas a ch~rtElr m~~i>er allq llilst preSident of the Swartlimore:Rotary Club; theorgariization souie 20 years ago of'the SUUlIDer Baseball Club, a forero,!!­ner of the current Recreation Association; the heading of the local Civilian Defense program during ,the, last war, and his cooperation with and (!ften; direction of the )orough Fourth programs. This is but a partiall~lIt. No task ,!,as refused be­cause it was too slllaIi and unimportant; n9ne under­taken because it heldpersonai prestige. He was essentially a private citi:/;en interested'in good local gove~ment and local people. . ' .. dore L. Purnell win be In charge. The subject will be approached On Tuesday evening the church- from the basis indicated In the His pleasures were simple, too. lie loved his family, his es of the community wlll unite In Golden Text,. selected Irom I' d · h' t" h' . h' Church He served on its official a nation-wide service of thanks- Chronicles (29:11): "ThIne, 0 Tbursda:v, OcL 2' (Preview) (Admission 5 ets.) 7:30 P.M.-9:00 P.M. Frida)'. Oelobtr 3 gar en, 8:30 AM. - 2:00 P.M. IS eac Illg, ,IS • '. giving for the Revised StaI1'dard Lord, is the greatness, .and the board and taught for 15 years lD Its Sunday School. Youngl'V~era1~~O~n~Of~th~.~ e~B~lb~Ie.~D:r.~J~aJtl~·~es~p~o~w~e~r,~a~n~d~th~e~gl~O~ry~, c-~.~~~~~~~~:;;::;~~:;;::;~ Scouts and .their leaders iii .the Borough remember his ex-Ii . . . . pla~tion of the hes:vens and their first glimpse ot them through the College Sproul Observat.ory telescope.Yo~ng­sters in .the .village ~ewhim, as their ,approachable ~nend who called them by name. The hours of night work whIch he spent with local Poli~ in P.elping to pr~vent reckless­nesses cannqt be estimated. It is typical of him that, al­though he had.felt unwell on Sunday, he was a~ the College during registration olll\loJlday from·!l.a;m .. untll 2 p.m. J?st as typical Is the comUl~l\t of .·a .senior studimt upon learnIDg of his death Tu~sday,~ht, "Why, I'd just re~tered .f9r his course ansIJ wan~to tak,i! .it", He' had w?rked dunng .~he summer ona~boo~ oll;george Hartram; COUSlD of the hon?red naturalist John Bartram. . . Two p~~inept b~ildings on Park av~nue reflec~ his in­terest and guidance, the Methodist. Church and the. Borough Hall, for which he was chosen by Borough CounCil to turn the first spade 9f earth on January 20, 1951. During the cere­mony many tributes were paid .t9 the t!l1'll1er Hurgess. La~ Columnist Drew pearson who had,.8ddressed the gathering' as a former resident Pflld tribute ~ Mr. Pitm~ in his n~­tionaljy sYJ1llicated 'c,olumn . as a "SIlfeguard of. bIS • co~try s future". Beflire he turned the earth of the new buildmg Mr. Pitman briflY summarized his politiCal phi1osophy~ .' "No matter wh~t 'our state· and national govertlm~t, as a super-structure. the local government is the foundation. If WE ~i!.e:l0,llAd"tjP¥ . ston~ eac~!TY. ~ ~~t~~,~tl1Ji.e~~ a::: supeilib'iicl:imr~ll be B9,f~." . fellow ~.u.cns • ..ii . . ... ,T","".ia lIt'" . t!N J...,. ...... you" .. the critp, calarM , . _:~ __ ••".1:t tw.ed, .~ . • .. obe w...... See _ b •• utiful '_,1..' _..... _L!..L. • k Ie' . :Donepn ,; ~ .: -?t alun .. I.e 14' ........ west of ..... ' .... "y're waiting for )'011 at the ... arest. Joyce Lewis Shop Come on in! -- .". . : .. sportiwear. . lingerie ... " ; .. ;..' With iespect FOl' 38 years John Pitman bad UD8SSllmmgIy carried more' than his share of Swarthmore's load. .IL ________________________ --------- ,

---------- Page 18 ----------

• September 26, 1952 a request for such a committee Borough Saddened by' To Preside at DAR Conference Defense Chairman, of Washing_ Faculty Issoc-Iation was made by the Board of Edu- h of E B· One of the outstandinl special ton, D.C., will be.the guest speak_ cation In the fall of 1948. Deaf X- urgess events of the Pennsylvania State er at the breakfast. H Id Year's o S 1st Meet James lI4I1ler, lema actlve In (Continued from Page ·1) Conferenee, Dauahters of the Other women from Delaware professional organizations such as In 1918 and associate professor In American' Revolution, to be held County Chapter who are worklnc th P f N.E.A. and P.S.E.A., iB chairman 1928. In PbUadelphia October 8-8, will for thls conference are Mrs. Roy The Association of e ro es- of a coinmittee for promptiog He was elected burgess of the be the National Defense Breakfast sional Employees of the School more complele cooperation with borough In 193. and re-e1ected on Tuesday, October 7'at 7:30a.ln. G. R1nclllre, Mrs. Howard New­District of Swarthmore held Its and greater contributiODll to pro- In 1938, 1H2 Bild IH8 eDj~ at 'the BelleVue-StraUord .. Mrs. nani, Jr .. and '1I,!n:. C; RU8IIell /lrst meeting of ·thls year last feulonal organlzatlODll, It u the the double dlstlocUon of being LloYdB. Goman, state chairman, PhWipe. eek. Although some of the work objective of the Publlc Relations Swarthmore's only. Democratic of :Wal!!ngford, will preside. , _______ _ ; thls organization has been car- Committee, under the leadership burless and the only person to MrS.. Goman u. Ex-Relent 6f Mr. and Mrs. wm!am Sproul rled on In the past by various of Mr. Bell, to keep the commun-I serve In the post more than flv.e Delawpre County Chapter, Past Lewis of "Deep Meadows", Grady_ members of the teachlnl .taIf, It lty loformed of the program and I years. For ten years of this period 'Presldent of the Relents~ Club of ville enter1alned at a co*cktall Is hoped that the committees of the needs of the school and to seek he was president of the Burgi Pblladelphia; former Slate His- party frOm • to 7 Sunday after­the Association wID be able to the cooperation of all In finding AssocIation of Delaware Coun(y. torian, and, In her present olllce, noon In honor of their daughter Integrate the work and to make It solutions to problema conc:emlni He also served as chairman of the retiring State Ohalrman of Na- Miss Marjorie E\lzabeth.LewiB and of tncreaslng value to both the the welfare of student.andl<teacher. Delaware County Democratic tiona! Defense, and IS also one of Mr. Avery Felton Blake, Jr., of .. hooi and the community. The Social Committee, with Committee. the hostesses at .thls con.tere.nce. Amherst avenue, whose engage- The executive councll of the Mrs. Violet C. ~ason as its chair- A membeJ' of the Swarthmore Mrs.. James· B. LucaS, National ment Was announced. man, plans and organizes recre- Methodist Church, he orjginated . Association consists of Henry Hof- atlonal activities and observances Its Men's Club, served on its ~~ I . f; . i I ~'%."m mann, president of the organiza- I I Ill!... '1'l lion, Mrs. Anne Jane Cleaver and of ~ a occas 0".. board of trustees, taught In the ~ Swarthmore High School Fall Sports Schedule-' 52 ~ Mrs. Grace G. Witter from the Durmg the meeting It was ob- Sunday School for 15 years, was l!j ~ elementary schools, and Elizabeth served that work done by Dr. chairman of the building COmmit-I Sept. 28 . Football . Darby Away 3:00 P.M. ~ Jam,es Irwin In acquainting teach- tee dUring the erection of the new Oct. 2 Hockey oSpringfteld Aw,y 3:30 P.M. l!! K. Barten representing the high ers with the vartous insurance and church edIlIce In 1925, and was Oct. 3 Football Nether-Providence Away 3.00 P:M. ~ school women and Nathan Bell hospilalization opportunities, and president and treasurer of the Oct. 9 Hockey Haverford Home 3:30 P.M. i!l representing the high school men. the work of Russell Snyder In Laymen's Association of the ~ Oct. 10 Football Media Away 3:00 P.M. ~ The executiVe council formed handling the Red· Cross and other Philadelphia Conference of the ~ Oct. 18 Hockey Westtown Home 3:30 P.M. l!l four committees to implement the collections not been listed as Methodist Church. ~ ·Oct. 1'1 Football Springfield Home 3:00 P.M. l!'i objectives of the Association. MisS the responsibillty of any commit- He was a past president and one '" Oct. 23 Hockey Ridley Township Away 3:30 P.M. Barten Is chairman of the Com- t~. There have always been mem- of the 15 charter members of the Oct. 25 Football Sharon HID Away 2:15 P.M. mitt';;' on Teacher Selection, this bers of the sts1f who have assum- Swarthmore Rotary Club. He in- Oct. 30 Hoc:l:. ey Lansdowne Away 3:30 P.M. I cQmmlttee has been function since ed In an unusual degree respoDS- sUtUted summer baseball here 20 Oct. 31 Football Glen-Nor Home 3:00 P.M. IbIDty for the weltare of the years ago and in addition to head- Nov. 6 Hockey Media Away 3:30 P.M. ~ CO·ED BEAUTY group. It Is to be hoped that thIa Ing local Civil Defense and the Nov. 'I Football Yeadon Home 2:45 P.M. ~ Association will provide the means Community Victory Garden pro- ~ Nov. 13 Hockey Upper Darby Home 8:30 P.M. ~ SALON for. dividing the burdens and ex- ject during World War 1\ had, In '1'l Nov. 1. Football Prospect Park Home 2:45 P.M. ~ tending the value without loalng lighter vein, marshaled Innumer- ~ Nov. 27 Football Lansdowne· Away 10:00 A.M.I the creative thought and leader- able borough Fourth of July and ll! For'baU .. "'k~ ship that these members liave Hallowe'en parades and· engl- ll! Coaches: Millard Robinson Coaches .Vlrglnia Allen given. neered Independence Day water Walter Hall Allee WIDetts Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson sports on the Crum for many Co-Captains: John MacAlpine Am-CONDITIONED Open Thursday Nigh,. of Cornell avenue enter1alned last years. BID Kaufmann Captain: ~ Greene PARK and DARTMOlJTB AVE. week-end· Mr. Pearson's cousins Professionally he was a member Manager: Walter Meyer ,Man~ger: Nita Garrahan S~ore 8-1013 JMarms.e "sl lovfl aGnr eHsahwank,i nOsr ea.n, da nhde rM sroSn. oSfo citehtye, aA mpearsitc apnr esAidsetnrot noomf itchael .~ ~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~1~~~~~~~~1' Percy Pratt of Port1a~d. Rittenhouse Astronomical Society, I::============:!....:-==-~:.:.:-=..:.~.:.:..:::.::.:.--- a member of the American As­sociation for the Advancement of Science wblch made him chair­man of Its teachers coinmlttee In ~------ TIWo is your invitation to come in and .. for yourself . what' kind· of e¥p~oyer ¥O\JI' tele­phone company is, and to learn inore about the jobs waiting to be filled. You'll like the people, t\te surroundings, the· pay_nd you'll fiitd the work so interesting that the time flies fast. . You'll discover other advantages. too, such sa .. ' • G_d Chancea for Ailvane_nt .; . Regular Employment • Vacations with Pay . • No Erp.rlence N .. dad to S~ • "or further information abOut operat1D& or . any other type of ~Iephone work, atop in at _ of the ofIicea listed below. 6919 Ludlow 51reet, Upper Dulay, ~ , 'j 1631 An;h 51 .... , Phllad.lph.... Pi." . • • IBl TIlIPHIIIE (0.,. If PB1115VlYMIA -A Ie' r"' ....... ..r 1941, and of SllUIa Xi. An ·ard~nt lodgeman like his father the late GeorgePibnan, Phlladelphla advertising execu­tive, he was a 32nd degree M8lIon, a past master of Media's Blue Lodge, past commander oS-Knights Templar 97, Ardmore and a mem­ber of the Benjamin Franklin Consistory. THE SAME FAMILY ..... "me family has IUperv.i~> Our seMeet for 74 yean. • THE OLMIt HI! lAIR CO. ·...c: •• H ........... 1820 CHliTNUT ITRIIT owa II. MIt, • ... MAIr A: SAIl, Pi II_ T.I ........... 1111 Surviving besides bls wife the former ElsIe Anders whom he inarrled .June 13, 19101 In ·Falrview . Village near Norristown, are a son, Daniel James, of Brookhaven; five daugh~rs, ~. CariN Avila 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ot North Franklin, Conn., Mrs. 1 .• __ •.•. ,-, ... __ ...." .. ~ I Joseph W. Fresc:oIn en route to ,)~. •• Swarthmore after a year at the University of California when her father died, Mrs. Robert E. Moist •. of Wanlagh. Long Island, Mrs. Frank Robbins of Green Rldie, and Mrs. Robert J. Pblillps of Rutledge, and ten grsndchlldren. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furniss and children Connie, Tommy and Mark of Elm avenue have return­ed home after a six-week vacation at ~tone Harbor. . IIUESTS II 10lIl HOUSE eoaJd' fall and .ulfer Injurie. for _hldl 7011 might b. held re.pon,ibte. Protect you .. el£· &gail1lt claima and laftDiu with Comprehensive Pe .. ond •L iability Il1Iurance. PiIO E. TOlD h .. ra" ... raHe 331 D,rtmolfll Aft ... Sw .......... 6-1133 .. '. , gnt .. . . A modem . . RAllClEI . . 11Iere Is real cooklno ple.asvre In store for you when you own a modem gas range. YoU'll thrill tu'the 'Plld and - of cooJclno on a range cOmpletely modem In every 'fftIy. Make cOokl .. g a pleasant uperlence. Select your InOdem gas range tit your plumber's, dealer'. or any Phllad.lphldh Ide Subulban~ ;~H1LADELPIIIA ·1~TlIC ·C~~ September 26, 1952 p ... s Health Exams Begin at ARTS C.ENTER TO .. I American Home and the Arts PRESBYTERIAN MEN'S· Junior Woman's Club CO.Multees wID combine their ef- R t I School OPEN SUNDAY U gers ye~ . DINNER OCTOBER 8TH . Lists Busy Fall forts and present a program on Dr. Arthur T. Mosher, principal .... "ChriBlmas Gifts and Wrappings" of the Agricultural College In (Continued from Page 1). with a talk demonstration by a Allahabad, India, wID speak at Needlework Guild wID be collect- apeaker from the Delaware Coun- The annual health examinations the Men's Dinner on October 8, ed at this meeting. of pupUa In Swarthmore Schools at the Presbyterian Church. The Amertean Home Committee ty Horticultural Society. The an-were beI UD last W.~ ... ~~~ .. A.. w h en Dr• . Mosher who has headed the· has prom!8ed'a lively evening on nual cover-dish supper will be the School Physician Dr. John College alnee 19., iB carrying on November ._ ..... a ''Work BBsket presented On December 18 by. the W.''.'+. An beg an e"am! n! n g .-,~.."..d ren the great tradition of servtce of N'Aht", whel.i.. a televiBlon set wID Health and Weltar_e Committee• a t R u +.A. e rs A venue .".'..-..~. 0 0I • When the institution foUDded by Sam be.. .I.n. stalled through the courtesy Each member will fill a Christmas the examinations are completed, HlUinbottom. All men of the of a local firm In order that mem- stocking to be distributed to un-he will shift his pia ... of work to community are Invited to hear hers may catch up on mending, derprlvileg~ children In Dela-the College Avenue School where about this project, considered as knlH._ .. , and pre-holldsy needle- ware County. the grades and HiIh "_,_L1__ pupUa one of the most forward-looking wor.k..·. .w..h ile watching election re- A stated business meeting wID wID be examined. . going on in India at thIa time. turns. precede the programs on October Exam.inations will run from 9 Reservations for the diDoer at ~en of the community 21, November 18,· and Decem- 80m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, 6:30 p.m. mllSt be In the Church are Inttited to attend the Novem- ber 18. Tuesday, and Frldsy of each week. Olllce phone Swarthmore 8"712, berl8meeting when the topic w.ID MiSS--F1-0-r-en-c-e-M-ce-un-och of On. Wednesday, the examinations by Saturday, October 4. be "The Use of Hellcoptera" and a Riverview road left Sunday for wID be held all day but there will film and discussion will be pre- be none on Thursday. Assisting OFF TO COLLEGE sented by the Piasecki Corpora- the University of North Carolwiniall, Dr. Wigton is Mr• . Roy McCorkel, Miss Virginia Bevan, daughter . tlon. Csthuadpye l tHowilla, rdN .Ch.,e rw hdeorcet osrhaete In who has cliarge. of the record- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan The December programs wID sh keeping. of Crest lane, has entered the enrich the Christmas season for Rviosmiteadn ceM Lrasn. guWagilelsia. mE n Jroosultien oef Parents are' 'lnvited to come to freshman cl a • s of Simmons every member. On December 2 the Raleigh, N.C. the .chool and be present at the Peter Van de Kamp College in Boston. iii~~~~~~iii~~~~~~~~W"'W"'MWM'i time of the examinations so as to Bruce Godfrey of Vassar avenue be able tocoruiUlt with the exam- The Community Arts Center, returned to Westminster College, inlng physician at the Urne. Par- Rogers lane, Wallingford, re-opens New Wilmington, Sunday to begin ents are notified .th~ day before for the fall season on Sun~,y'l his junior year. the examination·is made when the September 28, with a teachers Ex- After attending freshman camp child takes home a notice for his hibiiion and open-house from 2:30 on Lake George, Dick Danforth of parents. The school nUrse, Mrs. to 5 p.m. Everyone Is welcome to Hlllborn avenue has started his Edith Kenney, I. In charge of the come to see the Arts Center, meet first year at Union College In general arrangements. the teacbers, and see their work. Scheneclady, N.Y. During August After the medical examinations Classes slart on October II and Dick and two friends covered are completed, the dental exam- registration for classes and mem- nearly 10,000 miles by car in the Inations wID begin. The grades bership may be made from Sep- west and .south. DREXEL HILL ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE BROAD STREET METHODIST CHURCH ......... Road at School La .. . SocT.1 H.n October 1. 2, 3, 1952 11 A,M. to 10:00 P.M. wi1l be those required by the State tember 28 until classes start. Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper of Luncheon .na Dinner $erYecI Ad. .l liio. 50 ceIItI Department of Health, namely, There are 35 dlfterent courses In Dogwood lane, accompanied by I ~~~~~======~==~~~~~~===~~~ the first, third, fifth, seventh, nIn- arts, crafts, dance, lIower ar- Tom Hopper, Jr., and her daugh- II th, and eleventh .grades. rangement, horliculture, photo- ter Maryellen, motored to Ithaca, Following the dental examlna- paphy, speech and dramatics for N.Y., for the week-end. Tom re­tions, Mrs. Kenney wID administer children and adults. turned to Cornell University as a the hearing tests of the pupils In Two new classes are being ofter- senior, and Maryellen entered the . the same grades. In grades seven, ed thIa fall-English freshman class. nine and eleVen. th multi-audio- Dancing taught by Emma Louise Bill McHenry of Parrish road meter tests wli1 be given for Warfield of Springlleld and In- returned to Washington & Lee screening purposes. Any pupUa troduction to Astronomy With Dr. University, Va., the lslter part of having dilllculty with thls test wID Peter van de Kamp of the Neth- August for football practice. His then be given an individual pure- erlands. Dr. van de Kamp ls Dl- brother Bob Is a freshman at the tone. tesi to ascertain the degiee rector of the Sproul Observatory, University this year. of hearing loss. All, the e1emen- and professor of astronomy at D. Tyner Brown, son of Mrs. IarY. pupils iit" iii,,' grides· tested Swarthmore College. He is well Marlon S. Brown of Park avenue, .~ wID get the Pure-Tone test, too. known Internationally, lecturing Is now enrolled at the University P arent s are not lfIed 0 f any frequentiy In the United Stales of Colorado Law Schoo\, He and health deficiencY found In these and Europe. He has made his his wife are living at 965· Ninth examinations and are urged to home for the past 15 years In Street, Boulder, Colo. . co-.-~"~t the·ll " own p b YSI.C Ia n t 0 Swarthmore. Dick McCray of Cornell avenue haVe conditions corrected Insofar has returned to Wesleyan Unlver-as posaible. . • < .... <. • • .'.. slty, CODD.;. for·' his junior year "" .' . Mr. and Mrs. Donald P.!CCar'd after spending the week-end at SEE AU THE HOME GAMES Swarthmore. HI,. Schol -ball, IIuI<eUIaIJ. de. Adult 5 ..... Tlcll.t-$5.00 'For _.t_ ......... · ., and family, and Mr.lind" Mrs: his home here. His parents, Mr. John Pi..-ard and family, both· of and lIJrs. Heston D. McCray, Jr., Dartmouth avenue were visited met their son In Montreal when recently by their SwiBs COl"~~ I he arrived there September 5 on 1\Ir. Ollvler Rambert of ZUrich, the Arosa Kulm from Germany. Switzerland who was here. Dick had been In the F\iends • .n .lIi.n.eers."·_1IIIIl11 seniice Wo<k Camp In Krefeld, Germany from July I to August 11111111111111111111111111111· Ves -.the fees are.fbced by slale law •••. the ~ame fo'-a corporale executor.asifo~ an individuat .' Among the ~dvantages of corpo­ral. e"kutorshlpar. broad group . - : . . ~,,~~r!ence and continuOus·serv­ice, which tend to speed e,tate seHlament and minimize expense •• S.UTIMOBE RATIONAL. BANI DB TBUST COMPAIY . • ' .. 's'''' De,. t •• __ Cad'_ • 12. Before returning· home Dick spent two weeks traveling with friends through Holland, Ger­many, Austria and Switzerland. Ruth Garrett of Princeton ave­nue and Mary p.crouez of WaJout lane have returned to Oberlin II <CoI~eB:e, Ohio as sophom*ores. They accompanied Ruth's parents Dr. and Mrs. Milan W, Garrett to Ohio last week-end. Julie Lange of Cedar lane has transferred from Oberlin College to Swarthmore College for her sophom*ore year. Mary Elizabeth Logan of Cor­nell avenue has returned to' the College of Chestnut HID for her junior year. Margot Bowie of South Chester road has returned to the Univer­sity of Colorado for her junlo~ year. Sandra Bowie Is a soplio" more at Oberlln College this· year. David JaeJ<son of Caracus, Venezuela, formerly of Sw&t:th': more, has entered George School as a member of the junior class. Jim Logan of Cornell avenue Is a freshman' 'at Villanova· College. His brother George Is a sophom*ore at Archmere Academy, Claymont, Del. Arthur McCormack of Ogden avenue returned to Princeton University Sunday wher;' he is a member of the junior class. His brother Richard Is a freshman at PrInceton this year. Ted Oppen1ander of Benjamin West avenue, who graduated In June from Wesleyan UniVersity, COIlD~ began graduate work at the University of PennsYlvania Mon-day. Frances Pearaon of Cornell ave­nue returned last Sunda:v to wu- All the Things You Want 1952 Chevrolet IItht-Duty Carryall Suburftan Mecle13116 FINEST in its field . Apply the ".Ilty teat. and you'" find Chevrolet is fin •• t of alllow.priced cars. Only Chevrolet brings you the oustandingly beautiful form, finish and fabrics of Body Ill' FII •• r,. which is a prized feature of highest-priced cars. ... Only Chevrolet brings you the sparkling, spirited per­formance of II Va've-In-Head £IIglli •••• and the cradled comfort of· the famous Knee-Action Gliding Ride ••• likewise featured on highest.priced CII". And ",~Iy Chevrolet brings you the vital safety-pro­tection of a Curved Wlnds"'eld with Palforam/c VI.lblllty, Safety-Slg.t 'nstr.mellt Pane.. and J.mlll!~Jir~ni 8rol.~lIrge.t brakes in the low-price field. .. . . . ... . '. . MOFe People Buy ~ . . - , ' Than Any Other Car GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in Service - First in Sales RUMSEY CHEVROLET _a heClotaIl e.,.e, 'Cchru.n,h ersbur¥.- w. hae '-___._' . _________________- 1 South Chester Road ,

---------- Page 19 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page to a request for such a committee was made by the Board of Edu­cation in the fall of 1948. James Miller, long activo In THE SWARTHMOREAN Borough Saddened by Death of Ex-Burgess (Continued from Page 1) Faculty Association Holds Year's 1st Meet professional organizations such as in 1918 and associate professor in N.E.A. and P.S.E.A., is chairman 1928. The Association of the Profes- of a coinmittee for prompting He was elected burgess of the sional Employees of the School more complete cooperation with borough in 1934 and re-elected District of Swarthmore held its and greater contributions to pro- in 1938, 1942 and 1946 enjoying fi t meeting of this year last fessional organizations. It is the the double distinction of being rs objective of the Public Relations Swarthmore's only Democratic week; Althou~h ~ome of the work Committee, under the leadership burgess and the only person to of . thiS org. amtzha tlona sht asb yb eevna rcioaurs- 0 f Mr• Bell • to keep the commun-I serve in the post more than five ned on m e p bin taft it Ity informed of the program and I years. For ten years of this peri~ members of the teac g .~tees' f the needs of the school and to seek he was president of the Burgi IS hoped ~h~t the com::" able ~ the cooperation of all in finding Association of Delaware County. the Assoclahon will b it solutions to problems concerning He also served as chairman of the inte~ate t?e work and to ~~~e the welfare of studentand:1each;r. Delaware County Democratic of .. I,ncreasmg value to • The Social Committee, With Committee. school and the commuruty. Mrs. Violet C. Mason as its chair- A member of the Swarthmore The executive council of the man, plans and" organizes recre- Methodist Church, he originated Association consists of Henry Hof- ationai activities and observances its Men's Club, served on its mann, president of the orgaolza- of special occasions. board of trustees, taught in the tion, Mrs. Anne Jane Cleaver and During the meeting it was ob- Sunday School for 15 years, was Mrs. Grace G. Witter fr~m the served that work done by Dr. chairman of the building commit­elementary schools, ~nd Ehzab~th James Irwin in acquainting teach- tee during the erection of the new K. Barten representmg the hIgh ers with the various insurance and church edifice in 1925, and was school women and Nathan Bell hospitalization opportunities, and president and treasurer of the representing the high school men. the work of Russell Snyder in Laymen's Association of the The executiVe council formed handling the Red Cross and other Philadelphia Conference of the four committees to implement th~ collections had not been listed as Methodist Church. objectives of the Association. Miss the responsibility of any commit- He was a past president and one Barten is chairman of the Com- tee. There have always been mem.. of the 15 charter members of the mittee on Teacher Selection, this bers of the staff who have assum- Swarthmore Rotary Club. He in­cQmmittee has been function since ed in an unusual degree respons.. stituted summer baseball here 20 ibility for the welfare of the years ago and in addition to head­group. It is to be hoped that thts ing local Civil Defense and the Association will provide the means Community Victory Garden pro­for. dividing the burdens and ex- ject during World War II had, in tending the value without losing lighter vein, marshaled innumer­the creative thought and leader- able borough Fourth of July and ship that these members liave Hallowe'en parades and engl­given. neered Independence Day water CO·ED BEAUTY SALON Am-CONDITIONED Open Nigh" Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson of Cornell avenue entertained last week-end Mr. Pearson's cousins Mrs. Vivian Hawkins and her son James of Greshan, Ore., and Mrs. Percy Pratt of Portland. PARK and DARTMOUTH AVE. Swarthmore 6-1013 - ~------ ~ -- -- *J1eA1 ~.S.v.p. ~~pt&3~~dML! This is your invitation to come in and see for yourself what kind of employer your tele­phone company is, and to learn more about the jobs waiting to be filled. You'll like the people, the surroundings, the pay-and you'll find the work so interesting that the time lUes fast. You'll discover other advantages, too, such as • Good Chance. for Advancement • Regular Employment • Vacations with Pay • No Experience Neoded to Start For further information about operating or any other type of telephone work, stop in at one of the offices listed below. 6919 Ludlow Street, Upper Darby. 'a. 1631 Arch S ..... t, 'hlladelphla, '0. III( tRL TRfPltONE (OMPANY OF PBlIISYlYAIIIA -.. "..", pI_ .. _It' sports on the Crurn for many years. Professionally he was a member of the American Astronomical Society, a past president of the Rittenhouse Astronomical Society, a member of the American As­sociation for the Advancement of Science which made him chair­man of its teachers committee in 1941, and of Sigma Xi. An ardent lodgeman like his father the late George Pitman, Philadelphia advertising execu­tive, he was a 32nd degree Mason, a past master of Media's Blue Lodge, past commander of Knights Templar 9'7, Ardmore and a mem ... ber of the Benjamin Franklin Consistory. Surviving besides his wife the fanner Elsie Anders whom be married June 13, 1914 in Falrvlew Village near Norristown, are a son Daniel James, ot Brookhaven; fiv~ daughters, Mrs. Carlos Avila at North Franklin, Conn., Mrs. J ose"h W. Frescoln en route to Swarthmore after a year at the University of California when her father died, Mrs. Robert E. Moist of Wantagh. Long Island, Mrs. Frank Robbins of Green Ridge, and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips of Rutledge, and ten grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furniss and children Connie, Tommy and Mark of Elm avenue have return­ed home after a six-week vacation at Stone Harbor. CUESTS IN YOUR HOUSE could fall and luffo. injuries for which you might be held reaponlible. Protect yourself against claim.. and lawsuits with Comprehensive Personal ,Liability Insurance. PETER E. T01.D Cieneral Insurance 333 Dartmouth Ave ••• Swarthmore," 1833 September 26, 1952 To Preside at DAR Conference Defense Chalrman, of Washing_ ton, D.C., will be.the guest speak­er at the breakfast. One of the outstanding special events of tlie Pennsylvania State Conference, Daughters of the American Revolution, to be held in Philadelphia October 6-8, will be the National Defense Breakfast on Tuesday, October 7 at 7:30 a.m. at the Bellevue-Stratford. Mrs. Lloyd B. Goman, state chairman, of Wallingford, wUl preside. . Other women from Delaware County Chapter who are working for this conference are Mrs. Roy G. RincUffe, Mrs. Howard New- nam, Jr. , and Mrs. C. Russell Phillips. Mrs. Goman is Ex-Regent of Mr. and Mrs. William Sproul Delaware County Chapter, Past Lewis of "Deep Meadows", Grady­President of the Regents' Club of ville entertained at a co*cktail Philadelphia, former State His- party from 4 to 7 Sunday after­torian, and, in her present office, noon in honor of their daughter retiring State Chairman of Na- Miss Marjorie Elizabeth Lewis and tlonal Defense, and is also one of Mr. Avery Felton Blake, Jr., of the hostesses at this conference. Amherst avenue, whose engage­Mrs. James B~ Lucas, National ment was announced. ~""*,,,,,*,""~'IIIi.----""fu.""""'l."~"'%."~~~~-1 ~~ Swarthmore High School Fall Sports Sc h e d u Ie -'52 ~~ I~ Sept. 26 Football Darby Away 3:00 P.M. ~ Oct. 2 Hockey >Springfield Away 3:30 P.M. ~ ~ Oct. 3 Football Nether-Providence Away 3:00 P.M. ~ 1i1 Oct. 9 Hockey Haverford Home 3:30 P.M. iii ~~ Oct. 10 Football Media Away 33··3000 PP·MM· ~~ iii Oct. 16 Hockey Westtown Home:. . lii, mm O ct. 17 Football Springfield Hom3.e00. P.M . "lf.I ~ Oct. 23 Hockey Ridley Township Away 3:30 P.M. ~ ~ Oct. 25 Football Sharon Hill Away 2:15 P.M. ~ ~ Oct. 30 HOCKey Lansdowne Away 3:30 P.M. ~ m% O ct. 31 Football Glen-Nor H om3e·0.0P.M . ltfiIl ~ N 6 Hockey Media Away 3:30 P.M. ~ ~ ov. 7 Football Yeadon Home 2:45 P.M. ~ iiiiii NNoovv.. 13 Hockey Upp.e r D arb y Home 3·. 30 P .M. iiilil ~ Nov. 14 Football Prospect Park Home 2:45 P.M M . • m N 27 Football Lansdowne Away 10:00 A. . 111 i~ll - Football Hocke:r iiilil iJi!i Coaches: Millard Robinson Coaches VirgI n l. a Alle n iiilil Iil Walter Hall Allce Willetts ~ %m Co-Captains: John Mac Alp •m e l?f»I ~ Bill Kaufmann QQptaln: M~rll~ Greene I ~ Manager: Walter Meyer Manager: Nita Garrahan ~ ~~" "_"'%._ _"'' '''''''iiilll'i'liiii''''''''''*_' __'' ''"'%.'1ifu.""*,''''~''''"f&.'''1&,,,,*,'''''~''!iiii&~~"'1&,,*,_~~ ~~~, THE SAME FAMILY The lame family has lupervis~d our services for 7'" years. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. __ ... O'RlNIUU 1120 CHI51NUI 511l1l1 OUYD. H. MNl, hu.... MAW A. ............ .., ' ...... _ .. 6-15.1 .- ight .. A modem ~ GAS RANGEl '. ;5) There Is real cooking pleasure in store for you when you own a modem gas range. You'll thrill to the speed and ease of cooking on a range completely modern In every way. Make cooking a pleasant .xperience. Select your modorn gas range at your plumber's. deal.r'1 or any Philadelphia Ell hie Suburban store. PHILADElPHIA IUCIIIC COMPANY • • • • / September 26, 1952 THE SWARTHMOREAN PsseS Health Exams Begin at Rutgers Ave. School ARTS CENTER TO I American Home and the Arts PRESBYTERIAN MEN'S Junior Woman's Club co';;mittees will combine their ef- OPEN SUNDAY DINNER OCTOBER 8TH Lists Busy Fall forts and present a program on Dr. Arthur T. Mosher, principal "Christmas Gifls and Wrappings" of the Agricultural College in (Continued from Page 1). with a talk demonstration by a Allahabad, India, will speak at Needlew.0rk G~ild will be collect- speaker from the Delaware Coun­the Men's Dinner on October 8, ed at thiS meetmg. .. ty Horticultural Society. The an­at the Presbyterian Church. The American Home CommIttee Dual cover .. dish supper will be The annual health examinations of pupils in Swarthmore Schools were begun last Wednesday when the School Physician Dr. John Wigton began examining children at Rutgers Avenue School. When the examinations are completed, he will shift his place of work to the College Avenue School where the grades and High School pupils will be examined. Dr. Mosher who has headed the· has promised a lively evening on presented on December 16 by the College since 1948, is carrying on November 4, a ''Work Bask;t Health and Welfar_e Committee. the IIreat tradition of service of Night", when a television set wIll Each member will fill a Christmas the institution founded by Sam be installed through the courtesy stocking to be distributed to un­Higginbottom. All men of the of a local firm in order that m~m- derprivileged children in Dela­community are invited to hear bers may catch up on mendmg, ware County. about this project, considered as knitting, and pre-holiday '.'eedle- A stated business meeting will one of the most forward-looking work while watching elecbon re- precede the programs on October Exam,inations will run from 9 going on in India at this time. turns. 21 November 18, and Decem-a. m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday of each week. On Wednesday, the examinations will he held all day but there will be none on Thursday. Assisting Reservations for the dinner at Gentlemen of the community be~ 16. 6:30 p.m. must be in the Church are invited to attend the Novem- ________ _ Office phone Swarthmore 6-4712, ber 18 meeting when the topic ...-.:ill Miss Florence McCulloch of by Saturday. October 4. be "The Use of Helicopten" and a Riverview road left Sunday for Dr. Wigton is Mrs. Roy McCorkel, Miss Virginia Bevan, daughter who has charge of the record- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan keeping. of Crest lane, has entered the Parents are invited to come to freshman c I ass of Simmons the school and be present at the Peter Van de Kamp College in Boston. time of the examinations so as to Bruce Godfrey of Vassar avenue be able to consult with the exarn- The Community Arts Center, returned to Westminster College, ining physician at the time. Par.. Rogers lane, Wallingford, re-opens New Wilmington, Sunday to begin ents are notified the day before for the fall season on Sunday, his junior year. the examination is made when the September 28, with a teachers Ex- After attending freshman camp child takes home a notice tor his hibition and open-house from 2:30 on Lake George, Dick Danforth of parents. The school nurse, Mrs. to 5 p.m. Everyone is welcome to Hillborn avenue has started his Edith Kenney, is in charge of the come to see the Arts Center, meet first year at Union College in general arrangements. the teachers, and see their work. Schenectady, N.Y. During August OFF TO COLLEGE film and discussion will be pre- the University of North Carolina, seoted by the Piasecki Corpora- Cha"el Hill, N.C., where she w~ll tion. study toward her doctorate In The December programs will Romance Languages. En rou~e she enrich the Christmas season for visited Mrs. William Joslin of every member. On December 2 the Raleigh. N.C. DREXEL HILL ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE BROAD STREET METHODIST CHURCH IUfmont Road at School Lane Social Hell October 1. 2. 3, 1952 11 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. After the medical examinations Classes start on October G and Dick aDd two friends covered are completed, the dental exam- registration for classes and mem- nearly 10,000 miles by car in the inations will begin. The grades bership may be made from Sep.. west and south. Dwielpl abretm theonste roefq uHireeadl tbhy, thnea mStealyte, tTehmebree r are28 35 udnitfifle recnlat scsoesm ssetss ritn. DoMgwrso. odT hloamnea,s aWcc.o mHpoanpipeedr boyf ~~===========================~ the first, third, fifth, seventh, nin.. arts, crafts, dance, flower ar- Tom Hopper, Jr., and her daugh­th, and eleventh grades. rangement, horticulture. photo- ter Maryellen, motored to Ithaca, Luncheon and Dinner Served Admlilion 50 conh Following the dental examina- graphy, speech and dramatics for N.Y., for the week ... end. Tom re .. tions, Mrs. Kenney will administer children and adults. turned to Cornell University as a the h ear,·ng tests of the pupils in be' ff senior, and Maryellen entered the Two new classes are Ing 0 cr- freshman class. the same grades. In grades seven, ed this fall-English Country nine and eleven, th multi-audio.. b E Lo . Bill McHenry of Parrish road meter tesls will be given :for Dancing taught y mma Ulse returned to Washington & Lee Screening purposes. Any pupils Warfield ot Springfield and In- University, Va., the latter part of havl·ng dl·mculty w,·th this teO st will traduction to Astronomy with Dr. August for football practice. His then be given an individual pure.. Pereltaenrd vs.a nD rd. ev Kana mdep Kofa mthpe iNs eDthi-- brother Bob is a freshman at the tone test to ascertain the degree Ob t University this year. rector of the Sproul serva ory, D. Tyner Brown, son of Mrs. of hearing loss. All the clemen.. and professor of astronomy at Marion S. Brown of Park avenue, tary pupils in· the grades tested Swarthmore College. He is well is now enrolled at the University will get the Pure-Tone test, too. known internationally, lecturing of Colorado Law School. He and Parents are notified of any frequently in the United States his wife are living at 965 Ninth health deficiency found in these and Europe. He has made his Street, Boulder, Colo. examinations and are urged 10 home for the past 15 years in Dick McCray of Cornell avenue consult their own physician t a Swarthmore. has returned to Wesleyan Univer .. have conditions corrected insofar sity, Conn., for his junior year ,8S......;P;.,O=SS=ib=l=e_.=========, I Mr. and Mrs. Donald P1ccard after spending the week-end at and family, and Mr. and Mrs. his home here. His parents, Mr. SEE ALl THE HOME GAMES John Plccard and family, both of and Mrs. Heston D. McCray, Jr., Swarthmore High School Football, Basketball. etc. Dartmouth avenue were ~~~: I met their son in Montreal when recently by their Swiss C he arrived there September 5 on Mr. Olivier Rambert of Zurich, the Arosa Kulm from Germany. Switzerland who was here. with Dick had been in the P)-iends a group of Swiss engineers. Service Work Camp in Krefe1d, Adult Season Tlcll:e+-$5.00 For BIlle at M1_'. PJoannae;r ~====iiii==iiii=="";;;;;"'",;';'~~ __ "''''iii'''iiiiiiiiiiiiii'IiGermany from July 1 to August 12. Before returning home Dick spent two weeks traveling with friends through Holland, Ger­many, Austria and Switzerland. Ves - the fees are fixed by state law ••• the same for a corporate executor as for an individual. Among the advantages of corpo­rate executorship are broad group . experience and continuous serv­ice, which tend to speed eslale seHlemenl and minimize expense, SIARTRMORE RATIONAL BAKK DB TRUST COMPANY III Loo.. _. .. CM,.,.... .. ......,N ... ... ,..,." "... JiIj' •• ow • 1--------' Ruth Garrett of Princeton ave­nue and Mary Decrouez of Walnut lane have returned to Oberlin College, Ohio as sophom*ores. '.fhey accompanied Ruth's parents Dr. and Mrs. Milan W. Garrett to Ohio last week-end. Julie Lange of Cedar lane has transferred from Oberlin College to Swarthmore College for her sophom*ore year. Mary Elizabeth Logan of Cor­nell avenue has returned to the College of Chestnut Hill for her junior year. Margot Bowie of South Chester road has returned to the Univer­sity of Colorado for her junior year. Sandra Bowie is a sopho­more at Oberlin College this year. David Jackson of Caracus, Venezuela, formerly of Swarth-­more, has entered George School as a member of the junior class. Jim Logan of Cornell avenue is a fr .. hman at Villanova College. His brother George is a sophom*ore at Archmere Academy, Claymont, Del. Arthur McCormack of Ogden avenue returned to Princeton University Sunday where he is a member of the junior class. His brother Richard is a freshman at Princeton this year. Ted Oppen1ander of Benjamin West avenue, who graduated in June from Wesleyan University, Conn., began graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania Mon-day. Frances Pearson of Cornell ave­nue returned last Sunday to Wll­son Coll.,e, Chambersburg, where she Is a senior. All the Things You Want 1952 Chevrolet U"hl-Duly Carryall $uburioa" Model 3116 • FINEST In its field Apply the Cfuallty test, and you'll find Chevrolet is fI"est of all low.priced ears. Only Chevrolet brings you the oustan~ingly bea.utif~1 form finish and fabric. of Body by FIsher, which IS a prized feature of highest-priced cars. Only Chevrolet brings you the sparkling, spirited per­formance of a Valve-in-Head Engine •• , and the cradled comfort of the famous Knee·Action Gliding Ride ••• likewise featured on highest-priced ears. And only Chevrolet brings you the vital safety-pro­tection of a Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility. Safety-Sight Instrument Panel and Jumbo-Drum Bralles-largest brakes in the low­price field. . More People Buy Than· Any Other Car GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS First in Service - First in Sales RUMSEY CHEVROLET Swarthmore 6-6130 Theaire Square South Chester Road

---------- Page 20 ----------

p.,ge6 'VOTE ':. ~ , [8] .SELICT QUALIT! FOODS :. ... ,,~ . Y09'II tlnd thom oil III ,"", , .. -'. " your _vonlont Acme. All II! price. that ~III holp yo .... ,"II.down your fHtI lIuclget. lum to Acme ontl Cho. for you .... lf. , . I ,~ • U. I. PrI_ or Choice Genuine Spring III . LAMB CROPS ~ .. ggc ~ .. $1.19 u. S. Graded Choice Young leef mROAS1'QgT:~~'=~11I67c o '-:iD.C1JT .~ BO~.T finUrIM 110 7~ .' SWIFT'S PIEMltIII FRANKS Ib S3c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SltIOllES 1:~'63c SWIFT'S' PREMIUM: lACON .SI!cod ~~b 31c APiu., = 3 .. 2Sc OREEN BElNS ~:..:.. 2111·lte - ~ - " '.-..· ·5···~ ~ PRUNES· . , . =37~ . FLOui Gold:;;: Pilimury 10 ~ 95c 'liiEis thcliIi,2 ::-33c o g,JMII Pun 5tna~' PRESERVEs' o Lunch Moot SWIFT'S PREM ~[] eRA·.X " ....<..I..._. rcA. .J..I.. .. ':: " . . -, . .. . .,..-.. 25c a~aao s!! GO a·~~47. ~4S.. a '!::S50 - . ...... 1 Prf .. :'Str FROSTfD FooPS-1VY DOZIN-AND JAV; oo I)d,.", split·. .' c' I~ as.. I)d,s2f GI'U ...... 10- as. - .... D.. 1IdI.1 GI'U. PI... $t I." '1t Z,. 'M"];; •• o 9r/M1 Cat Ceca, I:':~...... - o 9" .. 1 ~.P .. t1t .:; .~'F.q·, aSBAR' 1~'~~T~~i~~~' -.-S~~ --------------------- o RYE BREAD ...... Ioef lac Il POWGt~~,(. ~.~ ..!t. 37c o STREUSSEL LOAF ....... _Ia ... 2gc , THE SWARmMOREAN Sepiember 26, 1952 GRAY LADIES NEEDED should call Mrs.,QJ,tver Swan, SW son Bill pllQ" Jor wasbiJigton &Lee . ',' 6-0609 and she will provide trans- agalllst ,Duke . University •. Fred AT COATESVILLE portatlon for the interview on Oc- CampDell of Conege avenue is on The Red Cross Is making a spe- lober' flrst..~e Duk'l teain but was unable to cial plea for Gray Ladles to work play as he is hospltalilled with a at the U. S. Veterans Hospital at Miss Florence J. Lucasse ·'Of broken ankle. The McHenrys also CoatesYille. Those interested in Princeton avenue returned by visite4 at the game with their son psychology or psychiatry will·Jlnd plane Sunday 'after vlsltIDg in Bob a tteshman at Washington & this work with mental patients M1c~ and Indlaila s1n~.July 9. Lee, Ralph Parke of Park avenue, extremely Interestlng •. Gray Ladles Mr. arid. Mrs. WUlIani ·R. Mc- a junior at the unlversity, Charles are needed to IIB8Ist in the hobby Henry of Parrish road' fiewhome Barr of Media, and Cbrlssy Ford program, occupational therapy Sunday . from . Durham.- N.- C., of Amherst avenue a freshman at with simple crafts such as weav- where thay had. gOne to see their Duke. in&~amd~,flower.ervlce,gmne ----------~~~------------------------------------­semons on warda,· ward sings, corrective therapy on a compan­ion basis, nursing service, library service, Women between the ages of 21 A1JJ)rlOR8 ANl'ItJALBBPOBT 8CHooL DISTRICT OF THB BOROUGH OF SWABTIDlOBB . DBLAWABB COUNTY. STATE OF PZNNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YBAB ENDING J1IL'E " 1851 tando 55 needed, who are able " ••w ed.· nlt1&UOD of taxable reTalA XesAtaTtIeO N. ..................... *4.49'7.111.00 serve regularly each week, __ of mI1la levied ...................................... . 80 some time during the hours of 10 ___ ....s. with per capita· tax ....................... No,," a m. and 9 p m week dB I Rate of _ capIta tall .......... ,.. • .. • .. .. .. • • • .. .. .. ... .... None • ." en n- AIIlOO'NI' OP SCHOOL TAX PROPiiRl i TOTAL cluded. Amount Levied (Pact of IDOl duplicate) ••.•••••..• ,=,_.'11 =._.'18 Interviewing of applicants will Deductlona .. .. . .. .. .. • .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 11~.00 112.00 be done on Wednesd ay, 0 c tober 1, oI'etIh1e&r1 t_l..e a.d ded ................................. 8'10.011 8'10.09 (B. B. Tranafer TU) ........... '. .. .. 18.4'18.20 18,4'13.20 at the YWCA Building, LIncoln TOtal amount (ilumof 1, '2. 3 '" t) ................ 244,18'1.12 244.18'1.12 Highway, between Fourth and 1951 taX returned to County CommIaE4onera •••••• 2,S~.00 2.1128.00 Fifth C Discounts .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. . .. .. .. .. . 4,049.15 4,04D.l11 avenues, oatesville, 'be- Net amount of 1951_ collected .•....•.......... 28'1,181.97 23'1.181.97 tween 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. The VA Bum of Items 8, 9,11 ............................. "44,18'1.12 • 244.18'1.12 lectures will be given on Satur- lUlO1UP1B 1!:Xl'KIIII!lII day, October 18 from 930 a.m. to Balance on _ JUly 2, 1901. 4 'th H 1'-1 R ti All funds excl"'IV~ of General Oonttol (A) ...... 9,4'19.88 p.m. a. e osp... ecrea on B\DkIDg Pund ........... 114.509.20 Building No. '5. The Red Cross Property tax 1951 ........ 120.1149.52 lectures, which will be a neces- Other taxes .... _......... le,4'18.:IlI Instn1ctlon (B) ......... 238,098.38 Delinquent Tax . sat')' part of the orientation, will (l'Nvloua to 19n) •....•. 4.0"".48 AuxlllarJ Agencl .. (0) ••• 11,9'18.411 be given at the YWCA on Wednes- State appropriation. Teaeher8, day, October 22 from 10:30 a.m. Tranaportatlon. TUItion, Operation (D) ........... 89,804.'11 to 3:30 p.m. -r:.~o~I':,~';'ici~;'t: P;;Pll~ :::=: Maintenance (B) ........ 6.117UO Anyone interested in this work, I68n1e _t . .. .... .. .. . .. .. • .825.59 of real .. tate, auppll... P1sed Charges (p) •••••••• 12,688,24 Charter No. 7193, Reserve District and equIpment. . . . . . . .. '10U4 No, 3. REPORT OF CONDITION ~~~In;,iUdb,g" .128.81, Debt aernce (G) .' ....... 18,40UII OF THE -SWARTHMORE NA- begln,nlng balance ....... 897.'123.38 Capital outta.y (H) .,.... 41,489.40 TIONAL BANK AND TRUST 81J11iMABY COMPANY of Swarthmore, Pa., TOTAl. RI!lCBIPTS ............... ;............................ 897,'128.88 :. thI e Sta I e o~ Pennsylvania, at TOTTAOLt aPlA o YoMrErNen'1t1 :Ii': .pemoea (Ite""; A-P Inc.) •.. t318,470.40 e c ose of busmess on September TOtal pe»t Bervlce(Item G) ................ 18.4GG.20 5, 1952. Published in response to Total capital outlay (Item H) ..•........•.. '1l.489.48 II d b · TOtal . • 878,41G.10 ca rna e y Comptroller of the BalaDce on Hand' '(T~'Be 'A~;';i':bl~' iM ·sci.OOi 'y~' i95iI:53;·:::. 21,8011.28 Currel\cy, under SecUon 5211, U. . S • Revised Statutes• 8chool Buildings and Bites at cootA .8.8.E.T.S.. ..................... ,1.148,048.00 ASSl!:1'S Textboob and ~ulpment at Cost ........................... 201.114.00 Cub, balances with other 1951 Tax (CUrrent Year) ..................................... 2.1126.00 bankB,lnclU!d1ns reserve 1950 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '... • • • •• • ••• • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • 1.&00.88 balance. and eaah 1tems INO TaJ: •••• I ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• ,............. 102.91 In .pr<iceIiB of collection '1,18U63.'I1 Previous to 1949 Duplicate .......................... ~ .. ....... 801J50 UDlted.States Government TUitIOn ReceIvable .; ...... ;................................... 2,8011.01 . obllga~lona, dlre<:t and _ on hand au Ponds ,""elUding BInkInK Pund •••••••• •.••• 21,808.28 guaran_ ........... 8,'152.789.4:1 . TOtal Aaeete ............... , ......... ; ................... ,1,8'I'J,905.30 Obligations of States and LIABILITIES polltlc:aJ aubdlvlalcma .. n9,8:U.48 Other bonds. n_, ODd Bonded Indebtedn ... (With Vote of·meotOr&te) .•.•....•........• Bondee! Indebtedn ... (WIthout Vote of mectorate) .......... . 7'1,000.00 22,000.00 debentures ........... 17G.8U.19 Corporate atocka (Includ- Ing '12,000.00 stocl< of Federal lleerVe banll:) i2.000.00 Loans and d1lcounta (in- Cluding f.587.12 over- . . llrafts) ... ; ........... 1,228.15'1.86 BI\Dk pre_ owned f87.123.94, turnlture '" _urea ,1t,882.20) ... 81,458.29 (BaDlt pre_ owned ~8' subject to no lienS not assum.ed by bank) . other .... tII ........ ;.: 28,84l1~ Total ABsetl! ......... '8.682,829.8'1 LIAB1lJTII!lS Demand deposits of in­dIvidUals, ~ersblpe, and corpOrations ..... f4,t82,206.87 Time depoiJ,t:s·of·lndivld:' .' uals, partnership., and corporatiOns ••••• : ••• 1,886,579.32 De_ItS of lJnlted States Government (lnolUding poot8t-savlni!ar·;.· ..... -. 241,552.10 Depoalts of States ODd polltlcat 'oulXllvlaloDs .. 2'8.892.39 Other deposits· (certlfted and cashier's checkB. etc.) ................. 26.064.84 Total Depoaltll '0,064.295.82 ' Other UabUlties ••• '.' .. , 1,189.11 TOtal Llabllltiea .... '6.085.484.48 CAPrrAL ACCOUNTS Capital Btock: COmmon Stoclr::, total par. ................... 125,000.00 SUrplUS ................ 276,000.00 Undivided prollts ....... '17,250.61 Reserves .......•.. ,..... 89,694.88 Total Capital AccountS 518,'142.86 TOtal L1abUlties and· capital Accounts ..... '8,582.829.8'1 MEMORANDA A!8ets pledged or ..... atgned to II8CU1'e lIa1JU-, Itiea and fm other pur- _ .................. 8011,l1li1.'14 Loans u ahOWJi a'boTe are -after deduction of re-serve. of •••• ,". ~ •••••• Securltl .... 1110;"" abooe are Ifter' ded.uc1ilon or 8,1IG2.lI8 reserves ,or ~ ••.• ~ • ; • • • • • NOD.· State of Pennsylvania. County of Delaware, as: I, Donald M. ·Hand, cashier of the above-named bank, do sol­emnly swear that the above state­ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. DONALD M. HAND, Cashier. ADCOunta ··Payable: . . T-.chlt~ s.IarJes 0. 0 ••• ': ••••••••••••• _ •••••••• , , , , , , , ••••• -:rra.nsp0rt8.ttoD. ..,"',.,"';., •• , ••••• , " , ••.• " , • , " •• 0 • 0·' •• AU· other Accounts " .• , 0 " , , •• 0 0 • ".' •••••• , •• , • , ; '.' • '.1 .,. • . ,T~tal I4a~U~~ea ".' 0.' •• , , '"., •• , •. ~ •••• ;; , •. ~ .. ~ • ; .••• '.- ~.~. Amount of 'l'aI:' Oo1leC_o Bond .. : ....... " .,ld,118;40 Amount of 'l'!'eaourer's ·Bond· .............. 2,890.00 AmOunt. of, ~reta.ry'f; Bond ••••• , ••• , • • • 1,000.00 80.llal.21 1'1'1.00 . 161.80· 131),2'1l1.81 . ReconcUlatlon of Bank Balance at 01088 of SChool·.Year _ Balance' JUly, 7, 1902' ...................................... 24.801.88 Outstan.ding Cl\ecu.: •• .;. .••• ,. .•• '.' • , ,_, " ••••..•••••••• t • , • " " • , , • ~ 8.298.28 Bal""""". on, Hand t9. be. AV'I~le for '. ., .."' .. . SChool 'Year 1902-1958 ....... ~. '." .. .. .. • .. .. . ... ...... .... 21,808.28' ., We hereby certlfy that we have examined ·the ·above accounte and :ft.nd ,$.em correct. and that t.he securitles 0' the oatcen of the bqy"d. anI' In accordance with law. ' O. DUDLBY SOBLOB88BR lUOJLUU) l4. BN iDJ5ll, . BOBBBT H. K:tIlI.TZHALZ Auditors lleptember 10, 19U Oomple~. Report on PIle In Bcbool D1~ct om"" In HIgh schOOl. Bulld1Dg' ON . . '. THE TRACK . '-~i1 '4'; '. :;;. .;.'-' ,) ·1.;;1 ;. of lad party·li .. e telepbone senici It'. die path of limple coasIderation. 'em_bot die _ RJ of party.line <OUt!esy-be __ ble about bow loaa you talk; Release the line for emer,gena .. - ,asked; Replace die re<ei_ _d, ... you fiBcl dae JiDe ill.. . . Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of SePtember. Jl ~ on: 01_ ~ OIIJ.e~"';'·ie ..... IDfiBcl JWf .JllRJ"liDe. aeilbborl ......... a.pp, ~._ L-o- to! •. ., _"..!._~n ~: IIQIQ V r E servace :r0l" 'U=fODC ~ , . 1952. . MARKET" Chlster Rd.,- Swarthmme B. D: GROSS, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: JOHN E. MICHAEL ALBER"J: N. GARRETT IRE BELL TELEPHOIIE COIIPAIIY OF ~mYAlllA (f.) Open nunday and Friday to 9 P.M. ,·Ope.Saturclay"tlI·6PaM.·., , . cLAunEC.SMa!t:;rs, I "Now - EVEN BEliiau'ID,veSt MORE in DEFENSE BONDS." .......... ,.'/.,'.;., HELP For Yo.r Home R..-aln and MaIntenance formIca Fallrlcatloll ELECTRICAL CAMERA CLUB OPENS Arts Center, Included In these .------------.1 IN COM. ARTS events will be talks by invited TIle oplJd _ "" S __ _ The first meetlnl of the Nether- speakers on various aspects of col-lITTIRS TO THI IDnOR . th_ 01 the IDdl11dlbll _ten. All Providence Camera Club for the or, as well· as' black and white !etten to The 8 ........ I Il __ 1952-53 season was held last week photography, a studlo nI(lht de­be sIpe4. _d.,.... .... ,. lie' !Voted to making photographs of _ If the IdetltltJ '" __ teo at the Community Aria Center in Oriental girls In native Costume; .. ""ownb, the M1tor. Lett8a Wallingford. The session was de- exchange exhibitions ,from other wW be puII_ OIII,J 11& &loa .... voted 10 the showing of Koda- \:arnera clubs and the annual club PETER f. TOLD All U ... of'Clllce S33 Dartmo"th Avenue . Swarthmore. ' •• ' SwartlllllO'" 6-'833 "epolrS ..... In,tallatloll' '" .. CoD~ctlllg . C"ris,man & Jolr. . 'HOHIS· .._ '" the ...... chrome slides made by the mem-I-.xhibltion' during ·the month of ROOFS GUTI'ERS I:-_____________ Jlbera during the summer. 'March; This exhibition Is eon- REPAIRED &: INSTAIJ.ED TL- 101'-'" lett Cresson Prichard of Michigan'sid e-d one of th~ ·.. out.tandingll W;UlM·AIR HEATING II.., '"' .uw.n" .... avenue, chairman of the club's sho':: 'at 'the .Arts· ~Ce'nt er' during Fumaeea Vamum' Cleaned Hillto, 7-41674 HtHt., ~.IIZ1 lveala,. SW. ,utt HIHto,7 ... ' ::,::,~:TM Swanhfflot'ean Program COmmittee, has announ-eacb-year, . " GEORGE MYERS . ced a varied program of Box 48-Swarlbinore 6-0740 Sw.rtIJ_ra 6-144. To the Swarthmore Business the subsequent meetings, B8TATB NOTlCB . 17=~==:ii!=:ii!:;:;:::::::::=5=5= Men's Association: which are held the first and third BBTATII OF B. CLAYTON WALTON. I , DMNE rAXI SDYlcE This letter is being written Thursdays of each month, at the "::':.1I:nInm as B. ~. W~TON. oIe- '" S~; Pa; protest the changes in the Hal-l . Le",," Teotamentary on th~ abo,vel Serving Swarthmore, Morton lowe'en parade, at least in pan. _Ie' have been gr&llted to the un- Rutledge and Ridley TownshlJ; The two changes which I question C LASS I f 11 D =~at:!'~ =:a ~J:~:' WILLIAM BROOKS ABbes & Rubblab Removed Lawns Mowed, General HawllnlC . I8S BarcJlD&" Ave~ 1IIorioB, p", since· 1918. most strongly are the decision to PERSONAL Batate of the decedent to malte Swartllmo ... 604.4 have cash prizes In place of kDown the same. and all per80US In- ~~:::;;;;~;;~;;~;;;;,:I r1'b bo ns a.n d favors, and the de- PERSONAL _ Radlos, television I dme,b!mte,d wtoit hthoeu t ddeecleadye ntot to mal:e pay-cision to have the. parade on vacuapupmli aenlceaens erresp aainrd_ .'.·J0EA RNI W ~. N OYE•.S CUNNINGHAM Thursday, a school night and not . service. Robert - v= .. ew ~venue TOM SEREMBA H allowe'en. 6-1548. or to tbeB awtatortrhnmeoyrso of.o rP ethnne ae. state. UPHOLSTERER Wh d I CLAUDEC.8MITH,B8q. Since 1905 Painters & Paper Hangers We should know how ·Swa. 6-2266 Michigan Ave. Y 0 protest these changes? Duane, MorrIs ",. HockaCher Phone WAshburn 8-7311 So far as the prizes are con- 161'1 Land Title BuUdlng or Write to.612 Clymer Lane cerned, the largest precentage of PIilladelphla 10, Penna, . RIDLEY PARK, PA. the participants in the parade are ESTATE NOTICB .. children in the lower age brackets. ,work typing, clerking, billing, ESTATE KATHRYN V. MEYER, ])1<- PETER 01 NICOLA Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete Cellar Wolls Re·Plastored Phone Swarthmore' 6-252'6 GEORGE F~ CULLIS .. c ..... ry "M."orlal. 3$25 EDGMONT AVENUE dlEsTER's-n01 . , , .. , WALTER M.MAGEE 'Sale;,' IiI&a&,~r '. \ sWarthlDOre 8-S890' SrENOG~APHIC & tyP,"G . SERVlCE . . ' '\ Legal ' .... n - Th .... -Report. . ' , .,., , ... ,t, effIel •• t aael .en .... lenJce -.. 1""" Co.t~ct or HoHl, ._ . ;' .. ' i'. . ... , . ,. ..~..p.· r5.A..C..A , INC. s~ 6-1221 ".:' - . MI~ Stria" •• , Notary '.IIl1e And to the smali f.~,, the precious fFilrilndg , 9 to R12 Mo·nda ys through Cocuenastyed, , PleaDteD Soyflv 8BDultal.o die, Delaware bag of favors meaRS more than ays. eply Box F, The Letters of· Admlnlatratlon In the any prize could. This is partlcu- Swarthmorean.· a b ove ..t ate having _n to W the undere1gned. all penons larly true since most of the small ,ANTED to said etltate are requesle4 sprites are not allowed out on the W AI:ITED-We will buy at best payment, and thOllO haVing cta,,,,,","tc; street like their older brothers and ptlces, old China, cut· glass, fur- _nt the same without delay slst nlture. Call'Holly Oak 4313 or LAWRENCE T. MEYE&', " .e ra to ask for the' traditional H '! lly 0 ak 6720, collect, for ap- 7 Rutledge Avenue trick or treat." The parade. with pOlntment. All business conftden- Itutl~ge. Penna. Its costumes and bag of goodies, tial. Colonial Cupboard, No. 5 Or to bls Attorney. is Phll d I hi BU'l'LBR, BEATrY, GREER '" their Hallowe'en. Also, com- Del.a epa Pike, Wilmington, JOHllBON petition for cash prizes raises the 17 SOuth Avenue WANTED E rI i Medla. Penna. cosluming strictly' to the adult· -' xpe enced g r I ===-:""=-:---:--:-0--:--:---:-- level, where the parents will wants day's work. Excellent NOTICE Is hereby given that - fol-ha've I references. Call CHester 3-3781. lowing ordinance w"" read and glv_ all of the work and none of the en first _ by the COUDcIl of tho Charles E. Fischer BUILDER fun. Why not, at least through Borough of Swarthmore on Beptem-the primary grades, stick to rib- five ber 8. 1952.B LLIort' RICHARDSON 'Tllr. ." Gelleraflo11 li.fllclt,ri bons and favors, giving every Borough Seoretag HORACE A. child a prize of some sor:! to take h An Ordlnan~ to vacate Westdale REEVES orne; and then, U need be avenues. Avenue, east of Easterly olde of hold the interest of the older Rutgers Aven"", " plotted but and girls, start giving prizes at a W AN'fEn-.:Strong young man a unopened street of the. Boroullh Balldlng C:OnstruCflOD ~ h .of Swarthmore, and to strike level where the particlpants them- ew. ours a. week for maillng ........ from the Borough Plan Residential. P,dntilltg selves can do the work? magazines. Call Mrs.Hay, Swarth- without preju<!lco to any private more 6-0266 Mondav before 9 a. rlgh'- th-In Commercial • As for the cholee of a night, m.· ' - '" . ·.AIt~atf~ why, when Hallowe'en comes on WANTED-To rent a garage wlth-~ B~~O~ ~g~~ FrIday, put the kids out on the in two blocks of 105 Princeton section 1, .W estdale "vlmu""", 17Y2 South Chester" ROad streets and up late on a school ayenue. Phone Swarthmore 6-Q939 opened street, plotted A Swarthmo ... 6-3450 night? Why not have it on FrIday, Dr write Dr. F. H. Murray. hereby vacated iU.'~a~~~b~~ij PI0tte<llli;~~~~~~~~~~~~ when it should be, so that . FOR, RENT agtelreae tA fvroenm.u et he( 5E0 children can go out in their parade FOR RENT-Available October 1 _t:v direction 80 "" eald :plot-costumes to ask. for thelr trick or -..Ure third floor _. street now ap~ .u~·\he P.J/lI-treat? Wbenv, ou 'h8ve"1t' 'rin rrooool Dll,k itbcaht' h;-'livinhg. Na nd anIyH m. uIunltcelnpdae1d1 nht'elnrM.':bt·Ytnt oM;wid- October 30, Thurs'd n~v , you $80m a, montehn., Pphooren e D - t • and the land throullh have them out'uter.l.t he . 6-1205. towr. eoevne rB wUhtgicehn sAa~mneU .&.. .a. npdlO MtteJdc.b lbpen-when they are alll dressed up, and FOR RENT-Two rooms and bath AVOllue. 00 far "" the public Is In-anoth~' grj,UP" 'out ;, on . 'l!'r1day, on third floor, singlY or together, _ted. The proper Borough 0IIkers HalloWe'en. 'Just' what is "to be hilL Swart.hmore 6-1510. ::u=~ ~: :'e~~ accom~ed"' .by I changing the FOR RENT..,.Furn1shed room and Rutgem AVellue fr<Im, the Borough . RESIDENT,A" A,"D ... COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION Alterations ., • f • r . " '.R.R. Frelgllt BlcIt­Swartllmo .... 'a. date? baUl for one person. $40 month- Plsn. I'm not objecting just to objec- ly. Call ~edla 6-0150 evenings. BecUon 2. Nothing herein contaln- ...., . tionable. I'm looking at this from FOR RENT _ Comfortable room ::gS~I\v~ A~~'!"~te J:::: J. F. BLACKMAN a mothet's point of ~ew. I'm the arid bath for refined gentleman. gem Avellue 80 far as private rights· SW 8-UlS lady that lIxes costumes for three Phone Swarthm, ore 64133. . "'" concerned. or as'to any private ch, i~ dren',. a nd p~pares.t.h e treats FOleRd gRe;E 1N34T S-Aylpvaarnt maveenntu ein. TRhruete- ~.8I~IO,JD:e:nt. o.sra mrieg,h tI f oaf nyw asyu canlo nrigg hotsr .';; ==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for our neighborhood' 'beggars. rooms, bath. cHeat, hot water. Two Please - can't we keep our Hal- adults. $55 per month. lowe'en celebration . "just • for FOR RENT-Single room for bus- , fun?" iness woman or c~~le:;~a;~:~ . • Sincerely, \ . with breakfast privileges. LOIS G. PETERSON mor.. e::. ..::.6-.:0~47:,;5;.:.,'= --::-,:-;-;=-___ (Mrs. Lero,y E.. Peterson) FOR SALE FOR SALE-AlPPLE8-Delicious, Dear Mr. Editor: Cortland, Smokehouse, Macln­i'i. friend said to me a few weeks tosh, and Jonathan, the children'S . favorite. EI Rancho Orchards, ago apropos of a remark I had Providence Road, 1 mile north of just made. "As long as you live Rose Tree Hunt Club, near Media; A Com,,'ete Insurance and Rea' Isfate Agency SWEENEY & CLYDE 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER "'1 ..~. , .... ' Phones: 3-6141. 3-6142 4-4291 4-4292 ~amue~ D. (:lytle, Jr. . .~ -. f ... Ec Sproat will nevel,' die." FOR SALE-Flut~ (Le Maire); 'f • ". ____________________ -:-..... Last week in this town a Boehm system; completely ·re- I iJ.hy:sie"lly passed away of whom condltioiled; asking $75. Phone George p. •O WDlIID TDlfiEli ~~ O.......I.... .UMT , .-~ OIl ....... _ HI; ........ ,,- ..... Q c DAY an4 ~G..-r. OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY THRU SAT1J1tDAY NOON SW 6-4041 SUNDAYS ... 4 HOLIDAYS SW ~740' COAL FIREPLACE WOOD J.A·.GREEN I 801J'DI l'aJNC&iON ",BMW t.~ .. .; •... '.'~ ... ~ ~ . .. ,", .... ,." ....... ,.,"---., , .. same thing will. be sald. Media 6-1762. Artie Taylor has been my friend ;;F;;O~R~S,;;A:.,T=;.E~=--·N =ew---co-m:-:-:-bi""n-a"'ti-on for over 25 years.-As long as I live, stonn doors, 36" by 82". Swarth­she . will be remembered for her ;;m:,;0:;,re:.,;6;-;:;2;:,14;,:4::.. =---:--=--,-,­sense of humor, her charity, her FOR SALE-Female Chesapeake friendliness, her in.domi.table cour- Ho/ulasye.b Rroekterine.v eGr,o o3d .. . hmunotninthgs· dooldg., ale, aild her unfailing ·trust In the $35. Swarthniore 6-3887; . ' love of' her Heavenly Father. FOR SALE-Davenport, inexpen- EdIth GrifIIn. 'sive; for qulck sale'call Swarth- ____. ....,. ~ _ more 6-3985. . Mr. and Mrs. CUlford M. FOR SALE - TOpSoil mushroom and son CliJfe of Idlewild lane,soll. F'hone Swarthmore 6-6317. Media, have returned from a FOR SjlI,F--Antique cherry side-week vacation at stone Harbor. bt)ard. Call 'Swarthmore 6-0863. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Jessup of ReQ.neat for BIds Haverlord avenue' arrived in Sealed bids will be received In councU Chamber, Borough Swarthmore Tuesday after spend- sw-_-~~o-re, P a" on Qctober 8 '~~~..: I ing the summer months at their at ,:SO P.M. for fUrnIShing one' in =aIlingf d Vt TlI,rOftr. =e 'eqU1PDWlt ahall be cottage n, or,. driven with a gasoline e!lg\n& at nM Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. I ... thaD 'I,", h ...... power and ahall Collins 0 f Hlllbom avenue cInle awr1 d."tl >p. altIIhtC nIaoe t- - . Ifth aanDy, l'IWB hIeDnO rIleM-returned from a week's trip fUnded by the O<mtmment ahall be the eastern shore of the peld to the -..,. The _oon II< . _..1_ arm. to whom "Ule coa.t:ract Ia award.- peake Bay on their crw=r ed mUEII: execute an acre mon\ "Panilcea", stopping ilt AnnapoUs, the _ of the undersigned. "..'.-..-..-. hr.\."..-~ and st. Michael's,. Md. _anMy o1rg l1bli "b ldL- ~ rIsh' to reJl!llt I Pre9lou.s1y Mr. and Mrs. ."JOl'T BlCRA_ have beeR on a week'. m.otor B 0'" 8 .." to JIoolbbSlr Harbor. Me. Real . Estelte \ :,!!~~~~nce .~us~~. "p",~ \ Con~truction Mortgages J •• , '1 --e---- Baird & Bird • COR. DARTMOUTH a.d LAPAYE. IE AVENUES o,,"lte '.r~.~ HtdI

---------- Page 21 ----------

~ _______ --__________ ----____ ----___ TH_'_'E_'_~W_"AR~O~~'~'~"_"--______________________ ~~~~em~;~~··~2~"~'~19~U~ r---------'--tIORCHESTRA REHEARSALS Moss Meeting Tuesday School Changes IM others CouncD in Planning Meet , ANTIQUE RARITIES (RecentlJ' Acquired) MahogallJSheraton Desk $175 Ma • ., PIece. ,,_ OJd 'ewter AnlI .... & Gourmet SIIop PROVlDENCB ROAD WALLINGFOBD, PA. CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 405 Dartmouth Ave. Sw.6-41'1 Ope. Fri. '-8:30 J r TO RESUME OCTOBER Rehearsals' of the Swarthmore Symphony Orchestra wID be re­sumed at 8 P oM. in the library of the Bartol Research Foundation on the College campus on Wednes­day, Octobel: 1. The flrIt meetinl ~ will be de­voted to playing theJ'records of the last concert and dlscuaslng the works to be played d~ the comlne year. Prospective members are in­vited ·to attend. ON THE COVER Karen Peterson ..., Ralph Kletzien made the cover' 'of the September 20th issu~ of Presby­terian Life Magazine. Appearing on the cover of the issue tor this past week, Karen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson of Vassar avenue, and Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour W. 1Oet­zien of South Chester road, are shown coming down the steps of S war t h m 0 r e Presbyterian Church, Harvard aven1:1e. ' Harvard Inn CATERING '1'0 PERMANE~ and TRANSIEN'I' GUESTS Harvard an~ Rutgers Avenues . Phone Swaribmore 6-9728 't's to Your Advantage SHOP AT THE co - OP Dartmouth Avenue (Across from Borough Hall) DELICIOUS DINN.IS to .SUIT ... TASTI of IVIIYON. TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order' EXCELLENT BANQUE1: AND PARTY FACB.JTIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1:30 P. M.' Comfortoble Rooms Day or Week EI."ater . AIr-Conditioned STRATH HA. VEN INN . Swarthmore. Pa. WALTER E. PARRon. Mgr. Telephone' Swarthmore 6-0"0 FlEE' PARKING Worn Tire. SPELL" , -R-O-U-B-L-E TRADE NOW for new DeLuxe Super-Cushion by GO 0 DliE •• ............ 1 90% of all tire trouble occun in the last 10% of tin 11fe- Swap ,Ito ...... oot .. ,.. NOWI • f: ' Fusco & Aistoh~'" CHEmR aild FAIRYIEW ROADS ..... Swa ...... ,. 6-3681',: To De d.·c ote N ew 8.' bl e C0 . nfe l'ence S Ch e d u, e ScMhoeoml'sb eMrso tohef rst hCeo uSnwcial rmthemt oirne (Continued from Page 1) (ConUnued from Page 1) the Visual Aids room of the Col-translation, the to~er Interna- excluding Christmas holidays, and lege Avenue School yest,erdayaf .. tional Council of Relieious Ed- run trom November to February. ~rnr'oon ~ rru:e pm;s,~or the ucation, representing 40 major The 1lnal group will run one week yea 8 wor of . e gra e others' denominati ~ t.b United apart beginning :May 13 and end- Groups. The lI'ade notebooks were States and o~ana~ au~orized a ing June 10. The complete calen- distributed and' brief talks on committee ~ ~. this work in dar of dates, all of which faUon school plans and cooperation were 1930. Thirty-two of the nation's the mid-week day Wednesday, is made by WUliam Bush, High most eminent Bible scholars were being sent to parents now. ScElel1oo1 Pr1nCSiP~~.,!lltfre.jid Fr Kldd .' mentary , UIR"-' n-.r au ank selected. They have been working Wlth a schedule of school-free R. Morey, Supervising Principal. since 1930, translating from He- afternoons thus spaced it is felt Mrs~ Edward' Cratsley, Chairman brew, Greek, Aramaic, Latin and parents can plan visits to the doe- of the Councn, presided and gave EngUsh sources, checking and re- tor or dentist. shopping, or other much .valuable help in planning checking each other's work. No a~vities throughout the year, also some new ~ts of their activi-changes from the older authorized children will not be away from ties ' ' versions have been made without ,their studies· as much at one time F~ur new .Mothers' groups are the approval of two-thirds ot the as heretofore. being organized this year, to pro­committee. The middle and end of the year vide for programs and activities The assignment to this commit- conferences will be arranged in for every grade classroom in each tee was to produce a revision of order of need to plan for home building, rather than just one the Bible which was designed for cooperation in the ebild's, school grade to a bull,c:Ung; , both public and private worship. program, or to share opinion on . . .. The backlng of denominational his progress, or give parents lnfor-boards ot Christian education mation desired on school prac-assures its use in church school tices. N the B H bbell publications, in seminaries, and in In the letter from R. Mndred 0 ra . U the pulpit, But members ot the Kidd, e 1 e men tar y supervisor, Bible Committee realize that the which students bear home this final test of the success ot their week, parents. are reminded that task rests with the rank and rue teachers and parents, as always, of church members - families will be free to plan extra confer­within homes. Only as the Revised ences at any times of special need. Standard Version becomes the The new program is also ex­people's Bible will it "have fuI- pected to provide several much filled its purpose., needed opportunities for' staft ~' •. ~. I. ~.'" .' 711 Yale Avenue . SWarthmore 6·8718 1 The goal of the current revision meetings and planning. committee has been to preserve The school staft and adminis- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for modern readers that message tration desires that discussions and ot Jesus and that reCord of Old studies begun last year by parents Testament faith in word, and and teachers on myriad aspects ot thought as nearly like the original conferences, cQntinue during fu-as. exhaustive research makes ture experimenting. Thus periodic possible. With the unpr~dented exchanges of thought trom all resources of ancient manuscripts sources should make conferences and archeological findings, the function . with the most mutual scholars have been able, to correct satisfaction., errors that crept into the text -------- through centuries of copying and Appointed translating. 1n addition to the Mrs. Frederick W. Held of correction of these errors, the aim Westminster avenue has been ap­has' been to use language that is pointed State Bazaar Chairman understandable to modem 20th for the Junior committees of the century readers. D.A.R. !.lrs. Held is a member of More than 300 seventeenth ceni. !';. Lansdowne Chapter, N.S.D. tury words that are now mislead-. Mrs Edw iog have been replaced by words . ard L. Legg of Secane, th t tel th a member of the Delaware County RESULT • Whee you are ill. you want to Jet welL Your iaterelt i. ia r.­,. 111. That'. why .. e urse that you ,0, di­nd1y to your Doctor. Let him make a carelul examinadoa. aacl pft­scribe loryOW'­covery. Thea (or care­ful compouading, yoa will want to brin, hit pres(;riptionl here. mg a OafCCUl'8the ScYrlc°turenvey e mean- Ch~pter, w,iU serve as co-chair-p .f!. man for the coming year. aTHERMAWI Swarthmore is only one of more -----.:..' ------­than 3,000 communities across ' 'f -. .. ~ this continent in whir.h a Bible '!, ce erIe . Observance Meeting will be held • 9 1- t S on September 30. That day will " '. , DRUG STOlE be a day on which to give honor 1.1 l 'IL-d.J· to Johann Gutenburg,' through !, •• nll IIU .,ns •• _ ..... I.!I. :. _ ...._ ~. .. whose sacrificial perseverance the Bible was fi~ made available to the masses of men by his experi­mentation with a printing press; and honor to the long line of consecretated men' who have striven to make the Bible accurate and understandable, of which the present revIsion committee is the latest part. Dr. Robert K. Enders. professor of Zoology at Swarthmore College, and Mrs. Enders will leave this week by plane for Pockstan. Dr. Enders, on a yearts leave ot ab­sence will teach Biology at the University of Punjab at Lahore and also do research work there. They were guests of honor at a farewell party given Tuesday evening by faculty members at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Neal A. Weber ot the Benjamin West House on the campus. Pvt. John D. Polk, son ot Mr. and Mrs.· WUliam H. Polk, Sr., of 'Brighton avenue, is undergoing basic training with the 5th Armored Divlslon at C a iii p Chaftee, Ark. Mrs. George Logan ot Cornell avenue will spend the first week of October with Col. Logan who is ~ stationed in Washington, D.C. ~ JINGLE When you want a Cold Drink Drop around ,to, this shop You'll find Gli1ger Ate, Root Beer, Plain Soda and Pop. Foumain _odaa 4nd ca.rry home bottle.~ , CATIIEBMAN'S DallO 8'1'00 I' I .69.95 to 149.95 QUALITY NAME'IN WINTER COATS Calua' and Fur Trim MAKE YOUR NEW '~OAT A SHAC;MOOR. Sho. 'ThIII~,. 1:1' ~.':'" -' CIM4 ...... , . . . / I ~ __________ ...J §!i§II!. §~IU I ~ I I

The Swarthmorean, 1952-09 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)
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