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    La formación del hábito lector en preescolar desde el acto de leer como una actividad creadora emergente en la conciencia fonológica

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Hilda María, Bernal Sandoval; Zamudio Tobar, Gladys

    It is proposed with this research project to understand the formation of the reading habit in preschool, from the act of reading as a creative activity, so this suggests thinking about the actions carried out by those who are indispensable for it: the child of Preschool, family and school. This is a reference for the understanding of the formation of the reading habit, therefore the word "formation" needs to ask about the conditions of its possibility; Hence, phonological awareness is a way to unveil the process of acquiring and developing oral language in the child, re-meaning reading practices that transcend ankylosed didactics.

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    Construcción de una propuesta pedagógica a partir del abordaje de las actividades rectoras

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Zuñiga Lozano, Edwars Steven; Chantre Cusi, Leidy Johana; Cruz Medina, Rosa Tulia

    Talking about guiding activities in a pedagogical proposal contains a number of concepts that are linked to the Game, Art, Literature and Exploration to the environment, therefore the importance of potentializing those energies and previous knowledge brought by children from their natural environment is recognized. they are their social contexts, since depending on the population group of boys and girls we carry out some lines of work action for each level identified from the social constructivism that is the pedagogical model that allows us to work from the particularities of each children visualizing their environment of social relationship without “chiquitin” here ceasing to be critical of his thoughts that is why the child-centered constructivist approach to early childhood education has its roots in the work of psychologists Lev Vygotsky. Vygonsky's theories about child development, cognition and intelligence worked as a framework to inspire the development of the constructivist approach to learning. The constructivist approach sees children as active participants in their own learning. Education is then much more than memorization, it is the integration and assimilation of knowledge to be used and analyzed more deeply. Constructivist strategies try to ignite a child's curiosity and love for learning.For the implementation of a constructivist concept, three aspects that allow a discovery in the development of children in early childhood must be taken into account: Development as a process of reconstruction and permanent reorganization. When the study of this process had already defined the characteristics of the stages of development and the performances of the children in each of them, new facts and theories appeared that forced them to rethink them; competence that refers to general capacities that make possible the "doings", "knowledges" and the "be able to do" that the children manifest throughout their development. These capacities arise from the reorganization of their affections and knowledge when interacting with others, with their environments and with themselves; Reorganizing experience refers to a cognitive functioning that marks crucial moments in development, since they synthesize the previous knowledge and simultaneously serve as the basis for later, more elaborate developments. A reorganizing experience rather than accumulation is the result of the integration of previous capacities, which allow children to access new „knowledge‟ and „do‟ and move towards more complex forms of Thought and interaction with the world. For example, by three or four years, children are able to understand the intentions, emotions and beliefs of others, differentiating them from their own. It is considered that this ability to "understand the minds of others" is a reorganizing experience because it integrates "knowledge" and "social, emotional and cognitive, previous". These three conceptions are applied in three age groups: 0 to 1 year, 1 to 3 years and 3 to 5 years that are the population groups that provide the child home service combined with the component of educational and protective environments where the role of the teacher As an educational agent, it plays a very important role.

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    Los ambientes pedagógicos como espacios de experiencias significativas para promover el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico del niño y la reflexión de la práctica docente del prejardín del colegio bolívar

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Umaña Bolaños, Myriam; Rendón Marín, Elsi Yumedis; Giraldo García, Luz Karime

    In this work of degree it is tried to explain the model developed with the children of the pre-garden of the Bolivar School of the city of Santiago de Cali, through the methodology of how the pedagogical environments constitute spaces of significant experiences for the development of the critical thinking.In the methodology, the observation of the interactions of children was taken as supporting instruments, through the activities and dynamics proposed within the classroom of the chosen population and the survey carried out by the regular teachers and the area of curriculum supportThe analyzed data can demonstrate that the pedagogical environments as spaces of significant experiences promote and develop the critical thinking of the boy and the girl and the reflection of the teaching practice, in order to potentiate the development and learning of the students through the self-regulation, autonomy, sensitivity, creativity, development of motor skills, cooperative work, good body postures, interaction with the material, promotion of work habits, the construction of their own learning, active participation, proactivity and personal and interpersonal relationships.

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    Propuesta pedagógica para el mejoramiento de las prácticas de cuidado y protección de los niños y niñas del CDI el paraiso de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Obregón Peña, María Victoria; Martínez Norena, Alba Deicy

    The following research was conducted at the El Paraíso Child Development Center in the Potrero Grande neighborhood, Comuna 21, in the city of Santiago de Cali, where comprehensive care in early childhood education is offered to children from 2 to 5 years of age, where observations The initials concern the care and protection that families provide their children. After the restlessness which gives rise to the research question, the sociodemographic characterization card and a focal group are defined to investigate the situations that occur in 45 families of children at the researcher level. The difficulties in the care and protection of the caregivers of their children were identified and a pedagogical proposal was designed taking into account the information collected, aimed at families to improve the guarantee of rights in the users. The pedagogical strategy was designed with four sequential workshops which aim to improve the practices of care and protection of families for their children, these workshops were created in a manner consistent with the population with which it is carried out, with activities ludic, dynamic, reflective and participatory, which are expected to give them tools to transform actions for their children.

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    Propuesta pedagógica para el desarrollo de habilidades para la vida desde el entorno familiar de los niños de 0 a 5 años del corregimiento de Felidia, zona rural de Cali




    Ramírez Moreno, Francia Elvira; Martínez Noreña, Alba Deicy

    The present investigation has as intention present a pedagogic strategy orientated to developing skills for the life in children from zero to 5 years of age, from the familiar environment in Felidia Valle's corregimiento of the Cauca.The problem of investigation, it arises for the situation through that there live the children of the rural zones, where great part of they they do not possess spaces or educational institutions, which they should orientate to the families and should carry out processes of formation orientated to offering an integral attention to the minors and his families.The pedagogic strategy product of the investigation is constituted in an important contribution, while from the needs demonstrated in context, it offers activities and experiences orientated to the development of skills for the life in the children of 0 to 5 years, to which the families can accede and carry out with the minors from the familiar environment. And the particularity of his familiar dynamics, since we can know that the access to the spaces of education of the children of the rural zones they are minimal and often limited.For previous the intention is to guarantee that the children could have basic tools for his cognitive, emotional and social development in order that they could take in a personal way and with the guide of his parents some options of life, opposite to the skills that can develop in the process of growth that is given from the first years and is demonstrated in the adulthood.

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    Los procesos de la lectura y escritura en el programa brújula: competencias de vida y algo más... niños, niñas y jóvenes

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Vallecilla Zapata, Javier Armando; Medina Bermúdez, Maria Ines

    The educational proposal B rustic jula arises in the city of Cali, part of the Ca rva ja l Foundation in 2009 in response to a social prob lemmatic issue, the e xtraeda d. Obtaining this type of practice in the different institutions of education, the secretariat of education was raised with the option of grouping students with these characteristics, and creating a flexible model where students can In one year, the students study the time and age at which students enter, taking into account their previous experiences and knowledge, thus facilitating their educational process and increasing the probability s of access to secondary and higher education r.Taking into account the other educational models of the xible s of the Ministry of Education, the Carva Foundation will be widely expanding the educational and educational coverage of the school station. In children and adults, defined by the Ministry of Education of Colombia, such as: “the change between the ed and the grade and occurs when a child has been two or three years old Moreover, above the average ed, expected for a given degree. The foregoing, based on the fact that the General Education Law has suggested that education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 15, transitioning to ninth grade, and that the compulsory preschool grade ( t ransition) is taken by children between 5 and 6 years of age. For example, a second grader must have between 7 and8 years old, if you are between 10 or more years old, you are a student outside. (Minister of National Education)

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    La literatura como estrategia de aprendizaje significativo en educación inicial

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Henao Olave, Dilian; Alzate Cardona, Yalena; Guevara Salazar, Leidy Ximena

    State policies and society have recognized the importance of children, the implications and impact that can be achieved in all areas of society, if the conditions of development and upbringing of children are improved, it is important to put in practice pedagogical strategies that can enhance the strengths and abilities of each child, since the internalization of new practices is based on the family, educational, social and cultural context.From this perspective, this research project was born from the interest of analyzing literature as a significant learning strategy, identified as a fundamental part in the development of language in children, as well as one of the leading activities of initial education.To this end, it began with the study of antecedents and documents that could be taken into account as a theoretical and conceptual framework, which provided a first reference for the research draft, also defined and justified it. In this regard they found: Document No. 20, The Sense of Initial Education, where the basic concepts were found to understand what is Initial Education and the technical aspects were presented to develop the pedagogical projects in the operating entities such as the Home Childish; Document No. 23, The Literature in Initial Education, with this the theoretical and practical concepts were developed for the implementation of strategies from the perspective of language and literature. On the other hand, authors documents such as: Yolanda Reyes1 and grade papers that were detailed in the background were reviewed.

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    Estrategias pedagógicas para la enseñanza de la lectura – escritura en los niños y niñas con discapacidad cognitiva en la primera infancia

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Labrada Muñoz, Paola Marcela; Viáfara Cuero, Margarita Lucelly; Medina Bermúdez, María Inés

    Reading has a social and interactive representation, taking into account that each communicative exchange and the meaning derived from them always originate and make sense in a particular social and cultural environment. It is for this reason that the learning of this aspect is considered a cultural and unnatural process, that is, it does not derive directly from innate abilities that can be activated by only contact with a literate environment, but instead is treated of a complex process where students' cognitive and neuropsychological skills and abilities need to be activated by pedagogical methods according to age, learning needs and requirements.Through pedagogical interaction, the teacher at the preschool level has the primary function of enhancing the development of cognitive and social skills during the process of approaching reading in children with cognitive limitations. To achieve this, it is necessary to implement flexible and innovative teaching strategies that are integrated from the formation of the curriculum, recognizing multiple intelligences or learning styles. Language, understood in the broad sense of communication, constitutes a central axis in the cognitive and socio-emotional development of the child, therefore, it is very important that those people who work in the education and care of children of age Preschool and its transition to the first grade of basic education, have a theoretical and methodological knowledge of the different pedagogical proposals that contribute to the processes of approach to reading

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    Juegos tradicionales para fortalecer el desarrollo de la dimensión emocional en niños y niñas de 5 a 6 años en situación de vulnerabilidad en la institución educativa ciudad córdoba ubicado en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Aguilar Banguero, María Janeth; Paz Vivas, Jennifer; Medina Agredo, Patricia

    The present classwork has a way of proposing the purpose of traditional games like a strategy to strengthen the emotional development of boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 6 in a vulnerable situation in the Institution Education Cordoba City in the city of Santiago of Cali. Highlighting in the importance of children’s education, since it’s time in which the more they acquire the learning and controlling of their emotions. The emotions determine our ways of confronting situations that presents itself in our lives, it allows us to adapt, communicate and unfold in society creating a pleasant atmosphere around us, So the traditional games will be used since they are liked by the students, permitting the harmony and strengthening school coexistence.

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    Ejercicios lúdicos pedagógicos para el área de educación física y deportes en los grados sextos y séptimos de la Institución Educativa Las Américas del municipio de Florida Valle

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Idrobo Becerra, Diego Fernando; Morales Cuéllar, Yoel

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    Propuesta de estrategias pedagógicas para contribuir al fortalecimiento y manejo de la integración sensorial de los niños de grado párvulo del jardín infantil “Mis Ovejitas”

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Martínez Argoty, Andrea Vanessa; Norato López, Kenny Johana; Correa Mosquera, Deicy

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    Elaboración de una guía de procedimientos para la inclusión educativa de niños con discapacidad motora, articulando la intervención terapéutica, pedagógica y a la familia

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    García Castrillón, Damaris Catherine; Lara Ibarra, Bibiana Alcira; Rodríguez Vargas, Claudia Cecilia; Velasco Vargas, Karol Susana

    The purpose of this study was to propose a guide to the process for inclusion of children with motor disabilities that connects the therapeutic, pedagogical and family processes; establishing processes from the administrative, teaching and assistance perspective that covers the needs of this population in the school context. To comply with the proposed goal was worked under the qualitative approach, following the parameters of the documentary research that allowed to observe and to systematically reflect on different theoretical or social realities; establishing search categories in relation to the role of each discipline in the process of educational inclusion and legal referents existing in Colombia. The results of the investigation generated from the findings and the analysis of the information were the input for the design of a protocol guide of the educational inclusion process, which allows to establish a connection of the different actors and their roles related to the evaluation, intervention and follow-up of the child with motor disabilities in the educational context, in such a way as to guarantee the technical, social and assistance supports established in the legal framework of education and disability arranged in Colombia.

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    La poesía como estrategia pedagógica para potencializar una sana convivencia de los ambientes escolares

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    López Zambrano, Mireya Fanny; Torres Chávez, Suany Tatiana; Sánchez Borrero, Ana Milena

    The students of the fifth grade of the INEM Educational Institution Jorge Isaacs Camilo Torres headquarters of the City of Cali, present certain behaviors that manifest a considerable degree of aggression, violent manifestations, hindering the management of their emotions, affecting interpersonal relationships and other actions that negatively influence the development of learning and healthy coexistence.For this reason, in the search for strategies to minimize conflicts and for students to respect their differences, it is proposed to use poetic language where they express their feelings and emotions, as an alternative through the word and figurative language, where children appropriate poetry to resolve conflicts, recognizing the other as subject of rights and thus improve the school climate presented today, since it is a tool that stimulates sensitivity, and allows emotions to be handled, achieving social, emotional, cognitive development and communicative. A resource that strengthens affective bonds, the key values to build an atmosphere of peace, where respect, tolerance and harmony prevail, so that they appropriate poetry, helping them to understand certain situations that have to do with emotions and sensitivity.All this through the implementation of activities for students to strengthen their knowledge of poetic language, which allows improving relations with their peers, recognizing the other as an individual subject that is part of the group, playing with rhymes and metaphors, developing skills, discovering values from the different interventions of students and their importance in interpersonal relationships, building a poetic language for the transformation of the subject through various activities to achieve a written production, using inferences and analogies around these thematic, where they can otherwise express their emotions and interact with the world through a didactic unit that is carried out in eight sections in the classroom of the fifth grade students of the INEM educational institution Jorge Isaacs of the City of Cali, Headquarters Camilo Torres.

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    Factores que motivan a los estudiantes de los grados tercero y cuarto en la asignatura de lengua extranjera (inglés) de la institución educativa técnica industrial España del municipio de Jamundí – Valle

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Herrera Villafañe, Claudia Lorena; Montoya Ríos, Angi Xiomara; Conde Borrero, Cindy

    Motivation plays a key role in the acquisition and learning in any academic activity. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that motivate students of third and fourth grades in the subject of Foreign Language (English) at “Institución Educativa Técnica Industrial España del Municipio de Jamundí – Valle”, as well as identifying the factors that motivated the students. Furthermore, this research describes the influence that the motivating factors have on the students’ in the English class. The central concepts were constructivism, motivation and its paradigms. To carry out this research, the qualitative approach and the case study were considered, seeking to understand the educational reality of the problem posed through interviews with teachers and students, surveys to parents and observations in the classroom. The results of this study reveal that students are more motivated when performing activities in a playful way when learning a Foreign Language, in this case English. In addition, parents and teachers believe that English is important, but the institution does not it provides the necessary tools for a good development of this Foreign Language and parents are not highly engaged in promoting English learning.

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    Estrategia metodológica integrada para el fortalecimiento del pensamiento crítico en niñas y niños de 5 a 6 años del grado transición de la institución educativa Eustaquio Palacios, Sede Mariscal Jorge Robledo

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Obregón Torres, Ana Paula; Fonseca Cuadros, Yazmin; Guevara Salazar, Leidy Ximena

    Being a teacher gives us the opportunity to know what are the strengths and weaknesses of our students of this time, since over time they are creating new challenges as educators, what was exposed throughout this work focused on the study of a integrated strategy for the strengthening of critical thinking, posing the following question that opens our thesis research What to do for girls and boys between 5 and 6 years of age studying at the Educational Institution Eustaquio Palacios, Sede Mariscal Jorge Robledo can they achieve greater skills for solving problems, by strengthening their critical thinking?Making a diagnosis to know what is the initial situation in which students start, where 12 criteria and / or thinking skills taken from the authors were evaluated: Gutiérrez Sáenz and his contribution with the study of rational thought, Villarini, with the thought systematic and decision-making, Dewey reflective thinking and finally with Edward De Bono with lateral thinking, such as: observe and identify the place and objects, analyze visual information, identify obstacles, reason information received, anticipate, infer, compare, classify and organize, discuss ideas, judgments and argue, manage, respect and negotiate points of view hypothesis management, decision making and propose solutions, it was found that students had pre-knowledge and some skills that they allowed to recognize, identify and relate objects, bases to enunciate a hypothesis in front of a situation, associate ideas and In addition to the information received with the information learned during the course of his life, at the same time it was observed that although the children had these pre-knowledge that allowed them to handle the situations presented on a day-to-day basis, they still it was necessary to carry out a deeper analysis of the information, either auditory or visual, in order to anticipate the facts and to classify, compare and organize their ideas in front of the problems suggested in these activities, with the compilation of this information and to begin To answer the question posed, the research was complemented by integrating other authors who talk about the study of such thought, Robert H. Ennis, Matthew Lipman, Harvey Siegel, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Olivares and Heredia.In this way, we selected the most relevant information to design an integrated methodological strategy that would allow the strengthening of critical thinking, for this we base ourselves on the manipulation of the concrete and visual material proposed by Robert H Ennis, focusing on the creation of the models, since they are an observation of the reality in miniature, we began with the creation of the same ones, realizing three different scenarios, where moments of the daily life were evidenced which contained a real problematic to which the children and children of 5 to 6 can be faced years. For this creation we request the help of the parents and the students themselves, encouraging collaboration and team work from home.Once the models were completed, an intentional sample of 8 students was selected from among girls and boys of the transition degree, organized in two groups of students as follows:Group 1 students who have obtained performance level between A and B (Low level), in the results of the diagnostic tests and group 2 the students that have obtained a level of performance between C and D (High level) in the results in the same diagnostic tests applied to the same 8 students.We started with the application of the first model "Let's play in the park", in which we could observe an advance in the skills of thinking that at the moment of the diagnosis had thrown us, the students already managed to identify which were the obstacles that presented themselves , proposed solutions, managed to make decisions, but still lacked to strengthen other skills such as inferring information to arrive at a judgment and good management of the argument.We proceeded to make the other two situations represented in the models "Arriving at the new house" and "The zoo went crazy", with the application of these two new activities we managed to experience a significant advance to those found in the initial diagnosis and in the application of the first model, finding that the 8 boys and girls completed this work fulfilling the 12 skills that were intended to work, the 8 students managed to meet the goal and reach the goal, where a comparison was made for example with one of the girls (Shaira) that at the time of diagnosis only showed a skill in one of the descriptors, but at the end of the application of the strategy, it was possible to achieve all of them. All the students made a comparison and complete analysis of the presented situation, they were able to argue their ideas against their knowledge, they worked as a team interacting with each other and in turns, they identified the obstacle and in front of it they issued a judgment with argumentation and later they offered alternatives of solution, so that all the members could be satisfied and in agreement with the final proposal.Therefore, we find that, with this work, if an effective strengthening of critical thinking is achieved, providing the opportunity to these children, that playing can be learned and more important than this, develop skills which will allow.

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    Relación entre prácticas parentales, habilidades sociales y convivencia escolar en el grado tercero de la Institución Educativa RMB

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Vélez De Los Ríos, Martha Cecilia; Medina Agredo, Patricia

    This project seeks to describe how Parental Practices affect the development of socialskills and school coexistence, specifically focusing on third grade students at the mainheadquarters of the RMB Educational Institution. The research work is organized in severalstages or activities. In the first phase, the parental practices of the parents and / orcaregivers of third grade children are identified, through a Likert-type perception survey,based on the Parental Practices instrument, developed by Robinson and Cols (1995). In thesecond phase, the type of social skills shown by third grade children of the EducationalInstitution is investigated, through a Likert-type perception survey, based on the AssertiveBehavior Scale for children, developed by Michelson (1997). In the third phase, therelationship between parental practices and development of social skills is established,using the results obtained from Likert-type perception surveys. In the fourth and last phase,the situations of non-peaceful coexistence in third grade students are determined and thatthey manifest themselves in socially unacceptable behaviors. To carry it out, work iscarried out through an exploratory workshop, where a social mapping exercise will beimplemented, specifically the conflict map. The above is described based on certain categories and subcategories of analysis, wherea summary of the results obtained is made. Finally, the conclusions are shown, thepedagogical contribution of the research is included and the respective recommendationsare made.

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    El proceso de lectura y escritura en primera infancia del pueblo nasa de la comunidad nasakiwe vereda la delfina municipio de buenaventura valle del cauca

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Martínez Ortega, Lorna Alexandra; Núñez Tello, Sindy Patricia; Cuartas, Deisy Liliana

    The objective of this research work is to identify the didactic teaching strategies in reading andwriting with infants in their own and intercultural modality for ethnic groups, in the CommunityCare Unit (UCA) NASA LUCH LECHCUE YAT located in the reservation Nasa Kiwe indigenous,in the Buenaventura district of Valle del Cauca. This research allowed to describe, characterize andreflect on the didactic strategies used in the teaching-learning of reading and writing in InitialEducation. The methodology used was qualitative and non-participant observation; the populationwith which we worked were children aged 4-5 years.In the first chapter, the theoretical foundations of the reading and writing process in IE inindigenous communities are described, analyzed through the Colombian educational system, itsinternational trends and the implication of the reading and writing process in community IE. Pot.The second chapter mentions the Conceptualization of the Didactic Strategy, also from the initialeducation and later the strategies used from the field of indigenous communities. In the thirdchapter, the didactic strategies for teaching in the NASA LUCH LECHCUE YAT community careunit are presented, which allowed reaching the objectives set, and finally, the conclusions andreflections that were reached with the research are presented.

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    Procesos evaluativos para ritmos y estilos de aprendizaje diversos en primaria

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Sterling Rocha, Jacqueline; Duerte Herrera, Marcela

    The evaluation is a tool that regulates the work in the classroom, allows to show strengths,qualities, motivations and weaknesses of the students individually during their stay in the school,where the teacher from his pedagogical practice makes use of various strategies that helpStrengthen this teaching-learning process, without considering in all cases evaluation as onemore activity in the classroom, but as an integrative process that generates from the reflection ofexperiences training opportunities. Therefore, this research work aims to identify in a third gradeteacher of primary school, the evaluation processes of the Agustín Nieto Caballero EducationalInstitution, Marino Rengifo Salcedo headquarters, in the recognition of diverse rhythms andlearning styles. To carry out the research, the qualitative approach, type of case study, is takeninto account as a methodological approach to analyze the data recorded with the instruments:interview with a primary school teacher, class observation; and the documentary review of theinstitutional educational project (PEI). The findings of this study reveal that the institution withinits institutional policies provides its educational services to children and young people who areincluded, to whom in their evaluation system there are no clear criteria for their attention, so theteacher must seek in their pedagogical work, welcoming these students, even if they do not haveknowledge, it is a challenge for them where the evaluation must be according to the needs,interests, motivations, rhythms and learning styles

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    Habilidades de atención y concentración una propuesta para implementar una secuencia didáctica de naturaleza lúdica en idioma nasa yuwe y español

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Valencia Calambás, Jeimmy Esther; Vargas Méndez, Yelen Astrid; Giraldo, German

    We made a didact sequence of ludic nature in Nasa Yuwe and Spanish language in orderto strengthen El Parnazo’s third grade students’ skills as attention and concentration.Beginning with playful activities and games as our strategy, we made and intervention inwhich we obtain as a result a deeply interest in the own language, we could develop ofattention and concentration skills and the students and we reflect about how important isvalue the traditions and culture as something that belong to us. This thinking was guided bymyths and stories of Nasa culture. With this didact sequence we show that it is necessary to iv create new pedagogic strategies as playful activities and games which let us recognizestudents’ necessities. Besides we must understand that the education is a process and eachterritory have everything that we need in order to obtain new experiences and knowledge

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    Análisis de la comunicación asertiva entre docentes y estudiantes en una Institución pública en Santiago de Cali

    (Universidad Santiago de Cali




    Hernández Andrade, María Paula; Velásquez Riascos, Carlos Arturo; Zamudio Tobar, Gladys

    The processes of interaction and dynamization that arise in the classroom between the teacher and the students have innumerable communicative characteristics, where the work of the teacher plays a fundamental role in the motivation and social development of the student. In that sense, this article presents an analysis of some aspects present in the assertive communication between teachers and sixth grade students of the Nelson Garcés Vernaza Educational Institution in the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia. For this, the communication processes of the Institution are identified, as well as the actions aimed at carrying out assertive communication. Subsequently, from an observation exercise, their communicative dynamics in the classroom were known. To describe, analyze and contrast the information, the method of triangulation of information was used to have different perspectives that could enrich the study. In this way, the existing characteristics of assertive communication in this space were recognized to formulate reflections for all the actors that make up the educational context.

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Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.